Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face.

This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

So now it's Romney's fault that the other candidates didn't follow the rules? Seriously?

Your blind hatred for all things Mormon is making you irrational and totally unhinged.

Nope. the party hacks are trying to rig the game because they've already decided who the nominee is going to be, if the rank and file want it or not.

This was typical dirty tricks from the Romney camp, but it's backfiring on them, massively.
The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face. This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

Sigh. . . read, JoeBigot, read. Gingrich's side failed to follow the rules.

No lawsuit will change anything.

End of story.

Mark my words. both men will get on the ballot when all is said and done.
^^^^^ WRITTEN IN MAY. MAY 2011.

Clear as the little pimples on the end of your nose.

So, try again with the new spin that "they changed the rules" just a week's a conspiracy!...the fix was in....blah blah...

Try it.

If you can.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.

Sort of reminds me about the butterfly ballot in Florida. It was approved by the Democratic party leadership in the county where they had it and as a result, Bush won the election due to this silly thing.

Just think...if the party leader in W Palm Beach County had objected, we would have totally not gone into Iraq...regulation would probably have prevented the need for TARP and TARP II..... Wow....all because the DNC leadership approved the ballot that got Pat Buchanan almost all of Al Gore's votes.

I personally think that the powers that be in Virginia may have just prevented war with Iran....we shall see.
Sort of reminds me about the butterfly ballot in Florida. It was approved by the Democratic party leadership in the county where they had it and as a result, Bush won the election due to this silly thing.

Just think...if the party leader in W Palm Beach County had objected, we would have totally not gone into Iraq...regulation would probably have prevented the need for TARP and TARP II..... Wow....all because the DNC leadership approved the ballot that got Pat Buchanan almost all of Al Gore's votes.

I personally think that the powers that be in Virginia may have just prevented war with Iran....we shall see.

Actually, if the Zionists decide we are going to war in Iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the White House.

Also, as I've said elsewhere, the claim about the butterfly ballot was that Pat Buchanan got something like 4000 votes in Palm Beach. But he got 12,000 votes in teh GOP Primary in 1996 and 20,000 in 1992, so this wasn't a big surprise, exactly.
Sort of reminds me about the butterfly ballot in Florida. It was approved by the Democratic party leadership in the county where they had it and as a result, Bush won the election due to this silly thing.

Just think...if the party leader in W Palm Beach County had objected, we would have totally not gone into Iraq...regulation would probably have prevented the need for TARP and TARP II..... Wow....all because the DNC leadership approved the ballot that got Pat Buchanan almost all of Al Gore's votes.

I personally think that the powers that be in Virginia may have just prevented war with Iran....we shall see.

Actually, if the Zionists decide we are going to war in Iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the White House.

Also, as I've said elsewhere, the claim about the butterfly ballot was that Pat Buchanan got something like 4000 votes in Palm Beach. But he got 12,000 votes in teh GOP Primary in 1996 and 20,000 in 1992, so this wasn't a big surprise, exactly.

You're a hopeless bore. Please go away and do the world a favor:

Mr. Buchanan's 3,704 votes in Palm Beach County was by far his strongest showing in any county in Florida, and was 20 percent of his vote total in Florida of 17,358. His second best showing was 1,012 votes in Pinellas County, site of his campaign's Florida headquarters. He received only 561 votes in Miami-Dade and 789 in Broward County, which both have considerably higher populations than Palm Beach County.

Q: We have a chart that shows all Florida counties. The most you did any of them, with the exception of Palm Beach, was 1,000 votes. In Palm Beach County, you had 3,407 votes. In the state, you had 17,300 votes. Twenty percent of your supporters came fro Palm Beach County, a liberal Democratic county. How do you explain that?

A: Some of my votes clearly were intended to for Gore. But votes for me have to be counted for me.
Zionists? Mark my words??

JoeBigot, you are certainly entitled to your strange opinions.
Sort of reminds me about the butterfly ballot in Florida. It was approved by the Democratic party leadership in the county where they had it and as a result, Bush won the election due to this silly thing.

Just think...if the party leader in W Palm Beach County had objected, we would have totally not gone into Iraq...regulation would probably have prevented the need for TARP and TARP II..... Wow....all because the DNC leadership approved the ballot that got Pat Buchanan almost all of Al Gore's votes.

I personally think that the powers that be in Virginia may have just prevented war with Iran....we shall see.

Actually, if the Zionists decide we are going to war in Iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the White House.

Also, as I've said elsewhere, the claim about the butterfly ballot was that Pat Buchanan got something like 4000 votes in Palm Beach. But he got 12,000 votes in teh GOP Primary in 1996 and 20,000 in 1992, so this wasn't a big surprise, exactly.

Are you saying that Zionists control the US government?
Actually, if the Zionists decide we are going to war in Iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the White House.


Are you saying that Zionists control the US government?

What, you don't think they do?

Hey in other news...

US to Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated' - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran -

The U.S. Navy's 5th fleet Wednesday warned Iran that any disruption of traffic flowing through the vital Strait of Hormuz oil route "will not be tolerated."

The warning came after Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran's English language Press TV that "closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water."
Actually, if the Zionists decide we are going to war in Iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the White House.


Are you saying that Zionists control the US government?

What, you don't think they do?

Hey in other news...

US to Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated' - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran -

The U.S. Navy's 5th fleet Wednesday warned Iran that any disruption of traffic flowing through the vital Strait of Hormuz oil route "will not be tolerated."

The warning came after Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran's English language Press TV that "closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water."

Do they control the media and banks too?
JoeBigot is a hater, unbalanced, and really a poor atheist and libertarian.

Simply all twaddle on his part.
Are you saying that Zionists control the US government?

What, you don't think they do?

Hey in other news...

US to Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated' - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Iran -

The U.S. Navy's 5th fleet Wednesday warned Iran that any disruption of traffic flowing through the vital Strait of Hormuz oil route "will not be tolerated."

The warning came after Iran's navy chief Habibollah Sayyari told Iran's English language Press TV that "closing the Strait of Hormuz for Iran's armed forces is really easy ... or as Iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water."

Do they control the media and banks too?

They control our politics. Just look how fast Obama backed off of supporting Palestinian Statehood when he heard his Master's Voice.
JoeBigot is a hater, unbalanced, and really a poor atheist and libertarian.

Simply all twaddle on his part.

You think it's a co-incidence that every time someone scares Israel, we end up taking them out?

Oh, wait. No, not at all.
Someone give Joe his medicines please.
Before he was just a full bore lying I see, from this & other readings, the snot is a pig bigot on top of that.

Quit your whining...

Being against Zionism isn't being a bigot.

Most Jews I know are kind of embarrased by what Israel does to the Palestinians.

Israel's biggest supporters in this country are Christian Funditards who want Israel there so Jesus can come back.

They control our politics. Just look how fast Obama backed off of supporting Palestinian Statehood when he heard his Master's Voice.


The Strait of Hormuz is a chokepoint for oil coming out of the Gulf region. Something like 17 million barrels of oil a day - 20% of the world's oil production and 40% of the oil traded in the world - flows through the Strait of Hormuz every single day. It is a strategic interest of our country. The United States has said in the past that we would consider it an act of war if anyone attempted to blockade the Strait.

It has nothing to do with da Joos FFS.
JoeBigot is a hater, unbalanced, and really a poor atheist and libertarian.

Simply all twaddle on his part.

You think it's a co-incidence that every time someone scares Israel, we end up taking them out?

Oh, wait. No, not at all.

By your logic, we should have taken out Iran 30 years ago.

30 years ago, Iran wasn't a threat to Israel.

Today, it is. They are close to getting a nuke and Saddam isn't hemming them in anymore.

But we took out Saddam for them, we took out Ghadaffy for them...

And they tell us, "Cast your veto against Palestinian Statehood", and we jump.

I mean, look at what happened on the border Issue. Obama takes the position that the 1967 borders should be the borders between Israel and Palestine. Next thing you know, Netanyahoo is in Washington, telling the "Leader of the Free World" what is what.

Now, to me, this is laughable, since Israel only continues because we prop it up at a rate of 4 billion a year.

And the tragedy of it is, a partition is probably in their best interests. The alternative is a Israel with an inevitable Arab majority.
Do they control the media and banks too?

They control our politics. Just look how fast Obama backed off of supporting Palestinian Statehood when he heard his Master's Voice.


The Strait of Hormuz is a chokepoint for oil coming out of the Gulf region. Something like 17 million barrels of oil a day - 20% of the world's oil production and 40% of the oil traded in the world - flows through the Strait of Hormuz every single day. It is a strategic interest of our country. The United States has said in the past that we would consider it an act of war if anyone attempted to blockade the Strait.

It has nothing to do with da Joos FFS.

What does that have to do with us vetoing Palestinian statehood? Can you keep your snarky comments on point, guy?

Kind of odd, the Israelis want Iran taken out, and suddenly Mr. Withdrawl is beating the war drums....


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