Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.

Great idea! Let's do that with the Recall Walker election. Screw the petitions, let's just let Wisconsin have a recall election.
I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.

That's right. We should have no rules!



That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.

Great idea! Let's do that with the Recall Walker election. Screw the petitions, let's just let Wisconsin have a recall election.

Works for me...

They seem to have enough signatures, let's let the voters work it out.

Considering how badly recalls have gone for you guys up to this point, I'm not worried.
That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.

That's right. We should have no rules!




Everyone is on the ballot. Everyone has a fair shot of getting a vote.

Sounds completely fair to me.

I mean, not to Mitt, who is hated by 75% of republicans and 26% don't even think he's a real Christian, but to any sensible person, that's fair.

Why not just use the debate rules. If you are polling at more than 2%, you are on the ballot. It works well enough for the debates, why not the vote?
That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.

Great idea! Let's do that with the Recall Walker election. Screw the petitions, let's just let Wisconsin have a recall election.

All democratic decisions are made according to the rules, JoeBigot, and Newt's gang failed.

Grow up.

Nope, I'll just support a third party.

Your boy really stepped in it this time, judging by the level of outrage I'm seeing in the RW blogosphere. This is the kind of Chicago Dirty tricks we might expect from Obama, but we really ought to be better than this, don't you think?

A party that doesn't trust its own voters really can't expect their loyalty, can it?

what? you really think Obama had something to do with this?
You are fucking retarded.

Go back and read what I said. Then have your special ed teacher help you with the big words.
More trouble for Gingrich as Iowa campaign quickens - Yahoo! News
Gingrich's critics said many of his problems are of his own making due to a lack of discipline, pointing most recently to his inability to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot for the Republican primary in Virginia where he lives.
"What has to worry voters most is that Newt and his campaign are failing even the most basic tests," said Kevin Madden, a former spokesman for Romney and an informal adviser to the campaign.
"How can you argue that you're equipped to take on Obama's billion-dollar attack machine when you can't even get on the ballot in your home state of Virginia," Madden said.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Joe's entire argument seems to be "let the voters decide." He keeps throwing that out there, as if disagreeing with his bellyaching is a disagreement with voter empowerment. Which is completely false. He abandons any attempt to put forth a system by which voters can be presented with a ballot from which to decide. Which is what this issue is actually about. Everyone here agrees that the voters should decide. But Joe here is being deliberately ignorant. While he doesn't say it, what he's really getting at is that he believes that Gingrich should be magically entitled to appear on the ballot instantly, without any consideration for the need to have an organized system in place. This kind of entitlement complex leads to all kinds of faulty thinking. Like camping out in public parks for months on end, pissing and shitting in the daffodils, and petitioning one's government for a redress of grievances. And who would want that? Not Gingrich, that's for sure.
Joe's entire argument seems to be "let the voters decide." He keeps throwing that out there, as if disagreeing with his bellyaching is a disagreement with voter empowerment. Which is completely false. He abandons any attempt to put forth a system by which voters can be presented with a ballot from which to decide. Which is what this issue is actually about. Everyone here agrees that the voters should decide. But Joe here is being deliberately ignorant. While he doesn't say it, what he's really getting at is that he believes that Gingrich should be magically entitled to appear on the ballot instantly, without any consideration for the need to have an organized system in place. This kind of entitlement complex leads to all kinds of faulty thinking. Like camping out in public parks for months on end, pissing and shitting in the daffodils, and petitioning one's government for a redress of grievances. And who would want that? Not Gingrich, that's for sure.

Once again, moron. Let the voters decide. It's a simple enough concept.

The Party hacks don't trust the voters. They might do something unexpected.

The real problem here is the hacks want Romney, but the rank and file don't. The guy has been mired at 25% for a year as one challenger after another has popped up and had to be smacked down. So unable to win the voters over with his personality, they decide- Let's cheat.

Because nothing a plutocrat hates more than a fair fight, wouldn't you agree.
The gnashing over this Gingrich fail has to be one of the weirder cases of butthurt I've encountered here.
The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face.

This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

You have RDS, Romney derangement syndrome. Romney had nothing to do with the rules of the state of Virginia...that have been in place for years.

The suit is going to go nowhere. Virginia's rules don't violate anything and have been in place for quite some time. It's going to be the Little Dumber Boy, Perry, that will have egg on his face.
The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face.

This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

You have RDS, Romney derangement syndrome. Romney had nothing to do with the rules of the state of Virginia...that have been in place for years.

The suit is going to go nowhere. Virginia's rules don't violate anything and have been in place for quite some time. It's going to be the Little Dumber Boy, Perry, that will have egg on his face.

Keep telling yourself that...

You know, for all the support he gets from the left, you'd think Romney was the Democratic Candidate.
Meanwhile, after learning he didn’t qualify for the VA primary ballot, Newt Gingrich pledged an aggressive write-in campaign, but that’s probably not going to happen:
When a reporter noted that state law prohibits write-in votes in primaries, Gingrich said: “There’s time for them to change it. If something’s wrong, they ought to fix it.”
That appears unlikely this year, even if lawmakers were so inclined.
Section 24.612 of the Virginia State Code says: “The electoral board shall make printed ballots available for absentee voting not later than 45 days prior to any election.”
That means absentee ballots must be mailed to voters – such as Virginians serving in the military — no later than Jan. 21.
The legislature does not convene until Jan. 11. To make the change, lawmakers would have to pass emergency legislation — a bill that goes into effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, rather than on the customary enactment date of July 1.
Emergency legislation requires a supermajority. Eighty of the 100 members of the House of Delegates and 32 of the 40 state senators would have to vote to change the law.
As for Gingrich’s proposed change, “I’d say it’s pretty tough at this point,” House Speaker William J. Howell, R-Stafford, said Monday in a phone interview.
Meanwhile, after learning he didn’t qualify for the VA primary ballot, Newt Gingrich pledged an aggressive write-in campaign, but that’s probably not going to happen:
When a reporter noted that state law prohibits write-in votes in primaries, Gingrich said: “There’s time for them to change it. If something’s wrong, they ought to fix it.”
That appears unlikely this year, even if lawmakers were so inclined.
Section 24.612 of the Virginia State Code says: “The electoral board shall make printed ballots available for absentee voting not later than 45 days prior to any election.”
That means absentee ballots must be mailed to voters – such as Virginians serving in the military — no later than Jan. 21.
The legislature does not convene until Jan. 11. To make the change, lawmakers would have to pass emergency legislation — a bill that goes into effect immediately upon the governor’s signature, rather than on the customary enactment date of July 1.
Emergency legislation requires a supermajority. Eighty of the 100 members of the House of Delegates and 32 of the 40 state senators would have to vote to change the law.
As for Gingrich’s proposed change, “I’d say it’s pretty tough at this point,” House Speaker William J. Howell, R-Stafford, said Monday in a phone interview.

What is VA... the freaking Twighlight Zone?

Damn, people... if you want to fucking run for office, KNOW THE RULES AND FOLLOW THEM. If you don't like the rules, try to change them through the normal process, at the right time, not after the fact.
The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face.

This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

So now it's Romney's fault that the other candidates didn't follow the rules? Seriously?

Your blind hatred for all things Mormon is making you irrational and totally unhinged.
The voters will decide...they just won't be deciding on Gingrich because he couldn't follow the rules. :lol:

Not really. Lawsuits are already being filed, and the RPV has egg on its face. This was a huge miscalculation by Team Romney that just exposes the fact that he's a hack that the voters don't want.

Sigh. . . read, JoeBigot, read. Gingrich's side failed to follow the rules.

No lawsuit will change anything.

End of story.

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