Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

Okay...I'll bite. How did Romney make sure that the rest of the candidates didn't even file in VA?
Mormons. Can't turn your back on 'em! :terror:

They're like Ninjas!
Alright, that's it, right there! You're lying. You're being sucked into the lie, speaking in their words. This is the stuff that gives them power, don't do it!

Last week, nobody was on the ballot. NOBODY! Two of the fourt who tried to get on the ballot failed to get on the ballot. They didn't fulfill their obligations. They were never on the ballot in the first place, so they were never struck from the ballot.

Touche my good man! Touche!

lol, got your voter-hate tag-team going!

You're unhinged.

And without an argument.

Pretty funny. :)
Fair elections are no big deal to you? Rigged votes are OK?

Shove it.

These are fair elections. The candidates had their chance to get on the ballot and they BLEW it. They're not entitled to a place on the ballot, they have to earn it.

Nothing in this is rigged. The rules were set out long ago. Gingrich doesn't even deny that he failed to collect the necessary signatures.

Getting to vote on two of seven candidates runing is not a fair election, dumbass.

And the rules have not been enforced like this 'a long time ago'. This is a new process and should be seriously over-hauled.

Any petition process that eliminates five of seven candidates is inherently goose-steppingly hostile to the popular vote.

There are a lot more running. Buddy Roemer, for one. None of them qualified, either. Only the serious candidates, with an organization. Newt is not serious and has no organization and has no money. Just like Gov. Gary Johnson.

The petition process didn't eliminate anybody, EXCEPT those who do not collect 10,000 legitimate, verifiable signatures.
You think that a process that excludes five of seven candidates to be fair which proves you are either corrupt, stupid or just morally lame as hell.

The process doesn't exclude anyone.

AGain, you try to fall back on semantic bullshit.


That means it is a broken process.

It creates a means by which people wishing to become a party's nominee can gain a position on the primary ballot. Everyone can do it. Gingrich just failed to do it. Some people didn't even try to do it.


Are you just stupid or do you just want to eleminate voters choices to please the cronies running the game?

Probably both is my guess.

That's because they are dumbasses!

Michele Bachmann? Really? She's gonna get 10,000 fans in Virginia?

Rick "Rain Man" Perry? There are over 10,000 Virginians who have watched his debate performances and said "Yeah, that's the kind of grasp on serious matters that this country needs!"? Seriously?

Wake up, NewtBoi.
All this belly aching from the Gingrich lackeys. And we're still left with these facts:

*Gingrich did not submit the necessary signatures
*All the candidates were given ample notice of the requirements
*It is Romney's fault. Or Obama's fault. Or "the Establishment's" fault.

All this talk of signatures and addresses, I'm realizing more and more where the blame lies: GINGRICH AND HIS CAMPAIGN STAFF.

I'm sure that most of you here have never been involved in collecting signatures to get a candidate on the ballot. But I have. So let me tell you a little bit about how things tend to go....

First, there are two basic approaches one can take. You can try to get volunteers out to collect signatures, or you can try to pay people to collect signatures. The benefit of volunteers is that it's free, but the drawback is that you have to have more of them, while having more difficulty recruiting people who are willing to do the work, and you're gambling on whether they're going to put forth much effort. The benefit of paying people is that you can more easily recruit people and they are more likely to go out and attempt to collect signatures, all of which leads to more overall signatures. The drawback is that it can become expensive, you have to worry about unscrupulous workers forging signatures for extra money, and paying for invalid signatures that are collected by honest mistake which don't get you any closer to where you're going.

I'm betting that Gingrich's campaign used paid contractors to collect signatures. When I've done this, the deal usually goes that for every signature you collect, you get a small payment, say $2 per signature. But, there's an additional criterion, to help mitigate some of the problems I just mentioned. Usually, there's a threshold for your valid signatures which determined whether you get paid for every signature you collect, or only the ones that turn out to be valid. So, let's say that the threshold is 85%. That means that if 85% or more of your signatures are valid, then you'll get paid for 100% of your total signatures. On the other hand, if less than 85% are valid, you'll be paid for only your total valid signatures.

Now, in my experience, the people running the show tend to encourage collectors to collect as many signatures as possible, and not worry as much about validity. They'll tell you "If someone says they aren't sure whether they've changed their address on their registration yet, take the signature anyway. You can't get paid for their signature if you don't collect it." Of course, it makes sense that they encourage this. They want the signatures. If it's invalid, the campaign doesn't lose anything, as opposed to not having it at all. But there's another side of it. The campaign wants you to have less than that 85% validity because they don't want to pay for invalid signatures. And since they recruit by advertising things like "TEMP WORK, MAKE UP TO $500 A DAY" they tend to draw in alot of idiots foaming at the mouth for get-rich-quick BS, who just don't think about it.

In any event, when I've done this stuff, I took a very different approach. I was intent on quality over quantity, and intent on having at least 85% valid signatures. I would always firmly question people to ensure that their signature would be valid, and would decline to take their signatures if I felt there was a good chance that their address wasn't going to match, or whatever. I was in it for the money after all. And I NEVER once fell short of whatever my validity threshold was. I still always managed to average 50 signatures an hour. I was just that smart and that good.

So the point to all of this is that collecting valid signatures is NOT that difficult by any means. It just takes a little bit of effort (and I mean LITTLE) and a little bit of the right focus and priorities. If Gingrich needed 10,000 valid signatures I could have gotten him in two months by myself. Now that I'm thinking about it, too bad we didn't know in September how this was going to turn out. Maybe I should have sent him my resume. I would have given him 15,000 signatures with at least 85% validity, for the bargain price of $23,000 plus travel accommodations. Small beans in terms of campaign expenses.

Gingrich has nobody to blame other than himself and his campaign.
Killer post!

Actually, what I do when I don't like the GOP Candidate is I write in "Jack Ryan".

Jack Ryan was the guy who challenged Obama in 2004, but the IL GOP sandbagged him because Judy Baar Topinka didn't want him challenging her for Governor in 2006. So they got him off the ballot over utter bullshit in his divorce file. So I wrote him in in 2004. And in 2006 for Governor. And in 2008 for the Senate Seat when Durbin came up against whatever non-entity the party put up that time.

I might be writing him in for President if it's a Romney vs. Obama fight.

Bullshit. He was done in, ala Gary Hart, by his reckless and kinky sexual demands made upon his wife Jeri Ryan (of Star Trek fame), in public places.

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^^^^^ WRITTEN IN MAY. MAY 2011.

Clear as the little pimples on the end of your nose.

So, try again with the new spin that "they changed the rules" just a week's a conspiracy!...the fix was in....blah blah...

Try it.

If you can.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.
Actually, what I do when I don't like the GOP Candidate is I write in "Jack Ryan".

Jack Ryan was the guy who challenged Obama in 2004, but the IL GOP sandbagged him because Judy Baar Topinka didn't want him challenging her for Governor in 2006. So they got him off the ballot over utter bullshit in his divorce file. So I wrote him in in 2004. And in 2006 for Governor. And in 2008 for the Senate Seat when Durbin came up against whatever non-entity the party put up that time.

I might be writing him in for President if it's a Romney vs. Obama fight.

Bullshit. He was done in, ala Gary Hart, by his reckless and kinky sexual demands made upon his wife Jeri Ryan (of Star Trek fame), in public places.

Well, that's the point. The woman appeared in Star Trek Voyager.. What could possibly have embarrassed her after that?

Incidently, the judge rejected her claims, because they were bogus. She was banging one of the producers and was making crap up to avoid joint custody. The judge ignored her claims and granted joint custody. And that should have been the end of the matter, until the Chicago Media started digging around.

Oddly, they never found the videos of Reverand Wright saying "GOD DAMN AMERICA!" with Obama in the congregation. They were too busy digging into old divorce files.
^^^^^ WRITTEN IN MAY. MAY 2011.

Clear as the little pimples on the end of your nose.

So, try again with the new spin that "they changed the rules" just a week's a conspiracy!...the fix was in....blah blah...

Try it.

If you can.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.
BTW Gingrich doesn't have much of an organization. Or money. So why is anyone surprised this happened? He's not on the ballot in OH an MO either.

And won't be on the ballot in Nov. 2012.

But he will be out selling books to the gullable concerning how the election was stolen from him.
BTW Gingrich doesn't have much of an organization. Or money. So why is anyone surprised this happened? He's not on the ballot in OH an MO either.

And won't be on the ballot in Nov. 2012.

But he will be out selling books to the gullable concerning how the election was stolen from him.

How was the elction stolen from him? Winning Virginia is not that important, in and of itself.

If the TPM can get one leading candidate, the others may withdraw, allowing that candidate to sweep the other Super Tuesday states.

The outrageous part of this is the blatant cronyism the GOP establishment is using to keep all but two candidates off the ballot.

To hell with them; if Romnuts gets the nomination I will vote for Obama.

Better to have a socialist in there than fascists like the people behind Romnuts.
^^^^^ WRITTEN IN MAY. MAY 2011.

Clear as the little pimples on the end of your nose.

So, try again with the new spin that "they changed the rules" just a week's a conspiracy!...the fix was in....blah blah...

Try it.

If you can.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

Might as well get used to having President Obama till 2016.

Better that than the man with the magic underwear.
BTW Gingrich doesn't have much of an organization. Or money. So why is anyone surprised this happened? He's not on the ballot in OH an MO either.

And won't be on the ballot in Nov. 2012.

But he will be out selling books to the gullable concerning how the election was stolen from him.

How was the elction stolen from him? Winning Virginia is not that important, in and of itself. If the TPM can get one leading candidate, the others may withdraw, allowing that candidate to sweep the other Super Tuesday states. The outrageous part of this is the blatant cronyism the GOP establishment is using to keep all but two candidates off the ballot. To hell with them; if Romnuts gets the nomination I will vote for Obama. Better to have a socialist in there than fascists like the people behind Romnuts.

Grow fucking up: Newt himself last night said his team blew it. Politics is a contact sport, and you are crybabying. Shut up or put up.
^^^^^ WRITTEN IN MAY. MAY 2011.

Clear as the little pimples on the end of your nose.

So, try again with the new spin that "they changed the rules" just a week's a conspiracy!...the fix was in....blah blah...

Try it.

If you can.

I find it amusing that you Democrats who fought against poll taxes and literacy tests and other things to disenfranchise voters are going along with this nonsense... because you are more afraid of Newt than you are of Mittens.

Fact remains, the voters should have the choice, NOT an unelected board of political hacks.

That so totally misses the point.

It's fair game to fight over the rules before they are set. But once they are set, everyone plays by the same rules. Instead of bitching about it after the fact - and whining about conspiracies - the candidates should have done something about it beforehand.


What a concept!

It's not a matter of the rules, it's a matter of the refs.
All democratic decisions are made according to the rules, JoeBigot, and Newt's gang failed.

Grow up.
All democratic decisions are made according to the rules, JoeBigot, and Newt's gang failed.

Grow up.

Nope, I'll just support a third party.

Your boy really stepped in it this time, judging by the level of outrage I'm seeing in the RW blogosphere. This is the kind of Chicago Dirty tricks we might expect from Obama, but we really ought to be better than this, don't you think?

A party that doesn't trust its own voters really can't expect their loyalty, can it?
More precisely, some are just upset the refs are following the rules they warned the players about months in advance, Years to most) --- screaming HEY! YO! These are the rules.

Now, pussy's get all pouty cause the ref called foul when they didn't follow the rules.

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