Va Primary: Gingrich, Perry fail to get on ballot.

what does that have to do with us vetoing palestinian statehood? Can you keep your snarky comments on point, guy?

Kind of odd, the israelis want iran taken out, and suddenly mr. Withdrawl is beating the war drums....



actually, if the zionists decide we are going to war in iran, we are going. Doesn't matter whose ass is in the white house.


are you saying that zionists control the us government?

what, you don't think they do?

Hey in other news...

us to iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated' - world news - mideast/n. Africa - iran -

the u.s. Navy's 5th fleet wednesday warned iran that any disruption of traffic flowing through the vital strait of hormuz oil route "will not be tolerated."

the warning came after iran's navy chief habibollah sayyari told iran's english language press tv that "closing the strait of hormuz for iran's armed forces is really easy ... Or as iranians say it will be easier than drinking a glass of water."

That wasn't the post you responded to.

You responded to the post about Palestinian Statehood. Now if you want to talk about how we are beating the war drums on Iran (both parties, unfortunately), that's another issue.

Somehow, I don't think you are going to sign right up to fight that war. Get the Wage Slave Kids to do it.
That wasn't the post you responded to.

You responded to the post about Palestinian Statehood.

For a guy who bitches about the rules of an election in another state, you sure are anal about the order in which posts are supposed to be answered.

Now if you want to talk about how we are beating the war drums on Iran (both parties, unfortunately), that's another issue.

Yeah, you brought it up.
That wasn't the post you responded to.

You responded to the post about Palestinian Statehood.

For a guy who bitches about the rules of an election in another state, you sure are anal about the order in which posts are supposed to be answered.

Now if you want to talk about how we are beating the war drums on Iran (both parties, unfortunately), that's another issue.

Yeah, you brought it up.

Yes, but you are going to lie and equate Zionism with the Jewish people. Because that's the dodge. Criticize Israel, you must hate Jewish people. No, I hate my tax dollars being spent to prop up a country that oppresses human rights.

Most Jews I know are horrified by what is going on in the Middle East, especially since that idiot Netanyahu got in.

But again, if you think we should fight a war on their behalf, you're going to sign up and enlist tomorrow, right?

Or are you another Republican Chickenhawk?

Yes, but you are going to lie and equate Zionism with the Jewish people.

Nope. I don't equate Zionism with all Jewish people.

It was you who said Zionists control the US government and our politics, and that we would go to war with Iran when the Zionists want, and implied that keeping the Strait of Hormuz open was in line with a Zionist plot to go to war with Iran.

That wasn't the post you responded to.

You responded to the post about Palestinian Statehood.

For a guy who bitches about the rules of an election in another state, you sure are anal about the order in which posts are supposed to be answered.

Now if you want to talk about how we are beating the war drums on Iran (both parties, unfortunately), that's another issue.

Yeah, you brought it up.

Yes, but you are going to lie and equate Zionism with the Jewish people. Because that's the dodge. Criticize Israel, you must hate Jewish people. No, I hate my tax dollars being spent to prop up a country that oppresses human rights.

Most Jews I know are horrified by what is going on in the Middle East, especially since that idiot Netanyahu got in.

But again, if you think we should fight a war on their behalf, you're going to sign up and enlist tomorrow, right?

Or are you another Republican Chickenhawk?


I agree with that, however do you want to see war between Israel and say Iran or Gaza?

Not to mention the Muslim holy land is Mecca - not Jerusalem.

Muslims shouldn't occupy or refuse to share MY land as a Catholic...

Muslims only stole my holy land via war, they also killed 2,500 Americans on my homeland..

Lets not forget the savagery of Sharia...............
Yes, but you are going to lie and equate Zionism with the Jewish people.

Nope. I don't equate Zionism with all Jewish people.

It was you who said Zionists control the US government and our politics, and that we would go to war with Iran when the Zionists want, and implied that keeping the Strait of Hormuz open was in line with a Zionist plot to go to war with Iran.


Okay, so let's be clear, my argument is with Zionism, and not Jewish people. Can we be honest enough to do that?

So to the point, do Zionists control our government?

Simple enough. When was the last time we did something that Israel really, really hated?

It's a fight between two tribes over who a sky pixie gave a stretch of desert to, and frankly, it's been going on for 3000 years now. Why is this our problem?

So now we are getting all macho with Iran, when our mouths are writing checks our asses can't cash. We are broke, we can't afford a conflict with Iran that would cause a second dip in the recession, and we are acting all stupid over a typical bit of Iranian chest beating like they've been doing for the last 30 years.

Second point. Look at the whole Palestinian Statehood thing. Obama actually took a reasonable stand, that the 1967 borders should be the starting point of negotiation. It's not an unreasonable position, if you include land swaps. (OF course, it's more about who controls East Jerusalem than who has a defensible border.)

Well, none of that. We had Netanyahu come to Washington and dress down the Leader of the Free World. And then he lost NY-9's special election, and look how fast he changed his tune.

As long as we are on the subject, I put the influence that the Cuban Exile community has in the same category. They are forcing policies that don't make sense because they have outsized politcal influence. (Hey, guys, you lost, Castro won. 50 years ago. Get over it.) But both parties kow-tow to it.
I agree with that, however do you want to see war between Israel and say Iran or Gaza?

Not to mention the Muslim holy land is Mecca - not Jerusalem.

Muslims shouldn't occupy or refuse to share MY land as a Catholic...

Muslims only stole my holy land via war, they also killed 2,500 Americans on my homeland..

Lets not forget the savagery of Sharia...............

Actually, Jerusalem is considered the third holiest site in Islam.

What happened on 9/11 was horrible, but it was also blowback. Let's not forget, we were the ones who had the brilliant idea to arm the Muhajedin in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. One of those was Osama Bin Laden. We also backed Saddam for years when he harrassed the Iranians, until he turned on us and invaded Kuwait.

If you want to observe the middle east is a hornet's nest, I agree with that. But we shouldn't be sticking our hands in the nest and we shouldn't be raising bigger and nastier hornets (Bin Laden, Saddam). If we are going to keep doing that, we should expect to get stung.
You think it's a co-incidence that every time someone scares Israel, we end up taking them out? Oh, wait. No, not at all.
By your logic, we should have taken out Iran 30 years ago.
30 years ago, Iran wasn't a threat to Israel. Today, it is. They are close to getting a nuke and Saddam isn't hemming them in anymore. But we took out Saddam for them, we took out Ghadaffy for them... And they tell us, "Cast your veto against Palestinian Statehood", and we jump. I mean, look at what happened on the border Issue. Obama takes the position that the 1967 borders should be the borders between Israel and Palestine. Next thing you know, Netanyahoo is in Washington, telling the "Leader of the Free World" what is what. Now, to me, this is laughable, since Israel only continues because we prop it up at a rate of 4 billion a year. And the tragedy of it is, a partition is probably in their best interests. The alternative is a Israel with an inevitable Arab majority.

The U.S. will continue to support Israel for decades to come. Libertarian twaddle will not change that reality.
By your logic, we should have taken out Iran 30 years ago.
30 years ago, Iran wasn't a threat to Israel. Today, it is. They are close to getting a nuke and Saddam isn't hemming them in anymore. But we took out Saddam for them, we took out Ghadaffy for them... And they tell us, "Cast your veto against Palestinian Statehood", and we jump. I mean, look at what happened on the border Issue. Obama takes the position that the 1967 borders should be the borders between Israel and Palestine. Next thing you know, Netanyahoo is in Washington, telling the "Leader of the Free World" what is what. Now, to me, this is laughable, since Israel only continues because we prop it up at a rate of 4 billion a year. And the tragedy of it is, a partition is probably in their best interests. The alternative is a Israel with an inevitable Arab majority.

The U.S. will continue to support Israel for decades to come.

As we should.

Isreal is our best ally in that region despite some of their misteps in the past.
The U.S. will continue to support Israel for decades to come. Libertarian twaddle will not change that reality.

and like I said, when the NeoCons and Zionists go over to fight the wars, more power to them.

Reality, though. Israel is probably gone in about 40 years. By that time, Arabs will be in the majority and more Jews will figure out it's easier to live in America or Europe where people aren't dropping rockets on you every day.
Reality, though. Israel is probably gone in about 40 years. By that time, Arabs will be in the majority and more Jews will figure out it's easier to live in America or Europe where people aren't dropping rockets on you every day.

Unfortunately true, but we will be following them not too long after.

The disease of libtardism is destroying us with slow rot from within.

Was talking to some folks about the Straits of Hormuz situation and no one seemed to think we are justified fighting to keep those straits open.

While I agree we should try to bargain with the Iranians prior to war, if they block the straits we have to pound them into a bloody pile of shit. But the 9-11 Truthers, the dove types who slam the troops that fight for the freedom of the doves to slam them, and the people unwilling to have children because its too much hassle and takes away from their WOW time, all these are symptoms of our having given up on who and what we are as a culture of freedom lovers.

We exist as little isolated consumers in effect waiting for the first dictator to come along and strip us of everything we value.

And so, given enough time in this condition, it will eventually happen.
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It's great irony: Republican candidates cannot get on the Virginia ballot, meanwhile Republicans are doing everything they can nationwide to prevent black voters from voting.

Karma is a bitch.
Reality, though. Israel is probably gone in about 40 years. By that time, Arabs will be in the majority and more Jews will figure out it's easier to live in America or Europe where people aren't dropping rockets on you every day.

Unfortunately true, but we will be following them not too long after.

The disease of libtardism is destroying us with slow rot from within.

Was talking to some folks about the Straits of Hormuz situation and no one seemed to think we are justified fighting to keep those straits open.

While I agree we should try to bargain with the Iranians prior to war, if they block the straits we have to pound them into a bloody pile of shit. But the 9-11 Truthers, the dove types who slam the troops that fight for the freedom of the doves to slam them, and the people unwilling to have children because its too much hassle and takes away from their WOW time, all these are symptoms of our having given up on who and what we are as a culture of freedom lovers.

We exist as little isolated consumers in effect waiting for the first dictator to come along and strip us of everything we value.

And so, given enough time in this condition, it will eventually happen.

I don't think this is an issue of being "freedom lovers".

Most of our middle East policies have had nothing to do with "Freedom". They have to do with 1) Our insatiable craving for oil and 2) Our blind, mindless support of Zionism.

This isn't about supporting the troops, this is about questioning policy.

What we should have done in 1973, after the Yom Kippur War, and the oil shock that followed, was to go on a crash program to develop alternatives to oil. Instead we did the exact opposite. We increased our dependence on foreign oil.

The thing is that Oil is a global commodity. Very little of what come out of Hormuz actually ends up in our gas tanks. Asia and Europe get most of that while we mostly get our from Venazula, Canada, Mexico and our own sources. But if the price goes up, the price goes up.

Keep in mind, the Iranians have said that they will block the straights if we impose sanctions. We said we'll impose sanctions if they continue on their perfectly legal development of nuclear energy. (Iran, unilke Israel, has signed the Non-Poliferation treaty.) So we are in a situation where Iran might be building a weapon that Israel said they aren't allowed to have. Because Israel is really, really scared that Iran might leverage that weapon diplomatically. Militarily, not so much. If they actually used it, they might take out Tel-Aviv and Israel will take out all of Iran's cities.

So again, here we have an example of exactly what I complained about, and everyone got all angry with me. We are doing Israel's dirty work, and risking our own fragile economic recovery and maybe the lives of our troops because Israel is afraid that Iran will have more diplomatic muscle when they have a bomb.

Hey, Toto, Papertiger, any of you fools want to argue the Zionists aren't running our foreign policy? Anyone.
Reality, though. Israel is probably gone in about 40 years. By that time, Arabs will be in the majority and more Jews will figure out it's easier to live in America or Europe where people aren't dropping rockets on you every day.

Unfortunately true, but we will be following them not too long after.

The disease of libtardism is destroying us with slow rot from within.

Was talking to some folks about the Straits of Hormuz situation and no one seemed to think we are justified fighting to keep those straits open.

While I agree we should try to bargain with the Iranians prior to war, if they block the straits we have to pound them into a bloody pile of shit. But the 9-11 Truthers, the dove types who slam the troops that fight for the freedom of the doves to slam them, and the people unwilling to have children because its too much hassle and takes away from their WOW time, all these are symptoms of our having given up on who and what we are as a culture of freedom lovers.

We exist as little isolated consumers in effect waiting for the first dictator to come along and strip us of everything we value.

And so, given enough time in this condition, it will eventually happen.

I don't think this is an issue of being "freedom lovers".

Most of our middle East policies have had nothing to do with "Freedom". They have to do with 1) Our insatiable craving for oil and 2) Our blind, mindless support of Zionism.

This isn't about supporting the troops, this is about questioning policy.

What we should have done in 1973, after the Yom Kippur War, and the oil shock that followed, was to go on a crash program to develop alternatives to oil. Instead we did the exact opposite. We increased our dependence on foreign oil.

The thing is that Oil is a global commodity. Very little of what come out of Hormuz actually ends up in our gas tanks. Asia and Europe get most of that while we mostly get our from Venazula, Canada, Mexico and our own sources. But if the price goes up, the price goes up.

Keep in mind, the Iranians have said that they will block the straights if we impose sanctions. We said we'll impose sanctions if they continue on their perfectly legal development of nuclear energy. (Iran, unilke Israel, has signed the Non-Poliferation treaty.) So we are in a situation where Iran might be building a weapon that Israel said they aren't allowed to have. Because Israel is really, really scared that Iran might leverage that weapon diplomatically. Militarily, not so much. If they actually used it, they might take out Tel-Aviv and Israel will take out all of Iran's cities.

So again, here we have an example of exactly what I complained about, and everyone got all angry with me. We are doing Israel's dirty work, and risking our own fragile economic recovery and maybe the lives of our troops because Israel is afraid that Iran will have more diplomatic muscle when they have a bomb.

Hey, Toto, Papertiger, any of you fools want to argue the Zionists aren't running our foreign policy? Anyone.

Hey uber-RINO

The issue isn't Iran's "perfectly legal" nuclear energy program. It's the refinement of uranium for use on a nuclear warhead.

BTW you make Jake Starkey look like Ronald Reagan.
Hey uber-RINO

The issue isn't Iran's "perfectly legal" nuclear energy program. It's the refinement of uranium for use on a nuclear warhead.

BTW you make Jake Starkey look like Ronald Reagan.

Please tell me under what theory we can tell a soveriegn nation that they can't have a nuclear weapon when their adversaries all have them?


When you and Jake go sign up to fight Iran, then I will take you seriously. And maybe a tax on assholes who support the war, that'd be fine, too.

Other than that...

Please tell me under what theory we can tell a soveriegn nation that they can't have a nuclear weapon when their adversaries all have them?

Are you really this dense?

Just asking the question, what's the legal theory?

Why can Israel have nukes and Iran can't?

Not "well, they're just a bunch of crazy Muslims", what the legal theory under which one can have them and the other can't?

I mean, if you are willing to send other people off to war, I hope you have a legal theory.

We kind of had a legal theory in Iraq that Saddam had signed a treaty at the end of Gulf War 1.

What's our legal theory with Iran?

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