VA School PullTo Kill A Mockingbird’, ‘Huck Finn’ From Shelves

Just stop, Fakey. Your spamming long ago stopped being entertaining and is now just tiresome. Dude...50+ posts a DAY, 365 days a year, for seven years. On the off chance you are a real person and not a spambot, get out of the basement! Go outside! Do something besides troll forums!
Oh, the Jarl butt hurt spreads and spread. You get called out; that's what you get, every day and in every way. You are stupid in that you refuse to learn. Thus you get your ass handed to you every day in every way.

Banned Books That Shaped America is really a good book.

The members of the Board that vote to ban those two great books need to be banned from the School Board, as do the likes of you, Jarl.

I will give you one hundred million dollars if you can show where I was ever in favor of banning any books. Aaaaaaaaand, GO TO IT!
Just stop, Fakey. Your spamming long ago stopped being entertaining and is now just tiresome. Dude...50+ posts a DAY, 365 days a year, for seven years. On the off chance you are a real person and not a spambot, get out of the basement! Go outside! Do something besides troll forums!
Oh, the Jarl butt hurt spreads and spread. You get called out; that's what you get, every day and in every way. You are stupid in that you refuse to learn. Thus you get your ass handed to you every day in every way.

Banned Books That Shaped America is really a good book.

The members of the Board that vote to ban those two great books need to be banned from the School Board, as do the likes of you, Jarl.

I will give you one hundred million dollars if you can show where I was ever in favor of banning any books. Aaaaaaaaand, GO TO IT!
You wanted to bitch and you got slapped down: live with it. So now you are in favor of not banning books. Maybe you can learn.
I will give you one hundred million dollars if you can show where I was ever in favor of banning any books under any circumstances. Aaaaaaaaand, GO TO IT!

Look, Fakey, I get it: you are just not too bright, so you automatically "think" (if that word can be applied to someone as stupid as you) that anyone not gushing and fawning over you has views diametrically opposed to yours.
Posting the SAME FUCKING LINK in six posts in THE SAME THREAD is spamming the thread.

Stop projecting, Fakey.
Jarl, you were just positing flame attacks in another thread a few minutes ago. :) Banned Books That Shaped America is a superb read, which you should try. I do thank you for your condemnation of the school board for banning those two great books of American literature.
Banned Books That Shaped America is a read to make you slit your throat; nothing superb about it. My guess is that a lot of posters have not read the majority of books on the list. Not to say they're uneducated, but not everyone is a bookworm like I am.
I taught in a school once where some books had been banned a few years prior. The people who brought the complaint to the School Board did not even live in the school district and they STILL were able to win their action. That to me is dead wrong. If it's parents, you listen, you try to inform, but people who don't even live in the community? Who don't even have children in the school? How does that happen?
(I posted the same exact thing in the education board, but I really want to comment on the issue LOL).

Some people are dumbasses...I teach To Kill a Mockingbird and have NEVER had a problem from ANY of my students. They ALL (including my black students) have always understood where I'm coming from and why it's important we discuss it.

I tell them the following:

-When they're reading they don't need to use the word-but they may (if they're quoting the text).

-I will use the word (only quoting the text mind you), because I don't want to sugar coat history and what the book is about.

-If hearing the word makes them uncomfortable-it's a good thing because it SHOULD.

-Mockingbird isn't supposed to be a comfortable novel to read. It should challenge them, it should test them and it should make them think. It should make all of the students squirm in their seats a little bit.

-We juxtapose the classroom from the novel to our classroom.

PS: I'm a white male teacher and teach in a school with a white population of about 20-25%

Anybody who thinks that any part of the novels are racist in the slightest either A) have never read them, or B) lack the reading comprehension skills necessary to understand the novels.

If anything the books actually highlight why the words aren't acceptable.

The dumbing down of America continues.

Thanks for your insight and this informative post. This really got this thread off to a good start. Pity it has been derailed by trolls and spammers.

"It should make all of the students squirm in their seats a little bit."

Precisely. Thank you.

As a history buff, I recently read the memoirs of Raphael Semmes. (Lawyer, judge, sea captain, writer and lecturer). My interest focused on the naval aspects of the American Civil War. A side benefit after 833 pages was that I got inside the head of a 19th century American. His outlooks on race were completely different from anything you'd find in this century. His life experience and his opinions were of the 19th century and in that light and that light alone can they be taken in context.

Knowing where we come from is crucial in understanding where we are as a society. It's a pity to deprive children of this understanding.
I have read some of the books on the list...a few were good, some were OK. A couple were painfully bad.
There are several I have not read, as well. I was never a big fan of Stephen Crane or F. Scott Fitzgerald, but the rest I liked--some loved.
Which did you like? (That is not a political/argumentative question.)
I have read some of the books on the list...a few were good, some were OK. A couple were painfully bad.
There are several I have not read, as well. I was never a big fan of Stephen Crane or F. Scott Fitzgerald, but the rest I liked--some loved.
Which did you like? (That is not a political/argumentative question.)
I liked Call of the Wild, Fahrenheit 451, and Stranger in a Strange Land.

I found Catcher In the Rye horrible. The writing was disjointed, chaotic, and impossible to follow.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....

Trump won Accomack County, in Virginia, where this school district is located.
Link to school board members voting Trump?
And while he is at it ...the link showing voter status of the parents who complained.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....

Trump won Accomack County, in Virginia, where this school district is located.
Link to school board members voting Trump?
And while he is at it ...the link showing voter status of the parents who complained.
Someone said they were libs, and I showed the county went easily for Trump. Until someone does what you suggest, it is what it is.
I have read some of the books on the list...a few were good, some were OK. A couple were painfully bad.
There are several I have not read, as well. I was never a big fan of Stephen Crane or F. Scott Fitzgerald, but the rest I liked--some loved.
Which did you like? (That is not a political/argumentative question.)
I liked Call of the Wild, Fahrenheit 451, and Stranger in a Strange Land.

I found Catcher In the Rye horrible. The writing was disjointed, chaotic, and impossible to follow.
Never read Stranger. You've got a lot of company about Catcher in the Rye. Stream of consciousness writing is a bitch, especially when you're in the mind of someone having a nervous breakdown. I think it's more college level material, where books don't get banned, anyway.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
This really doesn't have much to do with politics, Flacaltenn. It's an approach to accessing literature for young people. Delve into works involving issues and settings they can relate to. I was among those kids who read The Outsiders and a lot of other young adult lit, AS WELL as Tom Sawyer and Shakespeare's plays. As a huge admirer of Mark Twain, I hate to see him off the shelf, but he is a hard slog for some readers, and the kids would be far more interested in stories about their own time and place. There are counter arguments to all of this, I realize, but I really don't think it's about left and right so much.

It really IS politics when you've confronted it in a place like California. It's a belief that the American past and heritage is SOO ugly and tainted, that it OFFENDS too many groups and identities. And HAS to be removed.
Things like Mark Twain -- who happens to be one of the ONLY fictional authors that I've read the MAJORITY of his work..

That's the LEFT perspective that I've observed. THEN FlaCalTenn moves from lefty Cali to righty Tenn. Largely to prevent my daughter from fully transforming into a fluff-head Valley Girl. And I'm right in the middle of a fight started by the RIGHTY censors -- trying to pull "To Kill a Mockingbird" and others OUT of the libraries and reading lists here. THEIR MOTIVES were simply morality issues. NOT a better excuse, except maybe for grade appropriate use.

In the Cali case -- these zealots had a WHOLE LIST of replacement reading. Which was worse than a night watching HBO series. And there was NO WAY that was an intellectual or academic replacement for all the lit they did BAN.. In the Tenn case -- it was ISOLATED classics that conflicted with way folks exposed their children to adult topics.

It doesn't end there. Parents in both places were "protecting" their children. In Cali it was madness with helicopter parents STILL arranging playdates for Middle School kids and getting into adult fights about texts their children sent. While in Tenn, those kids are driving ATVs across yards/fields/woods without helmets, playing paintball, soft pellet gun games in the woods, and shooting Roman Candles on 4th of July at each other while the parents giggle about it. Seems like they TRUST their kids more and teach responsibility and respect in different ways.

That's why -- we're NOT "Stronger Together" or one big happy village. Because those choices have very DIFFERENT principles and goals attached to them. And having fought with BOTH sides about keeping the public schools NEUTRAL in those choices --- they both need Tolerance, Consistency, and Respect for that "neutrality".

Because THIS thread is nothing but a whole can of hypocritical whining to me.. .
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You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
This really doesn't have much to do with politics, Flacaltenn. It's an approach to accessing literature for young people. Delve into works involving issues and settings they can relate to. I was among those kids who read The Outsiders and a lot of other young adult lit, AS WELL as Tom Sawyer and Shakespeare's plays. As a huge admirer of Mark Twain, I hate to see him off the shelf, but he is a hard slog for some readers, and the kids would be far more interested in stories about their own time and place. There are counter arguments to all of this, I realize, but I really don't think it's about left and right so much.

It really IS politics when you've confronted it in a place like California. It's a belief that the American past and heritage is SOO ugly and tainted, that it OFFENDS too many groups and identities. And HAS to be removed.
Things like Mark Twain -- who happens to be one of the ONLY fictional authors that I've read the MAJORITY of his work..

That's the LEFT perspective that I've observed. THEN FlaCalTenn moves from lefty Cali to righty Tenn. Largely to prevent my daughter from fully transforming into a fluff-head Valley Girl. And I'm right in the middle of a fight started by the RIGHTY censors -- trying to pull "To Kill a Mockingbird" and others OUT of the libraries and reading lists here. THEIR MOTIVES were simply morality issues. NOT a better excuse, except maybe for grade appropriate use.

In the Cali case -- these zealots had a WHOLE LIST of replacement reading. Which was worse than a night watching HBO series. And there was NO WAY that was an intellectual or academic replacement for all the lit they did BAN.. In the Tenn case -- it was ISOLATED classics that conflicted with way folks exposed their children to adult topics.

It doesn't end there. Parents in both places were "protecting" their children. In Cali it was madness with helicopter parents STILL arranging playdates for Middle School kids and getting into adult fights about texts their children sent. While in Tenn, those kids are driving ATVs across yards/fields/woods without helmets, playing paintball, soft pellet gun games in the woods, and shooting Roman Candles on 4th of July at each other while the parents giggle about it. Seems like they TRUST their kids more and teach responsibility and respect in different ways.

That's why -- we're NOT "Stronger Together" or one big happy village. Because those choices have very DIFFERENT principles and goals attached to them. And having fought with BOTH sides about keeping the public schools NEUTRAL in those choices --- they both need Tolerance, Consistency, and Respect for that "neutrality".

Because THIS thread is nothing but a whole can of hypocritical whining to me.. .
Twain would be tickled, of course, that people are still screaming about his works. It's exactly what he meant to do.
I know it's occurred to you that you can share these great works with your daughter by going to the public library, even if the school believes it's damned.
You should read Merry Men by Carolyn Chute. All about class war between poor and rich/rural and not. I think you might actually enjoy it. It was an awesome novel, even if it is set in Maine.
From bartbriet for you, soggy. An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Just stop, Fakey. Your spamming long ago stopped being entertaining and is now just tiresome. Dude...50+ posts a DAY, 365 days a year, for seven years. On the off chance you are a real person and not a spambot, get out of the basement! Go outside! Do something besides troll forums!
Oh, the Jarl butt hurt spreads and spread. You get called out; that's what you get, every day and in every way. You are stupid in that you refuse to learn. Thus you get your ass handed to you every day in every way.

Banned Books That Shaped America is really a good book.

The members of the Board that vote to ban those two great books need to be banned from the School Board, as do the likes of you, Jarl.

I will give you one hundred million dollars if you can show where I was ever in favor of banning any books. Aaaaaaaaand, GO TO IT!
You twist slowly in the wind. Your words pin you down, kiddo. You don't like being called out. Who said you wanted to ban books? Show it. You are a troll, an alt right cuch snowflake. Tis what is.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....

Trump won Accomack County, in Virginia, where this school district is located.
Link to school board members voting Trump?
And while he is at it ...the link showing voter status of the parents who complained.

Which party do you have to belong to in order to file a complaint at a school district, Adolph?

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