VA School PullTo Kill A Mockingbird’, ‘Huck Finn’ From Shelves

You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
Banned Books That Shaped America
Maryland Patriot: first off the only idiot here is you, lets just get that clear. second I am unaware of the layout of this county. The county I live in is moslty rural, however we have annapolis that is a filthy sanctuary city. If annapolis were to vote to ban a book, it would happen, but only because the town is filled with idiots like you. You would not make it in the rural area for too long. However, according to you, because the majority of the county is filled with Trump supporters, that makes annapolis a trump supporting district. Your logic fails, but its not something that would surprise anyone that has read your posts in the past. Others will understand what I am saying, you I doubt will get it.
Says the second biggest Alt Right idiot on this thread after, easyt. :lol: Accomack ain't Annapolis, you podunk pisser. The board is not liberal. Your idiocy should be sent along as fallacies to the composition teachers at the high school.

Sort of funny that for the last few weeks we keep hearing about how many counties voted for Trump. Now all of the sudden they are reversing themselves when convenient.
What books are you LWNJs going to burn next?
Banned Books That Shaped America

Quite a list! I remember reading "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" back when it was first published. It was very difficult to get through because of the atrocities and cruelty to the different tribes that were forced to live on reservations hundreds of miles from their own land. Too bad the Wampanoags didn't have a better immigration policy when those assholes on the Mayflower showed up.
Maryland Patriot: first off the only idiot here is you, lets just get that clear. second I am unaware of the layout of this county. The county I live in is moslty rural, however we have annapolis that is a filthy sanctuary city. If annapolis were to vote to ban a book, it would happen, but only because the town is filled with idiots like you. You would not make it in the rural area for too long. However, according to you, because the majority of the county is filled with Trump supporters, that makes annapolis a trump supporting district. Your logic fails, but its not something that would surprise anyone that has read your posts in the past. Others will understand what I am saying, you I doubt will get it.
Says the second biggest Alt Right idiot on this thread after, easyt. :lol: Accomack ain't Annapolis, you podunk pisser. The board is not liberal. Your idiocy should be sent along as fallacies to the composition teachers at the high school.

Sort of funny that for the last few weeks we keep hearing about how many counties voted for Trump. Now all of the sudden they are reversing themselves when convenient.
What books are you LWNJs going to burn next?

Why don't you tell us what books we have burned in the first place, idiot?
We just burn your worthless settled science child.....:lol:

You're worthy of being ignored, babbling idiot.
Says the second biggest Alt Right idiot on this thread after, easyt. :lol: Accomack ain't Annapolis, you podunk pisser. The board is not liberal. Your idiocy should be sent along as fallacies to the composition teachers at the high school.

Sort of funny that for the last few weeks we keep hearing about how many counties voted for Trump. Now all of the sudden they are reversing themselves when convenient.
What books are you LWNJs going to burn next?

Why don't you tell us what books we have burned in the first place, idiot?
We just burn your worthless settled science child.....:lol:

You're worthy of being ignored, babbling idiot.
All you fascists agree...:lol:
Democrats are at war with information. They resort to book burning when they are angry or frustrated. The current gov of Va. is a democrat who used to work in the Clinton administration.

Accomack County voted for Trump. You guys love to knee-jerk before you post.

everybody keeps repeating this, but so what?

do you really believe it was Trump supporters that started this?

do you?

if your answer is yes, I don't believe you
Attempting to remove Mark Twain and Harper Lee from the public conscience is just stupid. Losing Joel Chandler Harris was a national tragedy already - we literally destroyed THE voice that brought to life and gave a voice to African folklore in the United States.

On the contrary, check out Clement Wood's incredible body of work. He was a Whitey born in Birmingham in 1888, had a Negro mammy in the house, wrote about literally everything. His autobiography is actually in his own unique verse that has a rhythm, not prose. IMO it is intentional that the school systems ignore his work because he was a true genius. His book the Outline of Man's Knowledge should be used by everyone looking for a basic education that is equivalent to a PhD. Among his vast body of work is Tom Sawyer Grows Up an imaginary sequal to the Mark Twain series and "N-word." His spelling of old time African American style of English based on the way it sounds is much better than Mark Twain's. In fact, Wood wrote the best rhyming dictionary which is based on sound, not spelling.

Last edited:
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....

Trump won Accomack County, in Virginia, where this school district is located.

what's that got to do with I said? In the great Socialist Society of California -- the LEFT trashed those books long ago. I FOUGHT that battle against them. Now I guess in the last remaining bastions of honest education, the right are gonna be hypocrites and do the same.

Ain't a lot of difference between 2 tribes that only want to WIN power and abuse it.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
Your point is good. However, in THIS thread, your point is not the point.

The point is ~ easyt made a stupid political statement and got his genitals metaphorically nailed down. The district is in Trump country not liberalville.

You need to focus, flacaltenn.

Oh -- I'm PERFECTLY focused. I'm watching you leftist hypocrites come down on the few remaining places that will even PROMOTE classic American lit. The fact that these reading lists are from "conservative" areas doesn't mean jack shit. The PURGE was largely accomplished YEARS ago by the left.

NOW --- kids in Cali are reading GOOD stuff. Lots of Gang-Raping and things they SHOULD relate to. And 20 years from now NOBODY will be remembering those tales. That's another reason I left the Socialist state of Cali. Wanted my daughter to go to a public school that DIDN'T attempt to replace the classics with modern day "relate-able" tales of deviance.
Democrats are at war with information. They resort to book burning when they are angry or frustrated. The current gov of Va. is a democrat who used to work in the Clinton administration.
You are simply stupid, whitehall. You can learn but refuse to.

Virginia Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates

Accomack County, VA Presidential Election
R D. Trump 54.5% 8,582
D H. Clinton 42.8% 6,737
L G. Johnson 1.7% 262
I E. McMullin 0.7% 112
G J. Stein 0.4% 62
Great minds think alike, Jake.

I just wish whitehall and pete7469 and correll and the rest would think instead of emote on these issues.

I wish that pigs could fly over Trump when he is outside making speaches, but I am afraid that both you and I are likely to remain disappointed.
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
This really doesn't have much to do with politics, Flacaltenn. It's an approach to accessing literature for young people. Delve into works involving issues and settings they can relate to. I was among those kids who read The Outsiders and a lot of other young adult lit, AS WELL as Tom Sawyer and Shakespeare's plays. As a huge admirer of Mark Twain, I hate to see him off the shelf, but he is a hard slog for some readers, and the kids would be far more interested in stories about their own time and place. There are counter arguments to all of this, I realize, but I really don't think it's about left and right so much.
Attempting to remove Mark Twain and Harper Lee from the public conscience is just stupid. Losing Joel Chandler Harris was a national tragedy already - we literally destroyed THE voice that brought to life and gave a voice to African folklore in the United States.

What is hilarious here, and unfortunately under-reported (or rather, ignored) is that Samuel Clemens, Lee Harper & Joel Chandler Harris were actually some of the loudest and strongest proponents against actual racism during their lives.

JCH actually preserved "African heritage" more so than anyone else in the literary world. The fact that his "tar baby" became synonymous as a hateful racist term is one of the great tragedies in race relations in America...

I mean, this is right up there with taking George Washington & Thomas Jefferson off of public building because they were slave owners.

It USED to be that "book banning" was a pastime for the far right & religious fundamentalist, but our leftist friends and the hardcore social justice warriors have picked up the torch in a big way!

Ni**er Jim, we hardly knew ye...

and here is a little peek into the inner workings of a day in Social Justice Warrior Paradise -


VA School Pulls ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’, ‘Huck Finn’ From Shelves

ACCOMAC, VA (CBS/AP) – Two American literature classics found across thousands of library shelves in the U.S. have been shelved, potentially for good, in one Virginia school system.

The Accomack County Public Schools removed “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” after a parent filed a complaint for the books’ use of racial slurs, according to multiple media outlets.

oh gee------"To Kill a mockingbird" and HUCK FINN are going the way of -----<gasp>
the racist bit of trash---PORGY AND BESS. -----throw your ---la la ~~~ la la SUMMER TIME ~~~ and the living is eaaasy (high sorprano)---
45 in the trash------it is RACIST (I think eldridge cleaver said so----sometime in the 60s
Are you intoxicated?
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
Banned Books That Shaped America
Stop spamming the fucking thread!
You lie, you get called out, easyt. The meathead far right in the school district are banning books, and it is a joke to you.

Got it.

At the same time -- the LEFTY school boards have ALREADY REPLACED Mark Twain and other classics with tales of Gang-Banging, drugs and crime..

Difference is -- in the more conservative districts --- TWAIN is STILL on the reading list.
Bunch of fucking Hypocrites. I fought this same fight in Cali 15 or 20 years ago.. You partisans are so screwed up....
Banned Books That Shaped America
Stop spamming the fucking thread!
Says one of the more notable spammers of the Board. Banned Books That Shaped America is a great read. Try it, Jarlaxle, and you may learn something about not banning books.
It says it is subject to further review. Maybe cooler heads will prevail.

If not, I'm sure you'll find a way to defend the fascists.

You post makes you sound like a retard.
Your posts prove you are a retard....

You burning more books today to fend off MMGW? :lol:

Are you genuinely illiterate? I said I opposed the ban. Could you at least once in awhile pay attention?

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