VA whistleblowers disciplined 10 times more than peers; managers investigate themselves


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

No matter how hard the president tries, overcoming the ingrained mismanagement of a massive bureaucracy appears to be almost impossible. The greatest source for uncovering graft, misuse, and mismanagement are whistle-blowers – who are supposed to be protected by the law. Apparently that doesn’t work so well in the VA.

One sentence leaps from the GAO's findings — "Whistleblowers were 10 times more likely than their peers to receive disciplinary action within a year of reporting misconduct."

Another disturbing finding — the GAO "found instances where managers investigated themselves for misconduct, presenting a conflict of interest."

VA has a policy against such a clearly flawed practice but does not have appropriate oversight measures to ensure the policy is enforced.

More @ VA whistleblowers disciplined 10 times more than peers; managers investigate themselves

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