Vagina? Not in this house!!

not for nothing, but why do they have to be white?

Because libbiederp can't make any "point" without relying on mindless cliches. He's just a pathetic typical racist.

Right. I'm the racist. Good call, Guy Who Sucks.

How old are you? What ethnicity are you? I'll admit that I'm a white male in my early 30s. What are you? What demographic to you get put in? (I don't expect you to actually answer since it will clearly prove my point, but yeah)

Yes. You ARE a racist since YOU (being a racist pig dog) found it necessary to assume the race of the people you GENERALIZED about.

You are too fucking stupid to even glean you own vapidity.
How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

Are liberals trying to legislate reproductive rights, yes or no.

You want to change the subject? Go to a different thread.

The priciples are the same.... ITS YOUR SIDE ALWAYS FUCKING MEDDLING.... I proved it in one post.

All I see here is liberals whining because they cant kill babies as late in the pregnancy as they want to....

We on the right love babies.... why do you guys want to kill them :(


The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

Because I am a bitch, I can recognize it when a woman pulls down her pants and waves her bush fur for attention. If this is representative of the quality of female leaders, they should shut up and stick a tit in someone's mouth.

As a woman, these women are shameful and do all women a disservice. This woman is an embarassement to women everywhere.

You speak for women everywhere?

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.
No, Infidel, I really don't. Not anymore than I always welcome a hug - I'm fine. Apparently I make you uncomfortable when I push back instead of just letting you have your fun because we're friends.

So here's a cyber one for you. ;)


Will ya kiss me ?
You speak for women everywhere?

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.

I love you. Let's be lesbians, and fight as a team. :D

Because I am a bitch, I can recognize it when a woman pulls down her pants and waves her bush fur for attention. If this is representative of the quality of female leaders, they should shut up and stick a tit in someone's mouth.

As a woman, these women are shameful and do all women a disservice. This woman is an embarassement to women everywhere.

You speak for women everywhere?

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh, so you're a gender traitor like Ann Coulter.
not for nothing, but why do they have to be white?

I will admit I am probably generalizing, but don't you get the feeling that 90% of the uber-ConservaFascists on this board are older, white males? They really don't speak like someone who's lived outside of their Bubble de Blanco.

Okay, although Boop's explanation makes more sense. Meanwhile, we could have a whole other thread about the social conservatism of many of the African-American churches in the US, how they've held back gains in regard to marriage equality, and the political genesis OF that social conservatism. :eusa_whistle:

She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.
Are liberals trying to legislate reproductive rights, yes or no.

You want to change the subject? Go to a different thread.

The priciples are the same.... ITS YOUR SIDE ALWAYS FUCKING MEDDLING.... I proved it in one post.

All I see here is liberals whining because they cant kill babies as late in the pregnancy as they want to....

We on the right love babies.... why do you guys want to kill them :(


The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

I am in utter disbelief at your statement..... You guys latch on to ONE issue and then say the liberals are the ones for personal freedoms?????

I cant even carry on this stupid conversation.....
Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.

I love you. Let's be lesbians, and fight as a team. :D

Oh, honey, I love you too, but I don't DO sushi.:eusa_hand:

Can we still be friends? :eusa_angel:

The priciples are the same.... ITS YOUR SIDE ALWAYS FUCKING MEDDLING.... I proved it in one post.

All I see here is liberals whining because they cant kill babies as late in the pregnancy as they want to....

We on the right love babies.... why do you guys want to kill them :(


The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

I am in utter disbelief at your statement..... You guys latch on to ONE issue and then say the liberals are the ones for personal freedoms?????

I cant even carry on this stupid conversation.....

Which one issue did we latch onto?

Civil Rights?
Women's Rights?
Gay Rights?

See a trend there, fucko? We're the ideology that defends the individual freedoms your side so piously (and incorrectly) claims to adore.
Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

Actually, no. Liberals try to keep Conservatives from regulating personal freedom issues like who we can fuck, who we can marry and if we can elect to have a biological procedure done or not. And yeah, fuck us for actually listening to climate science and realizing that since you dumb, mouth-breathing fucktards killed NASA and we're never getting off this rock, we should probably try to prolong the human race as long as possible, which means taking care of the one goddamned planet we have.


I wish we could force every dumb-fuck Conservative to take basic science classes again. Or just watch a full day of Science channel.

Well that's great, so you're for polygamy and incest, awesome.
We didnt kill NASA dumbass, your president Obama did, for muslim outreach, WTF is that?NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first | Washington Examiner
I hate to embarass you with your horseshit. So Obama killed it, and wasnt doing any "exploring" to get us off this rock.

Climate science, hey you keep listening to that, and MR freedom, who wants abortions but bows to Al Gore and wants the governement in every aspect of his life, except for the abortion, gay stuff. It's ok to have freedom there, but not in other asepcts of your life. EAT THAT BROCOLLI and Turn that TSTAT down, you're killing the planet if you eat mean and used electricity!
Because libbiederp can't make any "point" without relying on mindless cliches. He's just a pathetic typical racist.

Right. I'm the racist. Good call, Guy Who Sucks.

How old are you? What ethnicity are you? I'll admit that I'm a white male in my early 30s. What are you? What demographic to you get put in? (I don't expect you to actually answer since it will clearly prove my point, but yeah)

Yes. You ARE a racist since YOU (being a racist pig dog) found it necessary to assume the race of the people you GENERALIZED about.

You are too fucking stupid to even glean you own vapidity.

Put down the thesaurus and actually make a point next time, Grampa.

Why aren't you answering my question? How old are you, and what's your ethnicity?
Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.

I love you. Let's be lesbians, and fight as a team. :D

Oh, honey, I love you too, but I don't DO sushi.:eusa_hand:

Can we still be friends? :eusa_angel:

So there is still hope for Boop and I, because I love sushi..! :dance:
I will admit I am probably generalizing, but don't you get the feeling that 90% of the uber-ConservaFascists on this board are older, white males? They really don't speak like someone who's lived outside of their Bubble de Blanco.

Okay, although Boop's explanation makes more sense. Meanwhile, we could have a whole other thread about the social conservatism of many of the African-American churches in the US, how they've held back gains in regard to marriage equality, and the political genesis OF that social conservatism. :eusa_whistle:

She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.

Well dumbass I aint that old. unless you consider 30s old. And if you hate old white people so much, what is your age and race?

The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

I am in utter disbelief at your statement..... You guys latch on to ONE issue and then say the liberals are the ones for personal freedoms?????

I cant even carry on this stupid conversation.....

Which one issue did we latch onto?

Civil Rights?
Women's Rights?
Gay Rights?

See a trend there, fucko? We're the ideology that defends the individual freedoms your side so piously (and incorrectly) claims to adore.

Yep. I see you are concerned about issues that have ZERO to do with making America great. :eusa_clap:

Thanks for proving my point dork :cuckoo:
Well that's great, so you're for polygamy and incest, awesome.

Uhh. What the fuck? When did I ever say that? I didn't. So you're just once again grasping for some straws to "BOO YA" me and yet you're all "Boo" and no "Ya."

We didnt kill NASA dumbass, you're president Obama did, for muslim outreach, WTF is that?NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first | Washington Examiner
I hate to embarass you with your horseshit. So Obama killed it, and wasnt doing any "exploring" to get us off this rock.

The Obama administration was in control when the final nail was put in the space shuttle program, sure. But that's after decades of the program being de-funded so that the Defense budget could have more cash. Gee, I wonder which side pushed that? I fully hold the Right Wing responsible for placing fiduciary emphasis on war and not science and exploration. Imagine what we would have achieved with a 10% lower Defense budget and then taken that 10% and given it to NASA.

You're a Conservative, so you may not understand how science works, but I'll just tell you: We'd probably be on Mars by now. Just sayin'. Your side fucked that up. Because you're fuckheads.

Climate science, hey you keep listening to that, and MR freedom, who wants abortions but bows to Al Gore and wants the governement in every aspect of his life, except for the abortion, gay stuff. It's ok to have freedom there, but not in other asepcts of your life. EAT THAT BROCOLLI and Turn that TSTAT down, you're killing the planet if you eat mean and used electricity!

This last paragraph really doesn't need a response because it was clearly a last money-shot of rhetoric that didn't really have much of a point. Unless being simply pedantic was your point. In which case: YAY! You did it!
Okay, although Boop's explanation makes more sense. Meanwhile, we could have a whole other thread about the social conservatism of many of the African-American churches in the US, how they've held back gains in regard to marriage equality, and the political genesis OF that social conservatism. :eusa_whistle:

She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.

Well dumbass I aint that old. unless you consider 30s old. And if you hate old white people so much, what is your age and race?

I already said. I'm in my 30s and I am white. Read a little more. And I don't really believe you, but I'll take you at your word, and assume your stupidity was handed down from your old, white patriarchal figures.

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