Vagina? Not in this house!!

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Sorry Barb, but that's not your call. White men get to make that decision for you. Says so in the Bible. Now stop quibbling and get back in line.

Don't talk down to Barb. She may be wrong, but she's smarter than you; thus she can see the absurdity of the shit you spew.

I guess Barb needs you to stick up for her, right?
Why anyone would be against making a facility that does medical procedures in line with other facilities who do medical procedures is beyond me.

These places were filthy, appallingly so. How does that help women keeping them that way?

I just don't get it. This isn't partisan, or shouldn't be.

The legislation incorporates a strategy used by those opposed to privacy rights for at least two decades: require unnecessary equipment, staff, and regulation (conservatives should understand that) making it financially more difficult for providers to stay in business. It has nothing to do with facilities being ‘unsafe’ or ‘unclean.’
It is a medical procedure and the legislation is requiring it to do the exact same thing as other medical procedure facilities do - be in line with the health code FOR day procedure medical facilities.

It is a MEDICAL procedure.

They've been doing medical procedures in exam rooms forever. Day surgery. They don't take out an OR for that.
Are liberals trying to legislate reproductive rights, yes or no.

You want to change the subject? Go to a different thread.

The priciples are the same.... ITS YOUR SIDE ALWAYS FUCKING MEDDLING.... I proved it in one post.

All I see here is liberals whining because they cant kill babies as late in the pregnancy as they want to....

We on the right love babies.... why do you guys want to kill them :(


The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

This is hilarious and shows how self centered liberals are.



Kind of hard to have any of those if you are being denied the LIBERTY to be born!

I bet all of you morons had that liberty. You just deny it to others based on your own self centered view that nothing should get in the way of your good time, no matter what!

Never changes with you libs!
Oh, honey, I love you too, but I don't DO sushi.:eusa_hand:

Can we still be friends? :eusa_angel:

I've never had sushi. I just figured we'd have a marriage like my last one. :(

Darling, why would you ever want that?

Upgrade your happiness, always!

Good point.

But I figured I could get hugs, and have dogs. That's an upgrade from the status quo.

Shit, now I'm just depressing myself.

Let's talk about vaginas some more.
The legislation incorporates a strategy used by those opposed to privacy rights for at least two decades: require unnecessary equipment, staff, and regulation (conservatives should understand that) making it financially more difficult for providers to stay in business. It has nothing to do with facilities being ‘unsafe’ or ‘unclean.’
It is a medical procedure and the legislation is requiring it to do the exact same thing as other medical procedure facilities do - be in line with the health code FOR day procedure medical facilities.

It is a MEDICAL procedure.

They've been doing medical procedures in exam rooms forever. Day surgery. They don't take out an OR for that.
You'll need to translate that for me. I don't understand your point.
You speak for women everywhere?

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.

Every woman fighting to be taken seriously is fighting against her "sisters". It was always a fight against the sisters who want to skid through life on pussy juice. So you think it was men who put that glass ceiling in place? No. It was women who wanted to show off their thong. The worst enemy professional women have is other women. It has always been like that and times have not changed. The worst enemy of women seeking political office is women who have achieved political office and act like they never deserved it in the first place.

Your side will be heard from in no uncertain terms and men who intend achieve something serious will say "Now that SHE'S here, we'll have to smell the tuna".

Think of the powerful women in the world. The women who have risen to positions of leadership. Not a single one of them used sex as either the carrot or the stick. Aside from Lisa Brown's vagina what was the issue and how did her vagina bear down on it?

Women continually set women back every time they open their traps.
It is a medical procedure and the legislation is requiring it to do the exact same thing as other medical procedure facilities do - be in line with the health code FOR day procedure medical facilities.

It is a MEDICAL procedure.

They've been doing medical procedures in exam rooms forever. Day surgery. They don't take out an OR for that.
You'll need to translate that for me. I don't understand your point.

I'm saying if an operating room was never involved before, it shouldn't be now. I'm saying that if a D&C doesn't take an OR, or any other medical procedure (wart removal) doesn't require an operating room ...

If abortions suddenly, in certain states, require an operating room, then ALL non-surgical medical procedures should require an operating room or gee, golly-hello; somebody is attempting to game the system to achieve their desired results.
You speak for women everywhere?

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh, so you're a gender traitor like Ann Coulter.

A gender traitor?????????????

What the hell does that mean?

If you aren't a radical feminist you are a traitor to women?

Well then there are a hell of a lot of women who are "traitors!"

I wasn't aware women had to be mindless drones in the liberal army to not be "traitors."

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Sorry Barb, but that's not your call. White men get to make that decision for you. Says so in the Bible. Now stop quibbling and get back in line.

WTF is it with you guys and white dudes?
The priciples are the same.... ITS YOUR SIDE ALWAYS FUCKING MEDDLING.... I proved it in one post.

All I see here is liberals whining because they cant kill babies as late in the pregnancy as they want to....

We on the right love babies.... why do you guys want to kill them :(


The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

This is hilarious and shows how self centered liberals are.



Kind of hard to have any of those if you are being denied the LIBERTY to be born!

I bet all of you morons had that liberty. You just deny it to others based on your own self centered view that nothing should get in the way of your good time, no matter what!

Never changes with you libs!

Kinda hard to have liberty if the government owns your vagina.
I will admit I am probably generalizing, but don't you get the feeling that 90% of the uber-ConservaFascists on this board are older, white males? They really don't speak like someone who's lived outside of their Bubble de Blanco.

Okay, although Boop's explanation makes more sense. Meanwhile, we could have a whole other thread about the social conservatism of many of the African-American churches in the US, how they've held back gains in regard to marriage equality, and the political genesis OF that social conservatism. :eusa_whistle:

She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.

Having morality is "warped?"

I think we see who's warped, all right!

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Sorry Barb, but that's not your call. White men get to make that decision for you. Says so in the Bible. Now stop quibbling and get back in line.

WTF is it with you guys and white dudes?

Its not my fault they're almost all white,cf.osb&fp=c7990205169b3724&biw=1366&bih=568
Okay, although Boop's explanation makes more sense. Meanwhile, we could have a whole other thread about the social conservatism of many of the African-American churches in the US, how they've held back gains in regard to marriage equality, and the political genesis OF that social conservatism. :eusa_whistle:

She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.

Having morality is "warped?"

I think we see who's warped, all right!


Yep. Its the people who would give full citizenship to a clump of cells and half citizenship to a woman.
She definitely put it more succinctly than I did. But yeah, the idea is that the older generation, early boomers, definitely have a more warped and Jesus-y view of abortion rights than those of us who were born outside of that particular demo do.

Having morality is "warped?"

I think we see who's warped, all right!


Yep. Its the people who would give full citizenship to a clump of cells and half citizenship to a woman.

Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells" or deify the alleged "right" of a woman to kill that "clump" of cells especially as a matter of mere convenience.

You are warped indeed.

The case law over the decades clearly shows liberals the primary defenders of privacy rights and individual liberty; where conservatives for the most part have worked to undermine such liberties – the latest ‘personhood’ legislation in Michigan is just the most recent evidence in support of that fact.

It has nothing to do with ‘killing babies,’ and that sort of demagoguery is typical of the right and its effort to cloud the issue with emotional distractions.

The issue is personal liberty and the right to decide free from government interference. Those opposed to abortion are free to work to end the practice, but they may not trample on the Constitution to reach that goal.

I am in utter disbelief at your statement..... You guys latch on to ONE issue and then say the liberals are the ones for personal freedoms?????

I cant even carry on this stupid conversation.....

Which one issue did we latch onto?

Civil Rights?
Women's Rights?
Gay Rights?

See a trend there, fucko? We're the ideology that defends the individual freedoms your side so piously (and incorrectly) claims to adore.

I hate to break it to you but Civil Rights was a CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT. Even Juan Williams admits that in his book.

Plus, It was Repulicans in the Senate that passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Democrats filibustered against it. Sorry to bust your Bubble.

Women's sufferage and Temperence went hand in hand. Again, Christian Sorry!

Plus women in the work place didn't start with liberals. It started with WWII. Women had to take the placed of men in the workforce and after the War many of them decided they didn't want to go home!

Again and again you are wrong.

As for gay rights. Well every time gay marriage is pushed onto the ballot it goes down in flames, even in liberal California.

Obama's poll numbers started to plunge after he "evolved" on this issue.

Don't think it's helping you.

Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh, so you're a gender traitor like Ann Coulter.

A gender traitor?????????????

What the hell does that mean?

If you aren't a radical feminist you are a traitor to women?

Well then there are a hell of a lot of women who are "traitors!"

I wasn't aware women had to be mindless drones in the liberal army to not be "traitors."


At one time a radical feminist was a woman who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, chemist, scientist. A radical feminist was a woman that wanted recognition for her achievements. That was radical feminism. Now women want recognition for having a vagina.

That's not radical feminism.
Oh, so you're a gender traitor like Ann Coulter.

A gender traitor?????????????

What the hell does that mean?

If you aren't a radical feminist you are a traitor to women?

Well then there are a hell of a lot of women who are "traitors!"

I wasn't aware women had to be mindless drones in the liberal army to not be "traitors."


At one time a radical feminist was a woman who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, chemist, scientist. A radical feminist was a woman that wanted recognition for her achievements. That was radical feminism. Now women want recognition for having a vagina.

That's not radical feminism.

It takes a special brand of cretin to try to label someone a gender traitor for having the audacity to think and speak without reliance on feminist orthodoxies.

libbiederps is just that special brand of cretin.
Having morality is "warped?"

I think we see who's warped, all right!


Yep. Its the people who would give full citizenship to a clump of cells and half citizenship to a woman.

Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

Clumps of cells do not have a constitutionally protected right to life.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.
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