Vagina? Not in this house!!

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

Actually, no. Liberals try to keep Conservatives from regulating personal freedom issues like who we can fuck, who we can marry and if we can elect to have a biological procedure done or not. And yeah, fuck us for actually listening to climate science and realizing that since you dumb, mouth-breathing fucktards killed NASA and we're never getting off this rock, we should probably try to prolong the human race as long as possible, which means taking care of the one goddamned planet we have.


I wish we could force every dumb-fuck Conservative to take basic science classes again. Or just watch a full day of Science channel.

Well that's great, so you're for polygamy and incest, awesome.
We didnt kill NASA dumbass, your president Obama did, for muslim outreach, WTF is that?NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first | Washington Examiner
I hate to embarass you with your horseshit. So Obama killed it, and wasnt doing any "exploring" to get us off this rock.

Climate science, hey you keep listening to that, and MR freedom, who wants abortions but bows to Al Gore and wants the governement in every aspect of his life, except for the abortion, gay stuff. It's ok to have freedom there, but not in other asepcts of your life. EAT THAT BROCOLLI and Turn that TSTAT down, you're killing the planet if you eat mean and used electricity!

Conservaidiot. I grew up in Oklahoma during the oil Boom days when they were drilling the crap out of OK.

Guess what! It was the cleanest state you could imagine. The water was so clean, in one mountain spring, they just stuck a pipe into the earth and people would come for miles to drink the water.

Millionaires don't want to live with dirty water, air, etc. They clean up their messes. And drilling that oil made MILLIONAIRES in Ok at the time.

Now since envirowhackos have put a stop to that? Is the state as clean? of course not! The Government EPA does as good a job as millionaires to clean their own back yard?

Another example of where liberals just made things dirty, in their "caring for the environment."
Right. I'm the racist. Good call, Guy Who Sucks.

How old are you? What ethnicity are you? I'll admit that I'm a white male in my early 30s. What are you? What demographic to you get put in? (I don't expect you to actually answer since it will clearly prove my point, but yeah)

Yes. You ARE a racist since YOU (being a racist pig dog) found it necessary to assume the race of the people you GENERALIZED about.

You are too fucking stupid to even glean you own vapidity.

Put down the thesaurus and actually make a point next time, Grampa.

Why aren't you answering my question? How old are you, and what's your ethnicity?

Why are you such a racist that, that should matter.

Are we asking YOU such questions????????

Oh, so you're a gender traitor like Ann Coulter.

A gender traitor?????????????

What the hell does that mean?

If you aren't a radical feminist you are a traitor to women?

Well then there are a hell of a lot of women who are "traitors!"

I wasn't aware women had to be mindless drones in the liberal army to not be "traitors."


At one time a radical feminist was a woman who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, chemist, scientist. A radical feminist was a woman that wanted recognition for her achievements. That was radical feminism. Now women want recognition for having a vagina.

That's not radical feminism.
So very true. So very sad.

And, those who do that kill a lot of advances women have made - fucking woman card cowardice.
Yep. Its the people who would give full citizenship to a clump of cells and half citizenship to a woman.

Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business. It certainly is my business. Your emphatic denial that it's any of "my" business is actually just a restatement of your very premise. But I deny your premise. So, while I understand your "need" to resort to that logical fallacy, it stands rejected.
Yep. Its the people who would give full citizenship to a clump of cells and half citizenship to a woman.

Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

Clumps of cells do not have a constitutionally protected right to life.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wow, atleast you dont hide that you hate kids, I'll give you that, points for honesty!
I already said. I'm in my 30s and I am white. Read a little more. And I don't really believe you, but I'll take you at your word, and assume your stupidity was handed down from your old, white patriarchal figures.

It was your stupidity that has been handed down.

The REALLY sad part is how you willingly and eagerly embrace obvious the modern American liberalism fail and all of its attendant stupidity.

But note: it doesn't matter the race of the older dopey libs who hand that shit down to you.

I came from a very Conservative upbringing. It's just then I went and got all educated and shit, and grew an intellect of my own.

I love modern American Liberalism. It allows me to see Conservatism for what it is: a slow poison.

In other words, he's a person who is led around by the nose and once he got to college to "fit in with the in crowd" he became as liberal as his profs and his friends.

My sister is just like that, and she's a lib too.

And yeah, they always think they are "thinking for themselves." But no, they are just repeating what everyone else says.
Yes. You ARE a racist since YOU (being a racist pig dog) found it necessary to assume the race of the people you GENERALIZED about.

You are too fucking stupid to even glean you own vapidity.

Put down the thesaurus and actually make a point next time, Grampa.

Why aren't you answering my question? How old are you, and what's your ethnicity?

Why are you such a racist that, that should matter.

Are we asking YOU such questions????????


He's a liberal, he think he's immune to criticism for racism, All he wants is for black people to be on the government roll and fed, housed and cared for the government. That sounds like another group of people that did all those things for blacks, except, now the crop is votes.
Obviously not.

For every woman struggling to make it into the boardroom, courthouse or laboratory, there are five women wearing short skirts and no underwear. Either literally, or figuratively as this woman has done.

She turned our government offices into upskirt websites. Are you happy now? Women are being put in their place, mostly through their own actions.

Oh horse shit. And IF you're a woman? You're working against your sisters. IF this all is going to be discussed, and it wasn't US that opened ANY of it up for debate, OUR side is going to be heard from in no uncertain terms.

YOU want to sit it out and be lady "LIKE," you're free to do so, but :fu: if you think you'll be telling the rest of us to be seen and not heard.

Every woman fighting to be taken seriously is fighting against her "sisters". It was always a fight against the sisters who want to skid through life on pussy juice. So you think it was men who put that glass ceiling in place? No. It was women who wanted to show off their thong. The worst enemy professional women have is other women. It has always been like that and times have not changed. The worst enemy of women seeking political office is women who have achieved political office and act like they never deserved it in the first place.

Your side will be heard from in no uncertain terms and men who intend achieve something serious will say "Now that SHE'S here, we'll have to smell the tuna".

Think of the powerful women in the world. The women who have risen to positions of leadership. Not a single one of them used sex as either the carrot or the stick. Aside from Lisa Brown's vagina what was the issue and how did her vagina bear down on it?

Women continually set women back every time they open their traps

Women like you and Phillis Schaffly.
It was your stupidity that has been handed down.

The REALLY sad part is how you willingly and eagerly embrace obvious the modern American liberalism fail and all of its attendant stupidity.

But note: it doesn't matter the race of the older dopey libs who hand that shit down to you.

I came from a very Conservative upbringing. It's just then I went and got all educated and shit, and grew an intellect of my own.

I love modern American Liberalism. It allows me to see Conservatism for what it is: a slow poison.

In other words, he's a person who is led around by the nose and once he got to college to "fit in with the in crowd" he became as liberal as his profs and his friends.

My sister is just like that, and she's a lib too.

And yeah, they always think they are "thinking for themselves." But no, they are just repeating what everyone else says.

Lots of us (myself included) were "proud" liberals back in the day. SOME of us were able to see the liberal/academia propagandistic teachings for what they were, at least after a while.

Liberalism CAN be outgrown. But it takes effort, honesty, logic and intellect.
Put down the thesaurus and actually make a point next time, Grampa.

Why aren't you answering my question? How old are you, and what's your ethnicity?

Why are you such a racist that, that should matter.

Are we asking YOU such questions????????


He's a liberal, he think he's immune to criticism for racism, All he wants is for black people to be on the government roll and fed, housed and cared for the government. That sounds like another group of people that did all those things for blacks, except, now the crop is votes.

oh, and fuck you, too.
They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.
Why anyone would be against making a facility that does medical procedures in line with other facilities who do medical procedures is beyond me.

These places were filthy, appallingly so. How does that help women keeping them that way?

I just don't get it. This isn't partisan, or shouldn't be.

They're not asking for them to be cleaned. They are asking for them to have corridors big enough to wheel a gurney down. They are asking for the buildings to be re-sized, as a means of control. "Sorry, but if you do abortions in an examining room, that's too small, and you can't do abortions anymore."
Oh I'm sorry , you dont like government regulation? The government would NEVER try to do something like that, that's what all the liberals tell us, oh except when it's something THEY care about. Hypocrisy, I love it, when it's exposed.
Why are you such a racist that, that should matter.

Are we asking YOU such questions????????


He's a liberal, he think he's immune to criticism for racism, All he wants is for black people to be on the government roll and fed, housed and cared for the government. That sounds like another group of people that did all those things for blacks, except, now the crop is votes.

oh, and fuck you, too.

wait, I was just lectured in my own thread about incivility, i'm shocked, SHOCKED a left winger would go to that level.
Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business. It certainly is my business. Your emphatic denial that it's any of "my" business is actually just a restatement of your very premise. But I deny your premise. So, while I understand your "need" to resort to that logical fallacy, it stands rejected.

Obviously you speak of Section ONE

'SECTION 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Which addressed Dred Scott and the Civil Rights Act of 1866...:eusa_whistle:
Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business. It certainly is my business. Your emphatic denial that it's any of "my" business is actually just a restatement of your very premise. But I deny your premise. So, while I understand your "need" to resort to that logical fallacy, it stands rejected.


or a uterus, or ANY method of sustaining that which you mean to compel?

NO? :eek:

Then it's none of your fucking business.

True story.
Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Sorry Barb, but that's not your call. White men get to make that decision for you. Says so in the Bible. Now stop quibbling and get back in line.

When did WHITE come into this debate? Do you always have to bring race in? So what is your ethnicity, I'm one of those white males, and my wife and I havent been put in a position to make that decision, because we're smart and can avoid it.
If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business. It certainly is my business. Your emphatic denial that it's any of "my" business is actually just a restatement of your very premise. But I deny your premise. So, while I understand your "need" to resort to that logical fallacy, it stands rejected.


or a uterus, or ANY method of sustaining that which you mean to compel?

NO? :eek:

Then it's none of your fucking business.

True story.

I appreciate your general incoherence.

But I do not have to have a uterus or mammary glands or a vagina to say that human life is worthy of defense.

And yes. It absolutely IS my business.

And THAT is THE only true story as between the two of us in this discussion.
He's a liberal, he think he's immune to criticism for racism, All he wants is for black people to be on the government roll and fed, housed and cared for the government. That sounds like another group of people that did all those things for blacks, except, now the crop is votes.

oh, and fuck you, too.

wait, I was just lectured in my own thread about incivility, i'm shocked, SHOCKED a left winger would go to that level.

I'm fairly certain I haven't been around these parts lecturing on civility.

Or servility.

We aren't a cohesive unit. You'll have to address us individually, if at all.
Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business. It certainly is my business. Your emphatic denial that it's any of "my" business is actually just a restatement of your very premise. But I deny your premise. So, while I understand your "need" to resort to that logical fallacy, it stands rejected.


or a uterus, or ANY method of sustaining that which you mean to compel?

NO? :eek:

Then it's none of your fucking business.

True story.

I appreciate your general incoherence.

But I do not have to have a uterus or mammary glands or a vagina to say that human life is worthy of defense.

And yes. It absolutely IS my business.

And THAT is THE only true story as between the two of us in this discussion.

IS NOT. :talk2hand:
oh, and fuck you, too.

wait, I was just lectured in my own thread about incivility, i'm shocked, SHOCKED a left winger would go to that level.

I'm fairly certain I haven't been around these parts lecturing on civility.

Or servility.

We aren't a cohesive unit. You'll have to address us individually, if at all.

But you folks tend to speak mostly in terms of glaring generalities.

So, your application to have it both ways is rejected.

Learn to cope.

or a uterus, or ANY method of sustaining that which you mean to compel?

NO? :eek:

Then it's none of your fucking business.

True story.

I appreciate your general incoherence.

But I do not have to have a uterus or mammary glands or a vagina to say that human life is worthy of defense.

And yes. It absolutely IS my business.

And THAT is THE only true story as between the two of us in this discussion.

IS NOT. :talk2hand:

Yeah, actually. It is. :eusa_hand:

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