Vagina? Not in this house!!

They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.
Why anyone would be against making a facility that does medical procedures in line with other facilities who do medical procedures is beyond me.

These places were filthy, appallingly so. How does that help women keeping them that way?

I just don't get it. This isn't partisan, or shouldn't be.

Why do you keep trying to bring this back to something you know perfectly well the thread isn't about? Start another thread if you want to discuss sanitary issues. This is about the right of women to be heard, in the very same language that certain lawmakers are trying to limit our options.


What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!
A gender traitor?????????????

What the hell does that mean?

If you aren't a radical feminist you are a traitor to women?

Well then there are a hell of a lot of women who are "traitors!"

I wasn't aware women had to be mindless drones in the liberal army to not be "traitors."


At one time a radical feminist was a woman who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, chemist, scientist. A radical feminist was a woman that wanted recognition for her achievements. That was radical feminism. Now women want recognition for having a vagina.

That's not radical feminism.
So very true. So very sad.

And, those who do that kill a lot of advances women have made - fucking woman card cowardice.

Maybe, with very few exceptions, American women are incapable. There is no American counterpart to Andrea Merkle. Not even close. The closest might be Hillary Clinton. I've never heard her vagina speech. Have you?

American women think they were better off when they were patted on the head and told to go get the coffee.
Ask the Republicans. They're really good at it.

Ok you legislate everything else. It's pretty easy not to get pregnant.

I'm not even sure what that means. But I love that you Conservatives just say "It's easy not to get pregnant." or "Put an aspirin between your knees." Because you know, life can be boiled down to these cute little axioms.

It is easy to not get pregnant and it doesn't even require abstinance, which, incidentally does have a 100% rate of effectiveness. This is the 21st century. We have more and better methods of contraception than at any other time in human history. All you have to do is use them.
Or, it's the people who would DENY the right to life to such "clump of cells"

If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

a matter of mere convenience.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.
Why anyone would be against making a facility that does medical procedures in line with other facilities who do medical procedures is beyond me.

These places were filthy, appallingly so. How does that help women keeping them that way?

I just don't get it. This isn't partisan, or shouldn't be.

Why do you keep trying to bring this back to something you know perfectly well the thread isn't about? Start another thread if you want to discuss sanitary issues. This is about the right of women to be heard, in the very same language that certain lawmakers are trying to limit our options.


What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!

There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.
Well that's great, so you're for polygamy and incest, awesome.

Uhh. What the fuck? When did I ever say that? I didn't. So you're just once again grasping for some straws to "BOO YA" me and yet you're all "Boo" and no "Ya."

Well again, I just wanted to prove the point, you're not pro choice, I know you said you were pro abortion, I just wanted a confirmation. Funny how you didnt answer the issues related to abortion, like is it that hard to avoid getting pregnant?
We didnt kill NASA dumbass, you're president Obama did, for muslim outreach, WTF is that?NASA's Muslim outreach: Al Jazeera told first | Washington Examiner
I hate to embarass you with your horseshit. So Obama killed it, and wasnt doing any "exploring" to get us off this rock.

The Obama administration was in control when the final nail was put in the space shuttle program, sure. But that's after decades of the program being de-funded so that the Defense budget could have more cash. Gee, I wonder which side pushed that? I fully hold the Right Wing responsible for placing fiduciary emphasis on war and not science and exploration. Imagine what we would have achieved with a 10% lower Defense budget and then taken that 10% and given it to NASA.

You're a Conservative, so you may not understand how science works, but I'll just tell you: We'd probably be on Mars by now. Just sayin'. Your side fucked that up. Because you're fuckheads.

Hey dumbshit, I'm ALL for NASA, It would be nice if we didnt have to pay for shit like the NEA or GSA. But since the only thing liberals want to cut is defense, and NOTHING else (which also happens to be a great deal of scientific investment and R&D to get better ways to kill people, which just HAPPENS to help in other areas, like NASA as well). we really dont have the cash for it, but yes NASA dies on Obama's watch, with democrats in control of EVERY branch, yet they didnt change anything in the budget to HELP NASA, did they? You blame Reagan? EVen if he did cut NASA, Obama could have increased funding, but he'd have to give up cash for clunkers...oooh no....not that...

Climate science, hey you keep listening to that, and MR freedom, who wants abortions but bows to Al Gore and wants the governement in every aspect of his life, except for the abortion, gay stuff. It's ok to have freedom there, but not in other asepcts of your life. EAT THAT BROCOLLI and Turn that TSTAT down, you're killing the planet if you eat mean and used electricity!

This last paragraph really doesn't need a response because it was clearly a last money-shot of rhetoric that didn't really have much of a point. Unless being simply pedantic was your point. In which case: YAY! You did it!

Ok I'll type it slower, You are for a large expansive government that wants to control everything about you. I resist that, except when it gets to killing people and while you love abortion and letting killers go free, because they have "learned their lesson" at the same time you believe in climate change, and dont question why Al Gore can use private planes, run up HUGE electirc bills in his MANY houses, yet we cant even buy an incandescent light bulb, you know the kind of bulbs, the "little" guy can afford, you dont really get the big picture do ya?
Why do you keep trying to bring this back to something you know perfectly well the thread isn't about? Start another thread if you want to discuss sanitary issues. This is about the right of women to be heard, in the very same language that certain lawmakers are trying to limit our options.


What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!

There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.

When did the state make us have sex and not use protection and get pregnant? I missed that bill, I so would want to party on that day. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and fuck you, too.

wait, I was just lectured in my own thread about incivility, i'm shocked, SHOCKED a left winger would go to that level.

I'm fairly certain I haven't been around these parts lecturing on civility.

Or servility.

We aren't a cohesive unit. You'll have to address us individually, if at all.

No you're correct you havent, but others have, and I'm a huge one who doesnt give a shit for "civility", so I'll be your huckleberry ;)
If they did the 14th amendment would specific that citizenship starts at conception.

A woman's reasons are none of your fucking business.

Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.

At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them. No one could have foreseen that an unborn child's life threatening enemy would be its mother. Child murder was reserved to the most barbaric of peoples and even they practiced it only in certain circumstances.

The fact of abortion should not be in question. There will always be women in such desperate circumstances that they will do anything to end a pregnancy. What should make all of us recoil in horror is that abortion has become macabre and grotesque. That we nonchalantly accept the macabre and grotesque as acceptable says something about us as a people.

We now kill off so many of our own people, that we need immigrants to make up for the fact that we killed off our babies. Then encourage immigrants to kill their own babies.
Ok you legislate everything else. It's pretty easy not to get pregnant.

I'm not even sure what that means. But I love that you Conservatives just say "It's easy not to get pregnant." or "Put an aspirin between your knees." Because you know, life can be boiled down to these cute little axioms.

It is easy to not get pregnant and it doesn't even require abstinance, which, incidentally does have a 100% rate of effectiveness. This is the 21st century. We have more and better methods of contraception than at any other time in human history. All you have to do is use them.

If all the legislators' wives and girlfriends started abstaining, maybe they'd change their tune.
Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.

At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them. No one could have foreseen that an unborn child's life threatening enemy would be its mother. Child murder was reserved to the most barbaric of peoples and even they practiced it only in certain circumstances.

The fact of abortion should not be in question. There will always be women in such desperate circumstances that they will do anything to end a pregnancy. What should make all of us recoil in horror is that abortion has become macabre and grotesque. That we nonchalantly accept the macabre and grotesque as acceptable says something about us as a people.

We now kill off so many of our own people, that we need immigrants to make up for the fact that we killed off our babies. Then encourage immigrants to kill their own babies.

Any wonder why the Founder's put LIFE at the top of the list?

Ok you legislate everything else. It's pretty easy not to get pregnant.

I'm not even sure what that means. But I love that you Conservatives just say "It's easy not to get pregnant." or "Put an aspirin between your knees." Because you know, life can be boiled down to these cute little axioms.

It is easy to not get pregnant and it doesn't even require abstinance, which, incidentally does have a 100% rate of effectiveness. This is the 21st century. We have more and better methods of contraception than at any other time in human history. All you have to do is use them.

Between 1995 and 2003, abortion rates dropped more in developed than in developing countries. And although it may be difficult for some to accept, rates fell most sharply in countries where abortion is legally available on broad grounds and widely available in practice.
Cohen, Susan A. “New Data on Abortion Incidence, Safety Illuminate Key Aspects of Worldwide Abortion Debate“ Guttmacher Institute. 2007. Volume 10. 4. (accessed April 20, 2009)
USAID.GOV. About USAID. USA.GOV. Last Updated April 3, 2009.
This may have something to do with it;

Michigan: the Islamic capital of the US

Michigan: the Islamic capital of the US
*By Sher Zieve

As of 2005, Michigan held the largest and still growing Muslim population in the United States and the second largest Arab population outside of the Middle East. Outside of Muslim-run countries, ... It is estimated that eight million Muslims now live in the US and their numbers are continuing to grow. Islam is now the second-largest religious body in the United States and is said to be its fastest growing religious movement.

Although hundreds of long-time residents of Hamtramck, MI protested the city allowing the five-times-per-day Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast over Hamtramck's loudspeakers, the city council voted unanimously in April 2004 to allow it. Prior to the city council making its decision, public input from any citizens (except Muslims) had not been allowed. This continues today. Hamtramck resident Bob Golen was outraged by the city council's actions and said: "So they had made up their mind before any public meeting and it's been five-nothing ever since. This is only the beginning. They're going to use Hamtramck as a precedent. This is coming to your town, to the town down the road, and to the [next] town down the road." Golen added that, after the city council voted to allow the calls to prayer, one of the city councilmen said that he was "proud to set a precedent in this country."

Note: The most dangerous element of this "precedent" appears to be a US city council making a unilateral decision. No input from non-Muslim US citizen-residents was required — or permitted. Sound a bit like Shari'a law (which requires only Islamic clerics to make decisions) to you? It should. Only one-third of Hamtramck's population is Muslim. However, it is the group that appears to now wield the proverbial sword when and where its religious practices are involved. Hamtramck's Christians and Jews need not waste their time protesting, as this pro-Muslim (to the exclusion of other religions?) city council now firmly appears to be in control of matters relating to Islam."

No, it doesn't.
Wrong. The 14th Amendment "wouldn't" necessarily have even THOUGHT to address when "life" itself begins.

It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

And you are also wrong to say that protecting innocent life is none of my business.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.

At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them.

My gawd you are dumb. Pregnancy out of wedlock has existed since the dawn of time and so has abortion. The idea that the Founders would have been unaware of either of these is just fucking retarded.

The rest of your post is just a bunch of whining.
It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.

At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them. No one could have foreseen that an unborn child's life threatening enemy would be its mother. Child murder was reserved to the most barbaric of peoples and even they practiced it only in certain circumstances.

The fact of abortion should not be in question. There will always be women in such desperate circumstances that they will do anything to end a pregnancy. What should make all of us recoil in horror is that abortion has become macabre and grotesque. That we nonchalantly accept the macabre and grotesque as acceptable says something about us as a people.

We now kill off so many of our own people, that we need immigrants to make up for the fact that we killed off our babies. Then encourage immigrants to kill their own babies.

Any wonder why the Founder's put LIFE at the top of the list?


well according to these people. unborn babies are clumps of cells, which....wait....kinda sounds like EVERY living thing, so in war we just killed clumps of cells that happen to be muslim, the left should be proud. The guy that said it (OOh) didnt like us bombing Japan, all we did was kill clumps of cells of Japanese, I guess if a doctor had pulled the bombay doors, he would be happier about it.
Last edited:
What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!

There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.

When did the state make us have sex and not use protection and get pregnant? I missed that bill, I so would want to party on that day. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, are you trying to miss the point? The transvaginal ultrasound was ordered.
They should ban her for introducing idiotic legislation:

The House forbid Byrum from introducing her amendment to the abortion bill, which would have banned men from getting a vasectomy unless they could provide proof that it was a medical emergency

Read more: Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown silenced after

Sperm are alive are they not?

What kind of life are sperm? Dog life? Cat life? Ant life? No, silly, HUMAN life. But in Michigan its OK for men to destroy God's Creations by masturbating, vasectomozing - whatever. Billions upon billions of human life sperm go die in vain everyday in toilets, socks, and on the backs of in-the-closet Republicans - yet no one will stand up for their rights!

Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground.
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found.

Every sperm is wanted.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.

Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Spill theirs just anywhere,
But God loves those who treat their
Semen with more care.

-Monty Python

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