Vagina? Not in this house!!

Hey guys, I just bought a new pack of Abortion Cards, because you know, Abortion is the national sport. I want to collect them all. So far I have a Planned Parenthood card and a Clump of Cells card. Oh and a bunch of murderous scumbag Christians who killed abortion doctors defending the rights of an organism that has a high mathematical probability of miscarrying anyway.

Anyone want to trade with me?

Republicans, Get In My Vagina: Kate Beckinsale Satirizes 'War On Women' With Funny Or Die (VIDEO)

LOL.... Liberals come out of the other hole :badgrin:
Hey guys, I just bought a new pack of Abortion Cards, because you know, Abortion is the national sport. I want to collect them all. So far I have a Planned Parenthood card and a Clump of Cells card. Oh and a bunch of murderous scumbag Christians who killed abortion doctors defending the rights of an organism that has a high mathematical probability of miscarrying anyway.

Anyone want to trade with me?

I'm not sure. You may be pepperoni (not that there's anything wrong with that!) whereas I am strictly sausage.
I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells. Also, you dimwitted fucking idiots, a lot of the time frame in which women get abortions is the same time when miscarriages happen the most. Do you fucking simpletons call miscarriages God's Abortions. Because you should. A lot of time miscarriages happen without women even realizing they'd missed a period.

Again, no man on this Earth has the right to tell a woman who they can fuck, how they can fuck and what they can do after they've fucked. We've evolved passed that point, and once you old fucking shrivs die off, we'll be that much closer to not having this discussion. It's this topic and Gay Marriage that me me so happy to know that this country is moving farther and farther away from religion.

Time to take the country back from the mouth-breathing Science Haters.

Again, when did we say anything about WHO you fuck, see I made a point about whores and you got mad, but then you bring this up, which is where you are trying to back sexual promiscuity or why bring it up?

yeah and miscarriages happen, but that's not the same as a concious descision to kill you "clump of cells". If you see things as a clump of cells and that's it, you got issues man. You said you had kids, so you saw them as a "clump of cells"? I really doubt that, again another bs arguement. you say that in the abstract, but in reality you probably were excited and I bet you're happy you have your kids. And that is a good thing!
Hey guys, I just bought a new pack of Abortion Cards, because you know, Abortion is the national sport. I want to collect them all. So far I have a Planned Parenthood card and a Clump of Cells card. Oh and a bunch of murderous scumbag Christians who killed abortion doctors defending the rights of an organism that has a high mathematical probability of miscarrying anyway.

Anyone want to trade with me?

I'm not sure. You may be pepperoni (not that there's anything wrong with that!) whereas I am strictly sausage.

I'm not even sure I know exactly what that euphemism means, but I'll allow it.
Hey guys, I just bought a new pack of Abortion Cards, because you know, Abortion is the national sport. I want to collect them all. So far I have a Planned Parenthood card and a Clump of Cells card. Oh and a bunch of murderous scumbag Christians who killed abortion doctors defending the rights of an organism that has a high mathematical probability of miscarrying anyway.

Anyone want to trade with me?

I'm not sure. You may be pepperoni (not that there's anything wrong with that!) whereas I am strictly sausage.

I'm not even sure I know exactly what that euphemism means, but I'll allow it.

/points at your location
Hey guys, I just bought a new pack of Abortion Cards, because you know, Abortion is the national sport. I want to collect them all. So far I have a Planned Parenthood card and a Clump of Cells card. Oh and a bunch of murderous scumbag Christians who killed abortion doctors defending the rights of an organism that has a high mathematical probability of miscarrying anyway.

Anyone want to trade with me?

really, I dont remember us cheering for the doctor, did I miss that? Again that detatched, abstrtact clump of cells, What does that mean? Isnt a heart or a liver a "clump of cells"?
Actually, it was about silencing a female legislator.

Boop I'm with ya, it shouldnt have happend, but are you for free speech? Is there anything outside of causing panick or threats that you would have a problem with. I do think those things should be attacked, but outside of those two reasons, I'm game, say what ya mean and mean what ya say.
I hate to break it to the non-science-understanding crowd, but for a good third of the pregnancy it really is a clump of cells. Also, you dimwitted fucking idiots, a lot of the time frame in which women get abortions is the same time when miscarriages happen the most. Do you fucking simpletons call miscarriages God's Abortions. Because you should. A lot of time miscarriages happen without women even realizing they'd missed a period.

Again, no man on this Earth has the right to tell a woman who they can fuck, how they can fuck and what they can do after they've fucked. We've evolved passed that point, and once you old fucking shrivs die off, we'll be that much closer to not having this discussion. It's this topic and Gay Marriage that me me so happy to know that this country is moving farther and farther away from religion.

Time to take the country back from the mouth-breathing Science Haters.

Again, when did we say anything about WHO you fuck, see I made a point about whores and you got mad, but then you bring this up, which is where you are trying to back sexual promiscuity or why bring it up?

yeah and miscarriages happen, but that's not the same as a concious descision to kill you "clump of cells". If you see things as a clump of cells and that's it, you got issues man. You said you had kids, so you saw them as a "clump of cells"? I really doubt that, again another bs arguement. you say that in the abstract, but in reality you probably were excited and I bet you're happy you have your kids. And that is a good thing!

The fact that would call ANY women who sleep with whomever they want, whenever they want whores, is what makes you a terrible person and I hope your sterile. I seriously mean that. I hope you cannot produce children.

Let me ask you this, Bill Nye the Science Guy, at what stage of human gestation could a fetus be born and survive? I'll even allow crazy medical-based procedures for this one. Even though, if it were up to Conservatives we'd stop funding science and medical research to make sure we have the biggest dick, er I mean guns, in the world.

Answer me that, fuckface. It is a "clump of cells" for much of the first trimester. So here's the thing: I listen to Science. I don't listen to Jesus. I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh. I listen to Science. And if Science can't guarantee me that the baby the woman aborts at 15 weeks would survive outside the mother's womb, then let them abort away.

And like I said, fuck overpopulation. It's a big problem, and I think having 7 billion people on this Earth is pretty good, considering we haven't figured out how to feed, clothe and educate the ones already here.
But you folks tend to speak mostly in terms of glaring generalities.

So, your application to have it both ways is rejected.

Learn to cope.

WE do? :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

You don't get to reject anything, and I didn't apply to YOU. :fu:

Maybe you could update your own coping skills, as they seem a smidge bi-polar. You don't have to, mind you, but it might be one of those "physician heal thyself" band aids to your own "general incoherence." :whip:

Your incoherence has become your dominant trait, Babbles.

WTF are you babbling about this time?


Newsflash, though. I do get to reject anything I choose to reject including the nonsense you tend to spew.

Your permission not required. Your opinion not useful. Your objection irrelevant.

You reject any truth you're not comfortable facing, cupcake. Nobody here will judge you, given your obvious limitations. :lame2:

Except me, because I can't help but notice that whenever you're on the losing side of things you trend towards the pejorative attempt at dismissal. :rolleyes:

News flash: I'm not emotionally or in any other way invested in your or anyone else's approval. :up_yours:
Actually, it was about silencing a female legislator.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

You mean she embarrassed YOU, a Conservative. You do realize there are plenty, probably MORE in fact, women who love what she did, and commend her for it right?

That's what I can't stand about Conservatives. You all say that Liberals want to control you, and yet you're the ones who think you seriously speak for all professionals, all humans, all Americans, etc. You guys need to wake up to the fact that about as many people that like your ideas hate them in this country.

I know it looks differently on THIS board, but go to a Liberal-dominated board, or just step outside your comfort zone and go to a different part of the country, and you'll see tons of Liberals living their lives. And the weird part is that you don't see two gay dudes fucking in the street, or massive lines at the abortion clinics. You just see average people doing their thing, Chicken Wing.

Stop speaking for everyone; because you don't.
Actually, it was about silencing a female legislator.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

You mean she embarrassed YOU, a Conservative. You do realize there are plenty, probably MORE in fact, women who love what she did, and commend her for it right?

That's what I can't stand about Conservatives. You all say that Liberals want to control you, and yet you're the ones who think you seriously speak for all professionals, all humans, all Americans, etc. You guys need to wake up to the fact that about as many people that like your ideas hate them in this country.

I know it looks differently on THIS board, but go to a Liberal-dominated board, or just step outside your comfort zone and go to a different part of the country, and you'll see tons of Liberals living their lives. And the weird part is that you don't see two gay dudes fucking in the street, or massive lines at the abortion clinics. You just see average people doing their thing, Chicken Wing.

Stop speaking for everyone; because you don't.
I mean what I said, you sexist pig.

She sets back what I, personally, worked for.
But you folks tend to speak mostly in terms of glaring generalities.

So, your application to have it both ways is rejected.

Learn to cope.

WE do? :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

You don't get to reject anything, and I didn't apply to YOU. :fu:

Maybe you could update your own coping skills, as they seem a smidge bi-polar. You don't have to, mind you, but it might be one of those "physician heal thyself" band aids to your own "general incoherence." :whip:

BOTH sides do, I'll admit it, liberals tend to have a high horse, even though they stereotype just as much as anyone.

SOME on both sides do.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

You mean she embarrassed YOU, a Conservative. You do realize there are plenty, probably MORE in fact, women who love what she did, and commend her for it right?

That's what I can't stand about Conservatives. You all say that Liberals want to control you, and yet you're the ones who think you seriously speak for all professionals, all humans, all Americans, etc. You guys need to wake up to the fact that about as many people that like your ideas hate them in this country.

I know it looks differently on THIS board, but go to a Liberal-dominated board, or just step outside your comfort zone and go to a different part of the country, and you'll see tons of Liberals living their lives. And the weird part is that you don't see two gay dudes fucking in the street, or massive lines at the abortion clinics. You just see average people doing their thing, Chicken Wing.

Stop speaking for everyone; because you don't.
I mean what I said, you sexist pig.

She sets back what I, personally, worked for.

Wait. How am I sexist again? Point to the post I made (other than the one you neg-repped like a massive Pussy) that made me seem sexist to you. I haven't laughed at your stupidity in about three minutes, so please do this.

What did you work for? To keep your fellow females underpaid? To keep them unable to make decisions with their own vaginae? What exactly is it that you fought for, besides keeping men in power, specifically?
WE do? :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

You don't get to reject anything, and I didn't apply to YOU. :fu:

Maybe you could update your own coping skills, as they seem a smidge bi-polar. You don't have to, mind you, but it might be one of those "physician heal thyself" band aids to your own "general incoherence." :whip:

Your incoherence has become your dominant trait, Babbles.

WTF are you babbling about this time?


Newsflash, though. I do get to reject anything I choose to reject including the nonsense you tend to spew.

Your permission not required. Your opinion not useful. Your objection irrelevant.

You reject any truth you're not comfortable facing, cupcake. Nobody here will judge you, given your obvious limitations. :lame2:

Except me, because I can't help but notice that whenever you're on the losing side of things you trend towards the pejorative attempt at dismissal. :rolleyes:

News flash: I'm not emotionally or in any other way invested in your or anyone else's approval. :up_yours:

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

You mean she embarrassed YOU, a Conservative. You do realize there are plenty, probably MORE in fact, women who love what she did, and commend her for it right?

That's what I can't stand about Conservatives. You all say that Liberals want to control you, and yet you're the ones who think you seriously speak for all professionals, all humans, all Americans, etc. You guys need to wake up to the fact that about as many people that like your ideas hate them in this country.

I know it looks differently on THIS board, but go to a Liberal-dominated board, or just step outside your comfort zone and go to a different part of the country, and you'll see tons of Liberals living their lives. And the weird part is that you don't see two gay dudes fucking in the street, or massive lines at the abortion clinics. You just see average people doing their thing, Chicken Wing.

Stop speaking for everyone; because you don't.
I mean what I said, you sexist pig.

She sets back what I, personally, worked for.

You, personally, worked for yourself. SHE, as a woman, spoke for a LOT of us.
At one time a radical feminist was a woman who wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, chemist, scientist. A radical feminist was a woman that wanted recognition for her achievements. That was radical feminism. Now women want recognition for having a vagina.

That's not radical feminism.
So very true. So very sad.

And, those who do that kill a lot of advances women have made - fucking woman card cowardice.

Maybe, with very few exceptions, American women are incapable. There is no American counterpart to Andrea Merkle. Not even close. The closest might be Hillary Clinton. I've never heard her vagina speech. Have you?

American women think they were better off when they were patted on the head and told to go get the coffee.

Gosh, I guess that made Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria or Margaret Thatcher radical feminists.

What a load of crap.

Now, a woman can play the "victim" card if she has a vagina while sleeping around with the frequency of a cheap ham radio?

Only stupid libs trying to justify promiscuity buy that crap.


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