Vagina? Not in this house!!

You mean she embarrassed YOU, a Conservative. You do realize there are plenty, probably MORE in fact, women who love what she did, and commend her for it right?

That's what I can't stand about Conservatives. You all say that Liberals want to control you, and yet you're the ones who think you seriously speak for all professionals, all humans, all Americans, etc. You guys need to wake up to the fact that about as many people that like your ideas hate them in this country.

I know it looks differently on THIS board, but go to a Liberal-dominated board, or just step outside your comfort zone and go to a different part of the country, and you'll see tons of Liberals living their lives. And the weird part is that you don't see two gay dudes fucking in the street, or massive lines at the abortion clinics. You just see average people doing their thing, Chicken Wing.

Stop speaking for everyone; because you don't.
I mean what I said, you sexist pig.

She sets back what I, personally, worked for.

Wait. How am I sexist again? Point to the post I made (other than the one you neg-repped like a massive Pussy) that made me seem sexist to you. I haven't laughed at your stupidity in about three minutes, so please do this.

What did you work for? To keep your fellow females underpaid? To keep them unable to make decisions with their own vaginae? What exactly is it that you fought for, besides keeping men in power, specifically?
And, when I spread more rep around, I'll tag you for your neg rep whine.
I like she didn't even deny that she's trying to usurp everyone's opinions as her own. Honestly, is there one social issue where Conservatives don't try to claim they speak for EVERYONE in the country? It's like they truly believe they have the market cornered on morality. Idiots.
So very true. So very sad.

And, those who do that kill a lot of advances women have made - fucking woman card cowardice.

Maybe, with very few exceptions, American women are incapable. There is no American counterpart to Andrea Merkle. Not even close. The closest might be Hillary Clinton. I've never heard her vagina speech. Have you?

American women think they were better off when they were patted on the head and told to go get the coffee.

Gosh, I guess that made Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria or Margaret Thatcher radical feminists.

What a load of crap.

Now, a woman can play the "victim" card if she has a vagina while sleeping around with the frequency of a cheap ham radio?

Only stupid libs trying to justify promiscuity buy that crap.

Why ANY discussion about abortion ends up being about whores/promiscuity/etc., is beyond me.
WE do? :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

You don't get to reject anything, and I didn't apply to YOU. :fu:

Maybe you could update your own coping skills, as they seem a smidge bi-polar. You don't have to, mind you, but it might be one of those "physician heal thyself" band aids to your own "general incoherence." :whip:

BOTH sides do, I'll admit it, liberals tend to have a high horse, even though they stereotype just as much as anyone.

SOME on both sides do.

Oh come on, who doesent? What a crock.
I like she didn't even deny that she's trying to usurp everyone's opinions as her own. Honestly, is there one social issue where Conservatives don't try to claim they speak for EVERYONE in the country? It's like they truly believe they have the market cornered on morality. Idiots.

Well I guess it depends on what you think morality. I SAY That necrophilia is disgusting, anyone WANT to disagree?
Your incoherence has become your dominant trait, Babbles.

WTF are you babbling about this time?


Newsflash, though. I do get to reject anything I choose to reject including the nonsense you tend to spew.

Your permission not required. Your opinion not useful. Your objection irrelevant.

You reject any truth you're not comfortable facing, cupcake. Nobody here will judge you, given your obvious limitations. :lame2:

Except me, because I can't help but notice that whenever you're on the losing side of things you trend towards the pejorative attempt at dismissal. :rolleyes:

News flash: I'm not emotionally or in any other way invested in your or anyone else's approval. :up_yours:

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.

I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:
I mean what I said, you sexist pig.

She sets back what I, personally, worked for.

Wait. How am I sexist again? Point to the post I made (other than the one you neg-repped like a massive Pussy) that made me seem sexist to you. I haven't laughed at your stupidity in about three minutes, so please do this.

What did you work for? To keep your fellow females underpaid? To keep them unable to make decisions with their own vaginae? What exactly is it that you fought for, besides keeping men in power, specifically?
And, when I spread more rep around, I'll tag you for your neg rep whine.

How about you answer my actual question you dumb fuck? How am I sexist? Point it out. You can neg-rep the living fuck out of me. It's a badge of pride for me that I've pissed off so many of you massive, weeping pussies that you've felt the need to neg-rep me like this. Each little red splat means I've gotten under the skin of some mouth-breathing fucktard like you enough to make you just have to be passive-aggressive about what I said.

And yet you still will not answer my very simple and direct question of what I've said that makes me a sexist. I'll await your response.

Also, what kind of professional woman are you that you'd be this fucking stupid in? I thought Corporate America was only full of the best and the brightest. Thanks for debunking THAT particular myth.
I like she didn't even deny that she's trying to usurp everyone's opinions as her own. Honestly, is there one social issue where Conservatives don't try to claim they speak for EVERYONE in the country? It's like they truly believe they have the market cornered on morality. Idiots.

Well I guess it depends on what you think morality. I SAY That necrophilia is disgusting, anyone WANT to disagree?

RIGHT! Because Liberals are marching on the streets for the right to fuck dead people.

Sometimes Right Wing rhetoric goes beyond insulting and into the land of "Ha ha, You Guys Really Area Fucking Stupid."
Wait. How am I sexist again? Point to the post I made (other than the one you neg-repped like a massive Pussy) that made me seem sexist to you. I haven't laughed at your stupidity in about three minutes, so please do this.

What did you work for? To keep your fellow females underpaid? To keep them unable to make decisions with their own vaginae? What exactly is it that you fought for, besides keeping men in power, specifically?
And, when I spread more rep around, I'll tag you for your neg rep whine.

How about you answer my actual question you dumb fuck? How am I sexist? Point it out. You can neg-rep the living fuck out of me. It's a badge of pride for me that I've pissed off so many of you massive, weeping pussies that you've felt the need to neg-rep me like this. Each little red splat means I've gotten under the skin of some mouth-breathing fucktard like you enough to make you just have to be passive-aggressive about what I said.

And yet you still will not answer my very simple and direct question of what I've said that makes me a sexist. I'll await your response.

Also, what kind of professional woman are you that you'd be this fucking stupid in? I thought Corporate America was only full of the best and the brightest. Thanks for debunking THAT particular myth.

YOU have no point but to TROLL.

Get lost Derp.
Actually, it was about silencing a female legislator.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

That’s not the point.

One is at liberty to embarrass oneself, free from government restriction, even in a legislative venue. She said nothing that violated any parliamentary procedure or decorum. Her ‘crime’ was dissent, something conservatives can’t abide.
So very true. So very sad.

And, those who do that kill a lot of advances women have made - fucking woman card cowardice.

Maybe, with very few exceptions, American women are incapable. There is no American counterpart to Andrea Merkle. Not even close. The closest might be Hillary Clinton. I've never heard her vagina speech. Have you?

American women think they were better off when they were patted on the head and told to go get the coffee.

Gosh, I guess that made Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria or Margaret Thatcher radical feminists.

What a load of crap.

Now, a woman can play the "victim" card if she has a vagina while sleeping around with the frequency of a cheap ham radio?

Only stupid libs trying to justify promiscuity buy that crap.


Hey, Si Modo The WonderMoron:

See above for actual sexism, you fucking Dopey Dope Dope.
You reject any truth you're not comfortable facing, cupcake. Nobody here will judge you, given your obvious limitations. :lame2:

Except me, because I can't help but notice that whenever you're on the losing side of things you trend towards the pejorative attempt at dismissal. :rolleyes:

News flash: I'm not emotionally or in any other way invested in your or anyone else's approval. :up_yours:

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.

I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Put him on ignore, he brings nothing to the table.
Actually, it was about silencing a female legislator.
:lol: You're right, that is the specific topic in this one.

K. I'm glad they did. As a professional woman, she is embarrassing and her actions set back almost every woman in a professional setting.

That’s not the point.

One is at liberty to embarrass oneself, free from government restriction, even in a legislative venue. She said nothing that violated any parliamentary procedure or decorum. Her ‘crime’ was dissent, something conservatives can’t abide.

They referred to her speech as a temper tantrum, rather like earlier when Infidel told me to calm down.

Apparently, only men are allowed to speak heatedly. Frankly, I had no idea.

Thanks, MOM!! :thup:
How come you Conservatives care about fetuses up until they're born?

Wow, and he calls my stuff stupid? We love kids, liberals want to kill "inferior" people, not conservatives.

Oh that's right, governement assistance equals=caring. I mean plantation owners gave their slaves food, drink, housing, and a job to do, hmmm sounds alot like liberal government programs. Oh and just like liberals they killed babies they didnt want. I mean the only thing different is the crop is votes and not cotton.

ha ha ha ha ha!

You compared plantation owners to Liberals and you meant it. Thanks for proving that I no longer have to waste two neurons responding to you. Way to fail at life.

Also, what "inferior" people are you claiming that Liberals want to kill, exactly? Actually, don't answer that. I just re-read your post and got to the slave owners=Liberals part and realized for the second time in five minutes that you're fucking stupid.

you're so smart and here is your "inferior" killing
Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say - Telegraph

I like that title, killind babies is NO different than aboriton. hmmmmmmmm
I love to be right
I was nice about how I asked about your personal experience and how you avoided the question, because killing for you is ok in the abstract.

And how well have government programs helped blacks, wow Detroit, Flint, Gary, Oakland, DC, Atlanta, Memphis, Cleveland, they are just full of joy and great opportunity!
You reject any truth you're not comfortable facing, cupcake. Nobody here will judge you, given your obvious limitations. :lame2:

Except me, because I can't help but notice that whenever you're on the losing side of things you trend towards the pejorative attempt at dismissal. :rolleyes:

News flash: I'm not emotionally or in any other way invested in your or anyone else's approval. :up_yours:

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.

I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Oh nozies: an insufferable opinionated illogical hag like Babbles is rescinding earlier props and determining me to be (like her) a raging douche bag.

Might I ask why you imagine anybody would give a fuck about your mere opinion, Babbles?

It is possible that you offer poorer "logic" than even BettyBloopers.
Why do you keep trying to bring this back to something you know perfectly well the thread isn't about? Start another thread if you want to discuss sanitary issues. This is about the right of women to be heard, in the very same language that certain lawmakers are trying to limit our options.


What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!

There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.

CAN YOU GRASP there is ONE BIG DIFFERENCE between having instruments shoved up you for an abortion and to check on the baby? THE BABY SURVIVES THE SCOPE!


That decision should have been made before she MADE THE KID!

It's pretty damn obvious the women wanting an abortion doesn't give a damn about what's inserted into her vagina, since she wants sharp instruments to be inserted in there to KILL HER CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!

But she's suddenly made of glass and is as helpless as Fay Wray in King Kong's hand if there is a scope inserted before the SHARP SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS GO IN?

That is utter horseshit!

The woman obviously doesn't give a crap, or she wouldn't be trying to kill her kid. So don't give me the "state ordered" this or "privacy that."

If the woman wanted that, she wouldn't get preggers in the first place and I can say that as a woman who has had three pregnancies (and two kids, I lost one).

Utter, utter horseshit!
Maybe, with very few exceptions, American women are incapable. There is no American counterpart to Andrea Merkle. Not even close. The closest might be Hillary Clinton. I've never heard her vagina speech. Have you?

American women think they were better off when they were patted on the head and told to go get the coffee.

Gosh, I guess that made Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria or Margaret Thatcher radical feminists.

What a load of crap.

Now, a woman can play the "victim" card if she has a vagina while sleeping around with the frequency of a cheap ham radio?

Only stupid libs trying to justify promiscuity buy that crap.


Hey, Si Modo The WonderMoron:

See above for actual sexism, you fucking Dopey Dope Dope.
How fucking stupid can you be?

I've already commented on that...over nine posts ago.


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