Vagina? Not in this house!!

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.

I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Put him on ignore, he brings nothing to the table.

You have often said otherwise. Your vag is just all inflamed because I refuse to agree with you when you are saying massively irrational bullshit, which is your SOP.
BTW, since Katzndogz has made it clear she speaks for all women, we only need one woman speaking at a time.

And as usual with libs you want "choice" for women ONLY when they CHOOSE to support abortion.

Otherwise, they shouldn't have a the choice to speak at all, right????
What I find HILARIOUSLY hypocritical about the whole issue is they STICK SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INTO A WOMAN'S VAGINA to abort the baby. THAT'S OKAY with libs.

But if you stick an instrument in to see the baby before you kill it, ALL OF A SUDDEN, it's a big "privacy issue."

Only IDIOT GUYS would think this. ANY WOMAN who has had children KNOWS THAT'S UTTER BS!

Guys let me set you straight. To get pregnant you have something inserted into your vagina.

To check if you are dialated enough to give birth, YOU HAVE A FREAKING HAND inserted into your vagina.

To check if the kid is positioned right to give birth, YOU HAVE A HAND INSERTED INTO YOUR VAGINA!




None of those are "privacy" issues, but an ultrasounds suddenly is??????

Ladies if you are that damn concerned about this issue, REMAIN VIRGINS. Guys, keep it in your pants if you feel the same.

But if you are going to stick it, TOO FUCKING LATE, once you aren't a virgin anymore, trust me, you are going to get things stuck in your vagina. Pap smears, obgyn checks, baby deliveries.

It's a part of freaking life.

So cut the BS about being sooooooooooooooo concerned about this insertion into the vagina. It's just one more in a life of getting things inserted into your vagina.

If you are so damn concerned about your privacy girls Become a freaking NUN!

Such stupid BS!

Only guys and women who haven't had children are stupid enough to fall for this idiocy!

There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.

When did the state make us have sex and not use protection and get pregnant? I missed that bill, I so would want to party on that day. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take responsibility for your own actions?????? :eek:

YOU surely wouldn't know, Babbles, since half the time you seem unable to recognize "truth" much less speak it.

If the day ever comes when I am on the "losing" side of any discussion with you, we can test your empty vainglorious musings.

You are WAY too emotionally invested in the approval of others. Stick that back up your ass from whence it came, puddin'.

I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Oh nozies: an insufferable opinionated illogical hag like Babbles is rescinding earlier props and determining me to be (like her) a raging douche bag.

Might I ask why you imagine anybody would give a fuck about your mere opinion, Babbles?

It is possible that you offer poorer "logic" than even BettyBloopers.

Its more possible that you're a fragile flower that needs constant sunshine blown up your ass to remain on topic and off the personal insult. We'll have that little bit inserted into your IEP and make sure the bus driver keeps you away from challenging types in the future. Have a nice day, Petunia.
I'm not even sure what that means. But I love that you Conservatives just say "It's easy not to get pregnant." or "Put an aspirin between your knees." Because you know, life can be boiled down to these cute little axioms.

It is easy to not get pregnant and it doesn't even require abstinance, which, incidentally does have a 100% rate of effectiveness. This is the 21st century. We have more and better methods of contraception than at any other time in human history. All you have to do is use them.

If all the legislators' wives and girlfriends started abstaining, maybe they'd change their tune.

How about just taking responsibility for the kids you make like my husband and I did.
SOME on both sides do.

Oh come on, who doesent? What a crock.

I'm afraid of heights, myself. I'm only mean if someone is a needless asshole. I've been agreeable to you, hell, I repped people on this very thread I violently disagree with.

Agreed. I have friends on both sides of the aisle - if somebody is on the opposite side, but we have a lot in common (including the ability to put politics aside), I'm gonna pos rep them when they make a good point.

On the other hand, if I pos rep them, and befriend them, and they decide I am evil and must be trashed? Fuck 'em, the horse they rode in on, and everybody that looks like them. All bets are off.
BTW, since Katzndogz has made it clear she speaks for all women, we only need one woman speaking at a time.

And as usual with libs you want "choice" for women ONLY when they CHOOSE to support abortion.

Otherwise, they shouldn't have a the choice to speak at all, right????

Not at all. KEEP those babies. Just do society a favor and don't home school them.
SOME on both sides do.

Oh come on, who doesent? What a crock.

I'm afraid of heights, myself. I'm only mean if someone is a needless asshole. I've been agreeable to you, hell, I repped people on this very thread I violently disagree with.

Well good, I'm the same way, but that doesnt explain the generalisations arguement. Both sides use em and they can be useful.
I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Oh nozies: an insufferable opinionated illogical hag like Babbles is rescinding earlier props and determining me to be (like her) a raging douche bag.

Might I ask why you imagine anybody would give a fuck about your mere opinion, Babbles?

It is possible that you offer poorer "logic" than even BettyBloopers.

Its more possible that you're a fragile flower that needs constant sunshine blown up your ass to remain on topic and off the personal insult. We'll have that little bit inserted into your IEP and make sure the bus driver keeps you away from challenging types in the future. Have a nice day, Petunia.

Hammer, meet nail head.

It does address when citizenship begins. Its very clear the people who wrote the Constitution - or at least the 14th amendment - did not intend the unborn to have full citizenship rights.

If that life happens to share an organ with another human being and live inside of another human being and that human being isn't you then it very clearly isn't your business. Stop sticking your nose up every woman's vagina.

At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them.

My gawd you are dumb. Pregnancy out of wedlock has existed since the dawn of time and so has abortion. The idea that the Founders would have been unaware of either of these is just fucking retarded.

The rest of your post is just a bunch of whining.

Did it EVER occur to you libs that the reason the entire subject is absent from the Constitution, is because it was ASSUMED at the time people would simply TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their own children??????

Responsibility! What a concept!
Oh come on, who doesent? What a crock.

I'm afraid of heights, myself. I'm only mean if someone is a needless asshole. I've been agreeable to you, hell, I repped people on this very thread I violently disagree with.

Agreed. I have friends on both sides of the aisle - if somebody is on the opposite side, but we have a lot in common (including the ability to put politics aside), I'm gonna pos rep them when they make a good point.

On the other hand, if I pos rep them, and befriend them, and they decide I am evil and must be trashed? Fuck 'em, the horse they rode in on, and everybody that looks like them. All bets are off.

I would leave the horse alone. It does, after all, have the greatest burden to bear. :D
There's a difference. The one that is ordered by the state, compelled, and unwanted is an invasion. Even your simple, simple mind should be able to grasp THAT.

When did the state make us have sex and not use protection and get pregnant? I missed that bill, I so would want to party on that day. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, are you trying to miss the point? The transvaginal ultrasound was ordered.

The POINT is on the surgical instruments the women doesn't CARE are inserted to kill the kid.

But, SACK CLOTHE AND ASHES OF DISMAY, if a scope is inserted five minutes before that?

What a load of crap!
I'm afraid of heights, myself. I'm only mean if someone is a needless asshole. I've been agreeable to you, hell, I repped people on this very thread I violently disagree with.

Agreed. I have friends on both sides of the aisle - if somebody is on the opposite side, but we have a lot in common (including the ability to put politics aside), I'm gonna pos rep them when they make a good point.

On the other hand, if I pos rep them, and befriend them, and they decide I am evil and must be trashed? Fuck 'em, the horse they rode in on, and everybody that looks like them. All bets are off.

I would leave the horse alone. It does, after all, have the greatest burden to bear. :D

Naw, man; it's the high horse they rode in on.
I rescind my props sent earlier in this thread when you weren't being, well, quite yourself (a raging douche bag), and reiterate my earliest opinion of you (in parentheses). :gives:

Oh nozies: an insufferable opinionated illogical hag like Babbles is rescinding earlier props and determining me to be (like her) a raging douche bag.

Might I ask why you imagine anybody would give a fuck about your mere opinion, Babbles?

It is possible that you offer poorer "logic" than even BettyBloopers.

Its more possible that you're a fragile flower that needs constant sunshine blown up your ass to remain on topic and off the personal insult. We'll have that little bit inserted into your IEP and make sure the bus driver keeps you away from challenging types in the future. Have a nice day, Petunia.

Listen puddin,' if you have the mental capacity for staying on a topic for more than a moment:

The FACT is that you have offered a great deal of shrill opinionated crap and brayed like the jackass you are whenever anybody dares to disagree with you.

That's just the fact, jack.

As I correctly noted earlier, you tend to be an insufferable and opinionated hag.

There is really no need to promptly post again in that very fashion just to prove me right. Everyone with any grasp on reality (this leaves you and BettyBloopers out) can see it plainly enough.

Hurry back with more of your inadequate efforts though. It's amusing to highlight your vapid irrational and illogical silliness.
At the time the Constitution was written, it was assumed that unborn children would have a father and mother to protect them.

My gawd you are dumb. Pregnancy out of wedlock has existed since the dawn of time and so has abortion. The idea that the Founders would have been unaware of either of these is just fucking retarded.

The rest of your post is just a bunch of whining.

Did it EVER occur to you libs that the reason the entire subject is absent from the Constitution, is because it was ASSUMED at the time people would simply TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for their own children??????

Responsibility! What a concept!

Right. Exactly. Like the responsibility to end the pregnancy if that's what is best.

Or, maybe it wasn't in there because they were a bunch of middle-aged white dudes and they didn't even think to legislate something like that because they kind of didn't think of them much to begin with, unless they were fucking them.

The idea that you guys can somehow divine what the Founders were thinking on every subject makes me laugh my balls off.
I'm afraid of heights, myself. I'm only mean if someone is a needless asshole. I've been agreeable to you, hell, I repped people on this very thread I violently disagree with.

Agreed. I have friends on both sides of the aisle - if somebody is on the opposite side, but we have a lot in common (including the ability to put politics aside), I'm gonna pos rep them when they make a good point.

On the other hand, if I pos rep them, and befriend them, and they decide I am evil and must be trashed? Fuck 'em, the horse they rode in on, and everybody that looks like them. All bets are off.

I would leave the horse alone. It does, after all, have the greatest burden to bear. :D

OMG break out the Kumbaya. I know boop and I have gotten into a few times. I can be a SOB if people try to make excuses or hide behind bs, because they can be easily flushed out. So I've got about 3 or 4 major wars goin on right now. But again I usually will give the same civility someone gives me, in MOST cases.
Oh nozies: an insufferable opinionated illogical hag like Babbles is rescinding earlier props and determining me to be (like her) a raging douche bag.

Might I ask why you imagine anybody would give a fuck about your mere opinion, Babbles?

It is possible that you offer poorer "logic" than even BettyBloopers.

Its more possible that you're a fragile flower that needs constant sunshine blown up your ass to remain on topic and off the personal insult. We'll have that little bit inserted into your IEP and make sure the bus driver keeps you away from challenging types in the future. Have a nice day, Petunia.

Hammer, meet nail head.


That might be what struck you on your pin head leading to all of the evident brain damage you exhibit, Bloop.

They should ban her for introducing idiotic legislation:

The House forbid Byrum from introducing her amendment to the abortion bill, which would have banned men from getting a vasectomy unless they could provide proof that it was a medical emergency

Read more: Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown silenced after

Sperm are alive are they not?

What kind of life are sperm? Dog life? Cat life? Ant life? No, silly, HUMAN life. But in Michigan its OK for men to destroy God's Creations by masturbating, vasectomozing - whatever. Billions upon billions of human life sperm go die in vain everyday in toilets, socks, and on the backs of in-the-closet Republicans - yet no one will stand up for their rights!

Every sperm is sacred.
Every sperm is great.
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate.

Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground.
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found.

Every sperm is wanted.
Every sperm is good.
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood.

Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Spill theirs just anywhere,
But God loves those who treat their
Semen with more care.

-Monty Python

Which would be another example of trying to equate menustration with an abortion, masturbation with abortion, miscarriage with abortion, on and on and on.

Only problem is, abortion KILLS A GROWING KID. Kid is already there growing bigger every day.

It isn't a concept, it isn't "well if you fertilize this egg," "if you let this sperm fertilize an egg."

Kid is ALREADY MADE and growing. Abortion TERMINATES a life.

Big difference between interupting conception and killing a child, conceived and growing.
When did the state make us have sex and not use protection and get pregnant? I missed that bill, I so would want to party on that day. ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um, are you trying to miss the point? The transvaginal ultrasound was ordered.

The POINT is on the surgical instruments the women doesn't CARE are inserted to kill the kid.

But, SACK CLOTHE AND ASHES OF DISMAY, if a scope is inserted five minutes before that?

What a load of crap!

So she should just lay back and relax, and pretend it isn't happening.

You people are SO sick.

It's state sanctioned, ordered, and conducted RAPE. Your distaste for a legal medical procedure notwithstanding, what you advocate is state sanctioned, ordered, and conducted RAPE. Deal with it.

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