Vagina? Not in this house!!

What I see is a lot of stupidity on both sides. No, she shouldn't have been silenced for a day for using the technically correct term "vagina", but she loses her credibility by going out and suggesting that it may have been because she is a Jew. I mean come on. It was the "vagina" not the "Jew". BTW...I hate the word vagina. Not because I am offended by it. I just hate the way it sounds. It's like "tardy". I hate tardy too. I cringe slightly every time I hear it. "Potty" as well. If someone said they were "tardy getting their vagina to the potty" I'd probably have convulsions.

I digress.

What I see is a bunch of childish bickering, time wasted, money wasted, and people being distracted from real issues because of all of it from both sides. So I see this as yet another example of the bullshit tit-for-tat crap our political system has become...and both sides are to blame.


But honestly, if they can't bear to hear the words, they shouldn't spend so much time trying to legislate the parts.
Well, this legislation, irrespective of those who try to make it something else, is putting restrictions on abortions happening AFTER 20 weeks (five months) of gestation. Elective abortion up to 20 weeks (or there about) has always been the case in MI, and that is a lot more liberal of a deadline than many other states who stop it at 12 weeks.

And, it's bringing the filthy abortion facilities in Michigan in line, as far as the health department is concerned, with other day-procedure medical facilities in Michigan.

And, that is a good thing, irrespective of the lame attempts at any political points.

They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.
Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

Why did you limit your vapid post to just sexual intercourse?

(Oh, and I later caught and fixed the typo, before your latest post, you petty pussy. :thup: )

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almost exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

Why did you limit your vapid post to just sexual intercourse?
Derps, so other than birth control, is it that hard to not fool around? I mean do you have to go to the club? do you have to knock boots with someone differnt every night? Due tell us about how difficult it is to be choosey and not kill babies?

Leftwingers have very little self control... they need big gov't to tell them what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on, and on and on and on ....... OMG, I ran out of breath!!!! :omg:

Do tell, asshole.

I did biotch

I never said it didn't. Can you fucking read? See bold faced words. Or are you unaware that the entire process of reproduction takes about 35,000 times longer than the process of actual intercourse?

The "purpose" of sexual intercourse (biologically speaking, of course), you numb-nuts idiot, is reproduction.

One could go so far as to argue that the "purpose" of orgasms is to further the prospect for the creation of new life, in fact.

The problem is not with my ability to read. The problem lies in your inability to fully understand.

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}

Ooooh I like it, hostility, now you're MY bitch. If I were arrogant I would say I flushed out your bullshit answer and well, I am arrogrant, and I flushed that bullshit prochoice crap down the shitter.
As for your sexual escapades, I bet you'r for abortion just because you think it make women less emotional and you have a better chance to score, eh?

You're a certifiable idiot, aren't you? You didn't "win" anything. You didn't "flush" anything out. I simply answered your question. Yes, I am pro-abortion. Absolutely. I'm also in favor of it because I don't believe in a sci-fi character telling me to be "fruitful and multiply" so I'm a zero population growth guy. I have two kids, but at this point in our life, my wife and I would have to have a serious discussion if we found out early enough we were having a third.

See, I can be intellectually honest, and I can put all my motherfucking cards on the table. You didn't score any points, bitch. You asked me a question and I answered it. I'm pro-abortion for a number of reasons. Being in a long-term, stable relationship for almost a decade now, the prospect of getting more laid isn't one of them, fucktard.

and vaccum, it's liberals that think that. EVERY policy they promote is like life is in a vaccum. Minimum wage, Abortion, defending scumbag crminals, Parole hearings (instead of killing the dirt bags, liberals want victums to keep reliving the crime by going to parole hearings, year after year, nice and sooooo compasionate) So stop telling me I live in a vacum, tell that to the mother who cries over the abortion, or the father, or the grand parents, or shit anyone who gives a damn, but you get a chance at more poon, good for you!

No, you fucking slow adult, you're completely wrong. Liberal policies like abortion, minimum wage, defending "Scumbag" criminals, parole hearings (LOL, we shouldn't try to rehab anymore, is that it?), these are all policies put in place to counter-balance the Conservative Vacuum. You dumb motherfuckers think that your high-minded morality and principles are simple, and so basic, and so easily adhered to all the time no matter what, that you completely throw out entropy. Chaos.

Life is messy. Women do get raped, a lot. And some of those rapes turn into pregnancies. Those women have a right to not have to carry that child. No matter what excuse you may have for them keeping it, the awesome part is that most of us know what a fucking neanderthal you would have to be to suggest it, so we have laws to that open up the Conservative Vacuum and allow for life to happen.

Welfare, minimum wage, those are programs that help make up for the fact that employers aren't benevolent, loving and kind usually. They are business owners, and the bottom line is their bottom line. You do understand that the minimum wage is there because otherwise employers would be sub-standard, sub-human wages. Don't believe me? Go to a country w/o the minimum wage and see how developed they are. See what kind of society that is.

You're a dumb fuck, that much is true. But your insistence that you somehow "won" by me admitting to having far-left views on abortion is just inanity and stupidity all wrapped in a bullshit veneer.

Nice try, Slapnuts. Nice try.

Leftwingers have very little self control... they need big gov't to tell them what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on, and on and on and on ....... OMG, I ran out of breath!!!! :omg:

Do tell, asshole.

I did biotch


Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

But honestly, if they can't bear to hear the words, they shouldn't spend so much time trying to legislate the parts.
Well, this legislation, irrespective of those who try to make it something else, is putting restrictions on abortions happening AFTER 20 weeks (five months) of gestation. Elective abortion up to 20 weeks (or there about) has always been the case in MI, and that is a lot more liberal of a deadline than many other states who stop it at 12 weeks.

And, it's bringing the filthy abortion facilities in Michigan in line, as far as the health department is concerned, with other day-procedure medical facilities in Michigan.

And, that is a good thing, irrespective of the lame attempts at any political points.

They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.

Why is it soooo Gawd damned important to you guys to kill babies????

Seriously.... why?
The "purpose" of sexual intercourse (biologically speaking, of course), you numb-nuts idiot, is reproduction.

One could go so far as to argue that the "purpose" of orgasms is to further the prospect for the creation of new life, in fact.

The problem is not with my ability to read. The problem lies in your inability to fully understand.

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


The unstated premise is the BIOLOGICAL purpose.

A vagina COULD be put to other uses, but pretty much ALL of the BIOLGICAL purposes in one way or another come down to reproduction and support services for reproduction. And that INCLUDES "orgasm."
The "purpose" of sexual intercourse (biologically speaking, of course), you numb-nuts idiot, is reproduction.

One could go so far as to argue that the "purpose" of orgasms is to further the prospect for the creation of new life, in fact.

The problem is not with my ability to read. The problem lies in your inability to fully understand.

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Shh. You'll scare the old, white men.
Well, this legislation, irrespective of those who try to make it something else, is putting restrictions on abortions happening AFTER 20 weeks (five months) of gestation. Elective abortion up to 20 weeks (or there about) has always been the case in MI, and that is a lot more liberal of a deadline than many other states who stop it at 12 weeks.

And, it's bringing the filthy abortion facilities in Michigan in line, as far as the health department is concerned, with other day-procedure medical facilities in Michigan.

And, that is a good thing, irrespective of the lame attempts at any political points.

They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.

Why is it soooo Gawd damned important to you guys to kill babies????

Seriously.... why?

Gracious, didn't you read your own post? Read the post I quoted and called you an asshole for posting. That should answer your question.

It's not like you actually give a shit what we think or how we feel. Phfft.
Do tell, asshole.

I did biotch


Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)
Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Shh. You'll scare the old, white men.

No. But, vaginas scare you, libbiederp.

I did biotch


Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

Are liberals trying to legislate reproductive rights, yes or no.

You want to change the subject? Go to a different thread.
Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


The unstated premise is the BIOLOGICAL purpose.

A vagina COULD be put to other uses, but pretty much ALL of the BIOLGICAL purposes in one way or another come down to reproduction and support services for reproduction. And that INCLUDES "orgasm."

"A vagina COULD be put to other uses"

Not with that attitude, it couldn't. :eek:
Do tell, asshole.

I did biotch


Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

incorect, liberals generalize ALL THE TIME, then they claim they dont. Nothing wrong with generalizations because there is a reason people think black people like fried chicken and feminists are ugly....WHY.....because in MOST cases (I play the percentages) it is correct, not in EVERY case, but MOST cases. For example most liberals believe in abortion, not EVERY liberal does, but when I say that, I'm not talking about them, Im talking about the ones that do and since most do, I will say that and be right and if I'm wrong, I will stand corrected.
If you dont generalize you cant have a conversation, because I doubt two liberals and two conservative and 2 libertarians are EXACTALY the same.
Last edited:
Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

Are liberals trying to legislate reproductive rights, yes or no.

You want to change the subject? Go to a different thread.

Are liberals (as a rule) concerned with saving the innocent lives of the millions of pre-born slaughtered in all the abortion mills?

They need to stop. By sheer volume, if nothing else. The fact that this is all they seem willing to legislate these days, in the face of what is happening in America today? This is replacing "doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" as the definition of insanity.

Why is it soooo Gawd damned important to you guys to kill babies????

Seriously.... why?

Gracious, didn't you read your own post? Read the post I quoted and called you an asshole for posting. That should answer your question.

It's not like you actually give a shit what we think or how we feel. Phfft.


I did biotch


Okay. And I could rattle off a list of uglies about the right but I won't. Know why?

Because whenever a person generalizes, they lie.

How did I generalize?

Are Liberals NOT trying to legislate what to say, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, how much water to flush a turd with, what kind of car to drive, what kind of bag to carry groceries home with, what size drink they can buy, whether or not their kids should get a Happy Meal, what kind of light bulb to use, what temp to keep thermostat to A/C on?

The answer to every one of those issues is a resounding YES

btw... you resorted to name calling, not me :)

I didn't mention name calling now, did I. I said you generalize. And you are absolutely right! I was operating in a vacuum. I have Tourette's. I called you asshole for no good reason.

Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


The unstated premise is the BIOLOGICAL purpose.

A vagina COULD be put to other uses, but pretty much ALL of the BIOLGICAL purposes in one way or another come down to reproduction and support services for reproduction. And that INCLUDES "orgasm."

Crazy how old white dudes and young white kids have the same incorrect ideas on science...
Why did you say "the 'purposes' of the vagina deal almos (sic) exclusively with reproduction" when I never claimed otherwise?

WHOAH! Hold it just a goddamned minute! The "purpose" of the VAGINA is whatever the OWNER of SAID vagina decides she wants it to be.

FYI boys, there are health benefits to having

{drum roll, please}


Shh. You'll scare the old, white men.

they should be scared.


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