Van Jones: Dems Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against Gop -


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Well well, makes you wonder if this wasn't ALL PLANNED to start with eh? these people will do anything to get control of YOUR GOVERNMENT and take it out of your hands as it being, the peoples government. Amazing you voted for this.


It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos.
During a panel discussion on the upcoming midterm elections, Jones suggested that Democrats should point out that the “Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.”
After host George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver's team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate” Van Jones shamefully urged Democrats to use Ebola as a talking point in 2014:
We can't let the Republicans get away with some of the stuff they’re doing this week, just trying to bash Obama. Hey, you know, government is always your enemy until you need a friend. This Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.

The Democrat, and host of CNN's Crossfire, continued to attack the GOP and hinted that another government shutdown could cause an Ebola epidemic in the United States:
A year ago Ted Cruz shut down America's government, shut down the CDC over shenanigans. What if that happened this year? You got to start putting the Republicans on the defensive for the fact that they believe that you can take a wrecking ball to America's government, never pay a price.
ObamaCare means that 8 million people who couldn't have gone to the doctor last year, if they feel sick today, they would if they got Obama, they can go see the doctor. The Democrats have got to start talking like that.
The entire segment focused on how Democrats are desperately tying to maintain control of the Senate and Van Jones’ attempt to exploit Ebola for political gain seems to confirm such desperation as the GOP is poised to make substantial gains in Congress.
See relevant transcript below.

ALL of it here:
- See more at: Van Jones Dems Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against GOP
Every godddamn important news item gets politicized now, which means it immediately gets dumbed down by both ends of the political spectrum so that it will fit on a bumper sticker slogan.

Makes it a lot tougher to fix the problem.

I wonder if anyone cares about that, or whether "winning" is more important.
This was ON CNN folks

that oh so UNBIASED news channel with the little man who worked in the Clinton administration, Steffyopoulos
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
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He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.
He was discussing politics on a political talk show. He wasn't politicizing Ebola....he was politicizing the GOP's desire to kill programs that help protect the citizenry from threats like Ebola.

Hey failed another credibility test on this one. Way to go.
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.

but we're suppose to listen too this tin foil hat stuff?
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.

but we're suppose to listen too this tin foil hat stuff?
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.
Yes you are, the damage the republicans caused in their stunt is a matter of public record not a lousy conspiracy theory.
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.

but we're suppose to listen too this tin foil hat stuff?
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.
Yes you are, the damage the republicans caused in their stunt is a matter of public record not a lousy conspiracy theory.

Are you sure you're not Van Jones?
Republicans aren't the ONES who just let in 1000's of refugees from a foreign country and FLY THEM all over our country, they aren't the ones loosened restrictions on illegal immigrants in the country, they aren't one allowing these people to still FLY unrestricted from infected countries.

so keep on twisting and spinning you people won't ever take any FAULT IN ANYTHING and will use our peoples DEATHS for your political gains in government
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.

It's public record. CDC wanted the ability to quarantine possible patients, Obama said NO!
He was discussing politics on a political talk show. He wasn't politicizing Ebola....he was politicizing the GOP's desire to kill programs that help protect the citizenry from threats like Ebola.

Hey failed another credibility test on this one. Way to go.

You mean like the CDC protocols OBAMA refused to implement?

Is Obama a Republican?
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama intentionally crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants
Ridiculous, quit listening to whoever told you that.

but we're suppose to listen too this tin foil hat stuff?
Flirting with government default for a political stunt is about as reckless as anything I have ever seen our government do. When they do it again and again it's time to really examine the unintended consequences of their actions. No one wants the CDC to be rendered ineffective but it could very well happen in a rush to render Obama ineffective.
Yes you are, the damage the republicans caused in their stunt is a matter of public record not a lousy conspiracy theory.
Except for it didn't happen that way,The CDC wasn't shut down,just like all the other doom and gloom coming from the left,it never happened.
He has a point, Texas handled the nation's first outbreak in such a ham-handed way I am surprised they do not have a hundred cases by now, besides, people are afraid of Ebola and you can bet your ass Republicans are going to use it in some way to scare up some votes. Probably going to push for blocking flights to and from the nation of Africa.

He does have a point. Obama crippled the CDC's ability to handle the outbreak, and he probably did so intentionally. They suggested a set of sane protocols that countries like Nigeria actually implement. Instead Obama scrapped those protocols and tried to get Ebola to spread. That's like the government from 1984 and that's the kind of government Communist Van Jones wants

not only the what he wants but what he needs
Well well, makes you wonder if this wasn't ALL PLANNED to start with eh? these people will do anything to get control of YOUR GOVERNMENT and take it out of your hands as it being, the peoples government. Amazing you voted for this.


It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos.
During a panel discussion on the upcoming midterm elections, Jones suggested that Democrats should point out that the “Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.”
After host George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver's team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate” Van Jones shamefully urged Democrats to use Ebola as a talking point in 2014:
We can't let the Republicans get away with some of the stuff they’re doing this week, just trying to bash Obama. Hey, you know, government is always your enemy until you need a friend. This Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.

The Democrat, and host of CNN's Crossfire, continued to attack the GOP and hinted that another government shutdown could cause an Ebola epidemic in the United States:
A year ago Ted Cruz shut down America's government, shut down the CDC over shenanigans. What if that happened this year? You got to start putting the Republicans on the defensive for the fact that they believe that you can take a wrecking ball to America's government, never pay a price.
ObamaCare means that 8 million people who couldn't have gone to the doctor last year, if they feel sick today, they would if they got Obama, they can go see the doctor. The Democrats have got to start talking like that.
The entire segment focused on how Democrats are desperately tying to maintain control of the Senate and Van Jones’ attempt to exploit Ebola for political gain seems to confirm such desperation as the GOP is poised to make substantial gains in Congress.
See relevant transcript below.

ALL of it here:
- See more at: Van Jones Dems Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against GOP

Republicans should use Van Jones as a Talking Point against The Democrats. Swing voters make Elections. Swing Voters are moderates. Van Jones is far from moderate. He is radical.
Well well, makes you wonder if this wasn't ALL PLANNED to start with eh? these people will do anything to get control of YOUR GOVERNMENT and take it out of your hands as it being, the peoples government. Amazing you voted for this.


It appears as though former Obama official Van Jones has taken Rahm Emmanuel’s belief that you never “want a good crisis go to waste” to heart during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week w/ George Stephanopoulos.
During a panel discussion on the upcoming midterm elections, Jones suggested that Democrats should point out that the “Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.”
After host George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver's team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate” Van Jones shamefully urged Democrats to use Ebola as a talking point in 2014:
We can't let the Republicans get away with some of the stuff they’re doing this week, just trying to bash Obama. Hey, you know, government is always your enemy until you need a friend. This Ebola thing is the best argument you can make for the kind of government that we believe in.

The Democrat, and host of CNN's Crossfire, continued to attack the GOP and hinted that another government shutdown could cause an Ebola epidemic in the United States:
A year ago Ted Cruz shut down America's government, shut down the CDC over shenanigans. What if that happened this year? You got to start putting the Republicans on the defensive for the fact that they believe that you can take a wrecking ball to America's government, never pay a price.
ObamaCare means that 8 million people who couldn't have gone to the doctor last year, if they feel sick today, they would if they got Obama, they can go see the doctor. The Democrats have got to start talking like that.
The entire segment focused on how Democrats are desperately tying to maintain control of the Senate and Van Jones’ attempt to exploit Ebola for political gain seems to confirm such desperation as the GOP is poised to make substantial gains in Congress.
See relevant transcript below.

ALL of it here:
- See more at: Van Jones Dems Should Use Ebola As Campaign Talking Point Against GOP

Republicans should use Van Jones as a Talking Point against The Democrats. Swing voters make Elections. Swing Voters are moderates. Van Jones is far from moderate. He is radical.

Tell the truth they haven't been doing much at all for these elections. Just kind of crusing along as if nothing is important. I don't where it's headed but I do hope they take Senate and keep the house
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Democrats have to say something. The spread of disease, not only ebola, is hammering democrats. Mostly, not because of ebola. It's obama's open border flu that is paralyzing children and killing both children and adults.

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