Vance says the Democrats are "anti-family and anti-children,"


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014

""This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told .

"The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said.

"I'm making an argument that our entire society has become sceptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids.""

How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.

So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.

DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.
I'm sure J.D. is a great parent. I mean there isn't that many young girls that can look forward to borrowing her dad's eyeliner when she gets old enough.
Vance is absolutely correct.

Anyone who brings 100% inflation to the table is anti-family and anti-children

""This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told .

"The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said.

"I'm making an argument that our entire society has become sceptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids.""

How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.

So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.

DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.
Leftists only care about one thing, and that is decreasing human population levels to help preserve their precious natural resources and reduce carbon emissions. In fact, Biden passed inflation legislation that was mostly spending to help combat climate change, something he later admitted. Yea, the legislation had really nothing to do about inflation. Funny that. But such insane spending on climate change is not enough, it is never enough, as they want to spend trillions and trillions more. Problem is, all that spending produces, you guessed it, more inflation.

Also look at the policies of the DNC. They are all about such things as abortion and gender confusion, both of which helps reduce population levels. And why are they not more concerned about drugs pouring across the border that kill about 300 Americans a day? Once again, it helps reduce population levels. If you look at government policy through this Lense, their policies make a whole lot more sense than they would otherwise. It is just like China and their one child policy, Leftists around the world are consumed with this one thought, which is there are too many people. Is this also why the US seems to enjoy funding wars across the globe spending money on both sides of the conflict? You tell me.

The greatest resource any nation has are it's children. Therefore, when it's leaders fail to recognize this fact, they unknowingly promote the demise of that country.

Leftists only care about one thing, and that is decreasing human population levels to help preserve their precious natural resources and reduce carbon emissions. In fact, Biden passed inflation legislation that was mostly spending to help combat climate change, something he later admitted. Yea, the legislation had really nothing to do about inflation. Funny that. But such insane spending on climate change is not enough, it is never enough, as they want to spend trillions and trillions more. Problem is, all that spending produces, you guessed it, more inflation.

Also look at the policies of the DNC. They are all about such things as abortion and gender confusion, both of which helps reduce population levels. And why are they not more concerned about drugs pouring across the border that kill about 300 Americans a day? Once again, it helps reduce population levels. If you look at government policy through this Lense, their policies make a whole lot more sense than they would otherwise. It is just like China and their one child policy, Leftists around the world are consumed with this one thought, which is there are too many people. Is this also why the US seems to enjoy funding wars across the globe spending money on both sides of the conflict? You tell me.

The greatest resource any nation has are it's children. Therefore, when it's leaders fail to recognize this fact, they unknowingly promote the demise of that country.

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What's confusing to you you dumb Bingo? We don't fine eagles who break their own eggs do we?
"This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told . "The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said. "I'm making an argument that our entire society has become skeptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids." How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.
So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.
DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.
1. Democrats promote abortion more than family values. Promoting the gay agenda is not pro-family or pro-children.

2. Kids per social worker isn't a measure of parenting. The rate of kids in foster care is probably a better metric.

3. Single parent families is a very important metric. Having two parents is the best indicator of success for kids. That DC is the worst is no surprise, 99% democrat and mostly black.

4. Democrats v Republicans in family units with both a father and mother would be the best metric. Same metric by race too.
He's not wrong, it's just that the leftist dems don't want to hear it.

They want cradle to grave .gov dependency.

""This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told .

"The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said.

"I'm making an argument that our entire society has become sceptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids.""

How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.

So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.

DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.

Vance sounds horribly immature to me.
1. Democrats promote abortion more than family values. Promoting the gay agenda is not pro-family or pro-children.

2. Kids per social worker isn't a measure of parenting. The rate of kids in foster care is probably a better metric.

3. Single parent families is a very important metric. Having two parents is the best indicator of success for kids. That DC is the worst is no surprise, 99% democrat and mostly black.

4. Democrats v Republicans in family units with both a father and mother would be the best metric. Same metric by race too.

Gay people can have families too.

Democrats allow abortion for those who want it. Sometimes abortion makes for better families in the long run, especially when it's people who aren't mature enough to look after kids or have a family.

No, kids per social worker isn't a great measure, I went looking for child abuse per state and realized that the stats would only include those the state decide were subjected to child abuse which would vary state to state. So a state might have high child abuse because they state doesn't take it seriously, but report really low levels of child abuse because they just don't find the abuse that is happening.

So, I went with one statistic that is more concrete, something that says more.

Really it's hard to know which states give abused kids a better chance, which states stop abuse before it starts, but you can bet Louisiana and Mississippi would be at the bottom of any list were there one.

Single parent families are a problem, and DC is at the top, and then two Republican states 2nd and 3rd. A lot of Republican states do worse than democratic states, but again, not black and white.

So, overall there are certain states, Mississippi and Louisiana at the top, that are fucking awful for the family, states in the north east probably the best, and then it depends what happens in between.

Here, it's basically a list of right wing states, at 13 is Rhode Island which is the first (aside from DC) which is a proper left wing state.
Vance sounds horribly immature to me.

I think he seems to be a guy in conflict. On the one hand he wants to be a good person, on the other he wants to show them there hillbillies that he's better than their incompetent asses.

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