vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?

That's pretty hard to do when the evidence is destroyed.
I agree. Her lawyers claim she didn't share classified information, but it's not too her layers to make that determination.
Republicans were fine with agencies retroactively making Hillary emails as classified.
Now let the House obstruct three proper agencies to do the same with Ivanka's emails.
Marianna Sotomayor on Twitter

/——/ And thus defines the next two years of endless hearings. Investigations and grid lock as sore loser democRATs do everything to harm Americans
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?

That's pretty hard to do when the evidence is destroyed.
The fact that she destroyed the evidence is a crime worth several years in prison.
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.
Then state the US code that deals with it.
There is a law against transmitting classified information over a private account.
There is no law against using a private email address to do government business.
As a matter of fact, Gmail has better encryption than the government servers do.
The problem is the legal aspects according to the freedom of information act.
However, the communications must be retained and in accordance to the records act they must be transferred to government servers within 20 days.

Addressing the Federal Records Act, NPR's Scott Horsley reported last month on the question of whether Clinton's exclusive reliance on a private email account violated it. Here's some of what he reported:

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office. Watchdog groups conceded that she may not have violated the text of the law, but they argue she violated the spirit of it. The Sunlight Foundation's John Wonderlich explained to Horsley:

"[O]ur expectations for public service are [that] public servants use their official email accounts."
Wonderlich also found it ethically challenged, if not legally, for Clinton and her team to have been the filter for her emails:

"The final arbiter of what's public or what's turned over to Congress shouldn't be private staff working for Hillary Clinton. It should be State Department employees who are bound by duty to the public interest."

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
That is the point, Ivanka also broke the Federal Records Act. Ironically, she is making the same excuses as Hillary.
No. Hillary hid the fact that she was using a private server.....Ivanka did not.
There are remedies to when people use a private email account.
All they have to do is send copies to the government so they can be documented.

We do not know what Ivanka did or did not do. We are relying on what her attorney and the administration is telling us. Once again, Hillary redux.
Not hardly.
The fact that we are talking about it means somebody knows. Hillary hid her communications on a private server in her home, and used private IT folks that had no security clearances. Then she destroyed evidence of roughly 30,000 communications after they were part of an investigation. This is textbook obstruction.
Ivanka probably sent a bunch of emails to government employees. I haven't heard anything about her destroying the evidence.
At this point, you are correct, regarding any missing e-Mails. Regarding security issues, we do not know at this time what classified information she was sending over her private emails and that could have been compromised. That needs to be investigated. We will see at that time if e-mails magically disappear.
Another day another liberal lie.... Go figure...

Ivanka Trump’s lawyer slams ‘misinformation being peddled’ after report that she used private email for government business


"To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules," Mirijanian said."

Once AGAIN snowflakes & Liberals try accusing others of what THEY have done and of being who THEY are...
And I guess trumshittes are fine with the moron bashing the guys who captured and killed bin ladin and Ivanka personal EMAIL for gov't business

He did neither, dumbass.
No matter what security clearance the Kushner's have , they should know better, lock them up. They have the most secret of info and Trump depends on them. HIs close family advisors.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
You are a serious dumbass. Ivanka isn't a government employee.

Wrong. She's a senior presidential advisor, with access to secret and classified information.

She’s not working for the government in any official capacity.

Try again

She's an unpaid federal government employee.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
Put her in jail
for what? if what she did was jail worthy then hillary should be shot at dawn.

thatsxthe peoblem with hate. you let it bias reality
Then state the US code that deals with it.
There is a law against transmitting classified information over a private account.
There is no law against using a private email address to do government business.
As a matter of fact, Gmail has better encryption than the government servers do.
The problem is the legal aspects according to the freedom of information act.
However, the communications must be retained and in accordance to the records act they must be transferred to government servers within 20 days.

Addressing the Federal Records Act, NPR's Scott Horsley reported last month on the question of whether Clinton's exclusive reliance on a private email account violated it. Here's some of what he reported:

"A State Department spokeswoman says Hillary Clinton did not break any rules by relying solely on her personal email account. Federal law allows government officials to use personal email so long as relevant documents are preserved for history."

The law was amended in late 2014 to require that personal emails be transferred to government servers within 20 days. But that was after Clinton left office. Watchdog groups conceded that she may not have violated the text of the law, but they argue she violated the spirit of it. The Sunlight Foundation's John Wonderlich explained to Horsley:

"[O]ur expectations for public service are [that] public servants use their official email accounts."
Wonderlich also found it ethically challenged, if not legally, for Clinton and her team to have been the filter for her emails:

"The final arbiter of what's public or what's turned over to Congress shouldn't be private staff working for Hillary Clinton. It should be State Department employees who are bound by duty to the public interest."

Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Those Emails And The Law
That is the point, Ivanka also broke the Federal Records Act. Ironically, she is making the same excuses as Hillary.
No. Hillary hid the fact that she was using a private server.....Ivanka did not.
There are remedies to when people use a private email account.
All they have to do is send copies to the government so they can be documented.

We do not know what Ivanka did or did not do. We are relying on what her attorney and the administration is telling us. Once again, Hillary redux.
Not hardly.
The fact that we are talking about it means somebody knows. Hillary hid her communications on a private server in her home, and used private IT folks that had no security clearances. Then she destroyed evidence of roughly 30,000 communications after they were part of an investigation. This is textbook obstruction.
Ivanka probably sent a bunch of emails to government employees. I haven't heard anything about her destroying the evidence.
At this point, you are correct, regarding any missing e-Mails. Regarding security issues, we do not know at this time what classified information she was sending over her private emails and that could have been compromised. That needs to be investigated. We will see at that time if e-mails magically disappear.
shes already turned them all over. unlike hillary.
Ivanka used personal email for WH business

Can we all finally admit that we really don't care about people using their personal emails for government business? Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of messages discussing official White House business last year, officials confirm.

From the article: A review into her emails revealed she had used her private address to contact government officials; Ms. Trump sent the emails before she was briefed on the rules, her lawyer says.

To be fair to Ivanka, she didn't know there was an issue about using your personal emails to conduct government business -- yea we know her Pops accused Hillary Clinton of putting the US "in danger" over her use of a private email while secretary of state -- the difference is, Ivanka is not Sec Of State so the likelihood of her having any national security level information is zero -- she was most likely sending cute cat videos or pictures of her clothing outfits trying to get feedback on the upcoming fall collection.

This may also be a distraction orchestrated by Obama and Hillary to take attention off of her real email scandal -- something that she will be going to jail for in the very near future, now that Matt Whitaker or Jeanine Pirro will be Attorney General.

The report didn't say anything about cat videos. They said White House Business.
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?
The killing the messenger schtick is getting old and tired. Yes, it is breaking the law if she uses private emails for government business.

So why didn't Hillary get prosecuted, and go to jail? So you agree that she should have gone to jail?

That's pretty hard to do when the evidence is destroyed.
The fact that she destroyed the evidence is a crime worth several years in prison.

How much time is the 5 million emails destroyed by theBush administration?
I agree. Her lawyers claim she didn't share classified information, but it's not too her layers to make that determination.
Republicans were fine with agencies retroactively making Hillary emails as classified.
Now let the House obstruct three proper agencies to do the same with Ivanka's emails.
Marianna Sotomayor on Twitter


Ultraliberal FBI Chieftain determined already in the Hillary Clinton case that this kind of thing is 100% legal. No need to "investigate" this further at all. Whether Ms. Trump did what libs say or didn't, it really doesn't make a difference, its legal as shit.
Still not as bad as Trump regularly using an unsecured phone. The man is an idiot.

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