Vaping in the brave, new world.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As local retailers are engaged in the practice of poisoning children with colorfully and attractively packaged vaping products, we should examine the phenomenon with an eye not just toward common sense but common good.

Caveat Emptor or “let the buyer beware” is a principle that’s been bandied about for centuries in courts of law and public opinion. Those of us of Libertarian persuasion resist nanny-state meddling in the affairs of people particularly as it pertains to public commerce where the purchaser is an adult of sound mind and reasonable experience.

No one argues that children are equipped with a sound mind and reasonable experience but only a fool cannot see that they are the targets of a new age addictive scheme to snare users while they are young and vulnerable. The scam of course is that vaping offers a safe alternative to tobacco products delivered into human respiratory systems by direct inhalation.

It doesn’t require a genius IQ to understand that sucking anything other than oxygen mixed with nitrogen into the lungs is abnormal and unnatural for any lifeform existing on this planet. If it were normal and natural to do this then life as we know it would have evolved to do so.

Human greed is a powerful motivator and biblical references stating that “the love of money is the root of all evil” still applies. Lifelong addiction begins early as we know from all the real estate containing the remains of fallen relatives, schoolmates and neighbors whose lives were shortened and ruined by retail addiction.

No doctors are prescribing vaping products to healthy patients as a source of personal enjoyment and free living. Lucky for us most still follow the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. But local retailers have no such oath-they just say: “caveat emptor”. They’re just trying to make a living; if poisoning your children puts food on their table then so be it-those kids should know better and if they don’t then you are a bad parent.

There is so much greed attached to vaping that we can probably look forward to the day when all cell phones, I Pads, electronic calculators and personal computers will come with vaping attachments so they can be smoked in public and in private.

No wonder they’re trying to make health insurance free for everyone-they know what their brave new world is going to bring us.
I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.
I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.

Pretty funny though. Big weed does all the damage and gets to blame it all on Juul.
I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.

Pretty funny though. Big weed does all the damage and gets to blame it all on Juul.

Big weed didn't do any damage black market making e cigs in their basement and adding vitamin E acetate and some of their weed did all the damage.
Once a human has become addicted to a practice the slavery of personal gratification is activated to the exclusion of good judgement. Addiction rewires the brain. The odious cleverness of vaping is its disguise as a solution to addiction. The vaping industry is as much a part of big tobacco as cigarettes.

What's missed by most is that the tars and nicotine in cigarettes are just bit players in disease. It's the practice of inhaling substances into the lungs that is the fatal culprit.

The lobbying will continue and our children will be poisoned just like us. It's just too profitable to addict people.
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I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.

Pretty funny though. Big weed does all the damage and gets to blame it all on Juul.

Big weed didn't do any damage black market making e cigs in their basement and adding vitamin E acetate and some of their weed did all the damage.

No, it did. Here is what I notice about all these lung illnesses,

1. All the people going down from it are teenagers.

2. The media is purposely vague in their reporting on the topic. If they wanted they could have the source of these bad vapes in a second. Why? Because it will hurt big weed.

Honestly, this comes down to absentee parenting and political elites protecting a cash cow industry.

That said, I am a functional stoner. I smoke pot no less then all day long. I also support legalization, that said, smoking pot is as bad or worse then smoking tobacco.
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...

That would really destroy the vaping industry and cause a lot of layoffs. The number of vape stores out there is really huge

Vaping emporiums already prohibit the sale of their wares to minors.

IMHO, vaping looks stupid, sure. But so do man-buns and men wearing skinny jeans. But those activities aren't illegal, so I can't see where vaping should be. Once these young people grow up and realize how stupid they look, they'll quit
That would really destroy the vaping industry and cause a lot of layoffs. The number of vape stores out there is really huge

Vaping emporiums already prohibit the sale of their wares to minors.

IMHO, vaping looks stupid, sure. But so do man-buns and men wearing skinny jeans. But those activities aren't illegal, so I can't see where vaping should be. Once these young people grow up and realize how stupid they look, they'll quit

I haven't heard anyone getting addicted to a man-bun... or dying from one.

How many Poles does it take to make a bad analogy?
That would really destroy the vaping industry and cause a lot of layoffs. The number of vape stores out there is really huge

Vaping emporiums already prohibit the sale of their wares to minors.

IMHO, vaping looks stupid, sure. But so do man-buns and men wearing skinny jeans. But those activities aren't illegal, so I can't see where vaping should be. Once these young people grow up and realize how stupid they look, they'll quit

I haven't heard anyone getting addicted to a man-bun... or dying from one.

How many Poles does it take to make a bad analogy?

How about how many who died from homosexuality? Millions died in the aids pandemic, mostly from taking it in the caboose. Yet, that behavior is still being glorified by the media and the liberal elite.
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...

Well, some of the evidence supports you here. Hell, may be how it is, but if you dig just alittle you all find that to a "T" all the people are teenagers who had been vaping weed that got sick. The sqwakers on TV are doing back flips NOT to point that one little detail out. Companies like Juul, Vuse and such are taking all the heat for this when none of their products were used. This was illicit weed vapes that did this. Not mango nicotine water.
That would really destroy the vaping industry and cause a lot of layoffs. The number of vape stores out there is really huge

Vaping emporiums already prohibit the sale of their wares to minors.

IMHO, vaping looks stupid, sure. But so do man-buns and men wearing skinny jeans. But those activities aren't illegal, so I can't see where vaping should be. Once these young people grow up and realize how stupid they look, they'll quit

I haven't heard anyone getting addicted to a man-bun... or dying from one.

How many Poles does it take to make a bad analogy?

How about how many who died from homosexuality? Millions died in the aids pandemic, mostly from taking it in the caboose. Yet, that behavior is still being glorified by the media and the liberal elite.

Bad comparison. It's junkies who typically die from HIV/AIDS ever since they got treatment for it down.
How about how many who died from homosexuality? Millions died in the aids pandemic, mostly from taking it in the caboose. Yet, that behavior is still being glorified by the media and the liberal elite.

I think you are a little confused. Most people who contracted HIV in the world were straight....

In the US, it was largely a gay disease.. 658,000 people have died in the US, not "Millions" as you've said. Yes, promiscious sex - straight and gay was the problem. So was the blood products industry refusing to test donors and paying drug addicts for donations.

Well, some of the evidence supports you here. Hell, may be how it is, but if you dig just alittle you all find that to a "T" all the people are teenagers who had been vaping weed that got sick. The sqwakers on TV are doing back flips NOT to point that one little detail out. Companies like Juul, Vuse and such are taking all the heat for this when none of their products were used. This was illicit weed vapes that did this. Not mango nicotine water.

I agree, probably most of the deaths have been people who used illegal or modified products.

That still doesn't exempt Juul and the other companies from their culpability of marketing to kids and rushing this product out with no testing.

Now, my brother vapes, it probably saved his life because he had one stroke due to smoking.
I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.

Don't we all? Welcome to corporatism.
I haven't really followed the whole vaping thing in the news. What little I have read I just chalk up as a victory for the tobacco lobby. It's rather powerful in Washington. Regular cigarette sales look like they dropped quite a bit when vaping came along. No real surprise they're making vaping illegal.

Sure wish I had a lobbyist in D.C.

Pretty funny though. Big weed does all the damage and gets to blame it all on Juul.

Big weed didn't do any damage black market making e cigs in their basement and adding vitamin E acetate and some of their weed did all the damage.

No, it did. Here is what I notice about all these lung illnesses,

1. All the people going down from it are teenagers.

2. The media is purposely vague in their reporting on the topic. If they wanted they could have the source of these bad vapes in a second. Why? Because it will hurt big weed.

Honestly, this comes down to absentee parenting and political elites protecting a cash cow industry.

That said, I am a functional stoner. I smoke pot no less then all day long. I also support legalization, that said, smoking pot is as bad or worse then smoking tobacco.

You didn't research far enough it was not only teenagers. I have pot to smoke but have not I use tincture oils daily with 9 THC.
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...
Prescription-only? How's that opioid problem going?
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...
Prescription-only? How's that opioid problem going?

better half-ass controls than no controls at all.
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...
Prescription-only? How's that opioid problem going?

better half-ass controls than no controls at all.

America doesn't have any controls at all over the Abortion business or Sodomy or the Free Needles that progressive cities distribute to their people or folks living and shitting on the sidewalks of the same cities.

Why the big need to regulate Vaping?

Personally, I'd rather be standing a bus stop next to someone vaping than shitting or committing sodomy.
I think the problem was, these were rushed into the market without a lot of study.

And somewhere along the line, the initial good idea (Let's give smokers something that will help wean them off smoking) became a cash grab (Let's market to kids, get them hooked and create a permanent market for our product.)

Simple enough solution... make vaping "by prescription only"...
Prescription-only? How's that opioid problem going?

better half-ass controls than no controls at all.
It's better to take the time and make the right decision, rather than some emotional, knee-jerk choice that just destroys even more.

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