Various polls show Trump, Bush, Carson, Fiorina, and Rubio beating Hillary!!!

RuhRoh Astro!!
lol hillary isnt the unstoppable force the Left thinks she is?????
I've been laughing at the left/democrats on here for awhile now. they post daily about, Republican this and Republican that. WHEN what they should be worried about, is that party of theirs. I told them the people are SICK AND TIRED of your party, Obama and all you who act like his goons/tools or they wouldn't have voted them out of POWER IN CONGRESS, in just six years under that thug Obama's reign of terror over us

but they sit here and act like oh we got this in the bag. the people luv luv luv us
More amazing than the standings is the apparent fact that anyone has even heard of any of the Republicans, outside of Trump--who made them famous. The Democrats have not been waging a summer campaign. Mostly the one Democrat has been deflecting criticism of the unprecedented use of the Presidential-level email server. Even in the matter of National Health Insurance--now law--the one Democrat was not entirely successful, in the first attempt.

It is generally unprecedented for the wife of the President to even be an office-holder. It is completely unprecedented for the wife of a former President to be using a government, or government-connected, email server in all of history. Then there is the matter of it being doing cabinet-level, government service. Going further, there is the matter of it being as Secretary of State. Not even Martha Washington seems to have done that, who was unprecedented, even in all of history(?).

The Republican notoriety, on the other hand, originates from Donald Trump(?)!

It will be something to want to watch, just to see how they give Donald Trump all the credit for their ascendencies(?).

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great wings make eagle soar, but a gunshot gets most of the credit(?)!)
More amazing than the standings is the apparent fact that anyone has even heard of any of the Republicans, outside of Trump--who made them famous. The Democrats have not been waging a summer campaign. Mostly the one Democrat has been deflecting criticism of the unprecedented use of the Presidential-level email server. Even in the matter of National Health Insurance--now law--the one Democrat was not entirely successful, in the first attempt.

It is generally unprecedented for the wife of the President to even be an office-holder. It is completely unprecedented for the wife of a former President to be using a government, or government-connected, email server in all of history. Then there is the matter of it being doing cabinet-level, government service. Going further, there is the matter of it being as Secretary of State. Not even Martha Washington seems to have done that, who was unprecedented, even in all of history(?).

The Republican notoriety, on the other hand, originates from Donald Trump(?)!

It will be something to want to watch, just to see how they give Donald Trump all the credit for their ascendencies(?).

"Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great wings make eagle soar, but a gunshot gets most of the credit(?)!)

here's a clue. the people in the Republican party knows how to READ on a candidates platforms. so if all you've been seeing is Trump you should stop being so closed minded. but we all know that won't happen
Which is why won't have to worry about those polls because Sanders or Biden will be nominee. Imagine that! Biden/Obama! :D

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