Various Thoughts on the Issues of Homosexuality

1. Gay people would not have to ask " why would I want to live this way" if they were not discriminated against by others. That is what that question refers to and THAT is why it is sad. It is not because homosexual people look at their orientation as an affliction of some OCD.

2. It is physically possible for a gay man to have sex with a gay woman and produce offspring. And.....should the need arise....they will. As long as a sufficient number of the babies born in the world are boys and a sufficient number are girls....the procreation part will take care of itself.

3.That whole idea about how we benefit from producing taxpayers was just a little weird. Homosexual men are males. Homosexual women are females. There is no "homosexual aspect" to the joining of sperm and egg.

4. went and suggested, if homosexuality is genetic ( as if that is still undecided ) that we need to have sperm donors declare their sexuality so people know that a gay person is the donor. You therefore suggest that if a gay dude donates spermatozoa......the resulting offspring will be gay. That is disturbingly inaccurate.

5. Is there deceit when it comes to sperm donors? Is there a conspiracy of some kind?

6. Therapy?

1. Why do you think we disagree on this? We don't, I simply think it's sad that they feel this way. But I also stated that those with OCD respond the same.

2. What would the need have to do with it, that's confusing

3. Not weird at all. Homosexuals prefer same sex relationships. They do not procreate within those relationships, that is exclusive to heterosexuals

4. I never suggested it destined an offspring to be gay, it may, pass the genes down the line. I see no benefit in less than full disclosure.

5. There could be, and that should be minimized. Do you disagree in full disclosure? Why?

6. If it is not genetic than we should look into the possibility.

Are you as bored by this as I am at this point? Disturbing may have been a poor word choice. I may have gotten a vibe that wasn't there. Maybe I should have used questionable.

Not really. Believe it or not I love varying opinions. It is what makes the world go round.
1. Why do you think we disagree on this? We don't, I simply think it's sad that they feel this way. But I also stated that those with OCD respond the same.

2. What would the need have to do with it, that's confusing

3. Not weird at all. Homosexuals prefer same sex relationships. They do not procreate within those relationships, that is exclusive to heterosexuals

4. I never suggested it destined an offspring to be gay, it may, pass the genes down the line. I see no benefit in less than full disclosure.

5. There could be, and that should be minimized. Do you disagree in full disclosure? Why?

6. If it is not genetic than we should look into the possibility.

Are you as bored by this as I am at this point? Disturbing may have been a poor word choice. I may have gotten a vibe that wasn't there. Maybe I should have used questionable.

Not really. Believe it or not I love varying opinions. It is what makes the world go round.

Again....I defer to your better judgement.
Homosexuals have always been with us...certain cultures have actually celebrated gay love (the 300 at Thermopolae were bi..and the island of Lesbos was named in honor of...u guessed it - Lesbians!
So u homophobes relax...and don't get ur panties in a bunch...LIVE AND LET LIVE

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Homosexuals have always been with us...certain cultures have actually celebrated gay love (the 300 at Thermopolae were bi..and the island of Lesbos was named in honor of...u guessed it - Lesbians!
So u homophobes relax...and don't get ur panties in a bunch...LIVE AND LET LIVE

Sent from my iPhone using

YES!!! Those rejecting God's word and choosing to live in sin is nothing new!!!
Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"Live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.

Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"Live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.

If you really love people then tell them the truth,give them warning and tell them what God's word has to say about the sick abomination of sexual perversion and its cost!!!
Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"Live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.

If you really love people then tell them the truth,give them warning and tell them what God's word has to say about the sick abomination of sexual perversion and its cost!!!
Lots of love telling people they are going to burn for all eternity in Hell eh? Man, the Muslims sure love you Jews and Christians...
narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.

if you really love people then tell them the truth,give them warning and tell them what god's word has to say about the sick abomination of sexual perversion and its cost!!!
lots of love telling people they are going to burn for all eternity in hell eh? Man, the muslims sure love you jews and christians...

yes!!! If you love people tell them the truth!!! Sick sexual perversion is an abomination that has cost millions of lives and ruined millions more lives.
Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"Live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.


Because people are being denied their civil liberties.

Until that is rectified, the issue will be important. It is very simple.
if you really love people then tell them the truth,give them warning and tell them what god's word has to say about the sick abomination of sexual perversion and its cost!!!
lots of love telling people they are going to burn for all eternity in hell eh? Man, the muslims sure love you jews and christians...

yes!!! If you love people tell them the truth!!! Sick sexual perversion is an abomination that has cost millions of lives and ruined millions more lives.
And they are going straight to Hell, just like you are. Got it. We're good.
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lots of love telling people they are going to burn for all eternity in hell eh? Man, the muslims sure love you jews and christians...

yes!!! If you love people tell them the truth!!! Sick sexual perversion is an abomination that has cost millions of lives and ruined millions more lives.
And they are going straight to Hell, just like you are? Got it. We're good.

If they go to hell it will be because they chose to reject GOD!!! THEY COULD CONFESS AND REPENT AND BE FORGIVEN AND WASHED CLEAN,GOD WANTS YOU TO LIVE AND NOT PERISH!!! but your choice!
yes!!! If you love people tell them the truth!!! Sick sexual perversion is an abomination that has cost millions of lives and ruined millions more lives.
And they are going straight to Hell, just like you are? Got it. We're good.

If they go to hell it will be because they chose to reject GOD!!! THEY COULD CONFESS AND REPENT AND BE FORGIVEN AND WASHED CLEAN,GOD WANTS YOU TO LIVE AND NOT PERISH!!! but your choice!
And it's your choice to follow the false God you call Jesus. See you in Hell, brother.
Good morning, everyone.

I'd like to share with you some of my views regarding the topic of homosexuality. So, here goes. :D

You must be a hateful bigot. No. Just because I don't accept or agree with everything homosexuality doesn't make me a hateful bigot. That is intellectually lazy, not to mention very partisan. Since when does “I don't support gay marriage, agree with people being born gay, or think it's moral” the same as “I hate you for being gay.” There is so much difference there. Disagreeing isn't automatically hating. You may not believe it, but there are Christians out there who believe homosexuality is a sin and hate it, but don't hate the actual person.'s OK to insult and mock homosexuals? Sure, you can do that, if you want to be a completely incredulous jerk. That's especially bad when in the same breath you're calling homosexuality a sin. You give homosexuals justified ammo to call you hateful when you deliberately insult and mock them. Do you think Christians should mock and insult people with vile slurs like “faggot”? No. Those who don't support homosexuality can certainly be civil and respectful in their disagreement.

How completely intolerant of you.... Not 100% accepting homosexuality means I'm intolerant? Really? I don't think so. If I could not tolerate you, I would attempt to erase you from existence. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I don't tolerate you. I tolerate you plenty, with your obscene gay pride parades, snarky and flamboyant drama, and your annoyingly forced lisping. And when I say “you,” I mean certain loud homosexuals like Perez Hilton. So, no. I'm more than happy to disagree with you while coexisting peacefully. One can tolerate those who disagree. Do you?

But wait, homosexuals are pedophiles!!! Oh, god, be quiet. Homosexuality is when two people of the same sex have sexual attraction towards one another, which typically leads to them having sex. That ain't pedophilia. Being a pedophile is when you have sexual attraction towards a child. Gay, straight, and bisexual pedophiles exist. If you really want to poison the discussion, keep calling homosexuals pedophiles and see what happens. They are two completely different things.

Portrayal and reality regarding homosexuality. For some reason people have made it seem like homosexuals are happy, carefree, fabulous people. And they even took our rainbow and put it in their background. Now, the rainbow, a beautiful and natural phenomenon, has become a symbol of something that's not quite natural or beautiful. The reality is that gay men penetrate the anuses of other men with their genitalia. That means part of their body is going to have feces on it. Does that sound beautiful? No. Saying it like it is isn't a bad thing. Perhaps the “fabulous” imagery some homosexuals enshroud themselves in is compensation for the disgusting nature of their sex. As for lesbians, I've heard one puts on a modified strap that resembles male genitalia. I don't quite understand that. Do more expensive models warm up? Why a woman would prefer another woman with some modified contraption to a living, breathing man merits its own pile of questions. I don't believe in sacred cows, so I have no problem discussing any unsavory detail so long as it's done in a civil manner.

Homosexuals can't be good parents. I don't believe that for a minute. While in my view it'd be better if a child has both a mommy and a daddy for balance, I don't think gay couples are inherently bad parents, or people, at all. Two men or two women can definitely love, cherish, and care for children. It just isn't the same as one mama and one papa. For thousands of years it's been normal for offspring to have one mother and one father. Child's going to be confused, in my opinion. That imbalance doesn't mean homosexual people can't be loving parents. There are two issues here: 1) The imbalance two male or two female parents can bring and 2) Assuming homosexual couples are automatically bad, unfit parents. On the 2nd, no, that assumption is really wrong. On the 1st, I do favor how the yin and yang of man and woman together can bring a balance of two vastly different worlds and perspectives together. I wish my fellow conservatives would stop making that cruel assumption.

If you disagree, you must be gay. That's just juvenile. Seriously. You're not a teenager.

Don't you know people are born gay? According to who? How so, and why? Like I say to religious folk: show me your scientific evidence. In my opinion, people are born straight, because nature has it so that both man and woman have what they need to mate and procreate. I don't understand why homosexual people have their homosexual feelings/attractions. I may be wrong about everything; who knows? It could very well be due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. At the very least keep that possibility in your mind for the sake of unbiased, scientific research explanation. Instead of flying into a furor when some try to research and better understand the science behind homosexuality without a progressive slant, let everyone research the issue. Knowledge is power, and nothing should be beyond the scope of scientific inquiry. I wonder what research would unearth if the intelligentsia weren't of an incredibly liberal---or conservative---slant.

Homosexuals are evil and deserve Hellfire. Boy, this one is tough. I was raised in an Apostolic-Pentecostal home. Now, I'm a nonreligious conservative. Do I believe the traditional Bibles consider it a sin in spite of what revisionist liberals say? Yes. Do I believe in the Bible? Currently, no. That's a whole 'nother discussion. Are homosexuals inherently evil? Absolutely not. All have sinned in the eyes of God... … ...assuming a god even exists, and the one in question at that. Some liberal Christians say we shouldn't judge homosexuals as sinning, but I could just as easily turn the tables by taking the dusty old book and ask them why they absolutely won't acknowledge homosexuality as a sin, unlike other sins they do. If homosexuality is sinful, OK. Now how about greed, lust, and any other conceivable sin out there the Bible mentions? I think it would be wise for liberal Christians to stop ignoring what the Bible mentions about homosexuality, say “alright,” and then point out every other sin that all people so casually do. And I do completely acknowledge how supremely hypocritical some religious people can be.

You've a different opinion? How DARE you!! As history has shown, there's been quite a bit of outrage by some on the left when someone has an opinion in favor of Traditional marriage, etc. I don't understand how some people could get so angry and inflamed over someone else voicing an opinion. That kind of crap needs to stop, because it's immature and detrimental to general discussion. Not only that, but taking it a step further and actually trying to destroy peoples' livelihoods... Holy crap that's wrong. “OH, you believe in taxation? How dare you! I'm going to try and destroy everything you've worked so hard for!” Imagine if someone told you that because you did something so innocuous as sharing your opinion when asked for one. The whole Duck Dynasty debacle is one example of that kind of overreaction. Same with Chick-Fil-A. Same with Miss California (Carrie Prejean) and that loudmouth, Perez Hilton. People like those responsible for this kind of inflamed, Herpe-like overreaction is one thing that hurts the image of ALL homosexual people. It makes them look like they absolutely cannot stand opposing views, and that they have really, really, really thin skin. I'm aware people have very different views from mine, but you don't see me hopping up and down with seething rage while trying to ruin your life over it.

Romeikes & Mathericks. Europe isn't free like America.

Homosexuals and the Military Not sure what to say about this. Let 'em fight for our country. If they sexually harass other military members or do lewd sexual acts in front of other soldiers, punish them for misconduct. Have them fight, but don't tolerate sexual harassment from anyone, whoever they are.

Summary. I'd like to see everyone stop fighting, insulting, disrespecting, and slandering one another over this. All that does is stir up more hatred and anger, which is never going to bring peace about for all here. Respect each other's right to have an opinion, and don't freak out or try to destroy people for disagreeing with you. These sensitive issues aren't nearly as cut-and-dried as some would have you believe. Don't assume homosexuals are pedophiles or bad parents. Don't assume Christians are hateful or bigoted. You don't really understand each other, which makes it very easy to lob attacks. This vicious cycle of hatred and bitterness by all sides will result in nothing good for all involved. Please, I am asking you to stop, step back, and really question and think about how you've been thinking about people. Challenge yourselves to point out your own assumptions and question them vigorously. Ask others to help you if you want. And, whatever you do, talk with people as if they are people. As if they're your neighbors. Don't treat them special, but give them mutual respect. I strongly believe we can talk about virtually anything without becoming consumed in the raging fires of anger and hatred. We are as capable of understanding, coming together, and maintaining peace as we are the reverse.

Though you may disagree, at least try to love and respect one another. :smiliehug:

There are two kinds of folks that come into contact with gay folk.

Those that go out of their way to make issues about them.
Those that do not as they focus on important issues.
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And they are going straight to Hell, just like you are? Got it. We're good.

If they go to hell it will be because they chose to reject GOD!!! THEY COULD CONFESS AND REPENT AND BE FORGIVEN AND WASHED CLEAN,GOD WANTS YOU TO LIVE AND NOT PERISH!!! but your choice!
And it's your choice to follow the false God you call Jesus. See you in Hell, brother.

YOU now have NO excuse on your very near judgment day!!! you wre given the truth of God's word here WHY reject GOD and thereby choose death and hell????
Yes, allowing the fundamenalist Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the more pragmatic historical Christian to be who and what he is, allowing the Jew to be who and what he is, allowing gay people to be who and what they are, allowing the traditionalist marriage heterosexual types to be who and what they are, and understanding that because they all come from a different place, they are not inherently evil or have evil motives--that is live and let live.

Not sure it is not a hard policy to follow though as so many here don't seem to be able to do that.

Narcissism and intolerance continue to cause unnecessary damage.

"Live and let live" cheats people out of being able to tell others what to do.

I don't understand why this issue continues to be so important.


Because people are being denied their civil liberties.

Until that is rectified, the issue will be important. It is very simple.


And that there are some Americans who don’t consider the issue important is both sad and telling.
Well, my opinion on this is the live and let live philosophy. I don't have a problem with anyone being gay and it is none of my business if they decide to get married, have kids, or what they do in the bedroom. I do not believe it is a sin either. I think it is as natural for gay people to be attracted to the same sex as it is for heterosexual to be attracted to the opposite sex or bisexuals to be attracted to both sexes. It's human. We are all human.

And that's really all there is to it IMO.

That's my take on it as well. I don't care if someone chooses to be "gay", heterosexual, bi-sexual, or a-sexual. I don't care if they were born that way or if it's their choice, that's their business....................
If they go to hell it will be because they chose to reject GOD!!! THEY COULD CONFESS AND REPENT AND BE FORGIVEN AND WASHED CLEAN,GOD WANTS YOU TO LIVE AND NOT PERISH!!! but your choice!
And it's your choice to follow the false God you call Jesus. See you in Hell, brother.

YOU now have NO excuse on your very near judgment day!!! you wre given the truth of God's word here WHY reject GOD and thereby choose death and hell????
You don't seem to understand, you're going to be right next to me, in Hell, where we will burn for all eternity because of our choices. Love you man...
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LOL, they keep talking about judgment day before God, the Bible says not to judge, Jesus instructed his followers not to Judge yet all they do is single out gay folk and Judge.
All the while they claim to be Christians.
God makes the rules, sure. The Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not lie with a man as one lies with a woman" is not one of those Commandments.

Do you deny that truth?????? Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 corinthians 6:9-11

Whose "God", your "God"? Why would do we need a "middle man (Jesus)" to communicate with God?
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And it's your choice to follow the false God you call Jesus. See you in Hell, brother.

YOU now have NO excuse on your very near judgment day!!! you wre given the truth of God's word here WHY reject GOD and thereby choose death and hell????
You don't seem to understand, you're going to be right next to me, in Hell, where we will burn for all eternity because of our choices. Love you man...

LOL! I HAVE THE WORD OF GOD as to my having forgivness of sin and His promise of eternal life ,you could have that gift too!!! your choice!

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