Vax mandates are totally working!

BUT The virus has spread all over the place.............and has infected more people than ever. Vaccinations, which btw are only temporary, don't really seem to be working.
That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
You can catch Covid from Covid positive vaxxed people. The argument you have is absurd.
There are record numbers home schooling this year. Some parents do not want their kids learning to hate.
In Goober States? Don’t doubt it. Educated states where more are actually qualified to homeschool?? No
Speaking of Goobers - care to double down on your CA teacher nonsense? :D

That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
I might question whether our TurtleGirl is a functioning adult ;)
Left to your devices, they’d all be thrown off of rooftops.
And this is why you’ll never amount to a GD thing ;)
No, you're buddies with the PLO and any American hating group in the world...They throw people off rooftops
How many states have laws that a child must have 6 or so vaccinations in order to attend public school?
If you guessed 50, your smarter than I thought!
None of those do what the Covid vax does. And you know why? They do not know what it does, the long term effects. The others are proven and kill almost no one. The Covid vax kills.
How many states have laws that a child must have 6 or so vaccinations in order to attend public school?
If you guessed 50, your smarter than I thought!
Well the first thing is it's state laws, not may not know this, but in the US that matters.
That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
No just like the travel mandate this shit doesn't work.....its a virus you're gonna get many infected so far?
None of those do what the Covid vax does. And you know why? They do not know what it does, the long term effects. The others are proven and kill almost no one. The Covid vax kills.
And the FDA has not approved it for kids yet.
While nations like Russia and Norway have been celebrating the end of Covid restrictions, this report concludes, Israelis were celebrating when they started Jab#3, but quickly after which saw it being reported: “It was short-lived; within just a few weeks their case rate re-accelerated to the upside!...So much for that theory that “just one more” will solve the problem”—a factual reality ignored by socialist leader Biden, who staged his Covid booster shot with a mockup set and fake outdoor background—a fake display of socialist obedience cheered by those like retired Notre Dame University professor Karen Croake Heisler, who posted Twitter messages viciously attacking anyone not taking experimental vaccines, then dutifully obeyed her socialist masters and got a third Covid shot, immediately after which she died.
While nations like Russia and Norway have been celebrating the end of Covid restrictions, this report concludes, Israelis were celebrating when they started Jab#3, but quickly after which saw it being reported: “It was short-lived; within just a few weeks their case rate re-accelerated to the upside!...So much for that theory that “just one more” will solve the problem”—a factual reality ignored by socialist leader Biden, who staged his Covid booster shot with a mockup set and fake outdoor background—a fake display of socialist obedience cheered by those like retired Notre Dame University professor Karen Croake Heisler, who posted Twitter messages viciously attacking anyone not taking experimental vaccines, then dutifully obeyed her socialist masters and got a third Covid shot, immediately after which she died.

Cool- The Russian 6th grade tinfoil boy has joined the chat! :lol:

  • Overall, is a Conspiracy-Pseudoscience site that is beyond Tin Foil Hat. This would make Alex Jones cringe.


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