Vax mandates are totally working!

Be sure to get your perpetual Vaxes!
It is good for America and You! Colin Powell
Believe Me, I would not lie to You!
That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
Show us a real vaccine, this experimental treatment does not qualify. How many thousands of breakthrough cases is it going to take before you realize that? My guess, one, yours. Don't forget to line up for your booster shot, since this treatment is short term, with diminishing returns at that. Enjoy your lifelong enslavement to big pharma.
How many rubles is Vlado paying you per post? If more than one he’s wasting his money! ;)
"Perpetual vaccines"

Yeah, it's almost as if vaccines work and are safe. We will also enjoy perpetual organ transplants, perpetual cancer treatment, and perpetual care for for broken bones and bleeding cuts.

This is the human race, conquering mother nature. These are triumphs, not blights.
That does not follow. That is illogic. You should know better, being a functional adult. Vaccines work as a downward pressure on community transmission. That doesn't mean our country full of morons can't push back harder and increase case rates anyway. That doesn't mean outbreaks can't happen.
If the vaccine was working, you would expect fewer cases not more. There are more cases.....

We are all going to get the virus---all of us at one point or another. My immunity from having the disease works better than any of the vaccines or should I say faux vaccines since they really aren't vaccines.
Be sure to get your perpetual Vaxes;
It is good for America and You too. Believe me, I would not lie to you.
When the producers of any product are immune from all liability for any damage they cause, someone is about to sell you pig in a poke, and you get to pay the price.
And as a bonus it's making those dumbass republican fuckers even more determined not to get vaccinated and even more of them will autodarwinate.
Survival of the fittest says otherwise. You anti science nut jobs are a blight on society.
the primary purpose of vaccine is to prevent severe illness.
However, its been shown that vaccinated people spread for about a 3rd of the duration time that unvaccinated do.

What a joke. That was not the "primary purpose". It only became the "primary purpose" when it was clear they would utterly fail to contain the spread

But not fail at being dangerous, that's for sure

Keep lining up for those boosters, I'm sure it will work out great
What a joke. That was not the "primary purpose". It only became the "primary purpose" when it was clear they would utterly fail to contain the spread

But not fail at being dangerous, that's for sure

Keep lining up for those boosters, I'm sure it will work out great
It still shocks me that when the notion of boosters was first broached, it wasn't a giant red flag for every thinking person.
It still shocks me that when the notion of boosters was first broached, it wasn't a giant red flag for every thinking person.

You would think, right? Three shots in eight months.

fwiw I do think a lot of people will *secretly* not get the boosters though. They will go round saying "I'm vaccinated" forever, just never having had the boosters.
You would think, right? Three shots in eight months.

fwiw I do think a lot of people will *secretly* not get the boosters though. They will go round saying "I'm vaccinated" forever, just never having had the boosters.
They might not want it, but they will get it the second they see what happens to those who don't. The fact the treatment weakens so quickly does not bode well for the long term.

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