Vegan chef shoots wife and two children on Christmas Day


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow, nothing like a fatal Association Fallacy right in Post One.

Wait, was he a Sagittarian too? Did he have blue eyes? What was his shoe size?

Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow, nothing like a fatal Association Fallacy right in Post One.

Wait, was he a Sagittarian too? Did he have blue eyes? What was his shoe size?


Actually, he is a liberal, most likely an Obama and Hillary-supporter, a disingenuous and hypocritical POS, and the last person in the world who needed to have access to a firearm.

In case you haven't noticed, the majority of firearms murders going on in this country are being committed by liberals. Ask any one of those thugs committing murders in Chicago or Baltimore if they're Republicans. I doubt that you'd find a single one who was.
A 10-month-old and 11-year-old, heartbreaking. Definitely have to include in prayers the police officers witnessing those young victims at that crime scene along with the officer injured by shrapnel.
Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow, nothing like a fatal Association Fallacy right in Post One.

Wait, was he a Sagittarian too? Did he have blue eyes? What was his shoe size?


Actually, he is a liberal, most likely an Obama and Hillary-supporter, a disingenuous and hypocritical POS, and the last person in the world who needed to have access to a firearm.

In case you haven't noticed, the majority of firearms murders going on in this country are being committed by liberals. Ask any one of those thugs committing murders in Chicago or Baltimore if they're Republicans. I doubt that you'd find a single one who was.

Amazing. Now he digs himself even deeper.

Oh please, don't stop now. Do tell us more about the association between gun violence and how people you've never met, voted, and why.

Might wanna start by divulging the name of whatever idiot sold you the idea that "everyone votes" in the first place. Who sold you that stuff? C'mon, who's Mister Big?

Perhaps you'd like to regale us with tales of their driving habits, which hand they wipe their nose with and what they like for breakfast. You know, while you're on a roll and all.

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The stupid in this place is suffocating.

The sobering thing is that morons like this actually walk the earth. And even if they know better than to act this stupid in public, that they even entertain this train of thought inwardly, is a mindfuck.
The freaking coward didn't have the guts to turn the weapon on himself like most maniacs seem to do. Why has the MSM drawn curtain of silence around the Vegas story? My gut feeling is that Paddock was motivated simply by left wing hatred and they don't want to talk about it.
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Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow, nothing like a fatal Association Fallacy right in Post One.

Wait, was he a Sagittarian too? Did he have blue eyes? What was his shoe size?


Actually, he is a liberal, most likely an Obama and Hillary-supporter, a disingenuous and hypocritical POS, and the last person in the world who needed to have access to a firearm.

In case you haven't noticed, the majority of firearms murders going on in this country are being committed by liberals. Ask any one of those thugs committing murders in Chicago or Baltimore if they're Republicans. I doubt that you'd find a single one who was.

Amazing. Now he digs himself even deeper.

Oh please, don't stop now. Do tell us more about the association between gun violence and who people you've never met, voted for and why.

Perhaps you'd like to regale us with tales of their driving habits, which hand they wipe their nose with and what they like for breakfast. You know, while you're on a roll and all.


Go screw yourself. You don't even know what you're talking about. The POS made a feature-length documentary that also included celebrities James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson. Do you have a clue about the political affiliations of James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson?

Cameron is an atheist, a liberal, and an Obama-supporter. And everyone knows how much of a leftard Samuel L. Jackson is.

The cocksucker didn't even have enough balls to cap himself in the head after he murdered that woman and his two children. What a worthless piece of liberal crap.
o screw yourself. You don't even know what you're talking about. The POS made a feature-length documentary that also included celebrities James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson. Do you have a clue about the political affiliations of James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson?

Nope. I don't wallow in that kind of shit. What I have instead is "a life". If any of my activities involve James Cameron or Samuel L. Jackson it means I'm watching a fucking movie. Because that's what they do.

But at least you didn't let me down after I invited you to dig deeper. Now not only does everybody in the world vote, but they are directly infected, in that vote, via some weird osmosis phenomenon, by subjects they share a documentary with. I guess that works the same way that Rump "met" Vlad the Imputiner by virtue of them both being phone-in guests on the same TV show.

What is it, like a bacteria? If you drink from a coffee cup that James Cameron used yesterday that means you robotically just go out and vote for whoever James Cameron voted for?

You fucking moron.
o screw yourself. You don't even know what you're talking about. The POS made a feature-length documentary that also included celebrities James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson. Do you have a clue about the political affiliations of James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson?

Nope. I don't wallow in that kind of shit. What I have instead is "a life". If any of my activities involve James Cameron or Samuel L. Jackson it means I'm watching a fucking movie. Because that's what they do.

But at least you didn't let me down after I invited you to dig deeper. Now not only does everybody in the world vote, but they are directly infected, in that vote, via some weird osmosis phenomenon, by subjects they share a documentary with. I guess that works the same way that Rump "met" Vlad the Imputiner by virtue of them both being phone-in guests on the same TV show.

What is it, like a bacteria? If you drink from a coffee cup that James Cameron used yesterday that means you robotically just go out and vote for whoever James Cameron voted for?

You fucking moron.

You're the fucking moron and I made a liar out of you, didn't I? Even so, you're so pig-headed that you can't admit it.

You do a good job of typifying the shit for brains liberal who thinks he knows it all, but doesn't really know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Thank God you people got your asses kicked to the curb last year.
I wouldn't be surprised if the veganism mental disorder causes other peripheral mental disorders. Our brains are made of fats and proteins from animal sources, early humans never would have achieved intelligence without eating meat You know what nobody has ever seen? A healthy-looking vegan. They always have a gray, ashy complexion and that sucked-out look. Because in their diseased brains, mammals shouldn't be drinking milk (how do people come up with shit like that?).
Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Poor family. Insanity is a terrible thing.
Its because he had easy access to guns. Happens every day in the third world.

Yeah, crazy people don't use axes or knives, or cars, or water. Oh hell no. It's only guns that can kill people. What a imbecile you are tainty. A true imbecile.
Wow. Just wow. I thought vegans were opposed to killing?

"The man suspected of fatally shooting his wife and two children in Phoenix on Christmas is a vegan chef and motivational speaker.

Anthony Milan Ross, 45, was taken into custody shortly after 10 p.m. Monday after exchanging gunfire with officers following a six-hour standoff, a Phoenix police spokesman said Tuesday.

At one point Monday, witnesses saw Ross rummaging through his wife's pockets while she appeared to be shot. They asked Ross if she was OK and he responded by pointing his handgun at them and telling them "no," according to a police report."

Man suspected of shooting family on Christmas Day is vegan chef, author

Wow, nothing like a fatal Association Fallacy right in Post One.

Wait, was he a Sagittarian too? Did he have blue eyes? What was his shoe size?


Actually, he is a liberal, most likely an Obama and Hillary-supporter, a disingenuous and hypocritical POS, and the last person in the world who needed to have access to a firearm.

In case you haven't noticed, the majority of firearms murders going on in this country are being committed by liberals. Ask any one of those thugs committing murders in Chicago or Baltimore if they're Republicans. I doubt that you'd find a single one who was.

A minor correction. They are progressives, not liberals.

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