Vegan chef shoots wife and two children on Christmas Day

I wouldn't be surprised if the veganism mental disorder causes other peripheral mental disorders. Our brains are made of fats and proteins from animal sources, early humans never would have achieved intelligence without eating meat You know what nobody has ever seen? A healthy-looking vegan. They always have a gray, ashy complexion and that sucked-out look. Because in their diseased brains, mammals shouldn't be drinking milk (how do people come up with shit like that?).
How do you come up with idiotic stuff like you posted?
Awful. Yet another family gone. The U.S. seems to be experiencing an epidemic of guys who want to wipe out their entire families. The easy access to guns in this society has a leading role in facilitating this horror, not only because of the fact that taking the entire family out is quicker and easier with a gun than with any blade- or club-type weapon, but because it makes it easier for the perp to enter into a stand-off with the police. Try standing off the police with a blade or a club.

Different domestic scenario, but we have two dead in my neck of the woods: a married couple who tried to prevent their teenage daughter from seeing a Neo-nazi boy, so he shot them. At least he tried to off himself, too. Where did he get the gun and why did he have it? We worry so much about what a Muslim might do, and so little about what is happening in our own country. This shit's got to stop.
I wouldn't be surprised if the veganism mental disorder causes other peripheral mental disorders. Our brains are made of fats and proteins from animal sources, early humans never would have achieved intelligence without eating meat You know what nobody has ever seen? A healthy-looking vegan. They always have a gray, ashy complexion and that sucked-out look. Because in their diseased brains, mammals shouldn't be drinking milk (how do people come up with shit like that?).

Cow's milk is very appropriate. If you're a calf.

Are you a calf?
o screw yourself. You don't even know what you're talking about. The POS made a feature-length documentary that also included celebrities James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson. Do you have a clue about the political affiliations of James Cameron and Samuel L. Jackson?

Nope. I don't wallow in that kind of shit. What I have instead is "a life". If any of my activities involve James Cameron or Samuel L. Jackson it means I'm watching a fucking movie. Because that's what they do.

But at least you didn't let me down after I invited you to dig deeper. Now not only does everybody in the world vote, but they are directly infected, in that vote, via some weird osmosis phenomenon, by subjects they share a documentary with. I guess that works the same way that Rump "met" Vlad the Imputiner by virtue of them both being phone-in guests on the same TV show.

What is it, like a bacteria? If you drink from a coffee cup that James Cameron used yesterday that means you robotically just go out and vote for whoever James Cameron voted for?

You fucking moron.

You're the fucking moron and I made a liar out of you, didn't I? Even so, you're so pig-headed that you can't admit it.

You do a good job of typifying the shit for brains liberal who thinks he knows it all, but doesn't really know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Thank God you people got your asses kicked to the curb last year.

Look Sprinkles, I didn't invent the Association Fallacy. I think you did. I'd try to explain it to you but each time I do you dig yourself deeper.

Bottom line remains, you can't take an act like this and try to build bridges to veganism, politics, righthandedness, astrology, numerology, which shoe he ties first, what kind of car he drives, what color his fucking underwear is, or whether his mother's middle name begins with a fucking Z. NONE of that is relevant while he's killing people, and there's only one of them on the list that you didn't completely pull out of your ass. So quit insulting everybody's intelligence with this fucking puerile juvenile BULLSHIT.
I've been saying it for years. It's not the pedophiles you have to watch around your children. It's those weird vegans.

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