Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!

Because the food was inadequate to sustain life.
That is what is wrong with this story. Something isn't being reported. A vegan diet, even for a child, is adequate for all nutritional needs.
The child is obviously alive and thriving someplace m
Who said that? The title says that the child died. The attempt is to blame a diet on that death. The science doesn't back the attempt.

What are you people smoking? I can remember the dangers of vegy only diets for all people and especially babies, back in the 90s when I was in high school.

Yes of course the diet it was killed the kid. And the science supports that conclusion. No question about it.
“The mother is a nurturing parent and a devout Christian,” read the firm’s statement.

Florida parents fed their toddler only raw fruits and vegetables — now he’s dead

Right... still do to vegans though. No Christian would be sitting around believing in Veganism based on the Bible, where Jesus and the apostles were eating meat constantly.

There is no Bible scholar teaching the Bible says we should be vegans.

The only place they could have gotten this nonsense if from left-wing vegan culture.

Oh I'm sure a lot of Christians are vegans, homeschool, and not getting vaccinated.

You are not comprehending my point.

I never suggested that there are no Christian vegans, or any other nonsense.

What said was, Christianity had nothing to do with it. If you can find a place where the apostles or Jesus, said to not eat meat.... ok.

You can't... because they didn't.

So where did these idiots get their "no meat" stupidity from? Left-wingers. That's where they got it from. They did not get it from the Bible, or Christianity. They get it from brainless fools who push veganism, which is almost entirely a left-wing dogma.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!


Babies need fat and protein.
They get both with a vegan diet. Plants do contain protein, and fats, the good ones, are found in things like olive oils, coconut oils, Avacado oils.
Yep. THEIR problems was their understanding of nutrition. The diet wasn't adequate, but veganism isn't the issue, and I'll say again, FIRST DEGREEE MURDER is not a proper charge

Over 10 years ago, there was a couple with a child that was having massive seizures. They were doing all the pop-culture things, feeding organic baby food, and so on. The doctors prescribed endless crap, all with the problem getting worse.

They finally had a family friend convince them to take the child to an old doctor who just ask if they were feeding the child meat like hot dogs. The trendy couple were both in shock, because how could you possibly feed a baby a hot dog, after reading The Jungle, where they empty the garbage cans into the meat grinders.

They were desperate, so they started feeding the kid meat. Never had a seizures again. The story was on 60 Minutes.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.
These vegans in these days are really dumb. Children has a higher metabolism than an adult athlete. Because they are still growing. They need to eat lots of protein foods like peanut butter and beans, and vegetables and fruits, that is if they are going to be raise up as a vegan. Basically they will need to be grazing all day on food like a cow to keep up with their daily supply of nutrients. In these days, that it is hard to raise a child to be a vegan because of the price of organic produce. And it is not be worth being a vegan if you are eating GMO produces. That it cost more to raise children as vegans than raising them up as organic meat eaters. And Vegans don't consume dairy products which it is a good source for protein and good fats. Without enough protein in the body, that it will cause mental and physical damage. The heart is a muscle, and it needs lots of protein and vitamin B's to keep it pumping. We burns up vitamin B's constantly. That is why at the end of the day, we are very tire. And the food we eat doesn't completely circulate through the body until we are asleep. That is when the nutrients goes where it is needed.

A Vegetarian or Vegan Diet Puts You at Risk of Heart Disease

Chelsea Clinton No Longer Vegetarian, Never a Vegan : Ecorazzi

Peanut butter, beans, vegetables, and fruits ARE part of a vegan diet.

The risk of heart disease is from sugar, or more specifically, carbohydrates. This is because the American diet has so much refined and processed carbohydrates that our insulin is always on, never allowing the cells to release the stored energy.

There is much more to this story than is being provided. A vegan diet (I am not a fan of the diet as I have insulin resistance) is not an unhealthy diet nor is it a threat to children.

Let me tell you something. Processed processed processed. Fine, not the best thing for you. We, as a general rule ate far worse in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s. There weren't required food labels back then. Things were processed back then. Fast foods, candy, potato chips all existed back then. We hardly had any healthy choices. There wasn't bottled water being sold. Coke, Pepsi, RC etc all were though. No sugar free choices with those soft drinks. Cereals from Honey Comb to Sugar Smacks and Cocoa Puffs were the big sellers.

Well, obesity and diabetes have skyrocketed over the last 30 years and it is not because of meat and fish.

Let me clue you in here. What has been introduced into our culture and has been our lifestyle over the last 30 years? Let me clue you in more. What did not exist then? Internet, video games, cable TV, steaming etc etc etc.

Carbs are not the problem. Not even processed carbs. Sedentary behavior is the killer. When we were younger growing up in the 70s even the 80s, we were far more active.

I have 8% body fat. I walk 7 miles 4 days a week. I am not vegan. Please don't tell me about cruelty to animals. I am an animal lover. Don't believe in trophy hunting. Don't ever eat veal cause that cruelty is inexcusable. I try to buy free range chicken as much as I can.

Just don't tell me eating meat and fish is unhealthy when it isn't.


You had to mention "Cocoa Puffs" my favorite. People have got lazy now days, fat people everywhere and pollution everywhere, they feed atb to animal we eat, everything now is full of pestiicides. We are a sick nation.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.
These vegans in these days are really dumb. Children has a higher metabolism than an adult athlete. Because they are still growing. They need to eat lots of protein foods like peanut butter and beans, and vegetables and fruits, that is if they are going to be raise up as a vegan. Basically they will need to be grazing all day on food like a cow to keep up with their daily supply of nutrients. In these days, that it is hard to raise a child to be a vegan because of the price of organic produce. And it is not be worth being a vegan if you are eating GMO produces. That it cost more to raise children as vegans than raising them up as organic meat eaters. And Vegans don't consume dairy products which it is a good source for protein and good fats. Without enough protein in the body, that it will cause mental and physical damage. The heart is a muscle, and it needs lots of protein and vitamin B's to keep it pumping. We burns up vitamin B's constantly. That is why at the end of the day, we are very tire. And the food we eat doesn't completely circulate through the body until we are asleep. That is when the nutrients goes where it is needed.

A Vegetarian or Vegan Diet Puts You at Risk of Heart Disease

Chelsea Clinton No Longer Vegetarian, Never a Vegan : Ecorazzi

Peanut butter, beans, vegetables, and fruits ARE part of a vegan diet.

The risk of heart disease is from sugar, or more specifically, carbohydrates. This is because the American diet has so much refined and processed carbohydrates that our insulin is always on, never allowing the cells to release the stored energy.

There is much more to this story than is being provided. A vegan diet (I am not a fan of the diet as I have insulin resistance) is not an unhealthy diet nor is it a threat to children.

Let me tell you something. Processed processed processed. Fine, not the best thing for you. We, as a general rule ate far worse in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s. There weren't required food labels back then. Things were processed back then. Fast foods, candy, potato chips all existed back then. We hardly had any healthy choices. There wasn't bottled water being sold. Coke, Pepsi, RC etc all were though. No sugar free choices with those soft drinks. Cereals from Honey Comb to Sugar Smacks and Cocoa Puffs were the big sellers.

Well, obesity and diabetes have skyrocketed over the last 30 years and it is not because of meat and fish.

Let me clue you in here. What has been introduced into our culture and has been our lifestyle over the last 30 years? Let me clue you in more. What did not exist then? Internet, video games, cable TV, steaming etc etc etc.

Carbs are not the problem. Not even processed carbs. Sedentary behavior is the killer. When we were younger growing up in the 70s even the 80s, we were far more active.

I have 8% body fat. I walk 7 miles 4 days a week. I am not vegan. Please don't tell me about cruelty to animals. I am an animal lover. Don't believe in trophy hunting. Don't ever eat veal cause that cruelty is inexcusable. I try to buy free range chicken as much as I can.

Just don't tell me eating meat and fish is unhealthy when it isn't.


You had to mention "Cocoa Puffs" my favorite. People have got lazy now days, fat people everywhere and pollution everywhere, they feed atb to animal we eat, everything now is full of pestiicides. We are a sick nation.

I was with you on lazy and fat people. Which again, is left-wing ideology at work. Left-wingers want a living wage, so they can let people sit at home watching TV, doing nothing. Left-wingers want everyone to have food stamps, so they can stuff themselves without paying for it.

But pollution everywhere? Pesticides?

Do you not understand that the world would be in mass starvation without pesticides? Have you never been on a farm? Or talked to a farmer? Try growing an acre without using pesticides, and good luck with that.

And pollution? Are you nuts? Have you seen what Haiti looks like?


Trump was right. This is an actual river, in Haiti.


This is a toxic cloud in India, that happened in November.


Dzerzhinsk Russia. The soviets simple dumped unwanted chemicals and toxins for decades. No real attempt to clean it up.

And I could list hundreds of examples. Where pollution is just flowing. A city in Zambia where the lead poisoning is rampant, and children are born with mental problems.

But here you are in the US, and saying we're swamped with pollution? Go live somewhere else then. Go live in the country that has it all fixed. Come back, and tell us how much better it is elsewhere.

Please what a spoiled brat. You have it so good here in this country, and you can't say anything good about it. Like a teenager given a silver spoon by her doting parents, only to spend all day whining about how it just isn't perfect enough.

With all due respect.... grow up.
If a child had the same kind of stomach as a cow no doubt a grazing diet would be beneficial.
I remember when I was a child. You will not believe how much I ate. For breakfast I ate around 5 to 6 sandwiches with a big Tupperware bowl of cereal. Had a entire box of cereal to myself. And at lunch, we all made and ate 6 sandwiches a piece. And at dinner I made around 6-7 sandwiches from out of my dinner. Like spaghetti sandwiches to meatloaf and whatever we had for dinner. And stayed slender but toned built like an athlete. Not an ounce of fat. They called me billy goat as a child. Because I had ate the most than my brothers and sisters. But they had ate a lot, but not more than I. But now I can't eat that much.

Wow! You used to eat a lot as a kid! Apparently, you were busy eating sandwiches during English class.

You grew up to adulthood, lost your appetite but remained functionally illiterate. Great story.
The OP’s thought process:

All liberals suck.
Vegans are all liberals.
Therefore, all vegans suck.
A Vegan couple’s baby died.
It MUST be because they are vegans.
Liberalism killed this poor child.
Intellectually curious people are more likely to question their food choices than are ignorant morons. It follows that you’ll find people who enjoy alternative diets are more often open minded and lean left, politically.

My daughter is a vegetarian. Has been since she was in HS. I’ve got several friends who are as well.
We went to a housewarming party for one of these friends last night and ate “beyond burgers” and “beyond brats”. They were good.
First, I don’t automatically trust ANY new story, regardless of the topic. The news stream is inundated with propaganda these days, and propaganda is actually legal now. In my view, the default position should be to NOT automatically believe whatever you’re told, without investigating further.

Secondly, anyone implying that veganism is the culprit is either ignorant or knows better but is counting on YOUR ignorance. A healthy, well-balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet IS absolutely healthy for not only adults but people of all ages, including children and babies. Not only does science back that up but there are tons of people who are living proof of that, including people who are raising their kids as vegans, I know of many of them myself, anyone can follow their daily lives on social media.

I don’t know how many times this has to be stated, but veganism isn’t a diet. There is no one size fits all “vegan diet” because veganism is an ethical position. The DIET that vegans eat is plant-based, but within the category of plant-based, there is a big range or variety of “diets.” It can be anything from a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet rich in nutrients….. to an extremely restrictive raw only eating nothing but potato chips all day. So if someone was eating nothing but potato chips all day, that would not be the fault of veganism, as veganism is not a diet, it would be the fault of the idiot who malnourished himself on one thing only.

Lastly, to me it’s so obvious that there is a huge ongoing war against veganism. Why? I think it's for a few reasons. One, the industries that have profited greatly for many years, meat and dairy, consider veganism the enemy, especially as it continues to grow worldwide, despite these scaremongering propaganda stories.

It’s not only the industries though, I think it’s the public as well. I think there are many people who are clearly fearful of veganism, they seem to fear that someone’s going to take away their bacon or steak, etc. As I said to someone on another thread, it reminds me of a dog who is guarding his food when someone comes near it, viciously snarling and growling.

Whenever change is on the horizon, especially with something controversial, there is always intense opposition, resistance, that is to be expected. There are always the hateful people who will go to any lengths to try to discredit a movement, even with BS lies and propaganda.
To Another Poster On Another Thread
No One Cares About Any Of What You Just Said
There Is No War Or Hatred For Vegans
No One Gives A Damned About What You Do
Until Pompous, Image Motivated, Virtue Signallers Like YOU
Start Forcing Your Lifestyle On Helpless Children
Leading Them Into Malnourishment And Stunted Development

It's Not Just Outward Appearances, Which Is Most Obvious
It's Also The Internal Organs
And The Brain Is One Of Those Organs

An Undernourished Developing Brain Is Probably
Why That Thunberg Girl Has Had So Many Mental Problems
Her Brain Is Underdeveloped And Malnourished
Just Like The Rest Of Her

I Do Know On A Protein Scale Of 1 - 10
Egg Whites And Fish Are A 10
Other Animal Proteins Are Mid Range
And NO Vegetable Protein Rises Above 3
Which Is Why These People Need Vitamin Supplements

If You Aren't Taking Vitamin Supplements
Then It's YOU That Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
And Can Stop Posturing Yourself As A Know-More-Mighty Expert
Because You Aren't A Know-All Expert At All
Last edited:
To compare the health, and sustainability of a vegan diet for a teenager, or adult; misses a rather important detail of development that is far more crucial in babies, and pre-teen children...
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The compare the health, and sustainability of a vegan diet for a teenager, or adult;
misses a rather important detail of development
that is far more crucial in babies, and pre-teen children...
And That Is My Continuous Point
And The Inconvenient Truth They Pretend Isn't There
Virtue Signallers Are Disingenuous That Way On Lots Of Topics
First, I don’t automatically trust ANY new story, regardless of the topic. The news stream is inundated with propaganda these days, and propaganda is actually legal now. In my view, the default position should be to NOT automatically believe whatever you’re told, without investigating further.

Secondly, anyone implying that veganism is the culprit is either ignorant or knows better but is counting on YOUR ignorance. A healthy, well-balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet IS absolutely healthy for not only adults but people of all ages, including children and babies. Not only does science back that up but there are tons of people who are living proof of that, including people who are raising their kids as vegans, I know of many of them myself, anyone can follow their daily lives on social media.

I don’t know how many times this has to be stated, but veganism isn’t a diet. There is no one size fits all “vegan diet” because veganism is an ethical position. The DIET that vegans eat is plant-based, but within the category of plant-based, there is a big range or variety of “diets.” It can be anything from a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet rich in nutrients….. to an extremely restrictive raw only eating nothing but potato chips all day. So if someone was eating nothing but potato chips all day, that would not be the fault of veganism, as veganism is not a diet, it would be the fault of the idiot who malnourished himself on one thing only.

Lastly, to me it’s so obvious that there is a huge ongoing war against veganism. Why? I think it's for a few reasons. One, the industries that have profited greatly for many years, meat and dairy, consider veganism the enemy, especially as it continues to grow worldwide, despite these scaremongering propaganda stories.

It’s not only the industries though, I think it’s the public as well. I think there are many people who are clearly fearful of veganism, they seem to fear that someone’s going to take away their bacon or steak, etc. As I said to someone on another thread, it reminds me of a dog who is guarding his food when someone comes near it, viciously snarling and growling.

Whenever change is on the horizon, especially with something controversial, there is always intense opposition, resistance, that is to be expected. There are always the hateful people who will go to any lengths to try to discredit a movement, even with BS lies and propaganda.
To Another Poster On Another Thread
No One Cares About Any Of What You Just Said
There Is No War Or Hatred For Vegans
No One Gives A Damned About What You Do
Until Pompous, Image Motivated, Virtue Signallers Like YOU
Start Forcing Your Lifestyle On Helpless Children
Leading Them Into Malnourishment And Stunted Development

It's Not Just Outward Appearances, Which Is Most Obvious
It's Also The Internal Organs
And The Brain Is One Of Those Organs

An Undernourished Developing Brain Is Probably
Why That Thunberg Girl Has Had So Many Mental Problems
Her Brain Is Underdeveloped And Malnourished
Just Like The Rest Of Her

I Do Know On A Protein Scale Of 1 - 10
Egg Whites And Fish Are A 10
Other Animal Proteins Are Mid Range
And NO Vegetable Protein Rises Above 3
Which Is Why These People Need Vitamin Supplements

If You Aren't Taking Vitamin Supplements
Then It's YOU That Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
And Can Stop Posturing Yourself As A Know-More-Mighty Expert
Because You Aren't A Know-All Expert At All
Again you prove my point. The purpose of the thread was to PUSH A MEAT DIET. Any refutation with FACTS is considered BY THE AGRESSORS to be pushing a vegan diet.

YOU are what you accuse others

Last edited:
Death Angel said:
Again you prove my point. The purpose of the thread was to PUSH A MEAT DIET. Any refutation with FACTS is considered BY THE AGRESSORS to be pushing a vegan diet.

YOU are what you accuse others
Try Again, Virtue Signaller

'...Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet'
Is Exactly What What Vegan Parents Do To Their Children
Whether The Child Dies Or Survives
First, I don’t automatically trust ANY new story, regardless of the topic. The news stream is inundated with propaganda these days, and propaganda is actually legal now. In my view, the default position should be to NOT automatically believe whatever you’re told, without investigating further.

Secondly, anyone implying that veganism is the culprit is either ignorant or knows better but is counting on YOUR ignorance. A healthy, well-balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet IS absolutely healthy for not only adults but people of all ages, including children and babies. Not only does science back that up but there are tons of people who are living proof of that, including people who are raising their kids as vegans, I know of many of them myself, anyone can follow their daily lives on social media.

I don’t know how many times this has to be stated, but veganism isn’t a diet. There is no one size fits all “vegan diet” because veganism is an ethical position. The DIET that vegans eat is plant-based, but within the category of plant-based, there is a big range or variety of “diets.” It can be anything from a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet rich in nutrients….. to an extremely restrictive raw only eating nothing but potato chips all day. So if someone was eating nothing but potato chips all day, that would not be the fault of veganism, as veganism is not a diet, it would be the fault of the idiot who malnourished himself on one thing only.

Lastly, to me it’s so obvious that there is a huge ongoing war against veganism. Why? I think it's for a few reasons. One, the industries that have profited greatly for many years, meat and dairy, consider veganism the enemy, especially as it continues to grow worldwide, despite these scaremongering propaganda stories.

It’s not only the industries though, I think it’s the public as well. I think there are many people who are clearly fearful of veganism, they seem to fear that someone’s going to take away their bacon or steak, etc. As I said to someone on another thread, it reminds me of a dog who is guarding his food when someone comes near it, viciously snarling and growling.

Whenever change is on the horizon, especially with something controversial, there is always intense opposition, resistance, that is to be expected. There are always the hateful people who will go to any lengths to try to discredit a movement, even with BS lies and propaganda.
To Another Poster On Another Thread
No One Cares About Any Of What You Just Said
There Is No War Or Hatred For Vegans
No One Gives A Damned About What You Do
Until Pompous, Image Motivated, Virtue Signallers Like YOU
Start Forcing Your Lifestyle On Helpless Children
Leading Them Into Malnourishment And Stunted Development

It's Not Just Outward Appearances, Which Is Most Obvious
It's Also The Internal Organs
And The Brain Is One Of Those Organs

An Undernourished Developing Brain Is Probably
Why That Thunberg Girl Has Had So Many Mental Problems
Her Brain Is Underdeveloped And Malnourished
Just Like The Rest Of Her

I Do Know On A Protein Scale Of 1 - 10
Egg Whites And Fish Are A 10
Other Animal Proteins Are Mid Range
And NO Vegetable Protein Rises Above 3
Which Is Why These People Need Vitamin Supplements

If You Aren't Taking Vitamin Supplements
Then It's YOU That Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
And Can Stop Posturing Yourself As A Know-More-Mighty Expert
Because You Aren't A Know-All Expert At All
Again you prove my point. The purpose of the thread was to PUSH A MEAT DIET. Any refutation with FACTS is considered BY THE AGRESSORS to be pushing a vegan diet.

YOU are what you accuse others

Well, the purpose of the thread was to saddle “leftists” with the desire to murder children.

If Trump got behind a mic today and urged Americans to eat less red meat because it’s healthier, the OP would tell you that it’s a good idea and that “the libs” never really cared about health. They just wanted control!!
First, I don’t automatically trust ANY new story, regardless of the topic. The news stream is inundated with propaganda these days, and propaganda is actually legal now. In my view, the default position should be to NOT automatically believe whatever you’re told, without investigating further.

Secondly, anyone implying that veganism is the culprit is either ignorant or knows better but is counting on YOUR ignorance. A healthy, well-balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet IS absolutely healthy for not only adults but people of all ages, including children and babies. Not only does science back that up but there are tons of people who are living proof of that, including people who are raising their kids as vegans, I know of many of them myself, anyone can follow their daily lives on social media.

I don’t know how many times this has to be stated, but veganism isn’t a diet. There is no one size fits all “vegan diet” because veganism is an ethical position. The DIET that vegans eat is plant-based, but within the category of plant-based, there is a big range or variety of “diets.” It can be anything from a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet rich in nutrients….. to an extremely restrictive raw only eating nothing but potato chips all day. So if someone was eating nothing but potato chips all day, that would not be the fault of veganism, as veganism is not a diet, it would be the fault of the idiot who malnourished himself on one thing only.

Lastly, to me it’s so obvious that there is a huge ongoing war against veganism. Why? I think it's for a few reasons. One, the industries that have profited greatly for many years, meat and dairy, consider veganism the enemy, especially as it continues to grow worldwide, despite these scaremongering propaganda stories.

It’s not only the industries though, I think it’s the public as well. I think there are many people who are clearly fearful of veganism, they seem to fear that someone’s going to take away their bacon or steak, etc. As I said to someone on another thread, it reminds me of a dog who is guarding his food when someone comes near it, viciously snarling and growling.

Whenever change is on the horizon, especially with something controversial, there is always intense opposition, resistance, that is to be expected. There are always the hateful people who will go to any lengths to try to discredit a movement, even with BS lies and propaganda.
To Another Poster On Another Thread
No One Cares About Any Of What You Just Said
There Is No War Or Hatred For Vegans
No One Gives A Damned About What You Do
Until Pompous, Image Motivated, Virtue Signallers Like YOU
Start Forcing Your Lifestyle On Helpless Children
Leading Them Into Malnourishment And Stunted Development

It's Not Just Outward Appearances, Which Is Most Obvious
It's Also The Internal Organs
And The Brain Is One Of Those Organs

An Undernourished Developing Brain Is Probably
Why That Thunberg Girl Has Had So Many Mental Problems
Her Brain Is Underdeveloped And Malnourished
Just Like The Rest Of Her

I Do Know On A Protein Scale Of 1 - 10
Egg Whites And Fish Are A 10
Other Animal Proteins Are Mid Range
And NO Vegetable Protein Rises Above 3
Which Is Why These People Need Vitamin Supplements

If You Aren't Taking Vitamin Supplements
Then It's YOU That Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
And Can Stop Posturing Yourself As A Know-More-Mighty Expert
Because You Aren't A Know-All Expert At All
Again you prove my point. The purpose of the thread was to PUSH A MEAT DIET. Any refutation with FACTS is considered BY THE AGRESSORS to be pushing a vegan diet.

YOU are what you accuse others

Well, the purpose of the thread was to saddle “leftists” with the desire to murder children.

If Trump got behind a mic today and urged Americans to eat less red meat because it’s healthier, the OP would tell you that it’s a good idea and that “the libs” never really cared about health. They just wanted control!!
Well, I think if that ever happened, leftist vegans would suddenly become carnivores
The left hate the fact we are omnivores.


Made myself a nice 20oz porterhouse last night. With a glass of red wine. A nice pinot noir. Who am I kidding? I had the whole bottle.

Had sauteed spinach over the top with roasted brussel sprouts.

Now, I am standing on my balcony, overlooking the Atlantic on a cloudy sort of cold day. I am now polluting the atmosphere as a result of the cruciferous vegetables I ate.

Smoking a cigar with a glass of brandy right now too.
The left hate the fact we are omnivores.


Made myself a nice 20oz porterhouse last night. With a glass of red wine. A nice pinot noir. Who am I kidding? I had the whole bottle.

Had sauteed spinach over the top with roasted brussel sprouts.

Now, I am standing on my balcony, overlooking the Atlantic on a cloudy sort of cold day. I am now polluting the atmosphere as a result of the cruciferous vegetables I ate.

Smoking a cigar with a glass of brandy right now too.
Never too early in the morning for a good meal, and a great wine. My breakfast is traditionally a bit different; but hey...
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!

Because the food was inadequate to sustain life.
That is what is wrong with this story. Something isn't being reported. A vegan diet, even for a child, is adequate for all nutritional needs.
The child is obviously alive and thriving someplace m
Who said that? The title says that the child died. The attempt is to blame a diet on that death. The science doesn't back the attempt.

They did not feed the child enough...
First, I don’t automatically trust ANY new story, regardless of the topic. The news stream is inundated with propaganda these days, and propaganda is actually legal now. In my view, the default position should be to NOT automatically believe whatever you’re told, without investigating further.

Secondly, anyone implying that veganism is the culprit is either ignorant or knows better but is counting on YOUR ignorance. A healthy, well-balanced, whole foods, plant-based diet IS absolutely healthy for not only adults but people of all ages, including children and babies. Not only does science back that up but there are tons of people who are living proof of that, including people who are raising their kids as vegans, I know of many of them myself, anyone can follow their daily lives on social media.

I don’t know how many times this has to be stated, but veganism isn’t a diet. There is no one size fits all “vegan diet” because veganism is an ethical position. The DIET that vegans eat is plant-based, but within the category of plant-based, there is a big range or variety of “diets.” It can be anything from a healthy, whole foods plant-based diet rich in nutrients….. to an extremely restrictive raw only eating nothing but potato chips all day. So if someone was eating nothing but potato chips all day, that would not be the fault of veganism, as veganism is not a diet, it would be the fault of the idiot who malnourished himself on one thing only.

Lastly, to me it’s so obvious that there is a huge ongoing war against veganism. Why? I think it's for a few reasons. One, the industries that have profited greatly for many years, meat and dairy, consider veganism the enemy, especially as it continues to grow worldwide, despite these scaremongering propaganda stories.

It’s not only the industries though, I think it’s the public as well. I think there are many people who are clearly fearful of veganism, they seem to fear that someone’s going to take away their bacon or steak, etc. As I said to someone on another thread, it reminds me of a dog who is guarding his food when someone comes near it, viciously snarling and growling.

Whenever change is on the horizon, especially with something controversial, there is always intense opposition, resistance, that is to be expected. There are always the hateful people who will go to any lengths to try to discredit a movement, even with BS lies and propaganda.
To Another Poster On Another Thread
No One Cares About Any Of What You Just Said
There Is No War Or Hatred For Vegans
No One Gives A Damned About What You Do
Until Pompous, Image Motivated, Virtue Signallers Like YOU
Start Forcing Your Lifestyle On Helpless Children
Leading Them Into Malnourishment And Stunted Development

It's Not Just Outward Appearances, Which Is Most Obvious
It's Also The Internal Organs
And The Brain Is One Of Those Organs

An Undernourished Developing Brain Is Probably
Why That Thunberg Girl Has Had So Many Mental Problems
Her Brain Is Underdeveloped And Malnourished
Just Like The Rest Of Her

I Do Know On A Protein Scale Of 1 - 10
Egg Whites And Fish Are A 10
Other Animal Proteins Are Mid Range
And NO Vegetable Protein Rises Above 3
Which Is Why These People Need Vitamin Supplements

If You Aren't Taking Vitamin Supplements
Then It's YOU That Doesn't Know What You're Talking About
And Can Stop Posturing Yourself As A Know-More-Mighty Expert
Because You Aren't A Know-All Expert At All
Again you prove my point. The purpose of the thread was to PUSH A MEAT DIET. Any refutation with FACTS is considered BY THE AGRESSORS to be pushing a vegan diet.

YOU are what you accuse others

Well, the purpose of the thread was to saddle “leftists” with the desire to murder children.

If Trump got behind a mic today and urged Americans to eat less red meat because it’s healthier, the OP would tell you that it’s a good idea and that “the libs” never really cared about health. They just wanted control!!
Well, I think if that ever happened, leftist vegans would suddenly become carnivores

Nope. But I’m sure that makes you feel better.

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