Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Fuck you and your bullshit diet
There's that self righteous pissy anger again. Looks like poor nutrition is making you pissy
I don't have a diet. I just eat well.
Shut up. Go blow it out of your cruciferous sanctimonious ass.

You inspired me to go buy a thick 20oz porterhouse tonight.

Going to my butcher today, going to season it, and fire up the grill.

Put my k9s to work.
Remember when this stupid, dumb, idiotic, TYPICAL, left wing WOMAN thought premasticated food was healthy for her baby?

Vegans are not healthier. Period.

Sorry, but your opinions don't make it so.
Congestive heart failure, a LEADING cause of death among quite rare among true Vegans. Please, do your own research.

Plus, depriving yourself of certain pleasures of life FOR NO GOOD REASON sucks.

Like killing? I'm sure you find that QUITE "pleasurable" for God knows what sordid reasons.

The best is how the morons think they are SAVING THE PLANET by being vegans.

This probably isn't as big a deal to most vegans as your emotions would have you believe.

In my freaking experience Cruciferous vegetables cause more gas. You idiots.

Pretty sure these veggies cause more gas than any meat and since humans outnumber bovine about 50 to 1......oh never mind. Lefties are impossible idiots.

From the cruciferae family, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and bok choy, are packed with fiber and raffinose which does cause high gas production, leading to lots of farting or painful bloating.

You REALLY need to stop being so emotional and be more clinical if you are going to speak on this topic intelligently.
My guess would be that you're already a rather unhealthy old goat.
And why does it bother you so much that some choose to be vegan? That's odd.
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Fuck you and your bullshit diet
There's that self righteous pissy anger again. Looks like poor nutrition is making you pissy
I don't have a diet. I just eat well.

That anger and hatred I've seen in these discussions is over the top... and it's very interesting to me.

But I guess it shouldn't be surprising from someone who supports needless violence. This reminds me of a couple quotes:

"The way we treat animals is indicative of the way we treat our fellow humans. One Soviet study, published in Ogonyok, found that over 87% of a group of violent criminals has, as children, burned, hanged, or stabbed domestic animals. In our own country, a major study by Dr. Stephen Kellert of Yale University found that children who abuse animals have a much higher likelihood of becoming violent criminals.”

― John Robbins

“As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields.”

― Leo Tolstoy
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!

Because the food was inadequate to sustain life.
That is what is wrong with this story. Something isn't being reported. A vegan diet, even for a child, is adequate for all nutritional needs.
The child is obviously alive and thriving someplace m
Who said that? The title says that the child died. The attempt is to blame a diet on that death. The science doesn't back the attempt.
Youre a moron who knows nothing about nutrition.

Why vegan diets for babies come with significant risks

Is a Vegan Diet Safe for Children?
I've forgotten more about nutrition than you'll ever know or understand.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.
Florida vegan couple charged with murder after 18-month-old son dies of malnutrition: cops
Yes. Florida is becoming the California of the South. Druggies, homeless street urchins, and freaks. Guaranteed these people are tree hugging climate change idiots too.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.
These vegans in these days are really dumb. Children has a higher metabolism than an adult athlete. Because they are still growing. They need to eat lots of protein foods like peanut butter and beans, and vegetables and fruits, that is if they are going to be raise up as a vegan. Basically they will need to be grazing all day on food like a cow to keep up with their daily supply of nutrients. In these days, that it is hard to raise a child to be a vegan because of the price of organic produce. And it is not be worth being a vegan if you are eating GMO produces. That it cost more to raise children as vegans than raising them up as organic meat eaters. And Vegans don't consume dairy products which it is a good source for protein and good fats. Without enough protein in the body, that it will cause mental and physical damage. The heart is a muscle, and it needs lots of protein and vitamin B's to keep it pumping. We burns up vitamin B's constantly. That is why at the end of the day, we are very tire. And the food we eat doesn't completely circulate through the body until we are asleep. That is when the nutrients goes where it is needed.

A Vegetarian or Vegan Diet Puts You at Risk of Heart Disease

Chelsea Clinton No Longer Vegetarian, Never a Vegan : Ecorazzi

Peanut butter, beans, vegetables, and fruits ARE part of a vegan diet.

The risk of heart disease is from sugar, or more specifically, carbohydrates. This is because the American diet has so much refined and processed carbohydrates that our insulin is always on, never allowing the cells to release the stored energy.

There is much more to this story than is being provided. A vegan diet (I am not a fan of the diet as I have insulin resistance) is not an unhealthy diet nor is it a threat to children.

Let me tell you something. Processed processed processed. Fine, not the best thing for you. We, as a general rule ate far worse in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s. There weren't required food labels back then. Things were processed back then. Fast foods, candy, potato chips all existed back then. We hardly had any healthy choices. There wasn't bottled water being sold. Coke, Pepsi, RC etc all were though. No sugar free choices with those soft drinks. Cereals from Honey Comb to Sugar Smacks and Cocoa Puffs were the big sellers.

Well, obesity and diabetes have skyrocketed over the last 30 years and it is not because of meat and fish.

Let me clue you in here. What has been introduced into our culture and has been our lifestyle over the last 30 years? Let me clue you in more. What did not exist then? Internet, video games, cable TV, steaming etc etc etc.

Carbs are not the problem. Not even processed carbs. Sedentary behavior is the killer. When we were younger growing up in the 70s even the 80s, we were far more active.

I have 8% body fat. I walk 7 miles 4 days a week. I am not vegan. Please don't tell me about cruelty to animals. I am an animal lover. Don't believe in trophy hunting. Don't ever eat veal cause that cruelty is inexcusable. I try to buy free range chicken as much as I can.

Just don't tell me eating meat and fish is unhealthy when it isn't.

I went to a news article. This doesn't have much to do with veganism gone wrong. They had to realize that all their children were suffering under their dietary restrictions. A 17 pound toddler 18 months old? No. These kids were probably skeletons. And THAT is why the children had never seen a doctor. The parents knew damned well they'd get called on it.

The child weighed only 17 pounds
, according to a Cape Coral police report. Experts said that's in line with what a 7-month-old should weigh.

On Wednesday, a Lee County Grand Jury indicted Ryan Patrick O'Leary, 30, and Sheila O'Leary, 35, on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse and two counts of child neglect.

State Attorney Amira Fox said the indictment also includes three other children who also suffered from child abuse and extreme neglect. They are 3, 5 and 11 years old.

“The evidence and crime scene in this case are gut-wrenching. These are images as a mother and State Attorney I will not be able to forget," Fox said.

The couple is set to appear in court Monday.

Vegan Parents Charged With Murder After Florida Baby Starves to Death
If you guys want to keep on being V's eaters. You better stay away from GMO's. GMO's has tons amount of pesticides in it. That the body will not adsorb the nutrients from it. Because it will be like eating a slab of ribs that was dipped in a bucket of gasoline. That the body will go into defense mode. Surrounding the food with mucus to prevent the food from being adsorbed. You are already eating foods with very little nutrients. And then your bodies fighting off invaders. You have to keep your system up to par. And the slight deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, can throw your body's chemistry way off. You'll be walking around like a Dr. Jekyll and Hyde.
Corporations are very smart because they eat healthy meats. Like a few years ago, when they has done a study why Italians eats lots of pasta and bread with their meal. That they stayed slender without a gram of fat. And so the Big corporations went and said that it was the red grape wine that they drink while the feast, that is keeping them so slender. They spread that lie around because at the time, Italy didn't put GMO's on their shelves yet. So they told the public that it was in the wine that was keeping them slender. That they started a trend having people buying red grape juice or wine, but none of them haven't loss an ounce of fat. GMO's causes a chemical imbalance in the body that it is keeping the foods from digesting properly. Just like i will need air, fuel and spark to start a fire. And if you left out one of these items. That you will not have a fire. That goes the same for the body. One missing nutrient, can keep the body from functioning properly.

Fuck you and your bullshit diet
There's that self righteous pissy anger again. Looks like poor nutrition is making you pissy
I don't have a diet. I just eat well.

That anger and hatred I've seen in these discussions is over the top... and it's very interesting to me.

But I guess it shouldn't be surprising from someone who supports needless violence. This reminds me of a couple quotes:

"The way we treat animals is indicative of the way we treat our fellow humans. One Soviet study, published in Ogonyok, found that over 87% of a group of violent criminals has, as children, burned, hanged, or stabbed domestic animals. In our own country, a major study by Dr. Stephen Kellert of Yale University found that children who abuse animals have a much higher likelihood of becoming violent criminals.”

― John Robbins

“As long as there are slaughter houses there will always be battlefields.”

― Leo Tolstoy
You only need to look at the motivation for posting this thread to understand their anger.

I considered posting it days before this thread because of the harsh charges, but I decided not to because of the kooks who'd try to make it about veganism just like they did in this thread.

The ONLY reason this thread exists is to demonize veganism and serves as their "proof" that Man cannot survive unless he is a carnivore.

When their faulty assumptions are challenged, they become angry and accuse you of "pushing" veganism. Yet it was they who latched onto an opportunity to push THEIR agenda.

This woman was obviously malnourished and breastfeeding this toddler didnt provide the child with the nutrients needed. The woman has psychological issues but she clearly had no malice or hatred of her children. She needs help and counseling, not prison. Her diet was clearly inadequate and her motivation seems to be asceticism and the feeling of accomplishment she gets from it. She clearly wasn't getting a good diet.

But for the OP to make this about "veganism" is dishonest to the core.

His anger is rooted in the fact that he cannot refute anything when we challenge his false beliefs.

People become vegans for many reasons. I am not, fully, but most people think I am because of what they see me eating. My first reason for going plant based was personal HEALTH. They cannot win an argument with me on that basis.

My other reason is my respect for ALL of God's creation. If I don't NEED to kill, I won't. Man has other options. And the way we treat living, sentient beings, personally disgusts me.
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Florida vegan couple charged with murder after 18-month-old son dies of malnutrition: cops
Yes. Florida is becoming the California of the South. Druggies, homeless street urchins, and freaks. Guaranteed these people are tree hugging climate change idiots too.

After voting for ultra high taxes to fix all their inherently awful policies in NewYrk and NewJersey, for example.....MILLIONS have fled those two states in favor of Florida where REPUBLICANS had created a truly great state over the last 150 years or so.

Only problem is....all these Snowflakes are now voting IN FLORIDA to make it more like the home they left. The definition of insanity?
Who ever tells you that most Leftists are not crazy.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.

There are child abusing nutters everywhere - left and right. It's sad that there seems to be no way of stopping this. :(
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!


Baby's can digest that kind of food.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how could the baby die if food was still being fed to it?

God bless you always!!!


Babies need fat and protein.
They get both with a vegan diet. Plants do contain protein, and fats, the good ones, are found in things like olive oils, coconut oils, Avacado oils.
Not as much protein as the 20oz ribeye steak I eat at least once a week.
A Florida couple who fed their children only raw fruits and vegetables was charged Wednesday with murder for the death of their 18-month-old son, authorities said.

Ryan Patrick O’Leary, 30, and Sheila O’Leary, 35, were indicted by a Lee County grand jury on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse, and two counts of child neglect, State Attorney Amira Fox said at a Wednesday press conference.

Florida Vegans Charged With Murder for Allegedly Starving Toddler on Raw Food Diet

Just look at the photos of them in the article. Just look at the left wing woman. Nothing more annoying, more arrogant or dumber than a left wing woman. Then look at the schmuck guy she married.

Vegans folks. What losers.
These vegans in these days are really dumb. Children has a higher metabolism than an adult athlete. Because they are still growing. They need to eat lots of protein foods like peanut butter and beans, and vegetables and fruits, that is if they are going to be raise up as a vegan. Basically they will need to be grazing all day on food like a cow to keep up with their daily supply of nutrients. In these days, that it is hard to raise a child to be a vegan because of the price of organic produce. And it is not be worth being a vegan if you are eating GMO produces. That it cost more to raise children as vegans than raising them up as organic meat eaters. And Vegans don't consume dairy products which it is a good source for protein and good fats. Without enough protein in the body, that it will cause mental and physical damage. The heart is a muscle, and it needs lots of protein and vitamin B's to keep it pumping. We burns up vitamin B's constantly. That is why at the end of the day, we are very tire. And the food we eat doesn't completely circulate through the body until we are asleep. That is when the nutrients goes where it is needed.

A Vegetarian or Vegan Diet Puts You at Risk of Heart Disease

Chelsea Clinton No Longer Vegetarian, Never a Vegan : Ecorazzi

Peanut butter, beans, vegetables, and fruits ARE part of a vegan diet.

The risk of heart disease is from sugar, or more specifically, carbohydrates. This is because the American diet has so much refined and processed carbohydrates that our insulin is always on, never allowing the cells to release the stored energy.

There is much more to this story than is being provided. A vegan diet (I am not a fan of the diet as I have insulin resistance) is not an unhealthy diet nor is it a threat to children.

Let me tell you something. Processed processed processed. Fine, not the best thing for you. We, as a general rule ate far worse in the 50s 60s 70s and 80s. There weren't required food labels back then. Things were processed back then. Fast foods, candy, potato chips all existed back then. We hardly had any healthy choices. There wasn't bottled water being sold. Coke, Pepsi, RC etc all were though. No sugar free choices with those soft drinks. Cereals from Honey Comb to Sugar Smacks and Cocoa Puffs were the big sellers.

Well, obesity and diabetes have skyrocketed over the last 30 years and it is not because of meat and fish.

Let me clue you in here. What has been introduced into our culture and has been our lifestyle over the last 30 years? Let me clue you in more. What did not exist then? Internet, video games, cable TV, steaming etc etc etc.

Carbs are not the problem. Not even processed carbs. Sedentary behavior is the killer. When we were younger growing up in the 70s even the 80s, we were far more active.

I have 8% body fat. I walk 7 miles 4 days a week. I am not vegan. Please don't tell me about cruelty to animals. I am an animal lover. Don't believe in trophy hunting. Don't ever eat veal cause that cruelty is inexcusable. I try to buy free range chicken as much as I can.

Just don't tell me eating meat and fish is unhealthy when it isn't.

I don't know where you get the idea that I said it is unhealthy to eat meat and fish. I am NOT a vegan, but this demonizing vegan has to stop, just like the demonizing of people who are not vegan has to stop.

Of the four macronutrients (yes, water is considered a macro), only two are essential to life. Carbohydrates isn't one of them.

The micronutrients we need occur in two types, Water-soluble, and fat-soluble. None of them is carb (sugar) soluble.

We use protein to build muscle.
“The mother is a nurturing parent and a devout Christian,” read the firm’s statement.

Florida parents fed their toddler only raw fruits and vegetables — now he’s dead

Right... still do to vegans though. No Christian would be sitting around believing in Veganism based on the Bible, where Jesus and the apostles were eating meat constantly.

There is no Bible scholar teaching the Bible says we should be vegans.

The only place they could have gotten this nonsense if from left-wing vegan culture.
“The mother is a nurturing parent and a devout Christian,” read the firm’s statement.

Florida parents fed their toddler only raw fruits and vegetables — now he’s dead

Right... still do to vegans though. No Christian would be sitting around believing in Veganism based on the Bible, where Jesus and the apostles were eating meat constantly.

There is no Bible scholar teaching the Bible says we should be vegans.

The only place they could have gotten this nonsense if from left-wing vegan culture.

Oh I'm sure a lot of Christians are vegans, homeschool, and not getting vaccinated.
Christian vegetarianism - Wikipedia

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