Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo: Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Illegal Ammo!

He MAY have made IT, but he SOLD IT!
Armor-piercing ammo!

It is legal to buy and possess armor piercing ammunition, but it is illegal to sell armor piercing ammunition.
Ammunition Laws in Las Vegas, Nevada

5. What are the penalties for making or selling armor-piercing ammunition in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Making or selling metal-penetrating bullets is a gross misdemeanor in Nevada, carrying up to $2,000 in fines and/or up to 364 days in jail.[5]

Omy! A gross misdemeanor!


It's perfectly legal in other states. This is a non-issue, and you are a snowflake.

Really? Where do you buy?

Ammunition Regulation | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
Armor-Piercing Ammunition
The following states and DC ban the manufacture, transfer, purchase, and/or possession of armor-piercing or metal-piercing ammunition, commonly defined as ammunition made of specific materials and designed to be fired in a handgun and to penetrate metal or armor, including body armor commonly worn by police officers.

District of Columbia
New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina

Additional states criminalize, or provide enhanced sentences for, the use or possession of armor-piercing ammunition in the commission or attempted commission of crimes, or criminalize the discharge, but not the sale or possession, of armor-piercing ammunition.

btw: I understand these were not handgun rounds. Really either way used. Still wrong to kill deer.

From your own OP link:

"Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license."


He was a gun shop owner making illegal ammo. And Selling it. IN A STATE THAT WON'T EVER GIVE A LIC. TO SELL IT!

Nice to know you get your AP ammo from a lic. NRA dealer in AMERICAN deaths.
Ah yes, we all understand the need for the ammo piercing rounds. Who knows when the police might pull you over for a tail light out.
Progressives do not even know what so called “armor piercing ammo” even is...
It is not practical at all because it is expensive, now criminals they probably love being able to get armor piercing ammo.
What? Are you guys saying that I do not have the constitutional right to sell bullets that are custom designed to kill cops? What the hell is this country coming to?
You obviously have no clue what so-called “armor piercing” ammo is… LOL
Enlighten us what is armor piercing ammo?
Oh no its not dying due to old age.

Your attempts at gun confiscation are what's dying.

See, this is another reason why few people take you seriously. I have never advocated banning guns, and I have never seen a poster here who advocates banning guns. You are so brainwashed that you are hearing voices in your head.
Last edited:

No Matter What You Hear, Guns Aren't Designed to Kill People - The Truth About Guns

First, what are guns designed to do? They’re designed to project force at a distance. They do this by propelling a projectile out of the end of a barrel at a velocity sufficient for the task at hand. The higher the velocity, the more force can be projected at further distances. The heavier the projectile, the more force that can be projected at a given velocity. Guns are machines that allow us to effectively project force at a distance.

To clarify, consider the purpose of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile tipped with a nuclear warhead. What is its purpose? Much like that of a pistol, it’s to project force at a (great) distance. But the Minuteman III wasn’t designed to kill people. It was designed to provide deterrence; that is, to stop other people from killing us. No Minuteman III has ever killed a single person, but it was and is used every day to deter attacks on the United States.

This principle is as old as humanity. The most famous adage associated with it is: Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you wish peace, prepare for war).

People who buy guns in the United States buy them for three primary reasons; hunting, defense, and target shooting.

Okay.. The History of the rifle and guns.

The Matchlock 1400's (aka First Rifle thang?) MADE ONLY FOR the King's soldiers to kill other civilians and soldiers.
They were made to KILL people when invented! By/In that time then, those 0.01% sponsors paying the bills,
so THEY could keep all their stolen stuff from others. And claimed it was the lords' will, they had the guns and others money.

MADE, To shot into mass lines of soldiers where you may get a hit.
If you shoot at anyone 50-100 feet away, one in 30 shots get'a, A HIT on the target. Wait they had no way to aim them.

In the 1400' There was no sports shooting game of/for Matchlocks. They had no aiming sights. A target hit was just lucky.

btw: Civilian Gun Nutters should only be allowed to keep Matchlocks and/or Flintlocks,
Like what was used in 1791 when the 2nd Ana was written.



BTW... The Constitution is a living document, It evolves. You Silly little fucker
Not all GOP are patsy.
But ALL DOPers are the patsy.
So, what is the percent, are you referring too here?

All I know is that the body that they claimed was removed from the hotel room wasn't that of Stephen Paddock that had the # "13" promently tattooed on his neck......

Please keep looking.

The NRA and supporters are still fully to BLAME ALWAYS.

I don't know what you believe the end game should be....that Americans should only have single shot rifles, no hand guns, etc, etc? But you are going to be waiting a very long time before Americans give up the right to defend themselves by any means necessary. Democide (death by government due to an unarmed populace) since 1900 is around 200 million people. I would rather take my chances of being killed by someone having a bad day than trust a totalitarian "gubermint" with guns while we are unarmed. It's not gonna happen in my lifetime and millions like me feel the same way. You can't possibly "guilt" us into acquiescing because too much is at stake. Do you get the gist of my message?

I'm okay with anythang holding six shots. Handgun, rifle or shotgun.
Maybe up to 13 rounds? All Semi auto should be banned.
If they are used to fight the US drones. Please do.
These Morons war was lost before these morons played.
Only a fool thinks that the US military would go against its own citizens, US military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment. You silly little fucker. LOL
Not all GOP are patsy.
But ALL DOPers are the patsy.
So, what is the percent, are you referring too here?

All I know is that the body that they claimed was removed from the hotel room wasn't that of Stephen Paddock that had the # "13" promently tattooed on his neck......

Please keep looking.

The NRA and supporters are still fully to BLAME ALWAYS.

I don't know what you believe the end game should be....that Americans should only have single shot rifles, no hand guns, etc, etc? But you are going to be waiting a very long time before Americans give up the right to defend themselves by any means necessary. Democide (death by government due to an unarmed populace) since 1900 is around 200 million people. I would rather take my chances of being killed by someone having a bad day than trust a totalitarian "gubermint" with guns while we are unarmed. It's not gonna happen in my lifetime and millions like me feel the same way. You can't possibly "guilt" us into acquiescing because too much is at stake. Do you get the gist of my message?

I'm okay with anythang holding six shots. Handgun, rifle or shotgun.
Maybe up to 13 rounds? All Semi auto should be banned.
If they are used to fight the US drones. Please do.
These Morons war was lost before these morons played.
Only a fool thinks that the US military would go against its own citizens, US military is overwhelmingly pro second amendment. You silly little fucker. LOL
How about this time?

Or this time...?
Bonus Army - Wikipedia

Or this time?

Executive Order 9066 - Wikipedia
Or this time?

Battle of Blair Mountain - Wikipedia

You were saying...?
Oh no its not dying due to old age.

Your attempts at gun confiscation are what's dying.

See, this is another reason why few people take you seriously. I have never advocated banning guns, and I have never seen a poster her who advocates banning guns. You are so brainwashed that you are hearing voices in your head.
You don’t get to say what firearms to ban and what firearms not to ban, you have no credibility in that matter. you fucking control freak.
Progressives like you can fuck off
What? Are you guys saying that I do not have the constitutional right to sell bullets that are custom designed to kill cops? What the hell is this country coming to?
You obviously have no clue what so-called “armor piercing” ammo is… LOL
Enlighten us what is armor piercing ammo?

Tell ya what, Rustic. Put on a uniform like I do and patrol 2 days a week with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers In a patrol car in your community. I am sure that your colleagues will enlighten you, like mine have enlightened me.
Tracers and AP ammo are legal to buy all day long, snowflake.

He MAY have made IT, but he SOLD IT!
Armor-piercing ammo!

It is legal to buy and possess armor piercing ammunition, but it is illegal to sell armor piercing ammunition.
Ammunition Laws in Las Vegas, Nevada

5. What are the penalties for making or selling armor-piercing ammunition in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Making or selling metal-penetrating bullets is a gross misdemeanor in Nevada, carrying up to $2,000 in fines and/or up to 364 days in jail.[5]

Omy! A gross misdemeanor!


It's perfectly legal in other states. This is a non-issue, and you are a snowflake.
Still, the point here, is he not the good guy with guns?

Did he sell the ammo with the intent it would be used to murder people...? Doofus.......

Do the people who sell cars to alcoholics know they are going to ram those cars into nice families?

Well now, here we see 2aguy in full howling bay defending a person that has committed a gun crime. Like every thing else he lies about. Oh well, when President Pence loses bigly in 2020, the next Congress, Senate, and Executive will pass some sensible gun laws that most of the Americans desire.
Frivolous gun laws are desired by nobody but fucking control freaks like yourself. Fucking pussies
Tracers and AP ammo are legal to buy all day long, snowflake.

He MAY have made IT, but he SOLD IT!
Armor-piercing ammo!

It is legal to buy and possess armor piercing ammunition, but it is illegal to sell armor piercing ammunition.
Ammunition Laws in Las Vegas, Nevada

5. What are the penalties for making or selling armor-piercing ammunition in Las Vegas, Nevada?
Making or selling metal-penetrating bullets is a gross misdemeanor in Nevada, carrying up to $2,000 in fines and/or up to 364 days in jail.[5]

Omy! A gross misdemeanor!


It's perfectly legal in other states. This is a non-issue, and you are a snowflake.
Still, the point here, is he not the good guy with guns?

Did he sell the ammo with the intent it would be used to murder people...? Doofus.......

Do the people who sell cars to alcoholics know they are going to ram those cars into nice families?


Ammo is made to kill.
Ammo is not for making bread.
The maker of the Ammo knew what it was made to do.
Tell ya what, Rustic. Put on a uniform like I do and patrol 2 days a week with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers In a patrol car in your community. I am sure that your colleagues will enlighten you, like mine have enlightened me.

Oh Lord he thinks he knows everything because he's a rent-a-cop.
Oh no its not dying due to old age.

Your attempts at gun confiscation are what's dying.

See, this is another reason why few people take you seriously. I have never advocated banning guns, and I have never seen a poster her who advocates banning guns. You are so brainwashed that you are hearing voices in your head.
You don’t get to say what firearms to ban and what firearms not to ban, you have no credibility in that matter. you fucking control freak.
Progressives like you can fuck off

I have been seeing your post for a couple of years, now, Rustic, and I do not recall ever reading one in which you did not use the word "fuck" at least twice, but usually more. That pretty much confirms to me that you are not a grown up, and I'm tired of you immature insults. You have just joined some other teenagers on my "ignore" list.
I own five firearms myself, but I don't take them out and spend the day caressing them, and I would not think of it as being similar to a divorce if I parted with them. In fact, I have a rifle that I would sell right now, if I knew for sure of a responsible way to sell it. I don't consider selling it on Craig's list as being responsible.
It’s no one else’s fucking business but yours Don’t be a weasel sell it however you want to do, and certainly none of the federal governments business.
What? Are you guys saying that I do not have the constitutional right to sell bullets that are custom designed to kill cops? What the hell is this country coming to?
You obviously have no clue what so-called “armor piercing” ammo is… LOL
Enlighten us what is armor piercing ammo?

Tell ya what, Rustic. Put on a uniform like I do and patrol 2 days a week with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers In a patrol car in your community. I am sure that your colleagues will enlighten you, like mine have enlightened me.
I sell firearms and ammo to the local sheriffs department, and to the military personnel that are from two military bases close by for their personal use. You control freaks just need to get a life… LOL

No Matter What You Hear, Guns Aren't Designed to Kill People - The Truth About Guns

First, what are guns designed to do? They’re designed to project force at a distance. They do this by propelling a projectile out of the end of a barrel at a velocity sufficient for the task at hand. The higher the velocity, the more force can be projected at further distances. The heavier the projectile, the more force that can be projected at a given velocity. Guns are machines that allow us to effectively project force at a distance.

To clarify, consider the purpose of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile tipped with a nuclear warhead. What is its purpose? Much like that of a pistol, it’s to project force at a (great) distance. But the Minuteman III wasn’t designed to kill people. It was designed to provide deterrence; that is, to stop other people from killing us. No Minuteman III has ever killed a single person, but it was and is used every day to deter attacks on the United States.

This principle is as old as humanity. The most famous adage associated with it is: Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you wish peace, prepare for war).

People who buy guns in the United States buy them for three primary reasons; hunting, defense, and target shooting.

Okay.. The History of the rifle and guns.

The Matchlock 1400's (aka First Rifle thang?) MADE ONLY FOR the King's soldiers to kill other civilians and soldiers.
They were made to KILL people when invented! By/In that time then, those 0.01% sponsors paying the bills,
so THEY could keep all their stolen stuff from others. And claimed it was the lords' will, they had the guns and others money.

MADE, To shot into mass lines of soldiers where you may get a hit.
If you shoot at anyone 50-100 feet away, one in 30 shots get'a, A HIT on the target. Wait they had no way to aim them.

In the 1400' There was no sports shooting game of/for Matchlocks. They had no aiming sights. A target hit was just lucky.

btw: Civilian Gun Nutters should only be allowed to keep Matchlocks and/or Flintlocks,
Like what was used in 1791 when the 2nd Ana was written.



BTW... The Constitution is a living document, It evolves. You Silly little fucker

Powder Alarm - Wikipedia
General Thomas Gage removed some artillery powder in 1774, but it was British Powder, not citizen weaponry. Later, the British government voted to prohibit exporting of their arms to America, but that is different than a ban on import. So basically, it wasn't gun control in the way that certain people would have you believe. It was the British attempting to secure their own property from being used against them, not taking away muskets from common citizens.

Btw: Keep Trying with your Lying! These people went out to steal other peoples stuff. Powder and guns. Just American thieves. Who also stole this land from the only real Americans HERE. The Red Skin Injuns.
Last edited:
Oh no its not dying due to old age.

Your attempts at gun confiscation are what's dying.

See, this is another reason why few people take you seriously. I have never advocated banning guns, and I have never seen a poster her who advocates banning guns. You are so brainwashed that you are hearing voices in your head.
You don’t get to say what firearms to ban and what firearms not to ban, you have no credibility in that matter. you fucking control freak.
Progressives like you can fuck off

I have been seeing your post for a couple of years, now, Rustic, and I do not recall ever reading one in which you did not use the word "fuck" at least twice, but usually more. That pretty much confirms to me that you are not a grown up, and I'm tired of you immature insults. You have just joined some other teenagers on my "ignore" list.
Tell ya what, Rustic. Put on a uniform like I do and patrol 2 days a week with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers In a patrol car in your community. I am sure that your colleagues will enlighten you, like mine have enlightened me.

Oh Lord he thinks he knows everything because he's a rent-a-cop.

Get back to me when you have had to look down the barrel of a gun held by a drunk, like I have, and let me know how you feel about proliferation of firearms without even background checks in private transactions.

No Matter What You Hear, Guns Aren't Designed to Kill People - The Truth About Guns

First, what are guns designed to do? They’re designed to project force at a distance. They do this by propelling a projectile out of the end of a barrel at a velocity sufficient for the task at hand. The higher the velocity, the more force can be projected at further distances. The heavier the projectile, the more force that can be projected at a given velocity. Guns are machines that allow us to effectively project force at a distance.

To clarify, consider the purpose of a Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile tipped with a nuclear warhead. What is its purpose? Much like that of a pistol, it’s to project force at a (great) distance. But the Minuteman III wasn’t designed to kill people. It was designed to provide deterrence; that is, to stop other people from killing us. No Minuteman III has ever killed a single person, but it was and is used every day to deter attacks on the United States.

This principle is as old as humanity. The most famous adage associated with it is: Si vis pacem, para bellum (if you wish peace, prepare for war).

People who buy guns in the United States buy them for three primary reasons; hunting, defense, and target shooting.

Okay.. The History of the rifle and guns.

The Matchlock 1400's (aka First Rifle thang?) MADE ONLY FOR the King's soldiers to kill other civilians and soldiers.
They were made to KILL people when invented! By/In that time then, those 0.01% sponsors paying the bills,
so THEY could keep all their stolen stuff from others. And claimed it was the lords' will, they had the guns and others money.

MADE, To shot into mass lines of soldiers where you may get a hit.
If you shoot at anyone 50-100 feet away, one in 30 shots get'a, A HIT on the target. Wait they had no way to aim them.

In the 1400' There was no sports shooting game of/for Matchlocks. They had no aiming sights. A target hit was just lucky.

btw: Civilian Gun Nutters should only be allowed to keep Matchlocks and/or Flintlocks,
Like what was used in 1791 when the 2nd Ana was written.



BTW... The Constitution is a living document, It evolves. You Silly little fucker

Powder Alarm - Wikipedia
General Thomas Gage to remove some artillery powder in 1774, but it was British Powder, not citizen weaponry. Later, the British government voted to prohibit exporting of their arms to America, but that is different than a ban on import. So basically, it wasn't gun control in the way that certain people would have you believe. It was the British attempting to secure their own property from being used against them, not taking away muskets from common citizens.

Btw: Keep Trying with your Lying! These people went out to steal other peoples stuff. Powder and guns. Just American thieves. Who also stole these land from the only real Americans. the Injuns.

Do you think for yourself?
Tell ya what, Rustic. Put on a uniform like I do and patrol 2 days a week with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers In a patrol car in your community. I am sure that your colleagues will enlighten you, like mine have enlightened me.

Oh Lord he thinks he knows everything because he's a rent-a-cop.

Get back to me when you have had to look down the barrel of a gun held by a drunk, like I have, and let me know how you feel about proliferation of firearms without even background checks in private transactions.
Fucking pussy, frivolous gun control laws only hurt law-abiding people.
You need to stay the fuck out of people’s private business you Orwellian fuck
Man charged with conspiracy for allegedly selling Vegas shooter armor-piercing ammo

A man has been charged with conspiracy in connection to October's massacre in Las Vegas for allegedly selling armor-piercing ammunition to shooter Stephen Paddock.

Douglas Haig, 55, has been charged with conspiracy to manufacture and sell armor-piercing ammunition.

According to the complaint, which was obtained by ABC News, Haig admitted to selling hundreds of rounds of tracer ammo to Paddock in September, which isn't illegal. However, among the unfired rounds found in Paddock’s hotel room were two cartridges which forensic analysis determined were armor-piercing/incendiary ammo that had Haig’s fingerprints on them, the complaint states. Such ammunition is illegal to manufacture without a license. Haig, according to the complaint, did not have such a license.

A subsequent search warrant at his business located more armor-piercing and incendiary rounds and records of Haig selling them around the country, according to the complaint.

Man who sold ammo to Vegas shooter charged with conspiracy

:rolleyes-41::dunno: Seems this Gun Nutter is a Legal seller of AMMO! And Illegal as well.

Thanks, NRA Murders. Nice score as Sponsors.
You folks are fully responsible. For 58 Dead and 422 Wounded. Some 851 Dead, Wounded or Injured.

btw: I say, if you're a gun shop owner, you are a
FULL NRA 100% American BORN Gun Nutter Terrorist.

Is that like Obama giving weapons to the drug cartel like he did in the Fast and Furious operation? Isn't that also illegal as hell?

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