Vegetarianism Is Misguided


Gold Member
Feb 1, 2016
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
Some people can evolve.
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
There is someone forcing you to be a vegetarian?
Let's see if I got this right. If you don't eat animal products, you are a vegetarian which means if you also made a living treating sick animals you would be a veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were 80 years old you would be an octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a Protestant who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity you would be a Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a philanthropists who ruled your kids with an iron fist, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if by sheer chance you wore born in Hungary and your birth was not accomplished vaginally, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian, born Hungarian by cesarean. Of course, if your spouse works in a library....

Sorry, the devil made me do it.
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
There is someone forcing you to be a vegetarian?

Not at all, that's a strawman argument on your part. I don't control other people's diets, I'm sim
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
There is someone forcing you to be a vegetarian?

Not at all, that's a strawman argument. I have no control over other people's diets. All I am stating is that our bodies are designed to eat an equal combo of plants and animals, that's all. Why read any conspiracy into that simple fact? What is so offensive about that fact?
Vegetarians can and do get fats from various oils such as olive oil, nuts and certain foods such as avocados. Those who consume dairy products have a wide selection of fats to choose from. Five tablespoons of olive oil provide the recommended amount of daily fat in a diet. A tablespoon is not very big and one can imagine five tablespoons used in just one salad, hence, even the non-dairy eating vegans can easily consume the needed amount of fats. Throw in all the different kinds of nuts and the issue becomes a non-issue.
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
There is someone forcing you to be a vegetarian?

Not at all, that's a strawman argument on your part. I don't control other people's diets, I'm sim
No matter how well-intentioned it is, it's an anthropological fact that if early proto-human cavemen didn't start eating meat, they would never have gotten the bursts of proteins & fats necessary for our brains to grow more and more complex and achieve sentience. The human brain is made of very fatty tissues you don't get from plants alone.

As further proof that humans evolved to an omnivorous diet of meat and plants, we evolved sharp incisor teeth designed to tear through meat, our tongues evolved "salty" tastebuds to get off on the flavor of meat (just as we evolved "sweet" tastebuds to enjoy fruit as well), and we have some of the most corrosive stomach acid on the planet - perfect for dissolving meat. If humans were only designed to eat plants, our stomach acid would be pure biological overkill. Our digestive tracts have evolved both qualities of herbivores and carnivores, which suggests we thrive best on an equal mixture of plants and meat in our diets.
There is someone forcing you to be a vegetarian?

Not at all, that's a strawman argument. I have no control over other people's diets. All I am stating is that our bodies are designed to eat an equal combo of plants and animals, that's all. Why read any conspiracy into that simple fact? What is so offensive about that fact?
Then why do you care what vegetarians do?

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