Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua gives ‘green light’ to members to shoot US cops, Homeland Security memo warns


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
It's going to get rougher being a law-enforcement officer. I wouldn't want their job for all the tea in China.

"Members of the violent Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua have been given the “green light” to attack and open fire on cops in Denver, a federal memo obtained by The Post reveals.

The gang is already tied to hundreds of crimes, including the shootings of two NYPD cops who were trying to arrest one of its members in June.

“Credible human sources from Colorado provided information on TdA [Tren de Aragua] giving a ‘green light’ to fire on or attack law enforcement,” said the memo, from the Homeland Security Investigations office in Chicago.


“As you may know, we have a TdA presence here in Chicago, so please be vigilant as you encounter TdA members or affiliates during your investigative and operational activities.”

The memo added that “Credible human sources from Colorado provided” the intelligence via the Albuquerque Police Department.

The warning comes as Denver has gotten 42,000 migrants — more per capita than any other US city — and many of them are from Venezuela.

The prison gang, whose name means “The Aragua Train” — a reference to the Aragua region in Venezuela — has infiltrated the US by sending members posing as asylum seekers across the southern border.

From there, its members have flocked to major US cities including New York, Chicago, Miami and Denver, where they engage in money laundering, gun smuggling, theft and human trafficking, according to reports.

The US Border Patrol only began tracking the group last year and has recorded catching 70 of its members, according to federal data..."

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The Venezuelan gangs are using drones and hidden cameras to case your homes... they learn when you are home and when you are not and they clean you out... and they watch the police stations for shift changes... Biden didn't just let criminals into America... he let organized crime into America....
Now some idiot lib will chime in with the migrants commit less crime than US citizens bullshit....

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