Venezuela’s Socialism Has Triggered Looting Instead of Shopping

It is called from each according to their ability and to each according to their need.....just because for the left that means the ability to take what others create and to demand to fill your needs by also taking what others have...they just haven't realized how to get past that...and never will....

Socialism should just call itself the philosophy of taking other people's crap.....and call it a day....
Socialism isn't the problem; corruption and complete mismanagement is the country's problem. Socialism in itself is not the problem.

When you put political and economic power together in the hands of the same people, AND you give them control of the use of force, what do you expect?

Socialists have been trying to separate human nature from socialism without success for over a century now, and they don't learn their lessons. They keep thinking THIS time will be different, and it never is.

When you put political and economic power together in the hands of the same people, AND you give them control of the use of force, what do you expect?

And you don't think we have that situation here now?


I love this athiest Randian bullshit. Got one of my own.

Soviet style communism and America style capitalism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination, wherein all wealth, power, and all reasonable societal access to either are eventually concentrated into the hands of a tyrannical few.
Well, keep your socialism to yourselves then leave the rest of us out of it, socialism has destroyed millions and millions of people's lives - many, many of us want nothing to do with it.

You live in a society with a blended economy and you love it when the socialist aspects of your blended economy cut in your favor. You just shat yourself when you think it helps anyone else.

Take it up with Wall Street, they love socialism and bailouts.
Socialism is constantly adding more and more laws/regulations, thus killing freedom - the little we have left...
Socialism only helps career politicians and their puppet masters.

I love this athiest Randian bullshit. Got one of my own.

Soviet style communism and America style capitalism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination, wherein all wealth, power, and all reasonable societal access to either are eventually concentrated into the hands of a tyrannical few.

And yet nobody has ever fled capitalism. Millions have fled from socialism and communism.

Please show me some credible evidence no one ever fled capitalism. Ameicans purchasing pharmaceuticals for Canada kinda are doing that, but let's leave that alone. Prove no one ever left a capitalist society for economic reasons please. Thanks in advance.
Prove where they have. Dumbass
Please show me some credible evidence no one ever fled capitalism. Ameicans purchasing pharmaceuticals for Canada kinda are doing that, but let's leave that alone. Prove no one ever left a capitalist society for economic reasons please. Thanks in advance.

You're free at any time to provide us with the evidence of droves of people fleeing capitalist nations for the "utopian paradises" of Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union, East Berlin, etc. Good luck with that. I imagine we'll be waiting quite a while.

On the other hand, history is rife with millions of those people risking their lives to leave those places and come to the western world.
It is called from each according to their ability and to each according to their need.....just because for the left that means the ability to take what others create and to demand to fill your needs by also taking what others have...they just haven't realized how to get past that...and never will....

Socialism should just call itself the philosophy of taking other people's crap.....and call it a day....
Socialism isn't the problem; corruption and complete mismanagement is the country's problem. Socialism in itself is not the problem.

When you put political and economic power together in the hands of the same people, AND you give them control of the use of force, what do you expect?

Socialists have been trying to separate human nature from socialism without success for over a century now, and they don't learn their lessons. They keep thinking THIS time will be different, and it never is.

When you put political and economic power together in the hands of the same people, AND you give them control of the use of force, what do you expect?

And you don't think we have that situation here now?


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...
Please show me some credible evidence no one ever fled capitalism. Ameicans purchasing pharmaceuticals for Canada kinda are doing that, but let's leave that alone. Prove no one ever left a capitalist society for economic reasons please. Thanks in advance.

You're free at any time to provide us with the evidence of droves of people fleeing capitalist nations for the "utopian paradises" of Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union, East Berlin, etc. Good luck with that. I imagine we'll be waiting quite a while.

On the other hand, history is rife with millions of those people risking their lives to leave those places and come to the western world.

You're the one who made a claim, not I. If you couldn't back up yor claim it's fien with me. It was kind of a stupidass claim and had no piont anyway. You're just putting your feelings out there, not that there's anything wrong with that. Dont' feel too bad, no one can prove a negative, that's why it was a dumb thing to say in the first place.

The fact of the matter is, this US has always been a blended economy and you're just unaware. We just recently turned in a huge way to socialism to bail out Wall Street. Across both "conservative" and "liberal administrations. We subsidize big agribusiness, big pharma, NFL and other professional team owners. Socialism's all over america. Look into it some in between your preachin'.

I love this athiest Randian bullshit. Got one of my own.

Soviet style communism and America style capitalism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination, wherein all wealth, power, and all reasonable societal access to either are eventually concentrated into the hands of a tyrannical few.

And yet nobody has ever fled capitalism. Millions have fled from socialism and communism.

Please show me some credible evidence no one ever fled capitalism. Ameicans purchasing pharmaceuticals for Canada kinda are doing that, but let's leave that alone. Prove no one ever left a capitalist society for economic reasons please. Thanks in advance.
Prove where they have. Dumbass

I'm not the one that made a claim pard, why so angry?

I love this athiest Randian bullshit. Got one of my own.

Soviet style communism and America style capitalism are but divergent paths to the same ultimate destination, wherein all wealth, power, and all reasonable societal access to either are eventually concentrated into the hands of a tyrannical few.

And yet nobody has ever fled capitalism. Millions have fled from socialism and communism.

Please show me some credible evidence no one ever fled capitalism. Ameicans purchasing pharmaceuticals for Canada kinda are doing that, but let's leave that alone. Prove no one ever left a capitalist society for economic reasons please. Thanks in advance.
Prove where they have. Dumbass

I'm not the one that made a claim pard, why so angry?
Thanks to the socialist federal government... And only has gotten worse. Because it can't change its spots.
It is called from each according to their ability and to each according to their need.....just because for the left that means the ability to take what others create and to demand to fill your needs by also taking what others have...they just haven't realized how to get past that...and never will....

Socialism should just call itself the philosophy of taking other people's crap.....and call it a day....
Socialism isn't the problem; corruption and complete mismanagement is the country's problem. Socialism in itself is not the problem.
Even Marx said socialism would fail
Humans are too greedy for this bullshit to work. The central government gets wayyy too much power. Look at history. Socialism IS the problem.

Did he? Where? Love to see it, show me.

"Humans are too greedy for this bullshit to work."

It's the exact same thing for the manner in which we're doing capitalism now. You're aware Wall Street recently took other people's crap? Socialism? Under both a "conservative" and then a "liberal" administration?

Wall Street didn't take other people's crap. The government did. Wall street isn't able to take anyone's crap.

Jesus bub, wake the fuck up, no one's political party is coming to the rescue:

That much is true.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class Internalized profit versus externalized risk/expense for the "job creator" class Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez faire capitalism for the masses

That's america.

That isn't capitalism. It's socialism.
You're the one who made a claim, not I. If you couldn't back up yor claim it's fien with me. It was kind of a stupidass claim and had no piont anyway.

So show me all the reports of people fleeing capitalist nations? Shouldn't be hard if it's such a stupid ass claim that it doesn't happen, right? What's the problem? I can provide you plenty of evidence of people leaving socialist nations and flocking here, though.

You're just putting your feelings out there, not that there's anything wrong with that. Dont' feel too bad, no one can prove a negative, that's why it was a dumb thing to say in the first place.

No, I'm just pointing out reality which for some reason you choose to ignore. I guess it's better to live in ignorance than admit to yourself your world view might be flawed. Proving a negative is exactly what you're asking me to do. You seem to be rather confused.

The fact of the matter is, this US has always been a blended economy and you're just unaware. We just recently turned in a huge way to socialism to bail out Wall Street. Across both "conservative" and "liberal administrations. We subsidize big agribusiness, big pharma, NFL and other professional team owners.

What makes you think I'm unaware of any of these things. On the contrary, I am far more well versed in the workings of the world than you can ever hope to be.

Socialism's all over america.

No, not really. There are some redistributive programs and policies that have their roots in central planning, but this is not a Socialist country. It's heavily regulated crony-capitalism.

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