Vengeance killing: the other component of Inner City murder rates.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
I posted yesterday an excellent special about Inner City gun violence on CBS Sunday Morning. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that much of the killing is not directly related to drug gang assassinations or random gunfire but purely revenge for a relative or a friend who was murdered. I'm paraphrasing but the gentleman Ted Koppel was interviewing stated that when a brother or a friend is murdered, often the first reaction is "Ok you killed my brother, now I'm going to kill you". They don't fight with their fists anymore, they just grab their Glok and start shooting.

So you have the drug gangs/cartels shipping the drugs and guns into the inner cities. And you have a population of angry abandoned Black men. The gang members murder for turf control or intimidation. But a consequence of this is often vengeance killing by a friend or relative. Vengeance killing thus becomes a multiplier to the death toll. And as long as the Inner City constants are broken Fatherless families and billions of dollars of illegal drugs and guns pouring in, the cycle of violence and murder will continue for another 50 years. This isn't Afghanistan or Somalia or Ghana. Senseless murders should not be accepted as the status quo, but for 50 years it has been.
With all due respect, if certain young gentlemen do not harm strangers on the street, in stores, on the subway, or in their homes, then that is all that we can expect.

Be satisfied if you escape being robbed or sucker punched or home invaded.

If those young gentlemen want to be mean to other young gentlemen, that is their business.

We should just stay out of it and keep our mouths shut.

Like it or not, that is just how it is in 2021 America.

Heck! If you think it's bad now, wait until what your great-grandchildren will be facing!
This is what Capital Punishment is. A country can not rightly condemn what they themselves do also.
I posted yesterday an excellent special about Inner City gun violence on CBS Sunday Morning. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that much of the killing is not directly related to drug gang assassinations or random gunfire but purely revenge for a relative or a friend who was murdered. I'm paraphrasing but the gentleman Ted Koppel was interviewing stated that when a brother or a friend is murdered, often the first reaction is "Ok you killed my brother, now I'm going to kill you". They don't fight with their fists anymore, they just grab their Glok and start shooting.

So you have the drug gangs/cartels shipping the drugs and guns into the inner cities. And you have a population of angry abandoned Black men. The gang members murder for turf control or intimidation. But a consequence of this is often vengeance killing by a friend or relative. Vengeance killing thus becomes a multiplier to the death toll. And as long as the Inner City constants are broken Fatherless families and billions of dollars of illegal drugs and guns pouring in, the cycle of violence and murder will continue for another 50 years. This isn't Afghanistan or Somalia or Ghana. Senseless murders should not be accepted as the status quo, but for 50 years it has been.
No that is not the problem. And when you count the number of murders against the entire black populations, its a very small problem. Racists want to contort this but when you look at the anniual numbers of killings whites and blacks have about the same number. But whites have more of the things in their communities that should prevent murder, so then one must ask a saltine like you why you are so obessed with this? It's not because you give damn.

You miss the one real constant in the inner cities that would reduce the violence. Lack of economic and community development. Not absent fathers.
No that is not the problem. And when you count the number of murders against the entire black populations, its a very small problem. Racists want to contort this but when you look at the anniual numbers of killings whites and blacks have about the same number. But whites have more of the things in their communities that should prevent murder, so then one must ask a saltine like you why you are so obessed with this? It's not because you give damn.

You miss the one real constant in the inner cities that would reduce the violence. Lack of economic and community development. Not absent fathers.

As I've said, the left LOVES what's going on in their shithole cities. ^^^Here's more proof^^^.

They have ZERO desire to stop the slaughter, it's way too good for business.
As I've said, the left LOVES what's going on in their shithole cities. ^^^Here's more proof^^^.

They have ZERO desire to stop the slaughter, it's way too good for business.
The truth is hard for whites like you. I lived and worked in a inner city. I know what the issues are and they sin't what bunch of dumb ass white racists say it is. And don't pist any bullshit from some sellout.


You miss the one real constant in the inner cities that would reduce the violence. Lack of economic and community development. Not absent fathers.
I agree that lack of economic and community development is part of what perpetuates the misery. But ignoring the lack of strong male role models in the inner cities is a key factor. The drug trade is getting them killed or put in prison. You have to have eyes wide open and address ALL of the issues. It will take community outreach, local leaders and police officers, skills and business investment to turn it around but I believe it is doable.
What role do blacks play in solving their own problems? And when do they step up and take responsibility for their own bad choices and actions.

No one can fix their problems for them. Throwing ever more money and free stuff at them has never worked.

And blaming racism, and whitey, and micro-aggressions (whatever the fuck those are, lol), is a total cop out and waste of time.

Blacks can fix their own problems, if they have the will and the balls to do so. Do not waste any more taxpayer dollars on these shithole neighborhoods.
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The truth is hard for whites like you. I lived and worked in a inner city. I know what the issues are and they sin't what bunch of dumb ass white racists say it is. And don't pist any bullshit from some sellout.

As I said, the left LOVES what's happening to your people in their shithole cities. And they've got lots of Stepinfetchits like you toeing the line for them.

Why don't you make another donation to Planned Parenthood, and make sure to tell them it's for black babies only? Good boy.
With all due respect, if certain young gentlemen do not harm strangers on the street, in stores, on the subway, or in their homes, then that is all that we can expect.

Be satisfied if you escape being robbed or sucker punched or home invaded.

If those young gentlemen want to be mean to other young gentlemen, that is their business.

We should just stay out of it and keep our mouths shut.

Like it or not, that is just how it is in 2021 America.

Heck! If you think it's bad now, wait until what your great-grandchildren will be facing!
It is disgraceful how weak and defeatist so many supposed Americans posting here are. Bunch of spineless quitters. ^^^^
I posted yesterday an excellent special about Inner City gun violence on CBS Sunday Morning. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that much of the killing is not directly related to drug gang assassinations or random gunfire but purely revenge for a relative or a friend who was murdered. I'm paraphrasing but the gentleman Ted Koppel was interviewing stated that when a brother or a friend is murdered, often the first reaction is "Ok you killed my brother, now I'm going to kill you". They don't fight with their fists anymore, they just grab their Glok and start shooting.

So you have the drug gangs/cartels shipping the drugs and guns into the inner cities. And you have a population of angry abandoned Black men. The gang members murder for turf control or intimidation. But a consequence of this is often vengeance killing by a friend or relative. Vengeance killing thus becomes a multiplier to the death toll. And as long as the Inner City constants are broken Fatherless families and billions of dollars of illegal drugs and guns pouring in, the cycle of violence and murder will continue for another 50 years. This isn't Afghanistan or Somalia or Ghana. Senseless murders should not be accepted as the status quo, but for 50 years it has been.



During the 1980s-90s when I was a uniformed cop, robbery and homicide detective investigating violence and mostly drug-related "revenge crimes" perpetrated by emotionally or mentally disturbed citizens residing in or frequenting the northern part of Brooklyn, NY.... colleagues serving the southern part of Brooklyn we're investigating violence and "revenge crimes."

My question, who is primarily responsible for raising smiling, happy babies maturing into apparent emotionally disturbed, suic!d@l, homicidal minded citizens engaging in family, people and Community harming Anti-social behaviors???

To learn more about "revenge crimes" perpetrated by apparent sick, mentally disturbed citizens, check out the stomach turning information provided in the following books describing inhuman behaviors engaged in by organized crime figures...

I posted yesterday an excellent special about Inner City gun violence on CBS Sunday Morning. The thing that stood out to me was the fact that much of the killing is not directly related to drug gang assassinations or random gunfire but purely revenge for a relative or a friend who was murdered. I'm paraphrasing but the gentleman Ted Koppel was interviewing stated that when a brother or a friend is murdered, often the first reaction is "Ok you killed my brother, now I'm going to kill you". They don't fight with their fists anymore, they just grab their Glok and start shooting.

So you have the drug gangs/cartels shipping the drugs and guns into the inner cities. And you have a population of angry abandoned Black men. The gang members murder for turf control or intimidation. But a consequence of this is often vengeance killing by a friend or relative. Vengeance killing thus becomes a multiplier to the death toll. And as long as the Inner City constants are broken Fatherless families and billions of dollars of illegal drugs and guns pouring in, the cycle of violence and murder will continue for another 50 years. This isn't Afghanistan or Somalia or Ghana. Senseless murders should not be accepted as the status quo, but for 50 years it has been.

But the way to stop the chain of events that lead to this retaliation, is end the War on Drugs.
It is the War on Drugs that entices with high profits, makes the government look like the evil enemy, forces large accumulations of cash and the firearms to protect it, prevents people from trusting police, etc.

That is not to say I think drugs are good.
It is just there is no legal means by which drugs can be made illegal.
Those who think they can, are the real evil and criminals.
I agree that lack of economic and community development is part of what perpetuates the misery. But ignoring the lack of strong male role models in the inner cities is a key factor. The drug trade is getting them killed or put in prison. You have to have eyes wide open and address ALL of the issues. It will take community outreach, local leaders and police officers, skills and business investment to turn it around but I believe it is doable.
Nothing you say here is correct. Now I think it's time whites like you shut up with opinions and listen to facts from someone who has lived in such communities and have met with other blacks from inner cities from around the country. Blacks don't control the shipment of drugs in this country and single mothers have boyfriends, if we use your stereotypes as an argument. The problem is economic development. Put retail stores in inner cities and kids have jods. If kids have jobs they get paid. If they are getting money, the need to sell drugs to make money is reduced. This people like you don't seem to understand.
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What role do blacks play in solving their own problems? And when do they step up and take responsibility for their own bad choices and actions.

No one can fix their problems for them. Throwing ever more money and free stuff at them has never worked.

And blaming racism, and whitey, and micro-aggressions (whatever the fuck those are, lol), is a total cop out and waste of time.

Blacks can fix their own problems, if they have the will and the balls to do so. Do not waste any more taxpayer dollars on these shithole neighborhoods.

I agree throwing free stuff at people does not help give any incentive to learn skills or improve.
But they need the basics first, like education, job opportunities, health care access, etc.

Inner city schools are substandard.
I talk to Blacks who came through inner city schools, and they are never even taught the basics of life, like that the top of all maps point north.
That all cities have address numbers that either go down to 0 in the center, or at a waterfront if there is a water front.
What role do blacks play in solving their own problems? And when do they step up and take responsibility for their own bad choices and actions.

No one can fix their problems for them. Throwing ever more money and free stuff at them has never worked.

And blaming racism, and whitey, and micro-aggressions (whatever the fuck those are, lol), is a total cop out and waste of time.

Blacks can fix their own problems, if they have the will and the balls to do so. Do not waste any more taxpayer dollars on these shithole neighborhoods.
When will whites like you understand the role white racist public policy has in the problem?
I agree throwing free stuff at people does not help give any incentive to learn skills or improve.
But they need the basics first, like education, job opportunities, health care access, etc.

Inner city schools are substandard.
I talk to Blacks who came through inner city schools, and they are never even taught the basics of life, like that the top of all maps point north.
That all cities have address numbers that either go down to 0 in the center, or at a waterfront if there is a water front.

Whites have had free stuff given to them since 1776.

You have not talked to anybody black.

Funding schools based on property values create the inewuities in education. That needs to be changed.
Nothing you say here is correct. Now I think it's time whites like you shut up with opinions and listen to facts from someone who has lived in such communities and have met with other blacks from inner cities from around the country. Blacks don't control the shipment of drugs in this country and single mothers have boyfriends, if we use your stereotypes as anargument. The problem is economic development. Put retail stores in inner cities and kids have jods. If kids have jobs thet get paid. If they are getting money, the need to sell drugfs to make money is reduced. This people like you don't seem to understand.

Yes, just like Prohibition enticed whites with high profits, so do drugs entice whites and Blacks.
So ending the War on Drugs would be a good start.
But we also sent all the good jobs to Mexico and China, and we have to create new jobs or bring them back.
People want to work, but we are not giving them any opportunities.
Better schools and health care would also help.

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