

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I desperately wanted to offer up a Robin Hood story about American daydreams, and this final piece references two of my favorite folk-cartoon characters from modern times, Venger (Dungeons & Dragons) and Racer-X (Speed Racer) in this neo-classical era of Net and Matrix drama dialogue. This short picture-pages vignette was inspired by the dogma-game movie Rampage. Thanks for reading (and Merry Christmas!),


Am I Venger, the winded humanoid man-sorcerer from another dimension, atop my trusted dark horse Nightmare? As Venger, I can wield powerful energies from my palms and direct the fate of others and control the will of the waters. However, perhaps Venger is not who I really am. Venger is very mysterious!


Perhaps I'm actually Racer-X, a wily daredevil race-car driver in California who races against dangerous terrorists who've infiltrated American society. My little brother Speed is a famous Daytona driver who drives for endorsements and prize-money. I try to simply guide Speed in his racing career. As Racer-X, I can direct my impact on the culture of America. Americans love capitalism and racing and racing movies such as Days of Thunder. Am I Racer-X and not Venger?


I've decided to transform myself into a human male named Isaac Satan, and I currently work as a literature-cognition professor at UCLA. I work with theories about the subconscious perceptions and consciousness regarding modern capitalism in America and Western civilization and how mob psychology builds social trends in America. As Isaac, I work partly as a sorcerer (like Venger!) and partly as a capitalism-racing philosophy (like Racer-X!). I like working at UCLA, since it affords me special opportunities to work as an American ideologist.


I've decided to begin a double-life as a bank robbing Robin Hood vigilante named Sheik. As the 'Sheik' in California, I put on special disguises and rob banks all over the Western coast state in the USA, creating media theatrics and special social trends for capital waves. I make my theatrical bank robberies part of the media frenzy in Los Angeles and San Diego and San Francisco, telling the press that I rob from the rich and give amply to the poor, mostly to struggling immigrants. So, am I more like Venger or Racer-X?


This is one of the banks I robbed in California as the 'Sheik' and it's one of my best jobs. I pretended to be a fundamentalist terrorist wielding a special toy gun inserted with a glass tube containing corrosive HCL acid. The press called this acid-gun heist a modern phenomenon in anti-biochemical warfare rhetoric. That's because I never actually fired my acid-gun but simply told the bank personnel that my intention to use my acid-gun reflected my interest to tell Americans the need to provide for struggling immigrants living in California today represented a modern social need to address the economic problems of commerce based aristocracy!


Another bank I robbed was in the predominantly African-American district of southern California, Oakland/Compton. These two areas offer banks that cater to mostly middle-class and upper-class African-Americans banking on behalf of the entire minority community in California. Some of these patrons are unscrupulous profiteers and some are basic struggling workers in California. When I robbed these minority banks with special weapons and theatrics and disguises, I told them that I intended to redistributed the proverbial 'stolen gold' and booty to economically challenged minority students studying in California!


LA TIMES: "The police really don't care if this 'Sheik' thinks he's Venger or Racer-X so long as he's brought to a sane televised trial!"


One of my hobbies is playing chess. This game symbolizes all the intrigue and imagination of modern war and politics and governance. I try to play online anonymously with professionals and amateurs while chatting with them about the nuances of modern capitalism and American traffic in California, particularly Los Angeles. LA is the bank robbery hub of the world arguably, and my chess games online are meant to stimulate dialogue about the 'intelligence' linked with modern capitalism turbulence.


This is my girlfriend, Anne. She's a UCLA professor of English with a speciality in Milton literature. She's a stunner and dear to me, and I keep her separate from my double-life as the bank robbing Robin Hood vigilante the 'Sheik' for her sake. I want to marry her. She's my American Dream. Someday, when I determine if I'm more like Venger or Racer-X, it's Anne who will know. I love her. She's my American princess, and we started out merely as UCLA online pen-pals during the great Coronavirus quarantine tribulation of 2020. Anne is everything.


ANNE: "I study the aesthetics of American literary imagination, while my boyfriend-fiancee Isaac studies sciences linked to Salk."


Anne likes to look at some of my neuro-sociological research data I collect through UCLA regarding the subconscious perceptions of mass traffic perceptions in coastal areas. Because coastal areas capture human imagination about isolationism, I look at brain patterns regarding mass perceptions of general subconscious fortune anxieties and fears. This UCLA research complements my vigilantism work as the Robin Hood of California capitalism dioramas!


GREEN GOBLIN: You're a pirate, Sheik!
ISAAC (VENGER/RACER-X): I double as a legitimate American citizen.
GREEN GOBLIN: I bet you're a college professor or something, Sheik!
ISAAC: We met online in a chatroom, Goblin, so let's not get too conversational.
GOBLIN: I simply guess you're the bank robbing Sheik, the Robin Hood of California.
ISAAC: Even if I was, why would I disclose such online information to you, Goblin?
GOBLIN: Maybe I'm a criminal too in California but with less ideological intent!
ISAAC: Are you engaging me in a debate about the rhetoric of American civics?
GOBLIN: Why not?
ISAAC: Maybe I'm Venger or Racer-X or a pirate of capitalism idealism.
GOBLIN: Whatever you are, why'd you argue that Robin Hood is what America needs?
ISAAC: Federalism and banking in this era of globalization and immigration speak to terrorism.
GOBLIN: Terrorism?
ISAAC: Yes, people worldwide are fed up with Wall Street imagination.
GOBLIN: I suppose this'd explain the fires of 9/11, when the World Trade Center crumbled.
ISAAC: Indeed; perhaps; and Americans need a Robin Hood injection of social rhetoric.
GOBLIN: I doubt anti-capitalism terrorists care much about American celebrations of Robin Hood.
ISAAC: Well, at least they might consider how American people's own sense of destiny is valuable.
GOBLIN: I suppose a calculating terrorist might consider how Robin Hood folklore is configured with anti-American rhetoric.
ISAAC: Robin Hood is very...American!
GOBLIN: Why'd you argue that?
ISAAC: Can you deny, Goblin, that fortune is the signature of depression in America?
GOBLIN: Maybe you've stirred my imaginations about modernism disease, Sheik!


I knew this Green Goblin I met online meant serious business about modernism American critique about economic and capital trends. Nevertheless, I enjoyed our online chat about the contours of modern social criticism. I do believe Robin Hood is an avatar Americans think greatly about, in contrast to anti-capitalism terrorists who simply seek to undermine basic social commerical trends and mainstream institutions. That's why I appreciate the social symbolism of capitalism-reflective Hollywood (USA) films like Days of Thunder (Tom Cruise) which capture the imagination of modern dangers.


TOM CRUISE: I like car-racing, and that's why I made that film about American car-racers.
NICOLE KIDMAN: I was with Tom at the time and considered his racing project symbolic of his social interests!


America is special. Modern civilization is special. We're all online now. We all have pen-pals and social profiles and avatars we use online. I think about all the people online today reading my Robin Hood stories and thinking about the matrix of modern American capitalism in California. This is a connected world now. I have to decide if I'm more like Venger or Racer-X to add my two cents to this neo-classical dialogue about shared dreams.


FBI: "We'll catch this Robin Hood 'Sheik' and determine if he's an agent of design...or terrorism."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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