Verbal or Written Permission Could be Required For College Sex

Does this mean that a non-traditional student with kids already won't be able to get any from their spouse if their parents are dead?

I know. It's ridiculous that the conservatard mindset of verbal contracts actually being OK has become so deeply rooted in my home state's legislators. Verbal contracts are a joke. All it does is enable rapists to claim "durrr, she sed she wnted it lol" during an investigation as a legitimate defense. This kind of bullshit is why America is suffering from such a pervasive rape culture.

Written contracts signed by no less than four witnesses (one a friend of the womyn, one a sex educator and date rape specialist, one a police officyr, and one a psychologist) are the only way to make sure that all disgusting hetero-style "sex" is safe for the womyn. Of course, all four of those witnesses need to continue to be present throughout the act, to prevent it from becoming rape at any point--which it does if the womyn decides she no longer wants it or asks the manpig to stop for any or no reason.
Why just for college sex? What about for college graduate married sex?

I know. It's ridiculous that the conservatard mindset of verbal contracts actually being OK has become so deeply rooted in my home state's legislators. Verbal contracts are a joke. All it does is enable rapists to claim "durrr, she sed she wnted it lol" during an investigation as a legitimate defense. This kind of bullshit is why America is suffering from such a pervasive rape culture.

Written contracts signed by no less than four witnesses (one a friend of the womyn, one a sex educator and date rape specialist, one a police officyr, and one a psychologist) are the only way to make sure that all disgusting hetero-style "sex" is safe for the womyn. Of course, all four of those witnesses need to continue to be present throughout the act, to prevent it from becoming rape at any point--which it does if the womyn decides she no longer wants it or asks the manpig to stop for any or no reason.

meanwhile both of the bill's sponsors are far left liberal dems
Verbal or Written Permission Could be Required For College Sex

A written grant of permission IS "verbal."

The correct "alternative" to a grant of WRITTEN permission would be "oral."

The material then writes itself, of course.


Do you need written permission for oral?

AND, if oral permission for oral is required, then where exactly do you write the okey-dokey for a written permission?
So let's think about this for just a minute...

The suggested regulation would make it possible for a (let's be honest here) woman to file a complaint saying that she engaged in some sexual act and although SHE NEVER INDICATED IN ANY WAY THAT SHE WAS OPPOSED TO IT, the fucker never got her explicit ORAL consent, therefore, the activity was CRIMINAL(!) And someone is going to jail for it?!

Give me a fucking break. Any woman who would file such a complaint is by definition seriously neurotic and should not be out in public without a police escort.
Is this intended for drunk people (I will admit that I skimmed the article)? If somebody's hammered out their minds I understand. But I'm pretty sure even with verbal agreement it can still be considered rape.

But if both people are sober adults I don't get it? If the person says "no"-that's fine and it should obviously stop. But do they really expect people to stop what they're doing and have a conversation about whether both parties are consenting? This doesn't make much sense to me.
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If the opportunity presents, see to it that she doesn't regret it. Is it really that hard for some people?

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