Verizon strike ending . Unions win new contract !

The workers bound together are the union. If they send their own jobs overseas that's their issue although I don't find it wise.If the workers take a vote and decide to strike then they will. Its the last bastion of a workers right and way protect decent jobs in America.

That's why I think (and hope) that Verizon moves out of the area to break up the union like so many of our former customers. Then they will have no job. Do you hear me Verizon? Move to a Right-to-Work state like all the others. Then you don't have to tolerate these unions any longer.

You do understand that not only is Verizon wireless in all fifty states but verizon is also the local phone company. The phone company can't just pick up and move.
You are truly dopey.

No Verizon landlines in this state, bud.

So what? Does that change my point?
Can you move a wireless network?
Yes unions will become extinct someday. Then laws protecting workers will slowly go away. Then the conflict is over, the corporate powers will have all the power. Then people will be asked to work over 40 hours per week for no overtime wages(which is a complete sham), and we return to the era before unions existed. And the end result is the worker takes it on the chin....and we say how great america is....with a straight face. Its coming, unfortunately I'm too old now so I won't see it happen. But it will. And some people will day "see, now note people will be working". For minimum wage which will also be going down and some will apptrove of it. Americans aren't very bright.
Charging a shitload of money for what? For providing leadership and unity as I just said.

I've actually never been a union member and having lived through the 70's on the outside looking in, I can't argue too much with some of what you're saying. Back then it seemed that being part of a union made you immune from getting fired for doing shitty work. We're not in the 70's any longer and the pendulum has swung way too far in the other direction. Now, corporations and their upper management hold all the cards and being in that club apparently makes you immune from having to keep your greed in check. Employees are kept in fear that their jobs might be outsourced, automated or eliminated at any time and they'd better just STFU about any sort of concessions that a union would have fought for on their behalf.

And they have every right to fear that. Unions are unions, but they can't call all the shots in the company. i think that if Verizon wanted to outsource some of their work, that's not the unions business--that's the companies business. If Verizon wanted to update their automation, again, that's none of the unions business.
They made it their business and apparently, Verizon felt they stood to lose more than they would gain. I'm personally glad that it went the way it did even though I own a decent chunk of Verizon stock.
Yes unions will become extinct someday. Then laws protecting workers will slowly go away. Then the conflict is over, the corporate powers will have all the power. Then people will be asked to work over 40 hours per week for no overtime wages(which is a complete sham), and we return to the era before unions existed. And the end result is the worker takes it on the chin....and we say how great america is....with a straight face. Its coming, unfortunately I'm too old now so I won't see it happen. But it will. And some people will day "see, now note people will be working". For minimum wage which will also be going down and some will apptrove of it. Americans aren't very bright.

Right. All that will happen because of unions disappearing. Well it doesn't matter to me. I don't get paid overtime now.
Not just because unions are disappearing, its a mindset held by some. You are not a fan of overtime pay either probably. You must be the owner. No regular employees hate other workers. In capitalism a central conflict between employer and employee must side only with management. I get that.

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