Verizon strike ending . Unions win new contract !

So should Americans work for comparable wages as foreign countries where the companied get their work for nothing? I don't.
You can't automate everything .

Just how should we keep good jobs anyway ?

You mean before the strike, they weren't good jobs?

I would say they probably were always pretty good jobs; maybe not all, but in general.

If we want to keep jobs in this country, the worker can't get too greedy. If a worker feels like the company is making too much profit, then the employee can invest in the company he or she works for.

It seems to me this was all promoted by the union, that's because like many companies, Verizon wanted to offshore jobs which of course meant less money for those union pockets.
Of course. As with any other for profit organization, unions are a business. And as such operate in their own self interest.
SEIU is a classic example of using the media to make them look good. The union hires people to go to any place where there is an opportunity to get out its message. That message is "we want to recruit you".....Thing is SEIU's members are the lowest paid and have the worst benefits of any labor collective. Yet, SEIU has tons of money to lobby politicians an pay it's officers very well.
Of course. As with any other for profit organization, unions are a business. And as such operate in their own self interest.
SEIU is a classic example of using the media to make them look good. The union hires people to go to any place where there is an opportunity to get out its message. That message is "we want to recruit you".....Thing is SEIU's members are the lowest paid and have the worst benefits of any labor collective. Yet, SEIU has tons of money to lobby politicians an pay it's officers very well.

And then they use that money to support Democrat politicians. Then they wonder why we on the right despise unions.
A pretty good job pays 50 grand....anything less means struggling to get by. How many of those jobs paid that? Probably not many.
So ray what you are advocating is for Americans to work for the same wages as they do overseas correct? Just getting things straight. You believe people should do that for the good of the company correct?

You on the left are so hard headed to get through. So let me create a similar scenario:

You are selling your car, and I agree to buy it for let's say $12,000. I'm happy with the deal and so are you, so we shake hands and make the transaction.

A couple years down the road, I tell you I no longer like the car I purchased, and I want my money back. Are you willing to take the car back for the money I gave you?

When a person accepts a job, they do so for X amount of wages, X amount in benefits, and the transaction is made by parties both happy with the agreement. If one of the parties involved decide they no longer like the agreement that they made, it's up to them to take action on their own. If the employer is not happy with the employee, he or she fires them or lays them off. If the employee is no longer happy with the deal he or she made with said employer, they find another employer to work for.

You're an employers dream. A good soldier who will never question their authority.
Ok. You sign a contract to perform certain duties for a certain amount of compensation..
Everything is great until your employer finds another worker and hires them at the same rate of pay as you. However, that worker cannot perform nearly as well as you. Yet, he gets the same amount of pay regardless of performance....Ok with you?
Anyone who wants to answer. If I can do a job better I immediately leave my current job for a much higher paying one. I use my skills against my current employer...when they need me most.
You do understand that not only is Verizon wireless in all fifty states but verizon is also the local phone company. The phone company can't just pick up and move.
You are truly dopey.

As far as I read, the media didn't state what kind of jobs we are even talking about here. And if they are stationary jobs, how does this wage or benefits increase fare with their competitors?

One thing I did note is that they were upset because Verizon was beginning to outsource.
Really? And why not? Why can't they move most all of their work somewhere else?
Should they take all of their poles, wires and switches and leave? Think about it. They're a utility company.

Outsource to contractors. They've been doing that for years for the larger construction projects. The day to day stuff still needs to be done.
Umm. The poles, wires etc do not belong to the workers. In fact the poles don't even belong to the telco....Most Telco plant is attached to the property of the incumbent electric provider.
AT&T has been using outside contractors to build main plant for over 20 years.
Until recently. AT&T had been using contractors to run service drops. The contractors go t out of that because it doesn't make any money. So they gave it back to AT&T....AT&T has a separate division for drop bury work. Those workers are not under the union contract.
Does anyone who has Verizon miss them while they were on strike?

I didn't....

Me either. And like what's going on with this huge minimum wage increase, expect Verizon to invest in more automation.

Yes, because robots can go to a physical location, climb poles, find and repair a single pair of wires in thousands. Dream on.
No, but the end of copper service is near. And all the tech had better learn how to work with fiber. Otherwise they will be looking for work.
Sorry but you walk off a job at my business and you get shit canned pronto

What kind of piece of shit agrees to work then refuses to work and then has the balls to think they should get their job back?
What kind of piece of shit company tries to screw people that loyally provided them with labor and brought in business for 30 years? What kind of company tries to screw its workers out of a job because they can skirt labor laws and min wage laws by sending the jobs overseas?

Hey those people got the pay they agreed to they weren't being screwed by anyone. Did Verizon refuse to pay them during the negotiations. No

You still seem to think employees give their employers labor for free. They don't they all got paid the wage they agreed to work for and got paid on time.

Why should you be able to walk off a job not come back for weeks or months and expect that job to be there waiting for you?
When they are hired its due to the CURRENT contract. That contract expired Verizon refused to come to an agreement...that's the way things work. Just because someone is hired for 10$ doesn't mean they stay at 10$ forever.

So their contract was up AND they walked off the job? Seems to me they all should have been fired then since the company had no contractual agreement to keep them

So their contract was up AND they walked off the job? Seems to me they all should have been fired then since the company had no contractual agreement to keep them

Efforts by Verizon's workers made Verizon $70+B net in five years. Why shouldn't they get a raise?

How may times do I have to tell you IDIOTS that I do not give a flying fuck of a rat's ass about the raise

Negotiate for as much money as you can get but if you walk off a fucking job then your fucking ass should be fucking fired

I can't make it any clearer that that

can't wait for the rate increase.

Should I shop around now or wait for the rate battles as people leave verizon in droves?
Verizon sucks. I dumped them years ago.
they do, but where I live leaves me little choice.

plus they were the only ones to give me the choices I wanted at a good price. which is going to change now

So, you're happy with their price and service but you think they suck?
I moved in 4 years ago, and got cable internet

except it wasn't cable, even though I was getting charged for it.

after many calls and then a threat, someone with a clue magically figured out that cable access stops at the other side of the bridge. Literally 100 yards away. But I was assured that they would extend the service anytime now.

4 years later, well, you know.

when I had issues with my bill, I needed to put my account number in along with a dna sample, but since I chose paperless, and the emails didn't have my account number....

When I have to pay them more for the same service, I have every right and reason to be pissed.
A pretty good job pays 50 grand....anything less means struggling to get by. How many of those jobs paid that? Probably not many.

First of all, YOU don't get to decide what a good or livable wage is, that's up to the individual. Secondly, if you are going to make a claim, come here with proof to back it up.
OK yray. Let's suppose those jobs were low paying. Let's say $30 grand per year or thereabouts. If nobody applied for them would you be upset and think dog gone it there ate able bodied Americans who should be doing those jobs?
Should they take all of their poles, wires and switches and leave? Think about it. They're a utility company.

Outsource to contractors. They've been doing that for years for the larger construction projects. The day to day stuff still needs to be done.

The strike included over 40,000 workers. You mean to tell me that this was about 40,000 people climbing poles?

They should move to a RTW state, right?
So ray what you are advocating is for Americans to work for the same wages as they do overseas correct? Just getting things straight. You believe people should do that for the good of the company correct?

You on the left are so hard headed to get through. So let me create a similar scenario:

You are selling your car, and I agree to buy it for let's say $12,000. I'm happy with the deal and so are you, so we shake hands and make the transaction.

A couple years down the road, I tell you I no longer like the car I purchased, and I want my money back. Are you willing to take the car back for the money I gave you?

When a person accepts a job, they do so for X amount of wages, X amount in benefits, and the transaction is made by parties both happy with the agreement. If one of the parties involved decide they no longer like the agreement that they made, it's up to them to take action on their own. If the employer is not happy with the employee, he or she fires them or lays them off. If the employee is no longer happy with the deal he or she made with said employer, they find another employer to work for.

You're an employers dream. A good soldier who will never question their authority.
Ok. You sign a contract to perform certain duties for a certain amount of compensation..
Everything is great until your employer finds another worker and hires them at the same rate of pay as you. However, that worker cannot perform nearly as well as you. Yet, he gets the same amount of pay regardless of performance....Ok with you?

If I sign a contract, then by default I'm OK with it. What other people do is their business.
Even without a contract or a union, there will be people who make more. It may be because they're older and have been at it longer or are better credentialed. That's life. All we can do is our best.

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