Verizon strike ending . Unions win new contract !

So ray what you are advocating is for Americans to work for the same wages as they do overseas correct? Just getting things straight. You believe people should do that for the good of the company correct?
Ray you definitely have a vendetta against american workers who atr the most productive workers in the world....for the smallest wages.
So ray what you are advocating is for Americans to work for the same wages as they do overseas correct? Just getting things straight. You believe people should do that for the good of the company correct?

You on the left are so hard headed to get through. So let me create a similar scenario:

You are selling your car, and I agree to buy it for let's say $12,000. I'm happy with the deal and so are you, so we shake hands and make the transaction.

A couple years down the road, I tell you I no longer like the car I purchased, and I want my money back. Are you willing to take the car back for the money I gave you?

When a person accepts a job, they do so for X amount of wages, X amount in benefits, and the transaction is made by parties both happy with the agreement. If one of the parties involved decide they no longer like the agreement that they made, it's up to them to take action on their own. If the employer is not happy with the employee, he or she fires them or lays them off. If the employee is no longer happy with the deal he or she made with said employer, they find another employer to work for.
I for one get a raise when my employer can afford it and if I prove to be a worthwhile employee. I don't threaten the employer to interfere or cause him to lose money in the process. Workers should only get raises when the company can easily afford to give raises and only to those who do outstanding work--not when some corrupt union tells them they have to increase salaries.
Increase salaries or they will shut down production and harrass your customers unless you comply.

That's extortion.

No. That's leverage. Leverage to make them come to the table and bargain.
Extortion is a crime. As unions aren't being indicted for extortion, you are a loon.

Wow a simple search gets this and how many more don't get caught?

Boston City Hall official Kenneth Brissette arrested on ‘union-related extortion’ charges - The Boston Globe

Ex-Michigan union business manager charged with extortion, theft

I knew some imbecile would do this.
You do understand that the context was that some posters see the collective bargaining process as extortion. My point was if it were in fact extortion than it wouldn't be happening.

Here you come hot from the copy room waiving your "proof" without regard for context. Learn to read dope.

What you missed this?


Above the Law: Unions are often exempt from laws on extortion, identity theft, and whistleblower protection – Capital Research Center

Dude your hack site is not persuasive.
Collective bargaining is not extortion.
OK...I get that. But a company needs to add in a cost of living raise and raises for staying and being productive. Any halfway decent company does this automatically. If they don't, they are poorly run. If they agree to sit down at the table, then that is their choice. Sometimes the company wins, sometimes workers win. Why does it bother you that in the end they might get a little more money? You surely don't hate people that much do you? I cheer for the little guy. Who doesn't? We can both agree management of any company is not trustworthy.
OK...I get that. But a company needs to add in a cost of living raise and raises for staying and being productive. Any halfway decent company does this automatically. If they don't, they are poorly run. If they agree to sit down at the table, then that is their choice. Sometimes the company wins, sometimes workers win. Why does it bother you that in the end they might get a little more money? You surely don't hate people that much do you? I cheer for the little guy. Who doesn't? We can both agree management of any company is not trustworthy.

And unions are?

Let me explain how this works:

The union gets a percentage of a union workers pay. The higher the pay of course, the higher the union contributions. So it makes sense for the union to get as much from a company as possible.

Unions never gave a crap about their employees. All they care about is how they can leech off of them.

Because the left refuses to accept this fact, they "assume" that if the unions are making demands, it must be because the company is screwing the workers.

So before you can convince me that the workers were getting shorted, show me some evidence. Show me how these poor union workers were making less than acceptable wages or benefits. Because at least from what I read, what the union is really upset about is the outsourcing. That's because unions don't get a cut of outsourcing pay.

They are in it for themselves like unions have always been.
You do understand that not only is Verizon wireless in all fifty states but verizon is also the local phone company. The phone company can't just pick up and move.
You are truly dopey.

As far as I read, the media didn't state what kind of jobs we are even talking about here. And if they are stationary jobs, how does this wage or benefits increase fare with their competitors?

One thing I did note is that they were upset because Verizon was beginning to outsource.
Really? And why not? Why can't they move most all of their work somewhere else?
Should they take all of their poles, wires and switches and leave? Think about it. They're a utility company.

Outsource to contractors. They've been doing that for years for the larger construction projects. The day to day stuff still needs to be done.
Does anyone who has Verizon miss them while they were on strike?

I didn't....

Me either. And like what's going on with this huge minimum wage increase, expect Verizon to invest in more automation.

You can't automate everything .

Just how should we keep good jobs anyway ?
Sure ya can..Remember 411? First replaced by automated voice response. Then replaced by the internet. Lots of operators no longer needed.
Who says these low skill jobs are "good" anyway?
In this world, you either adjust to the times and get more technical, or you get pushed aside.
It is what it is.....Smart people get the education and training. Lazy people sit back and wait for others to do things for them. The former get to keep "good jobs"...The latter find themselves wonder what the hell happened.
OK...I get that. But a company needs to add in a cost of living raise and raises for staying and being productive. Any halfway decent company does this automatically. If they don't, they are poorly run. If they agree to sit down at the table, then that is their choice. Sometimes the company wins, sometimes workers win. Why does it bother you that in the end they might get a little more money? You surely don't hate people that much do you? I cheer for the little guy. Who doesn't? We can both agree management of any company is not trustworthy.

And unions are?

Let me explain how this works:

The union gets a percentage of a union workers pay. The higher the pay of course, the higher the union contributions. So it makes sense for the union to get as much from a company as possible.

Unions never gave a crap about their employees. All they care about is how they can leech off of them.

Because the left refuses to accept this fact, they "assume" that if the unions are making demands, it must be because the company is screwing the workers.

So before you can convince me that the workers were getting shorted, show me some evidence. Show me how these poor union workers were making less than acceptable wages or benefits. Because at least from what I read, what the union is really upset about is the outsourcing. That's because unions don't get a cut of outsourcing pay.

They are in it for themselves like unions have always been.

Let me explain how this works:

OK...eliminate the union. Fine with me. If there is no union, a decent company always offers a cost of living raise. If you work for a company who offers you zero raise, that for sure is a sketchy place of employment. This is indisputable. Inarguable. Do you think companies care about even their best employees? We both know the answer to this. A workers first and foremost responsibility is to his family, then himself. The company itself is a distant third. That's reality. Just like you believe the company should offer only a certain wage, then the worker should offer only a certain productivity to match the wage. More pay, more productivity. If they want to outsource then go....that way they don't have to pay any wages whatsoever.
So ray what you are advocating is for Americans to work for the same wages as they do overseas correct? Just getting things straight. You believe people should do that for the good of the company correct?

You on the left are so hard headed to get through. So let me create a similar scenario:

You are selling your car, and I agree to buy it for let's say $12,000. I'm happy with the deal and so are you, so we shake hands and make the transaction.

A couple years down the road, I tell you I no longer like the car I purchased, and I want my money back. Are you willing to take the car back for the money I gave you?

When a person accepts a job, they do so for X amount of wages, X amount in benefits, and the transaction is made by parties both happy with the agreement. If one of the parties involved decide they no longer like the agreement that they made, it's up to them to take action on their own. If the employer is not happy with the employee, he or she fires them or lays them off. If the employee is no longer happy with the deal he or she made with said employer, they find another employer to work for.

You're an employers dream. A good soldier who will never question their authority.
As good as news as this may turn out to be, why is it in politics? Oh right, everything is politics to the left wing.

Because the pols have been yapping about good paying jobs and outsourcing . None of them have any real details tho .
This thread really should be moved form politics as it is has nothing to do with that matter.
BTW, I have a question.....Please define "outsourcing"....And don't look it up. raise for you but we love they laugh their butts off behind your back
OK...eliminate the union. Fine with me. If there is no union, a decent company always offers a cost of living raise. If you work for a company who offers you zero raise, that for sure is a sketchy place of employment. This is indisputable. Inarguable. Do you think companies care about even their best employees? We both know the answer to this. A workers first and foremost responsibility is to his family, then himself. The company itself is a distant third. That's reality. Just like you believe the company should offer only a certain wage, then the worker should offer only a certain productivity to match the wage. More pay, more productivity. If they want to outsource then go....that way they don't have to pay any wages whatsoever.
The quote feature is your friend....Fail to use it and nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.
You're an employers dream. A good soldier who will never question their authority.

Correct, I am an employers dream. That's because I respect the agreement I made with them and they appreciate it. That's why even in the worst of economic times, I stayed employed while others were crying that there was no work for them. And if I decide to leave my current job, I will have a great resume and references as well.
OK...eliminate the union. Fine with me. If there is no union, a decent company always offers a cost of living raise. If you work for a company who offers you zero raise, that for sure is a sketchy place of employment. This is indisputable. Inarguable. Do you think companies care about even their best employees? We both know the answer to this. A workers first and foremost responsibility is to his family, then himself. The company itself is a distant third. That's reality. Just like you believe the company should offer only a certain wage, then the worker should offer only a certain productivity to match the wage. More pay, more productivity. If they want to outsource then go....that way they don't have to pay any wages whatsoever.

And that's exactly what they have been doing for the last couple of decades. I hope you are happy about it.
Should they take all of their poles, wires and switches and leave? Think about it. They're a utility company.

Outsource to contractors. They've been doing that for years for the larger construction projects. The day to day stuff still needs to be done.

The strike included over 40,000 workers. You mean to tell me that this was about 40,000 people climbing poles?
Ray if your company doesn't give you a yearly raise its your duty ad an employee to walk away to a much much better place. You don't even owe them a thanks. Loyalty is no longer a part of the equation. It used to be, but now that companies no longer want to retain their best workers that me is over.

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