Vermont communism

He is a communist. He's a pathological liar,
Intellectually crooked, soaking up money,
(Peter schweitzer).

He's a hypocritical communist,
But he's marxist to the bone...
Nothing he’s advocated for has gotten anywhere.

The D Party screwed him twice. He should have been the D nominee in 2016 and 2020.

Yeah he’s a liar and crooked but compared to Hillary and Joe, he’s a saint.
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Nothing he’s advocated for has gotten anywhere.

The D Party screwed him twice. He should have been the D nominee in 2016 and 2020.

Yeah he’s liar and crooked but compared to Hillary and Joe, he’s a saint.
He's no fuckin saint...


  1. a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal.
    • US
      a white Southerner who collaborated with northern Republicans during Reconstruction, often for personal profit. The term was used derisively by white Southern Democrats who opposed Reconstruction legislation.

Except he's harmful as hell...
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It is a constant source of amusement.
People believe Hitler and Marx when it serves their purposes, but otherwise these two guys are generally represented as being two sides of the same 'evil'. Both are liars, anathema until a useful section can be cited, to whatever end.
At least, if we think of them as lying all the time, they could be considered consistent.
Congress cannot make such a claim.
We must re-invent some social and political terms, because as things are, whole topics cannot enjoy exchange without immediately falling into shouting matches of tired clichés.
It is a constant source of amusement.
People believe Hitler and Marx when it serves their purposes, but otherwise these two guys are generally represented as being two sides of the same 'evil'. Both are liars, anathema until a useful section can be cited, to whatever end.
At least, if we think of them as lying all the time, they could be considered consistent.
Congress cannot make such a claim.
We must re-invent some social and political terms, because as things are, whole topics cannot enjoy exchange without immediately falling into shouting matches of tired clichés.
Social and political terms should evolve naturally, not contrived,
It's the American way..

Americans don't want or need to b toldwhat to think or do. Especially me.

and there would b no need to hard sell it
by a corrupt & complicit media machine...

Is this a great country or what ?


  • Kkk-carpetbagger-cartoon.jpg
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Social and political terms should evolve naturally, not contrived,
It's the American way..

Americans don't want or need to b toldwhat to think or do. Especially me.

and there would b no need to hard sell it
by a corrupt & complicit media machine...

Is this a great country or what ?

Definitely the greatest, "if we can hold onto it", as one historical figure once said (referring to our Democratic Republic, I believe).

It is a constant source of amusement.
People believe Hitler and Marx when it serves their purposes, but otherwise these two guys are generally represented as being two sides of the same 'evil'. Both are liars, anathema until a useful section can be cited, to whatever end.
At least, if we think of them as lying all the time, they could be considered consistent.
Congress cannot make such a claim.
We must re-invent some social and political terms, because as things are, whole topics cannot enjoy exchange without immediately falling into shouting matches of tired clichés.

People believe what is expedient and serves their immediate goals. "People lie to get what they want" (<= quote from the friend of a broken-hearted girl whom I met at a bar one night)

The constant that separates good from evil, and that "made America great" at one time, and allowed for the emancipation of slaves as free men, and all sorts of great achievements, was that people had Christianity as their bedrock and guide. It was not necessary to have socialist programs to take care of people: taking care of your neighbor was part of the Christian culture, not mandated by force. It was separate from government, as set forth in the Declaration and somewhat in the Constitution.

Now, fewer and fewer people have that "faith" to fall back upon, and instead replace the Bible with worship of the government as a means to their desired ends. Consider that the Christian Bible was handed down to us for thousands of years and tested over generation after generation to be accurate as far as a better way forward. Whereas, the teachings of Marx and his generation of revolutionaries are only a couple hundred years old at best, tested to lead to chaos, war and destruction every time.

I am far (far) from a Bible thumper. I have reservations about the existence of any divine entity sometimes (like all men must at times). But the teachings in the Bible (and some of the other great religions) seem to lead to better outcomes for everyone. I do not think we need to re-invent anything. We only need to look at what has been handed down to us throughout recorded history.
The only thing as ridiculous as old socialists who think socialism is the answer to everything is the old capitalists who think capitalism is the answer to everything.
What old capitalists? The world has been socialist for 100 years and now, at last, we've ran out of everyone's money.
Definitely the greatest, "if we can hold onto it", as one historical figure once said (referring to our Democratic Republic, I believe).

People believe what is expedient and serves their immediate goals. "People lie to get what they want" (<= quote from the friend of a broken-hearted girl whom I met at a bar one night)

The constant that separates good from evil, and that "made America great" at one time, and allowed for the emancipation of slaves as free men, and all sorts of great achievements, was that people had Christianity as their bedrock and guide. It was not necessary to have socialist programs to take care of people: taking care of your neighbor was part of the Christian culture, not mandated by force. It was separate from government, as set forth in the Declaration and somewhat in the Constitution.

Now, fewer and fewer people have that "faith" to fall back upon, and instead replace the Bible with worship of the government as a means to their desired ends. Consider that the Christian Bible was handed down to us for thousands of years and tested over generation after generation to be accurate as far as a better way forward. Whereas, the teachings of Marx and his generation of revolutionaries are only a couple hundred years old at best, tested to lead to chaos, war and destruction every time.

I am far (far) from a Bible thumper. I have reservations about the existence of any divine entity sometimes (like all men must at times). But the teachings in the Bible (and some of the other great religions) seem to lead to better outcomes for everyone. I do not think we need to re-invent anything. We only need to look at what has been handed down to us throughout recorded history.
U r wise sam...
Not particularly religious theater but I don't mind if other people are.

Secular innuendo is apparent..

R u a vermonter ?

The university of chicago is at the center of the liberal radical alinsky universe.

Sometimes I feel like the Democrats are behind the doors just laughing their asses off what can we get away with next..

The solution for that is involvement.
What old capitalists? The world has been socialist for 100 years and now, at last, we've ran out of everyone's money.
Along with a visceral disdain for colonialism.

A very good point about who the old capitalist are and I suppose it goes back to the Rothschild types..
The founding fathers and mothers were decided not poor.

But they didn't go into politics just to get rich Trump certainly fits that bill
didn't even take a salary

Adds up to 3.2 million for two terms

That's a lot of money for biden or Hillary

not Trump..

It would be hard to see Donald and Melania stealing dishes and silverware from the White House.
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Calling Sanders a communist is laughable, but it’s typical right wing disinformation and is slanderous. He’s been in Congress almost his entire life. He’s voted with the D Party almost exclusively. What he has advocated for hasn’t even been voted on in congress, and are things most of Europe has. No one calls the nations of Europe communist, who has any brains.

He's probably far more Socialist that Communist. At least his public persona is Socialist.
Unfortunately, all the signs are there that the USA is just a few yards to the goal line. If you are thinking "people will never go for it", think again: Communism is never voted into being, it is always forced into being by people with too much power.

The first stage, Socialism, is fully developed:

  1. All sectors of the economy are not owned by the government yet, but every single one is under the direct supervision of some government agency or other. You cannot obtain a legitimate job without your activity and earnings being reported to local, state and federal government.
  2. I know you will object to my saying this, but the majority of the media answers directly to the government. Any source that reports facts different from the government narrative is discredited as being false by fact checkers. Just a few weeks ago, the Biden administration established the "Disinformation Department" which will undoubtedly be used to discredit any source that reports something the federal bureaucracy doesn't like. This information handling will educate the public and continue to shape the societal hierarchy. Let alone more nefarious uses (like covering up activities). If it wasn't reported in the news, it didn't happen, right?
  3. The governmental system seems to be solidly impenetrable to outsiders: only well indoctrinated people high in the social hierarchy and sworn to loyalty get access to the control strings. It's run exclusively by Democratic party members, which isn't necessarily a bad thing except when you consider that's the party of choice for the far-left Socialists. The vast majority of decisions are not made by elected officials; they are made by appointed party members.
  4. Instead of merely taking what they need to operate the government and accomplish needed civil works projects as was intended, now they openly talk about redistribution of wealth using forced tax schemes. They've been claiming they are going to make things "equal" and "right" for everyone for the past 30 years, increasing taxes the whole time, to the point now where most workers pay close to 50% of their earnings to the Local, State and Federal Government. Why are the rich still getting richer and the poor still getting poorer?

My friend, THIS IS FULL BLOWN SOCIALISM ALREADY. It's just a hop, skip and a jump to the goal line of government ownership of everything with little or no individual say in anything. All it will take is another crisis or two before those at the top say "Hey, give us your property and we will make things better for everyone!"

Oh my word. I really, really hope you're joking with this, because either you are, or you're posting this because you're trying to do the whole "communism scare" thing, or you actually believe it. Not sure which would be the worst of the last two.

Just because capitalism is regulated, doesn't make it Socialism, not anywhere close.

The media in the US is not controlled by the government. The people who control the media have a lot of power over the government. That's different. And the people who control the government (as opposed to those in the government, completely different people) use the media for their own gains.
Oh my word. I really, really hope you're joking with this, because either you are, or you're posting this because you're trying to do the whole "communism scare" thing, or you actually believe it. Not sure which would be the worst of the last two.

Just because capitalism is regulated, doesn't make it Socialism, not anywhere close.

The media in the US is not controlled by the government. The people who control the media have a lot of power over the government. That's different. And the people who control the government (as opposed to those in the government, completely different people) use the media for their own gains.
Yes everything I do is from the position of satire

That said at the end of the day while reaching out unpacking monitoring the situation closely our thoughts and prayers are with you clearly I'm up against a hard break did you just call me a liar on national TV thank you so much this is a big fuckin deal it waz a DeBate... this is no joke cmon man
If you didn't vote for me then you ain't black

Bernie :
"Donald Trump said that all Mexicans
are rapists and murderers
Ahhh... philosophy"

Senator Sanders is a conniving political hack
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