Very Frightening’: Prominent Catholic Prof. Claims IRS Audited Her After Speaking Out

Holy shit! And they only wanted her at the meeting, not her husband, even though they always file jointly. Hells bells I'd have been there with my husband. Period. Who does the IRS think they are? And these are the ones in charge of enforcing Obamacare? :eusa_hand:

This entire administration is a horrendous disgrace and disaster. Obama just stands there saying over and over "I know nothing" -- about the IRS's targeting conservative groups, the AP phone records expedition, Benghazi, F&F, about much of anything. Well, except for basketball picks and golf scores. He is the most inept, unqualified, embarrassment of a president this country has ever had.
Patriots, Constitutionalists, Jews, Catholics, Evangelicals, no one sees a pattern here.
Time to talk about impeaching this guy...this is much worse than watergate. Every day more crap gets overturned. We can not allow this to go unpunished.
I was audited twice and never spoke out. Who do I report this to?
This is unbelievable, these people should be hung. This government needs to be shrinked immediately
Patriots, Constitutionalists, Jews, Catholics, Evangelicals, no one sees a pattern here.

Sounds discriminatory to me. We've got laws against that. Then again, a law is only effective to the degree that it is enforced.
I'm sorry folks but this story is a crock. The professor had been claiming losses in most years and got audited. The IRS wanted deposit records for income probes. She was paranoid and unrepresented. I've seen hundreds of cases like hers in 34 years of representing taxpayers before the IRS. Everything was done by the book.

Abuses by the IRS happen and I run into them frequently, but this isn't one of those cases. If there is a particular "fact" in this story that strikes you as not having any reasonable explanation other than harassment, let me know what it is and I'll comment. What happens in the IRS is bad enough without creating "persecution" out of these kind of circumstances.
Typical of the Hussein administration's enemy list? It should sound familiar to every American over the age of 60.
If this and the IRS and Benghazi is the best we got going for us into next year, we are going to lose the House to the Dems.
Holy shit! And they only wanted her at the meeting, not her husband, even though they always file jointly. Hells bells I'd have been there with my husband. Period. Who does the IRS think they are? And these are the ones in charge of enforcing Obamacare? :eusa_hand:

This entire administration is a horrendous disgrace and disaster. Obama just stands there saying over and over "I know nothing" -- about the IRS's targeting conservative groups, the AP phone records expedition, Benghazi, F&F, about much of anything. Well, except for basketball picks and golf scores. He is the most inept, unqualified, embarrassment of a president this country has ever had.

The Obamacare is going to be repealed. This is the death knell for Obamacare because the IRS have proven themselves totally incapable of the job. I just heard Michele Bachmann on Fox news say she feels good about Obamacare being repealed now due to this IRS - Gate story which now they say may lead all the way to the White House. May? I think it is a given. If Obama isn't impeached I'll be suprised. It is terrible day to be a Democrat. Terrible.
If this and the IRS and Benghazi is the best we got going for us into next year, we are going to lose the House to the Dems.

lol. Starkey? We are not only going to keep the House. We just took the Senate back as well thanks to the BIG THREE. Word is only Obama could Unite the Press and the Tea Party. The Tea Party has become completely recharged off of this perfect storm and is back on track again. Thanks Obama!
If this and the IRS and Benghazi is the best we got going for us into next year, we are going to lose the House to the Dems.

We are not only going to keep the House.

That is same silliness you all were saying that we were going to wipe out Obama and the Dems.

You suckers still live in a world of your dream desires.

Not gonna happen. The other 92% of America does not look at it as you do.
The TPM has lost traction, the steam is out of Benghazi and the IRS, etc.

The GOP needs to keep reaching out to women and minorities if it wants to win next year.
I was audited because I voted for Jon Huntsman as a write-in-candidate for prez! I feel violated.

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