Very good news about Fox "News!"

Nonsense, Democrats cheat on elections all the time and have forever. Everyone knows this. Time to stop it, right now.
Democrats drink the blood of babies all the time and have forever. Everyone knows this. Time to stop it, right now.
Al Franken wrote a freakin book in 2003 about how Fox News was lying to it's viewers.

A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, is a parody of Fox News' tagline "Fair and Balanced." FNC sued Franken over the use of the phrase in a short-lived and unsuccessful lawsuit

Franken also criticizes several pundits, especially those he believes to be the most dishonest, including O'Reilly, Hannity, and Coulter.
Nonsense, Democrats cheat on elections all the time and have forever. Everyone knows this. Time to stop it, right now.
Then why do Republicans keep getting laughed out of courts for claiming this but not being able to produce any actual PROOF of it?
I hope you unemployable shitstains need this win in order to carry on. But smartmatic has some 'splaining to do.... like how a voter in CA voted 66% for the stuttering fuck, but 32% for Trump.... apparently 2% of the voter was undecided?

Is Avenatti the attorney of record? Oh, sorry, no he's servicing gang bangers in a penitentiary for the next 14 years. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

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Why not post the source for that jive?
Al Franken wrote a freakin book in 2003 about how Fox News was lying to it's viewers.

A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, is a parody of Fox News' tagline "Fair and Balanced." FNC sued Franken over the use of the phrase in a short-lived and unsuccessful lawsuit

Franken also criticizes several pundits, especially those he believes to be the most dishonest, including O'Reilly, Hannity, and Coulter.
And it was a great read.
Al Franken wrote a freakin book in 2003 about how Fox News was lying to it's viewers.

A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right, is a parody of Fox News' tagline "Fair and Balanced." FNC sued Franken over the use of the phrase in a short-lived and unsuccessful lawsuit

Franken also criticizes several pundits, especially those he believes to be the most dishonest, including O'Reilly, Hannity, and Coulter.
Are you referring to the alfranken that was the subject of a rape-in-progress as captured by photographic evidence, and subsequently had to resign from congress in complete disgrace?

That alfranken?

I prefer my sources to NOT be the poster boy for sex offenders but he does come from the party that likes to fuck kids, so I understand that your choices are limited.
Are you referring to the alfranken that was the subject of a rape-in-progress as captured by photographic evidence, and subsequently had to resign from congress in complete disgrace?

That alfranken?

I prefer my sources to NOT be the poster boy for sex offenders but he does come from the party that likes to fuck kids, so I understand that your choices are limited.

Ha ha fucking ha!! This is not rape


I can't believe you would have the balls to say this to me when literally this week your messiah is on trial for rape

Maybe you didn't know he was on trial this week for rape. With all the other trials he's involved in. And because Fox News isn't reporting on Trump's rape trial.
Ha ha fucking ha!! This is not rape

View attachment 779927

I can't believe you would have the balls to say this to me when literally this week your messiah is on trial for rape

Maybe you didn't know he was on trial this week for rape. With all the other trials he's involved in. And because Fox News isn't reporting on Trump's rape trial.
These are the most oblivious fucking morons alive...
These are the most oblivious fucking morons alive...

When they showed a picture of the woman to Trump he said he did not rape her because "she is not his type" But then they showed him another picture of the woman and he said, "that's Marla Maples my ex wife". LOL.

Clearly she was his type. And if she looked like his ex wife that's probably why the animal raped her. He's mad at his ex. Rape isn't about sex it's about power and clearly power has corrupted Trump on every level.
Ha ha fucking ha!! This is not rape

View attachment 779927

I can't believe you would have the balls to say this to me when literally this week your messiah is on trial for rape

Maybe you didn't know he was on trial this week for rape. With all the other trials he's involved in. And because Fox News isn't reporting on Trump's rape trial.
I have photographic evidence. You have runny shit that passes as rumors dispensed by known liars.

I have his disgraceful resignation after the entire party that likes to fuck kids demanded it. You have nothing.

As usual, you're standing there holding your ambiguous junk with that 1000-yard slack-jawed fucktard stare....

I won.
When they showed a picture of the woman to Trump he said he did not rape her because "she is not his type" But then they showed him another picture of the woman and he said, "that's Marla Maples my ex wife". LOL.

Clearly she was his type. And if she looked like his ex wife that's probably why the animal raped her. He's mad at his ex. Rape isn't about sex it's about power and clearly power has corrupted Trump on every level.
She looked better...
I always thought Ivana had the look of a rabid stoat..
I have photographic evidence. You have runny shit that passes as rumors dispensed by known liars.

I have his disgraceful resignation after the entire party that likes to fuck kids demanded it. You have nothing.

As usual, you're standing there holding your ambiguous junk with that 1000-yard slack-jawed fucktard stare....

I won.

You have a pic of rape? LOL

He resigned because we didn't want to be hypocrites asking your rapists to resign then allowing our mysoginistic members to stay. Optics dummy.

You won?

That woman should sue him like Trump's being sued by his victim.
She looked better...
I always thought Ivana had the look of a rabid stoat..

Stoats belong to the same mustelid family as weasels and ferrets. They're bigger than weasels and smaller than ferrets, and they have a bushy tail with a black tip.

I would need to see her tail.
I had to look up what a stoat was. Learn something new every day.

Voles. We have these little critters swimming in our lake. No one knows they are called water voles. Have you ever heard of them?
I thought they were late Akita would grab them, pop the heads off like they were pez dispensers and lick the necks.
I thought they were late Akita would grab them, pop the heads off like they were pez dispensers and lick the necks.
My dog, when it was like 40 degrees and the water still cold as hell went in the water and swam after it. Luckily I had him on a leash. But he just sat there as far out as he could with just his head sticking out of the water smelling and watching it. WANTING IT so bad. LOL.

I took him in the house after we were done. I can't believe he basically polar bear clubbed it because he saw that critter.

I remember one time when he was younger he ran into one in the park. The thing turned and faced him and he doesn't bite hard so the battle was on. It nipped him a couple times and later I saw it drew blood. He's such a pussy. He's a PBGV. If you don't know what that is google it and watch Dogs 101 PBGV. Best dog ever. I hunt deer and it turns out they are great trackers. Best dog ever! LOL. So cute. Small but scruffy. He attacks all the bigger dogs at the dog park. Well, not all of them. Just the timid ones. But some of them get pissed and show teeth then he yelps like a little bitch. So funny. At the park last week this woman came in with her puppy and a golf club. My god attacked it and she wacked him. I didn't get too mad he deserved it and she didn't wack him that hard.

Funny side story. I told a guy this story and he said, "no one would ever do that to my dog". 15 minutes later his dog is playing with this asian guys dog and for whatever reason the asian guy thought his dog was getting too aggressive, he wasn't, and the asian guy wacked his dog 5 or 6 times with his chuckit. He didn't do shit. He said something to the guy but I said something too.

Lesson I learned was people talk shit until shit happens then they don't do shit. LOL.

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