Very very Freudian: Trump: "...when I took over the United States..."

Obama’s auto bailout saved an industry during the Great Recession

Correction: Obama's bailout rewarded the UAW while screwing GM's legitimate creditors and shareholders. As for "saving an industry," why didn't Ford participate in this scam?
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump's economy has left most americans worse off.
Tell me redcaps, how are you economically better off today?
----------------------------------------------------- due to good luck , TRUMP , GOD , my practices and thinking I am doing fine . Course that's always been my style for 70 years and if I can do that than everyone can do it at one level or another . As far as BETTER OFF. I never have thought that way and only concern myself with what makes ME and Family money secure . And for me I have been good enough for my 70 years . Same goes for my Parents and millions of others just like ME DMuck .
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
------------------------------------------------ NO Iranians are storming the beaches in my neck of the woods Clayton . I see the situation with 'iran' as being a good deal . After 40 years of putting up with 'iran' and the old 'hostage situation' [as a start] the USA MAY finally Pay Back the 'iranians' Clayton .
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.
you're not allowed to tell me how to feel about the state of our gov today.

peace out.
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
You want to impeach the president because you think he thinks he owns the Country? Are you nuts?
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
As well as China If he was trying to make a good deal with them he really screwed that up with bashing the **** out of them
You want to impeach the president because you think he thinks he owns the Country? Are you nuts?
NO I want him TF out of there because the AH has no understanding of what people think of him when he bashes them Take China for example The world heard him bash them today Think they want a deal with him now? Meanwhile 28 billion to the farmers because of his screwed up policies? That's OK with you right ?
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
How many TDS threads do we need every day?

Can't you whine and moan by yourself, snowflake?
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.
you're not allowed to tell me how to feel about the state of our gov today.

peace out.
Am I allowed?? Just askin
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.

One of his best performances to date....the Chinks were sure listening intently....and Iran knows they're fucked. You just hate men....Trump represents men to you....pitiful but true.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------- my idea is to send in the Pilotless missiles but we will see Edward .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?

ZERO...happy now? Trump has the magic wand Barry the Fairy could never find and it's magic alright. Iran has enough of an arsenal to keep their powder dry....they can't afford to replace it. Keep squeezing and the Iranian people will take care of the mullah perverts for us and themselves.
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.

One of his best performances to date....the Chinks were sure listening intently....and Iran knows they're fucked. You just hate men....Trump represents men to you....pitiful but true.
------------------------------------------------------ yep , a real 'femi nazi' school teacher . T hink what she has been teaching BOYS these last 50 years .

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