Very very Freudian: Trump: "...when I took over the United States..."

Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------- my idea is to send in the Pilotless missiles but we will see Edward .
And then they blow up a few oil fields ?? BTW Nice the way you think of your family A lot like me Want to leave them all able to enjoy the rest of their lives with no financial problems
You gotta know Pismoe Trump is playing with a loose deck There's really something wrong with him
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------------------ if a war goes to boots on the ground I think that its acceptable to lose many , many American Soldiers to win the war . If that's not true then why even have a military . But I figure that MISSILES are good enough for an Attack on 'iran' Edward
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------- my idea is to send in the Pilotless missiles but we will see Edward .
And then they blow up a few oil fields ?? BTW Nice the way you think of your family A lot like me Want to leave them all able to enjoy the rest of their lives with no financial problems
--------------------------------------------- let the 'iranians' blow up any oil fiels they like and we will just send in Red Adair or his appointees to fix things up in the same way that we fixed up 'saddams' blowed up oil fields Edward .
Trump's performance in New York at the UN deserves threads, and an almighty reaction. He's completely lost his ability to speak to anyone but his base. The reactions from our far rightwingers says it all. You all loved it. The rest of us are vomiting.
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------------------ if a war goes to boots on the ground I think that its acceptable to lose many , many American Soldiers to win the war . If that's not true then why even have a military . But I figure that MISSILES are good enough for an Attack on 'iran' Edward
There's another split in the road for us I want NOT ONE soldier dying if not protecting our country For example if they destroy our allies oil fields or attack them in any way we need to stand up for that but not go willy nilly into attack mode Trump so far is doing the right thing ,,,,for once
and besides that , does the USA NEED the oil Edward ? I have heard that the USA has ALL the oil that it needs Edward .
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump has made the situation worse with regard to Iran.
-------------------------------------------- Poke those 'iranians' in the EYE and lets see what happens Clayton .
Yeah? How many American lives are YOU ready to lose?
------------------------------------------------------ if a war goes to boots on the ground I think that its acceptable to lose many , many American Soldiers to win the war . If that's not true then why even have a military . But I figure that MISSILES are good enough for an Attack on 'iran' Edward
There's another split in the road for us I want NOT ONE soldier dying if not protecting our country For example if they destroy our allies oil fields or attack them in any way we need to stand up for that but not go willy nilly into attack mode Trump so far is doing the right thing ,,,,for once
----------------------------------------- TRUMP will make YOUR decision for you Edward . :afro:
i'm neither and am just apathetic to it. not everyone is wrapped up in one extreme or the other.

most of us look at our gov and go "you all suck" and got tired of splitting hairs.
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
You're not allowed to just shrug and say "I don't care." No one is "splitting hairs." Trump just gave us all a full-out scalping.

Nationalism worries me when it is taken to the extremes Trump and Followers are taking it to. Historically, it leads to war. It did before WWI, WWII and was the reason for the downfall of the first bright light of democracy, the ancient Greeks. Trump seems to want us to go back to petty leaders puffing up their chests and feuding over every slight, real or imagined. Perhaps globalism has gone too far. It did do some adjusting of our standard of living, which we are very quick to complain about, but everyone knew it would happen and that we would hate it. Globalism in this day and age, though, is the way of the world. A foolish old man isn't going to change that with a speech. IIRC, his speech last year was in the same vein, only much less rabid. Now he's gone full retard because of the election.

Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
That troll pic was for NORMAN. Are you Norman?
Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
That troll pic was for NORMAN. Are you Norman?
Give ice a pic too He deserves one
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
That troll pic was for NORMAN. Are you Norman?
Give ice a pic too He deserves one
Nah, ice is alright. You just have to slap him around a little bit now and then.
Of course nationalism worries you. You aren't even an American!

It doesn't worry Americans at all that they are put before your ever increasing cat horde.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
That troll pic was for NORMAN. Are you Norman?
Then yes *i* did misfire and my apologies. I don't always remove ignore like I should.

Again, my apologies.
Go back under the bridge.
View attachment 280799
if that's where you'll stop telling me how to feel about things, bye.

fyi - i've never told you how you should feel about something, dunno why you think you have that right.
What are you so pouty about?
first you tell me how to feel, i decline that offer and i'm being a troll, then pouty.

dunno. what put you into bitch mode today?
That troll pic was for NORMAN. Are you Norman?
Then yes *i* did misfire and my apologies. I don't always remove ignore like I should.

Again, my apologies.
Having Norman on ignore isn't a half-bad idea.
You are more than forgiven.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.

Don't worry, Plain Shitter has it figured out. He is in the perfect position to educate a billionaire on how to run business.
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Oh you've seen his tax returns, his banking records???
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Oh you've seen his tax returns, his banking records???
--------------------------------------- TAX RETURNS and Bank records are no ones business but the TRUMPS Edward . [YOU darn nosy people]

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