Very very Freudian: Trump: "...when I took over the United States..."

Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

And now Iran is doing very poorly. Iran is a different place than when I took over.

When I took over the United States — when I became President —""""

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan Before Bilateral Meeting | New York, NY | The White House
Trump's economy has left most americans worse off.
Tell me redcaps, how are you economically better off today?

Run on confiscating wealth and weapons
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Oh you've seen his tax returns, his banking records???
--------------------------------------- TAX RETURNS and Bank records are no ones business but the TRUMPS Edward . [YOU darn nosy people]
Every president since Nixon showed their returns Can't you admit trump is a crook??
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Oh you've seen his tax returns, his banking records???
--------------------------------------- TAX RETURNS and Bank records are no ones business but the TRUMPS Edward . [YOU darn nosy people]
Every president since Nixon showed their returns Can't you admit trump is a crook??
-------------------------------------------- not REQUIRED to show tax returns and bank records Edward .
Trump really needs to be impeached. He thinks he owns this country like he does one of his golf clubs or casinos. He bankrupted his casinos and his golf clubs aren't doing very well either.

Just shaking my head. So much falsehood and distortion in just a few sentences. By the way, most of Trump's businesses have done very well and continue to do well, on the off chance that you're interested in fact.
Oh you've seen his tax returns, his banking records???
--------------------------------------- TAX RETURNS and Bank records are no ones business but the TRUMPS Edward . [YOU darn nosy people]
Every president since Nixon showed their returns Can't you admit trump is a crook??
-------------------------------------------- not REQUIRED to show tax returns and bank records Edward .
No we all know that BUT ALL have to show they weren't cheats and they did,,,,, Trump said he would BUT the GD liar lied again

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