Vet groups accuse Donny Danger of cooking the books, of over hype...of lying!!

The REAL QUESTION is 'WTF has the Hildebeast done for the Vets, besides killing them in Benghazi?"
No, that is your deflection. The real question is why did Trump lie about the amount of donations he garnered and what actually happened to the funds that were collected.

He didn't lie, seems some BACKED OUT after making pledges, now back to the C-UNT you suck twat on, what has she done for our Vets besides KILLING them in Benghazi....
No, he lied. He passed up opportunities to straighten out the record and report that six million had not been collected. He could have updated the amount and explained where the funds that were collected were going. He didn't. He stuck to the original lie and did not adjust his campaign talking points about the topic.
The tragedy in Benghazi is made sadder by folks like you who use those men for political fodder. You don't care about those guys. They are just excuses for you bash first Obama and now Clinton.
Read this thread. It shows the typical Trump supporters way of defending anything Trump does. Attack Obama or Clinton and deflect away from actually defending Trump's words or actions.
The vets demonstration looks like it worked. Trump made a million dollar donation to a vet group last night. Of course, he and his campaign are locked into the lies that they had already made the Trump donation, but better late than never.
Just curious....

Does Hillary the same for blog posts as for real live "spontaneous" protesters?
And we're to believe this shit, coming from you and a guy that won't turn over his tax papers? Yeah right!!
We should believe your tripe when you support a murderer rape supporter and all around Liar?
Your comment is based on personal opinion and Trump demonization talking points. Nothing more than your opinion.
War vets demonstrated against Trump. That is not an opinion or talking point. It is fact.
Well except when war veterans protest a lefty then the war veterans are to be marginalized and attacked right? Remember Kerry? Over 200 war vets from his command protested against him and as I recall you all claimed they were liars and not to be believed. So tell me what is the difference here?
Veterans who served with Kerry came out and called the Swift Boaters liars and one by one they recanted their lies or were exposed as liars. It was a "who do you believe" controversy. In the end "Swiftboating" became a term to describe organized lying to demonize a political candidate.
To the best of my knowledge nobody, veteran or otherwise is challenging the veterans claims against Trump or that they are legitimate war vets.

This is what your hero that threw his medals(ribbons) over the White House wall said to Congress.

"John Kerry Testimony

I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

He can eat shit and die as far as this veteran is concerned and you can adore the traitorous bastard.
And we're to believe this shit, coming from you and a guy that won't turn over his tax papers? Yeah right!!
We should believe your tripe when you support a murderer rape supporter and all around Liar?
Your comment is based on personal opinion and Trump demonization talking points. Nothing more than your opinion.
War vets demonstrated against Trump. That is not an opinion or talking point. It is fact.
Well except when war veterans protest a lefty then the war veterans are to be marginalized and attacked right? Remember Kerry? Over 200 war vets from his command protested against him and as I recall you all claimed they were liars and not to be believed. So tell me what is the difference here?
Veterans who served with Kerry came out and called the Swift Boaters liars and one by one they recanted their lies or were exposed as liars. It was a "who do you believe" controversy. In the end "Swiftboating" became a term to describe organized lying to demonize a political candidate.
To the best of my knowledge nobody, veteran or otherwise is challenging the veterans claims against Trump or that they are legitimate war vets.

This is what your hero that threw his medals(ribbons) over the White House wall said to Congress.

"John Kerry Testimony

I would like to talk on behalf of all those veterans and say that several months ago in Detroit we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged, and many very highly decorated, veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia. These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country."

He can eat shit and die as far as this veteran is concerned and you can adore the traitorous bastard.
Kerry is a lying piece of shit libtard who has no credibility.
The REAL QUESTION is 'WTF has the Hildebeast done for the Vets, besides killing them in Benghazi?"
No, that is your deflection. The real question is why did Trump lie about the amount of donations he garnered and what actually happened to the funds that were collected.

He didn't lie, seems some BACKED OUT after making pledges, now back to the C-UNT you suck twat on, what has she done for our Vets besides KILLING them in Benghazi....
No, he lied. He passed up opportunities to straighten out the record and report that six million had not been collected. He could have updated the amount and explained where the funds that were collected were going. He didn't. He stuck to the original lie and did not adjust his campaign talking points about the topic.
The tragedy in Benghazi is made sadder by folks like you who use those men for political fodder. You don't care about those guys. They are just excuses for you bash first Obama and now Clinton.

Donald Trump rages on Twitter after veterans donations are called into question

Donald Trump rages on Twitter after veterans donations are called into question

And why haven't the Clinton's DONATED...after all they made over $50 MILLION last year!!!! They simply don't give a fuck about Veterans!
The REAL QUESTION is 'WTF has the Hildebeast done for the Vets, besides killing them in Benghazi?"
No, that is your deflection. The real question is why did Trump lie about the amount of donations he garnered and what actually happened to the funds that were collected.

He didn't lie, seems some BACKED OUT after making pledges, now back to the C-UNT you suck twat on, what has she done for our Vets besides KILLING them in Benghazi....
No, he lied. He passed up opportunities to straighten out the record and report that six million had not been collected. He could have updated the amount and explained where the funds that were collected were going. He didn't. He stuck to the original lie and did not adjust his campaign talking points about the topic.
The tragedy in Benghazi is made sadder by folks like you who use those men for political fodder. You don't care about those guys. They are just excuses for you bash first Obama and now Clinton.

Donald Trump rages on Twitter after veterans donations are called into question

Donald Trump rages on Twitter after veterans donations are called into question

And why haven't the Clinton's DONATED...after all they made over $50 MILLION last year!!!! They simply don't give a fuck about Veterans!

Actually, the Clintons never said that the were raising money, nor did they say that they would donate it to a veteran's charity.

Donald Trump did.

I'm still wondering where the money he supposedly raised has been donated to, or if that huckster who claims to be a presidential candidate is hoping to use it for his supposed campaign that isn't funded by outside interests.

Sorry, but for the general election, Trump is going to need more money than what he's managed to get in free publicity from the primary.
According to the hateful media close to $3.5 million was given to Vet's. Its noted that only 7 of 9 donators paid up. Trumps $1 personal donation would bring the total distributed to $4.5m. Leaving $1-1.5m between the three pledge's who backed out and thus accounting for the roughly $6m Trump claimed to have raised. I round up constantly so it would not surprise me at all if Trump rounded 5.5 to 6. (My husband dislikes that I round everything up, but I always have and probably always will.)
That still leaves about 2 million unaccounted for EverCurious. Did he keep that 2 million as a service fee?
And we're to believe this shit, coming from you and a guy that won't turn over his tax papers? Yeah right!!
We should believe your tripe when you support a murderer rape supporter and all around Liar?
Your comment is based on personal opinion and Trump demonization talking points. Nothing more than your opinion.
War vets demonstrated against Trump. That is not an opinion or talking point. It is fact.
Well except when war veterans protest a lefty then the war veterans are to be marginalized and attacked right? Remember Kerry? Over 200 war vets from his command protested against him and as I recall you all claimed they were liars and not to be believed. So tell me what is the difference here?
Veterans who served with Kerry came out and called the Swift Boaters liars and one by one they recanted their lies or were exposed as liars. It was a "who do you believe" controversy. In the end "Swiftboating" became a term to describe organized lying to demonize a political candidate.
To the best of my knowledge nobody, veteran or otherwise is challenging the veterans claims against Trump or that they are legitimate war vets.
This is a lie, the swiftboat organization NEVER recanted.
And we're to believe this shit, coming from you and a guy that won't turn over his tax papers? Yeah right!!
We should believe your tripe when you support a murderer rape supporter and all around Liar?
Your comment is based on personal opinion and Trump demonization talking points. Nothing more than your opinion.
War vets demonstrated against Trump. That is not an opinion or talking point. It is fact.
Well except when war veterans protest a lefty then the war veterans are to be marginalized and attacked right? Remember Kerry? Over 200 war vets from his command protested against him and as I recall you all claimed they were liars and not to be believed. So tell me what is the difference here?
Veterans who served with Kerry came out and called the Swift Boaters liars and one by one they recanted their lies or were exposed as liars. It was a "who do you believe" controversy. In the end "Swiftboating" became a term to describe organized lying to demonize a political candidate.
To the best of my knowledge nobody, veteran or otherwise is challenging the veterans claims against Trump or that they are legitimate war vets.
This is a lie, the swiftboat organization NEVER recanted.
The organization might not have recanted, and I did not say they did, but the people in the original attack ads did. Patrick Runyan, Commander Elliot, and Larry Thurlow had to change their stories and hence, recanted. In addition, some of the vets who claimed to have knowledge of incidents had to change their stories also because it was found that they were nowhere near the incidents being debated.
WTF is going on? Why in the world would Veterans be concerned about the accountability of charitable donations by a civilian when the freaking government has lied to them and screwed them for eight freaking years? The world must be upside down.
WTF is going on? Why in the world would Veterans be concerned about the accountability of charitable donations by a civilian when the freaking government has lied to them and screwed them for eight freaking years? The world must be upside down.
Every lie Trump tells will get attention. Every time he shows bad judgement he will get attention. So will his opponent. That is the nature of Presidential campaigns. Trump got caught doing both in this situation.
That still leaves about 2 million unaccounted for EverCurious. Did he keep that 2 million as a service fee?

$3.5m distributed + $1m from Trump + $1-1.5m from the donors who backed out == $6m the amount Trump said they had collected, and as I noted, rounding 5.5 to 6 as a matter of perspective. (IE, I round to tens of thousands regularly on the market. Rounding to hundreds with cash? I don't even think about it. Trump regularly deals in B's, rounding to M is probably common for him.)
The protesting vets were factually correct. Trump didn't donate his million until after they began demonstrating and calling him a liar. There is no indication he would have made the donation he claimed he had made it the vets hadn't publicized his lie by exposing the lie by demonstrating.

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