Vets And The Military Will Skin You Lefties Alive

The article makes some good points. The conservatives, as usual, avoid them and explode in yet another victimhood tantrum. That's right, the phantom liberal bogeymen are coming to take your silly flags away. Better hunker down in the basement bunker.

There are no POWs. No other nation pretends to be a special victim because they had MIAs in a war, and it's time that large segments of the USA stopped whining about it. It's just embarrassing.

I do disagree with the Newsweek article that the flag is currently racist. While anti-Vietnamese bigotry was the origin of it, it's no longer used that way. It's used more often like flag pins. That is, as a bullying technique. Hyper-nationalists want to force conformity. Display all the right PC symbols, or they'll call you unpatriotic.

Fortunately, it's becoming a non-issue. I haven't seen one of the silly flags for a while, not even as a bumper sticker. As those who still obsess over an MIA issue from 40+ years ago die off, the flags disappear.
Sorry, but you are another one who is simply missing the point about the POW/MIA flag. It has morphed into something different from it's original meaning. During the Vietnam War captured American POW's were disrespected and used as pawns by all entities of that war. When the war ended it was felt that a complete accounting of the missing in action was ignored for the sake of making a break from the aftermath of a phony honorable peace that abandoned the full accounting of the missing. The flag today represents the idea that that will not be done again, not without a heck of a fight with a heck of a lot of negative publicity and protest towards whoever attempts it.
The flag is shown and flown by and for over a half million Americans every year on Memorial Day Sunday in Washington DC. No other protest movement comes close to the POW/MIA event held every year in Washington DC. None. Not for almost three decades. And the numbers are not made up. They are verified.
At present, the USA does not have the moral authority to criticize any other nation for the way they treat prisoners-of-war. We did once, but the torture-lovers trashed our moral authority.
At present, the USA does not have the moral authority to criticize any other nation for the way they treat prisoners-of-war. We did once, but the torture-lovers trashed our moral authority.

OH MY....we put panties over the heads of IED bombers at Abu Grabass you fucking little creep.
You're a torture apologist, Bull, which puts you on the same moral level as ISIS. So who cares what you think? Not any decent people, that's for sure.

It didn't always used to be that way. Prior to Bush, conservatives would have said torture was wrong. But, since most conservatives are so sheeplike and lack any firm moral grounding, they immediately flipflopped to adoring torture the instant that their masters told them to flipflop.
At present, the USA does not have the moral authority to criticize any other nation for the way they treat prisoners-of-war. We did once, but the torture-lovers trashed our moral authority.

OH MY....we put panties over the heads of IED bombers at Abu Grabass you fucking little creep.
mamooth is right asshole. We did more than put panties over their heads you lying POS. Those stupid fucks made institutionalized torture routine. In the old days things went on on the battlefield and in the "fog of war" that went unmentioned and hidden. The Bush administration fucked all that up. Guys in the field have to be very careful now. They get in trouble for pissing on dead enemy. One troop can open his mouth and get a whole unit in trouble for being "mean" to a captive. Thanks Bush.
mamooth is right asshole. We did more than put panties over their heads you lying POS. Those stupid fucks made institutionalized torture routine. In the old days things went on on the battlefield and in the "fog of war" that went unmentioned and hidden. The Bush administration fucked all that up. Guys in the field have to be very careful now. They get in trouble for pissing on dead enemy. One troop can open his mouth and get a whole unit in trouble for being "mean" to a captive. Thanks Bush.

You don't know shit about what happens in combat so STFU
"At present, the USA does not have the moral authority to criticize any other nation for the way they treat prisoners-of-war. We did once, but the torture-lovers trashed our moral authority."

Untrue and nasty. What country treats POWs better than the US?
You're a torture apologist, Bull, which puts you on the same moral level as ISIS. So who cares what you think? Not any decent people, that's for sure.

It didn't always used to be that way. Prior to Bush, conservatives would have said torture was wrong. But, since most conservatives are so sheeplike and lack any firm moral grounding, they immediately flipflopped to adoring torture the instant that their masters told them to flipflop.

"torture" involves blood and bruises....waterboarding and painful position restraints do neither. You should worry more about your community organizer's ROEs than what happens to captures.
mamooth is right asshole. We did more than put panties over their heads you lying POS. Those stupid fucks made institutionalized torture routine. In the old days things went on on the battlefield and in the "fog of war" that went unmentioned and hidden. The Bush administration fucked all that up. Guys in the field have to be very careful now. They get in trouble for pissing on dead enemy. One troop can open his mouth and get a whole unit in trouble for being "mean" to a captive. Thanks Bush.

You don't know shit about what happens in combat so STFU
I know a little. Probably more then you.
I know a little. Probably more then you.

You're a fucking joke....go to the food threads...this is a man's subject.
Well it certainly isn't a topic for a fake Marine with a need to boast and brag about being a hard core combat vet to fill some fantasy. Surprised that after being exposed as a fake vet so many times you still insist on being a nuisance. I still think you are a female. You should just come out and admit it. It is OK to be a Bull Dyke in today's modern world.

Quite amusing billy when you post about Vets, especially when you ran like a bunny during vietnam and didn't join as a flag waver that you are, Then again being a member of the 101st keyboard division of chickenhawks it's no surprise

Excuse me? As I have oft stated, I had very high numbers when I was exposed to the draft lottery in 1971, and I was one of those who didn't believe that inside every Vietnamese was an American waiting to get out.

My brother, a vet, was spit on by one of yours at the airport. He later found out that he broke the guy's jaw in three places. :laugh:
Well it certainly isn't a topic for a fake Marine with a need to boast and brag about being a hard core combat vet to fill some fantasy. Surprised that after being exposed as a fake vet so many times you still insist on being a nuisance. I still think you are a female. You should just come out and admit it. It is OK to be a Bull Dyke in today's modern world.

I'm no more a "fake vet" than you are anything other than a leftist piece of shit who hates his own country and the men who protect it past and present. You're a vile worthless snitch and a coward with a keyboard....nothing more nothing less.

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