Vets urge Trump impeachment

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

It doesn't matter who it's funded by. What DOES matter is the number of veterans it attracts.

If you took a poll of ALL active and retired military Trump would win in a landslide.
Paying vets for testimonials is garbage.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Longknife notices that "187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America."
157 GROUPS? OMG! He really IS after destroying the Constitution, and the Demmies are letting him, for cash. Well, they've been selling America down the river since they lost the Civil War. When I became old enough to vote, they were deep into hatred for opening the doors for blacks, and I couldn't understand why they were making life so hard for black people who worked hard for their money and had so little going for them, I didn't think they were worse just because the color of their skin didn't agree with Democrats back then. Now, the Demmies are fooling blacks into the myth that they were always on their side, because they weren't. And they flip and flop around to see what will get them power to destroy and punish anybody who doesn't like their deep state divisions that have nothing to do with the average family, and their support for killing millions of unborn America to fluff their anti-male feminists is a black stain on the soul of Americans one and all.

So is it Soros trying to scrape his bootshit on America, or is it the Communists who euphemise who they are by passing themselves off by a "nicer" name, "socialists," which is uniquely of the same precepts as communism, which makes it easier for a small group of oligarchs to control more and more people with an announcement system consisting of a press that locksteps every single item the communists want to control or lose their standing in the communist society being formed that hasn't yet resorted to mass murder of their opponents, and that's a big and certain future YET if Americans fall for that hallucinatory system.

And the communists have already shown their colors through Adam Schiff's secret meetings that exclude Republicans initially and tar and feather them with lies, now that they can speak after winning the right (HUH?) to bring the secrecy to the attention of a public that prefers to know who's saying what to whom, and traditional laws that require public affairs to be open to the public. Schiff is such a slime.
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While I'm generally no fan of our failed foreign policy, politicizing the military has dangerous consequences. What's more is there's a growing trend of returning veterans who are more than willing to politicize their own military service. That's a major naw naw.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Take off your blindfolds, bullydog. President Trump just rebuilt the American military after your ding-a-ling Obummer did all he could do to ensure his pals in the Middle East could do a more debilitating job on America than 9/11. Barack gutted the military beyond belief, and Trump had his hands full getting them back up. He's not going to let the American military down, and you can take that to the bank. Moron.
While I'm generally no fan of our failed foreign policy, politicizing the military has dangerous consequences. What's more is there's a growing trend of returning veterans who are more than willing to politicize their own military service. That's a major naw naw.

Its a complex situation:
1. Trump needed to re-supply the military
2. Trump wants to pay for a smaller global footprint
3. Trump needs NATO to pick up more responsibility
4. The Joint Chiefs identified the US $23T as a major threat, and it is
5. How can Trump cut military spending and still keep US military dominance?
6. China's long range plan is to replace the US hegemony with a Chinese hegemony.
7. Trump was effective in Syria and the Ukraine, and the democrats were ineffective
8. The 2020 election could setup Chinese dominance for the future if the socialists win.
I'm a Vet--MAGA! I'm for Trump
so who cares if a couple of Vets are anti-Trump? what's the big deal?

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

Here you go
What did Trump pull in Syria?

He abandoned our allies and the troops were disgusted

He did not abandon our allies, the Kurds. He got US troops out of the way of the Turkish invasion.
The democrats' whining about a Kurdish slaughter and extermination was total bullshit.
Turkey wanted a buffer zone, they have it. Now the US has some armor there protecting the Kurd's oil field.
Trump got a win-win-win in Syria, he defeated ISIS, he avoided a conflict with Turkey, and he protected the Kurds.
While it is conceivable that some military personnel are not enthusiastic supporters of Our Beloved President, it is NOT conceivable that more than a smattering of them could look at ANY of the riders in the Democrat Klown Kar and decide to support him/her.

Same with the economy: While it is possible that a few competent financial managers might doubt Trump's credit for the booming economy, no competent financial professional could support any of the Democrats.

As we saw in 2016, The Donald don't have to be GREAT in order to win; he only has to be better than the alternative.

Game. Set. Match.
As it turned out, he wasn't better than the alternative. Something the majority of Americans already knew when they went to the polls in 2016.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

"The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors."

So you have no proof.... Thanks..

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher
Anything by George Soros is Anti-American propaganda and can be taken with a grain of salt.
E7 is an enlisted pay grade of a service specific rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Navy and the Coast Guard.

Edited for clarity so that some might get their stories straight next time. lol.
Last edited:
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.

Railroading? His own squad turned the murderer in. Committing war crimes is not what made our military strong. Killing civilians is not what keeps us safe. The rules he broke aren't just some recent change brought about by politics. We shouldn't honor murder.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Take off your blindfolds, bullydog. President Trump just rebuilt the American military after your ding-a-ling Obummer did all he could do to ensure his pals in the Middle East could do a more debilitating job on America than 9/11. Barack gutted the military beyond belief, and Trump had his hands full getting them back up. He's not going to let the American military down, and you can take that to the bank. Moron.

When he overruled long standing Military Justice System rulings, he didn't just let the military down. He struck a blow to the honor and tradition of our military. We train soldiers, not murderers. Obviously, you right wingers don't understand the difference.
It's yet to be seen if the military rank and file will stand behind their leaders who have stood with and behind them in combat or if they will stand behind Trump whose disregard of military justice rules and tradition has already caused the Secretary of the Navy to quit in protest over Trump's whim fueled by Fox and Friends.
Yeah cause nothing says military justice like railroading operators who's job is to the kill the enemy.

Railroading? His own squad turned the murderer in. Committing war crimes is not what made our military strong. Killing civilians is not what keeps us safe. The rules he broke aren't just some recent change brought about by politics. We shouldn't honor murder.

Please detail your own military service. Otherwise STFU on topics about military service because you have absolutely NOTHING to add.

Really impressive. Right?

There’s a problem though.

It’s funded by George Soros. Through one of his many cover groups.

187 groups funded by George Soros are being used to destroy America. To see the complete list of the 187 groups who are using Trump’s election as an excuse to destroy America, go here.

The groups flash on the screen so quickly it’s difficult to read.

More @ Scumbag Soros Behind Multi-Million Dollar Ad Featuring Military Vets Urging GOP House Members To Support Trump Impeachment [Video]

And here’s this:

Each of the ads contains a disclosure stating they’re paid for by “Defend American Democracy,” but D.C. business registration documents reveal the group is just one of the many projects of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money nonprofit that pumped $141 million into liberal causes in 2018 alone, Open Secrets reported.

The Sixteen Thirty Fund reported receiving $52 million from a single anonymous donor in 2018, but as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, it is not required to disclose the identity of its donors.

This comes from AmericanLookout @ REPORT: Dark Money Group Linked To George Soros Producing Ads Urging Republicans To Impeach Trump

You prefer your veterans like E-7 Gallagher, right?

E-7 Gallagher? WTF is that? That's his paygrade, not his rank.

I guess that proves you lied about your military service.

It was his rank E 7 I guess you have lied about your military service.

Trump restores rank of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher

That's a pay grade. His rank is Chief Petty Officer.

My paygrade was O-4. My rank was Lieutenant Commander.

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