Vice President Kamala Harris "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history" Pollster finds 'astounding change' in Democratic electorate - FOX News

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Harris "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history"

Harris raised $100 million from over 1.1 million unique donors between Sunday afternoon to Monday evening after she announced she would run in place of Biden, marking what her campaign claimed to be the "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history."

In Michigan, Harris and Trump remain in a dead heat, according to a Fox News poll released Friday, which marked a three-point shift for Harris, up from Biden’s 46% in April polling. In Minnesota, Harris has a six-point lead, while Trump has a one-point advantage in Wisconsin. The two remain tied in Pennsylvania. Harris also enjoys higher favorable ratings than Trump in each state except Michigan, where they remain tied.

Fox News surveys in those battleground states found that Trump is meeting or exceeding his 2020 vote share when put into a two-way race with Harris, with greater support among voters who prioritize the economy and immigration as their top issues. Voters who consider abortion a top issue favor Harris.


Anew poll from The Wall Street Journal has found Vice President Kamala Harris neck and neck with Donald Trump after President Biden vacated the Democratic nomination for November’s election.

"Only 37% of Biden voters were enthusiastic about him in early July, and now 81% of Harris voters are enthusiastic about her," Democratic pollster Mike Bocian, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster David Lee, told the Journal. "This is an astounding change."

Pollster finds 'astounding change' in Democratic electorate since Harris' ascension

The above has Trump campaign worrying. While Trump's campaign has been thrown into chaos (Vance pick?), Trump's Magadonians (Donald Trump is now calling his followers "Magadonians") seem to be clueless about realities on the ground. Come September the presidential race will tighten up, but for now the MAGA attacks have been mostly based on race and gender, with many throwing around personal insults that only a decade ago would've been considered unacceptable in public discourse.

All the above aside, Harris seems to be marching along having stepped into her new role on Day 1. Incredible amount of support from party delegates and now registered Democratic voters. And like Trump likes to always mention -- the money.

I'm gonna hold my judgement until after she chooses her VP pick and the DNC ends.
Then, the real polling begins and the race to the finish is on.
But so far, so good. :)
Depending on RFKJr, Harris may get 60% of the vote.
Read the link before you knee jerk comment.

What does it say about Harris and Trump when Bobby is thrown into the mix?

When the field expands to include Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other independent and third-party candidates, the gap slips to a slender 1% lead for Trump over Harris, 45% to 44%. Part of that shift resulted from the change in voter demographics as she has galvanized Democrats and brought high levels of enthusiasm into the party.

Harris "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history"

Harris raised $100 million from over 1.1 million unique donors between Sunday afternoon to Monday evening after she announced she would run in place of Biden, marking what her campaign claimed to be the "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history."

In Michigan, Harris and Trump remain in a dead heat, according to a Fox News poll released Friday, which marked a three-point shift for Harris, up from Biden’s 46% in April polling. In Minnesota, Harris has a six-point lead, while Trump has a one-point advantage in Wisconsin. The two remain tied in Pennsylvania. Harris also enjoys higher favorable ratings than Trump in each state except Michigan, where they remain tied.

Fox News surveys in those battleground states found that Trump is meeting or exceeding his 2020 vote share when put into a two-way race with Harris, with greater support among voters who prioritize the economy and immigration as their top issues. Voters who consider abortion a top issue favor Harris.


Anew poll from The Wall Street Journal has found Vice President Kamala Harris neck and neck with Donald Trump after President Biden vacated the Democratic nomination for November’s election.

"Only 37% of Biden voters were enthusiastic about him in early July, and now 81% of Harris voters are enthusiastic about her," Democratic pollster Mike Bocian, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster David Lee, told the Journal. "This is an astounding change."

Pollster finds 'astounding change' in Democratic electorate since Harris' ascension

The above has Trump campaign worrying. While Trump's campaign has been thrown into chaos (Vance pick?), Trump's Magadonians (Donald Trump is now calling his followers "Magadonians") seem to be clueless about realities on the ground. Come September the presidential race will tighten up, but for now the MAGA attacks have been mostly based on race and gender, with many throwing around personal insults that only a decade ago would've been considered unacceptable in public discourse.

All the above aside, Harris seems to be marching along having stepped into her new role on Day 1. Incredible amount of support from party delegates and now registered Democratic voters. And like Trump likes to always mention -- the money.

That's the problem with this country. Too many dumb people have too much money. MAGA
Read the link before you knee jerk comment.

What does it say about Harris and Trump when Bobby is thrown into the mix?

When the field expands to include Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and other independent and third-party candidates, the gap slips to a slender 1% lead for Trump over Harris, 45% to 44%. Part of that shift resulted from the change in voter demographics as she has galvanized Democrats and brought high levels of enthusiasm into the party.

I think those numbers are going to radically change in the next two months.
I'm gonna hold my judgement until after she chooses her VP pick and the DNC ends.
Then, the real polling begins and the race to the finish is on.
But so far, so good. :)

Most people don't care about any VP pick. It's like policy -- few actually care when voting day comes along. The VP pick helps in small ways which is maybe big this time around, but as long as Harris' pick isn't as terrible as Trump's it will have not much effect.

Media creation of how it all is so important is funny.

The Democratic National Convention should be interesting -- what with all the lawsuits Republicans are threatening to throw into the mix. The horrible stench of fear is all over the GOP.
That's the problem with this country. Too many dumb people have too much money. MAGA

Trust Fund Babies.

Lucky Sperm Club.

“It must be a difficult burden. Being born into wealth. Having done nothing to earn it”
Harris "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history"

Harris raised $100 million from over 1.1 million unique donors between Sunday afternoon to Monday evening after she announced she would run in place of Biden, marking what her campaign claimed to be the "largest 24-hour raise in presidential history."

In Michigan, Harris and Trump remain in a dead heat, according to a Fox News poll released Friday, which marked a three-point shift for Harris, up from Biden’s 46% in April polling. In Minnesota, Harris has a six-point lead, while Trump has a one-point advantage in Wisconsin. The two remain tied in Pennsylvania. Harris also enjoys higher favorable ratings than Trump in each state except Michigan, where they remain tied.

Fox News surveys in those battleground states found that Trump is meeting or exceeding his 2020 vote share when put into a two-way race with Harris, with greater support among voters who prioritize the economy and immigration as their top issues. Voters who consider abortion a top issue favor Harris.


Anew poll from The Wall Street Journal has found Vice President Kamala Harris neck and neck with Donald Trump after President Biden vacated the Democratic nomination for November’s election.

"Only 37% of Biden voters were enthusiastic about him in early July, and now 81% of Harris voters are enthusiastic about her," Democratic pollster Mike Bocian, who conducted the survey with Republican pollster David Lee, told the Journal. "This is an astounding change."

Pollster finds 'astounding change' in Democratic electorate since Harris' ascension

The above has Trump campaign worrying. While Trump's campaign has been thrown into chaos (Vance pick?), Trump's Magadonians (Donald Trump is now calling his followers "Magadonians") seem to be clueless about realities on the ground. Come September the presidential race will tighten up, but for now the MAGA attacks have been mostly based on race and gender, with many throwing around personal insults that only a decade ago would've been considered unacceptable in public discourse.

All the above aside, Harris seems to be marching along having stepped into her new role on Day 1. Incredible amount of support from party delegates and now registered Democratic voters. And like Trump likes to always mention -- the money.

Election Live Updates:

Harris Campaign Says It Raised $200 Million as V.P. Auditions Pick Up

Democrats are increasingly adopting a line of attack pioneered by Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, a top contender to be Kamala Harris’s running mate: Donald J. Trump and his Republican allies are “just plain weird.”

As Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign announced that she had raised a hefty $200 million in the six days since she moved to the top of the Democratic ticket, she was moving closer to picking a running mate for an election that is now just 100 days away. Several Democratic hopefuls are auditioning for that role, both by showing off their skills as attack dogs on television and by headlining campaign events in battleground states.


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