Zone1 Victim Mentality

No, I stated a reality.

You have no grasp whatsoever of ''reality.''

You wanna know what the ''reality'' is? I'll tell you what the ''reality'' is.

The bulk of your tax money is collected by the Fed's collection wing, the IRS, and turned over to the Treasury so that the Treasury can pay the principal plus interest on that Bond that the Federal Reserve bought from a bank with a check which is drawn on an account that has nothing in it, after the banks show up and compete to buy part of our national debt, while simultaneously making a profit on it by earning interest.

Do you know why? I'll tell you why. Because, like whites, or any other race, the government also thinks it owns you blacks, and that it also owns 100% of your income, and that it alone also sets the terms for what percentage of your income you get to keep.

Very, very little of anyone's tax money goes where you think it does. None of us get a return on our tax dollars.

So please put your arbitrary victim status card away and educate yourself on ''reality'' before you invoke the term. It makes you look stupid...
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None of those lives matter to you, so if you can't stay on topic, leave this thread.
OK. So does that mean that 15% of black homocides are killed by white people?
Here is one for you:

Does this mean that only 7% of black homocides are committed by whites?
If on 3,000 more black people die in a year due to violence than white people, yet white people (cops included) are only responsible for 7% of the overall violent deaths of black people, what does that say of the black people? And, by in larger who are they the victims of? And last, but not least, to black people, do Black Lives Matter, really?

I'll grant you white victimhood, sounded out on here is pretty much a sham. But, black people are mostly victimized by black people, yet some people on here, want to hold white people responsible for the situation of black people, as if they are still the victim. I don't buy it.
What specifically did you find good about the read?

He did what the always does.

He takes a term and twists it into another collectivist rant by injecting a group mentality. He's collectivising human beings, in this case whites, as usual. He's no different than that which he professes to oppose in that he himself typically views human beings as members of groups because they may share some superficial characteristics and never as Individuals. He's, as usual, encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality from behind the cloak of advocating for so-called ''diversity,'' which itself only perpetuates racism.

Why do you find the perpetuation of racism/collectivism ''good?''

What do you find so ''nice'' about reading that kind of spew?
I don't see it that way much of the time. I like the way he puts forth his argument, starting out, almost uniformly and I don't feel victimized by it as some on here do, responding emotionally to what he puts out originally as an intellectual argument. This thread is a case in point. I am never victimized by his posts. When he does it right, he is a better than average writer, far better than me. So, I don't react in anger or emotion, as I am not one of the victimized.
I don't see it that way much of the time. I like the way he puts forth his argument, starting out, almost uniformly and I don't feel victimized by it as some on here do, responding emotionally to what he puts out originally as an intellectual argument. This thread is a case in point. I am never victimized by his posts. When he does it right, he is a better than average writer, far better than me. So, I don't react in anger or emotion, as I am not one of the victimized.

Well. I'm probably gonna go ahead and just disagree with your perspective in full as it really only stimulates the same divide and conquer mentality he's historically known for projecting without even demonstrating a willingness to recognize the more relevant terms of controversy in scope. But that's very typical here, generally speaking. I suppose it gets the clicks.

Anyway. Thanks for responding to my question. Opinions vary, I suppose.
So what is victim mentality? To many, it is a term some whites use to diss legitimate complaints about issues created by white racism. But let's be specific.

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstance

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 77 percent of the American workforce is white. 80 percent of the management is white. Yet we read or hear whites, primarily from the right, complaining about anti white discrimination. So let's look at the definition of victim mentality one more time:

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.
Another, excellent thread OP.
Whites such as you are the ones playing the victim. Blacks do not get the return on our tax dollars relative to municipal services or community social service funds for the taxes we pay.
YOU elect the people not giving you a proper return. Elect more responsible people who will work for their constituents. You are blaming whites for a black problem caused by black politicians, operating in wholly or majority black cities, elected by black people. Fix YOUR problem, don’t blame me in an attempt to shift responsibility,

None of those lives matter to you, so if you can't stay on topic, leave this thread.
Because you are only concerned when whites murder or harm blacks, not black on black crime. I don’t believe most whites make excuses and blame others when white people kill whites.
I don't see it that way much of the time. I like the way he puts forth his argument, starting out, almost uniformly and I don't feel victimized by it as some on here do, responding emotionally to what he puts out originally as an intellectual argument. This thread is a case in point. I am never victimized by his posts. When he does it right, he is a better than average writer, far better than me. So, I don't react in anger or emotion, as I am not one of the victimized.
Fine admission, but you did initially react passive aggressively nonetheless:
Victim mentality is a two-way street. You display quite a bit of it from time to time, yourself.
The OP was simple, logical, and unthreatening. Yet you felt intimidated enough by it to 'splain' "two-way street" victimhood to the minority OP author. You do understand why Hillary was so stupid to proclaim "All Lives Matter" as and when she did, right? That was deliberately missing the point in order to "one up" and silence all minority complaint, regardless how legitimate.

Can't we just sing kumbaya and pretend all such beefs either cancel or don't exist? I know,.. let's pretend we're not social animals who've survived and thrived as a species by (collectively) watching each others backs in a world that's plenty cruel enough without passively granting those with the lightest skin privileges and superiority.
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Fine admission, but you did initially react passive aggressively nonetheless:

The OP was simple, logical, and unthreatening. Yet you felt intimidated enough by it to 'splain' "two-way street" victimhood to the minority OP author. You do understand why Hillary was so stupid to proclaim "All Lives Matter" as and when she did, right? That was deliberately missing the point in order to "one up" and silence all minority complaint, regardless how legitimate.

Can't we just sing kumbaya and pretend all such beefs either cancel or don't exist? I know,.. let's pretend we're not social animals who've survived and thrived as a species by (collectively) watching each others backs in a world that's plenty cruel enough without passively granting those with the lightest skin privileges and superiority.
OP knows me by now and he didn't gripe. Just a reminder and a fair comment.
I am an all lives matter proclaimer, myself though Hillary can be called stupid for any number of other things and I have been known here to do just that. Oh, don't get me wrong, though. I'm also an all lives don't matter, if my own is on the line, so I'm pretty equal opportunity, all the way around, if physically threatened, giving no quarter for race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, or age. I compartmentalize quite sell on the fly, based on situation. If it makes you feel better, I am sure I would pray over it the following Sunday.
OP knows me by now and he didn't gripe. Just a reminder and a fair comment.
I am an all lives matter proclaimer, myself though Hillary can be called stupid for any number of other things and I have been known here to do just that. Oh, don't get me wrong, though. I'm also an all lives don't matter, if my own is on the line, so I'm pretty equal opportunity, all the way around, if physically threatened, giving no quarter for race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, or age. I compartmentalize quite sell on the fly, based on situation. If it makes you feel better, I am sure I would pray over it the following Sunday.
All lives matter was a disingenuous attempt to silence the BLM movement by claiming the slogan was racist. In America, white lives have always mattered more than anyone elses, the slogan All Libes Matter was not really necessary. Basically what BLM was saying is "Black lives matter too." But in todays America there is a section of the white community that has a problem with non whites, or non conforming whites when the express themselves on matters of racial justice.
WhitesWell. I'm probably gonna go ahead and just disagree with your perspective in full as it really only stimulates the same divide and conquer mentality he's historically known for projecting without even demonstrating a willingness to recognize the more relevant terms of controversy in scope. But that's very typical here, generally speaking. I suppose it gets the clicks.

Anyway. Thanks for responding to my question. Opinions vary, I suppose.
The only people trying to keep division alive are those like you. Whites and blacks do not have the same experience in America and you can't force us to see things your way just because what we say makes you uncomfortable.
All lives matter was a disingenuous attempt to silence the BLM movement by claiming the slogan was racist. In America, white lives have always mattered more than anyone elses, the slogan All Libes Matter was not really necessary. Basically what BLM was saying is "Black lives matter too." But in todays America there is a section of the white community that has a problem with non whites, or non conforming whites when the express themselves on matters of racial justice.
I understand how level thinking people would like the BLM slogan taken. I really do. At the same time, if taken literally, there is a huge disconnect, in that BLM sits on its thumbs saying as little as possible, to the problem of black on black violence, and nobody that is not black understands that. The BLM's biggest kick is if there is a law enforcement involved. BLM was relatively quiet about the death of the young man in Memphis in January at the hands of Memphis police, but coincidentally it was 5 black cops that did it. Admittedly, I am glad Memphis handled that horrible action by their police in the way they did, with openness, action, response to the community, responsiveness to and communication with the stricken family.

My opinion is that when you hear somebody saying all lives matter, it is another truism, universally to be supported, and not attached to a money generated multilevel organization with questionable habits of when to protest black deaths or mistreatment. Have you seen it silence BLM supporters? I have not. You are quite correct "there is a section of the white community that has a problem with non whites, or non conforming whites when the express themselves on matters of racial justice." I cannot help that, other than not be part of that, and maybe try to respond as a moderate, possibly moderating voice, here at times, though we have both seen both of us fail at that moderating voice thing.
All lives matter was a disingenuous attempt to silence the BLM movement by claiming the slogan was racist. In America, white lives have always mattered more than anyone elses, the slogan All Libes Matter was not really necessary. Basically what BLM was saying is "Black lives matter too." But in todays America there is a section of the white community that has a problem with non whites, or non conforming whites when the express themselves on matters of racial justice.
All lives matter was a disingenuous attempt to silence the BLM movement by claiming the slogan was racist.

There's that 'victim mentality'' again.
I understand how level thinking people would like the BLM slogan taken. I really do. At the same time, if taken literally, there is a huge disconnect, in that BLM sits on its thumbs saying as little as possible, to the problem of black on black violence, and nobody that is not black understands that.
If so, then those who are not black should be grateful to blacks who volunteer how they see it. Have you seen it silence KKK supporters? I have not.
My opinion is that when you hear somebody saying all lives matter, it is another truism, universally to be supported
Suppose someone offered, "Water is fascinating. It naturally takes on three distinct phases that we get to experience in life nearly daily." Some knucklehead responds, "Yep, water is wet." Another truism? To be universally supported?
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If so, then those who are not black should be grateful to blacks who volunteer how they see it. Have you seen it silence KKK supporters? I have not.

Suppose someone offered, "Water is fascinating. It naturally takes on three distinct phases that we get to experience in life nearly daily." Some knucklehead responds, "Yep, water is wet." Another truism? To be universally supported?
I haven't either, and it might be like Icebergs, only the tip above water line. A-holes are A-hole, no matter the color.

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