Zone1 Victim Mentality

The only people trying to keep division alive are those like you. Whites and blacks do not have the same experience in America and you can't force us to see things your way just because what we say makes you uncomfortable.
You know, honestly, I don't care how you see things. It doesn't affect my day in any way. Anything you choose to say will not and has not ever in any way made me uncomfortable. I'm going to retire early and rather well off, IM. And I'm gonna go find a palm tree and a tiki bar and, respectfully speaking, you can live your life in a constant state of the Mondays and kiss my butt. Really. And it's not because anyone in government treated me any differently than you.

Anyway. You mentioned reality, so I provided the cliff notes for you. It was nothing more or less than a mere courtesy on my part.

So far as not having the same experience, I'm rather confident that you, as a black man, have never really known what it's like to be poor in the truest sense. Have you ever lived off a sugar sandwich. What about a syrup sandwich? By candle light, no less?

It's up to you and anyone else as an Individual to learn and understand how the real world works, through the good and the bad and make the best of it that you can.
You know, honestly, I don't care how you see things. It doesn't affect my day in any way. Anything you choose to say will not and has not ever in any way made me uncomfortable. I'm going to retire early and rather well off, IM. And I'm gonna go find a palm tree and a tiki bar and, respectfully speaking, you can live your life in a constant state of the Mondays and kiss my butt. Really. And it's not because anyone in government treated me any differently than you.

Anyway. You mentioned reality, so I provided the cliff notes for you. It was nothing more or less than a mere courtesy on my part.

So far as not having the same experience, I'm rather confident that you, as a black man, have never really known what it's like to be poor in the truest sense. Have you ever lived off a sugar sandwich. What about a syrup sandwich? By candle light, no less?

It's up to you and anyone else as an Individual to learn and understand how the real world works, through the good and the bad and make the best of it that you can.
IM2 and Marc have suffered from 'victim mentality' since they were kids. They will continue to be victims til the day they die.

Know who didn't suffer 'victim mentality'?

People like Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas.

They didn't spend their days whining, "why me".

They spent their days yelling gedafuckoutta my way.
IM2 and Marc have suffered from 'victim mentality' since they were kids. They will continue to be victims til the day they die.

Know who didn't suffer 'victim mentality'?

People like Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas.

They didn't spend their days whining, "why me".

They spent their days yelling gedafuckoutta my way.

Today's purveyors of so-called ''equality'' are largely playing the role of useful idiot for the cultural Marxist movement. Some realize this reality and do so purposefully because they want to promote those principles from behind the cloak of ''diversity.'' Most of those folks are actually rabidly statist white folk.

Those who do not understand their role in the coercion and foolishly promote Marxism based on their personal feeling of hatred (often), victimhood (almost universally) and a complete lack of a fundamental understanding (also almost universally) of how they're really getting the screws put to them are equally as useful to the cultural Marxist movement in that they focus so much on expressing anger from a position of racial victimhood that they fail to see what it is that they're actually promoting. Which is something that will ensure they'll be the first to be thrown under the bus once their usefulness has run its course. They've no idea, observably, what it is that they should be fighting against yet tend to fight for the very thing that will only tighten the screws on them farther.

But you're precisely correct in the comparison that you make. In my view anyway.
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Tamir Rice
Philando Castille
Eric Garner
Treyvon Martin
Sandra Bland
Micheal Brown
Breonna Taylor

There are many others, but these came to mind quickly. Did their lives matter?
Well, of course because we all know only black lives matter, only blacks are victims of any injustice & only blacks are incapable of racism.
Unless they didn't vote for the demented diaper dude. Then, they ain't black, so it makes them fair game
I understand how level thinking people would like the BLM slogan taken. I really do. At the same time, if taken literally, there is a huge disconnect, in that BLM sits on its thumbs saying as little as possible, to the problem of black on black violence, and nobody that is not black understands that. The BLM's biggest kick is if there is a law enforcement involved. BLM was relatively quiet about the death of the young man in Memphis in January at the hands of Memphis police, but coincidentally it was 5 black cops that did it. Admittedly, I am glad Memphis handled that horrible action by their police in the way they did, with openness, action, response to the community, responsiveness to and communication with the stricken family.

My opinion is that when you hear somebody saying all lives matter, it is another truism, universally to be supported, and not attached to a money generated multilevel organization with questionable habits of when to protest black deaths or mistreatment. Have you seen it silence BLM supporters? I have not. You are quite correct "there is a section of the white community that has a problem with non whites, or non conforming whites when the express themselves on matters of racial justice." I cannot help that, other than not be part of that, and maybe try to respond as a moderate, possibly moderating voice, here at times, though we have both seen both of us fail at that moderating voice thing.
85 percent of whites are killed by another white persojn. A white person is 5x more likely to be victimized by sanother white person than a person of color. Yet whites don't say anything about white on white crime. There are all kinds of community organizations in black neighorhoods that are concerned with black on black crime. They don't get the resources necessary to build and maintain the community structures necessary. I know this personally as we had to fight a city for 5 years until we were finally able to get 5,000 dollars. In that time we had a more sucessful program than the United Way agencies that were getting 50-100,000 annually from State/ Federal Community Development Black Grant dollars paid for by community citizens with their taxes.

BLMs mission statement was about doing something about addressing the problems in criminal justice but a specific segment of whites, looking for anything to discredit them started the usual disingenuous sermons about black on black crime. Numerically there are more whites. Numerically, whites commit far more crime. But whites have decided that individualism doesn't count when counting crime numbers so they use per capita in order to excuse the high numbers of white on white crime. Never mind that the per capita argument is based on a hypothetical whereby if the black population increases to the same population as whites, nothing changes except crime rises 5 times, which would not be the case, but that's the logic.

BLM was not silent about the murder in Memphis. Local BLM activists were on the street and BLM supporters like Ben Crump and others made their voices heard. Blacks are doubly outraged at what happened in Memphis, so don't try that tactic. The fact is that what you saw in Memphis is what happens when blacks internalize racism and accept white stereotypes of blacks.
Today's purveyors of so-called ''equality'' are largely playing the role of useful idiot for the cultural Marxist movement. Some realize this reality and do so purposefully because they want to promote those principles from behind the cloak of ''diversity.'' Most of those folks are actually rabidly statist white folk.

Those who do not understand their role in the coercion and foolishly promote Marxism based on their personal feeling of hatred (often), victimhood (almost universally) and a complete lack of a fundamental understanding (also almost universally) of how they're really getting the screws put to them are equally as useful to the cultural Marxist movement in that they focus so much on expressing anger from a position of racial victimhood that they fail to see what it is that they're actually promoting. Which is something that will ensure they'll be the first to be thrown under the bus once their usefulness has run its course. They've no idea, observably, what it is that they should be fighting against yet tend to fight for the very thing that will only tighten the screws on them farther.

But you're precisely correct in the comparison that you make. In my view anyway.

You're in denial. This is understandable. And, of course, the truth do sting. So theres that, too. Sour grapes and whatnot...

But in time you will come to learn that what I've said is true. And it will be the hard way, unfortunately. History is rife with example.

The only way that you will learn from the error in your ways is to experience the consequence of the error. History is rife with example in this regard as well.
Never mind that the per capita argument is based on a hypothetical whereby if the black population increases to the same population as whites, nothing changes except crime rises 5 times,
There is nothing "hypothetical" about this. If you increase the black population by 5x, then black crime increases 5x. Actually quite straightforward and applies to ANY population.
Well, of course because we all know only black lives matter, only blacks are victims of any injustice & only blacks are incapable of racism.
Unless they didn't vote for the demented diaper dude. Then, they ain't black, so it makes them fair game
This thread is about white victimhood.

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

Now if you want to try telling me how it's all the same start naming court decisions and policies that are equivalent to:

The 1790 Naturalization Act, Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Chinese Exclusion Act, Ozawa v.United States, Korematsu v. United States, Plessy vs. Ferguson, The Indian Removal Policy, The Donation Land Act, The Dawes Act, Black Codes, Manifest Destiny, McCleskey v. Kemp, Tennessee v. Garner, Stop and Frisk, Stand Your Ground, Shelby Co v. Holder, voter "integrity" legislation, Merrill v. Milligan and many others policies like these made by blacks in order to deny or curtail rights and opportunities for whites.

IM2 and Marc have suffered from 'victim mentality' since they were kids. They will continue to be victims til the day they die.

Know who didn't suffer 'victim mentality'?

People like Thurgood Marshall, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas.

They didn't spend their days whining, "why me".

They spent their days yelling gedafuckoutta my way.
There is no victim mentality here. Or with Marc.. This thread is about the victim mentality of whites. Specifically whites like you who sit on their --- whining about some non existent anti white discrimination. You should never include the great Thurgood Marshall with sellouts like Rice, Thomas and Carson. When Colin Powell finally decided to stand up and think independently, people like you dissed him. But you missed people, true blacks who said gethafuckoutta my way.

Frederick Douglass, who asked a bunch of white people a question whites like you still can't answer today: "What to the black man is the fourth of July?"

Marcus Garvey, who said blacks need recapture our great heritage.

W.E.B Dubois, who said we must organize to defeat white racism.

Sojourner Truth, who stood up in a room full of whites at the Seneca Convention and told them that she was just as much awoman as any white woman sitting there.

Robert Moton who in the 1930's said f--- the republican party all they've ever done was lie to us, black folks, it's time to become democrats.

Malcolm X, who said you will give us the ballot or you will get the bullet.

Stokely Carmicheal who told whites that what they had does not measure up to Black Power.

Fannie Lou Hamer, who told Mississippi that you ain't going to stop us from voting.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who told the world in 1968 that American freedom was a lie

Colin Kaepernick who said the MLK Dream is still in deep REM sleep.

I can keep going with the tradition of strong blacks who really told racist whites to geddafuckoutta my way. Blacks who refused to be appeasers like Rice, Thomas, and Carson. That is the tradition that Marc and I stand on. The tradition that says,"the white man does not get to tell me who I should be like".
You're in denial. This is understandable. And, of course, the truth do sting. So theres that, too. Sour grapes and whatnot...

But in time you will come to learn that what I've said is true. And it will be the hard way, unfortunately. History is rife with example.

The only way that you will learn from the error in your ways is to experience the consequence of the error. History is rife with example in this regard as well.
Son, I live this. You just opine. I know what I'm talking about. Building a system on the fascist belief of white supremacy is the error.
Who is forcing you to live where you do, move.
I was born here. My family lineage in America goes back farther than yours. So you move back to Europe and I will keep practicing my first amendment rights.
This thread is about white victimhood.

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

Now if you want to try telling me how it's all the same start naming court decisions and policies that are equivalent to:

The 1790 Naturalization Act, Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Chinese Exclusion Act, Ozawa v.United States, Korematsu v. United States, Plessy vs. Ferguson, The Indian Removal Policy, The Donation Land Act, The Dawes Act, Black Codes, Manifest Destiny, McCleskey v. Kemp, Tennessee v. Garner, Stop and Frisk, Stand Your Ground, Shelby Co v. Holder, voter "integrity" legislation, Merrill v. Milligan and many others policies like these made by blacks in order to deny or curtail rights and opportunities for whites.

There is no victim mentality here. Or with Marc.. This thread is about the victim mentality of whites. Specifically whites like you who sit on their --- whining about some non existent anti white discrimination. You should never include the great Thurgood Marshall with sellouts like Rice, Thomas and Carson. When Colin Powell finally decided to stand up and think independently, people like you dissed him. But you missed people, true blacks who said gethafuckoutta my way.

Frederick Douglass, who asked a bunch of white people a question whites like you still can't answer today: "What to the black man is the fourth of July?"

Marcus Garvey, who said blacks need recapture our great heritage.

W.E.B Dubois, who said we must organize to defeat white racism.

Sojourner Truth, who stood up in a room full of whites at the Seneca Convention and told them that she was just as much awoman as any white woman sitting there.

Robert Moton who in the 1930's said f--- the republican party all they've ever done was lie to us, black folks, it's time to become democrats.

Malcolm X, who said you will give us the ballot or you will get the bullet.

Stokely Carmicheal who told whites that what they had does not measure up to Black Power.

Fannie Lou Hamer, who told Mississippi that you ain't going to stop us from voting.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who told the world in 1968 that American freedom was a lie

Colin Kaepernick who said the MLK Dream is still in deep REM sleep.

I can keep going with the tradition of strong blacks who really told racist whites to geddafuckoutta my way. Blacks who refused to be appeasers like Rice, Thomas, and Carson. That is the tradition that Marc and I stand on. The tradition that says,"the white man does not get to tell me who I should be like".
POWERFUL! Just, powerful!

There is nothing "hypothetical" about this. If you increase the black population by 5x, then black crime increases 5x. Actually quite straightforward and applies to ANY population.
Actually, it is hypothetical. If you increase the black population by 5x, blacks have the same wealth as whites, the same representation in every institution as whites, the same number of college grads, the same number of businesses and employees, the same number of publicly traded companies, the same number of people investing, the same number of banks, which means the same number of dollars will circulate through the black community as it does in white ones. There would be no hoods as they are currently constructed. A lot of things would change.
You know, honestly, I don't care how you see things. It doesn't affect my day in any way. Anything you choose to say will not and has not ever in any way made me uncomfortable. I'm going to retire early and rather well off, IM. And I'm gonna go find a palm tree and a tiki bar and, respectfully speaking, you can live your life in a constant state of the Mondays and kiss my butt. Really. And it's not because anyone in government treated me any differently than you.

Anyway. You mentioned reality, so I provided the cliff notes for you. It was nothing more or less than a mere courtesy on my part.

So far as not having the same experience, I'm rather confident that you, as a black man, have never really known what it's like to be poor in the truest sense. Have you ever lived off a sugar sandwich. What about a syrup sandwich? By candle light, no less?

It's up to you and anyone else as an Individual to learn and understand how the real world works, through the good and the bad and make the best of it that you can.
Lol! I apparently do know more about how the real world works than you. I do know what it's like to be poor. And you don't know what its like for poor whites to tell you how much better they are than you because youh are not white.
So what is victim mentality? To many, it is a term some whites use to diss legitimate complaints about issues created by white racism. But let's be specific.

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstance

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 77 percent of the American workforce is white. 80 percent of the management is white. Yet we read or hear whites, primarily from the right, complaining about anti white discrimination. So let's look at the definition of victim mentality one more time:

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.
The Negros have been taught to be victims by the Liberals. Liberals use Negroes and as long as the Negroes think they are victim then the Liberals will be considered their enablers. Really despicable when you think about it.

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