Zone1 Victim Mentality

Blacks do not get the return on our tax dollars relative to municipal services or community social service funds for the taxes we pay.
Aren't municipal and community services provided and paid for by local and city taxes? You should therefore be looking at who is taking your local taxes and what they are doing with them. Garbage collection in your neighborhood is not a federal government concern.
Aren't municipal and community services provided and paid for by local and city taxes? You should therefore be looking at who is taking your local taxes and what they are doing with them. Garbage collection in your neighborhood is not a federal government concern.
I've tried to make that point to him multiple times, he just ignores it.
Actually, it is hypothetical. If you increase the black population by 5x, blacks have the same wealth as whites, the same representation in every institution as whites, the same number of college grads, the same number of businesses and employees, the same number of publicly traded companies, the same number of people investing, the same number of banks, which means the same number of dollars will circulate through the black community as it does in white ones. There would be no hoods as they are currently constructed. A lot of things would change.
All of that is the very definition of hypothetical.
I've tried to make that point to him multiple times, he just ignores it.
Sadly, I think it's because dozens of threads complaining about black city leaders not providing basic services for their downtown areas would not have the same impact as complaining that white people are robbing him of his tax dollars to pay for white peoples' benefits.

"People Make Themselves Victims When They Submit to the Collective ...
The Collective Can Only Shackle Someone to the Lowest Common Denominator"

Really ? Whites haven't stopped racist abuses of power since slavery ended.

All Rise!

This Mornings Lesson:

The Ignorance of the White Racist About Reparations (300th edition)

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars..

United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians :: 448 U.S. 371 (1980) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center, United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980)

Maybe it's time for people like you tostop repeating the same old dumb --- bs.
How much money do you think I owe you, victim?
All of that is the very definition of hypothetical.
Actually, we are talking about blacks and whites having the same populations. Things will change if wealth is the same. That's a fact.
Aren't municipal and community services provided and paid for by local and city taxes? You should therefore be looking at who is taking your local taxes and what they are doing with them. Garbage collection in your neighborhood is not a federal government concern.
Block grants come from federal and state governments.
Sadly, I think it's because dozens of threads complaining about black city leaders not providing basic services for their downtown areas would not have the same impact as complaining that white people are robbing him of his tax dollars to pay for white peoples' benefits.
Actually, I am talking about the overall history of blacks paying taxes for things we were excluded from. We did not fight against black leaders for funds in the city I described and the majority of towns and mid sized cities are not run by blacks. It seems to be easier for those like you to point to a few big cities than to look at the overall picture.
And anti black discrimination?

Which is what we see in every thread you start?

When will right wing whites stop teaching themselves how they are victims?"

"When will blacks?

Reality shows us that anti black racism is real. We see it right here. And while those like you practice it, you lie about how it's not so. There is no black victimhood. And don't post some crap from a black idiot.
The government will be paying. Just as they have in every other case.
Do you think money grows on trees or something?
The government gets its money from taxing people like me, dumbass.
How much money do you think I owe you?
Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

When will right wing whites stop teaching themselves how they are victims?

“Self-defined victimhood is a psychological state whereby, regardless of the etiology of the feeling or the truth of the matter, one who perceives herself to be a victim is a victim. The perception of being wronged is victimhood. We are not concerned with the truth of one’s victimhood. As such, concepts like intent to harm or genuine unfairness do notbear on self-defined victimhood. One must merely think of oneself in such terms, or behave in such a way, to be a victim.”
- Miles T. Armaly and Adam M. Enders ‘Why Me?’
The Role of Perceived Victimhood in American Politics

The claim of anti white racism fits this description also. When you are 77 percent of the workforce, 80 percent of the management, control all the institutions that run our society, have on average more than 10 times the wealth of every other group, complaining about discrimination is straight up victimhood.
Do you think money grows on trees or something?
The government gets its money from taxing people like me, dumbass.
How much money do you think I owe you?
I pay taxes. This thread is not about reparations. It is about the victim mentality whites like you exhibit.

“Self-defined victimhood is a psychological state whereby, regardless of the etiology of the feeling or the truth of the matter, one who perceives herself to be a victim is a victim. The perception of being wronged is victimhood. We are not concerned with the truth of one’s victimhood. As such, concepts like intent to harm or genuine unfairness do notbear on self-defined victimhood. One must merely think of oneself in such terms, or behave in such a way, to be a victim.”
- Miles T. Armaly and Adam M. Enders ‘Why Me?’
The Role of Perceived Victimhood in American Politics

The claim of anti white racism fits this description also. When you are 77 percent of the workforce, 80 percent of the management, control all the institutions that run our society, have on average more than 10 times the wealth of every other group, complaining about discrimination is straight up victimhood.
This thread is about white victimhood.

Victim mentality is an acquired personality trait in which a person tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others, and to behave as if this were the case in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

The claim of anti white discrimination is a classic example of the victim mentality. The claim of anti white discrimination; is made and believed in the face of contrary evidence of such circumstances.

Now if you want to try telling me how it's all the same start naming court decisions and policies that are equivalent to:

The 1790 Naturalization Act, Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott v. Sandford, Chinese Exclusion Act, Ozawa v.United States, Korematsu v. United States, Plessy vs. Ferguson, The Indian Removal Policy, The Donation Land Act, The Dawes Act, Black Codes, Manifest Destiny, McCleskey v. Kemp, Tennessee v. Garner, Stop and Frisk, Stand Your Ground, Shelby Co v. Holder, voter "integrity" legislation, Merrill v. Milligan and many others policies like these made by blacks in order to deny or curtail rights and opportunities for whites.

There is no victim mentality here. Or with Marc.. This thread is about the victim mentality of whites. Specifically whites like you who sit on their --- whining about some non existent anti white discrimination. You should never include the great Thurgood Marshall with sellouts like Rice, Thomas and Carson. When Colin Powell finally decided to stand up and think independently, people like you dissed him. But you missed people, true blacks who said gethafuckoutta my way.

Frederick Douglass, who asked a bunch of white people a question whites like you still can't answer today: "What to the black man is the fourth of July?"

Marcus Garvey, who said blacks need recapture our great heritage.

W.E.B Dubois, who said we must organize to defeat white racism.

Sojourner Truth, who stood up in a room full of whites at the Seneca Convention and told them that she was just as much awoman as any white woman sitting there.

Robert Moton who in the 1930's said f--- the republican party all they've ever done was lie to us, black folks, it's time to become democrats.

Malcolm X, who said you will give us the ballot or you will get the bullet.

Stokely Carmicheal who told whites that what they had does not measure up to Black Power.

Fannie Lou Hamer, who told Mississippi that you ain't going to stop us from voting.

Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who told the world in 1968 that American freedom was a lie

Colin Kaepernick who said the MLK Dream is still in deep REM sleep.

I can keep going with the tradition of strong blacks who really told racist whites to geddafuckoutta my way. Blacks who refused to be appeasers like Rice, Thomas, and Carson. That is the tradition that Marc and I stand on. The tradition that says,"the white man does not get to tell me who I should be like".
On a thread by a black guy, of white people playing the victimhood card, it's is pretty hard to keep black people playing the victimhood card, out of it, especially as far as "the hood" is concerned.
I pay taxes. This thread is not about reparations. It is about the victim mentality whites like you exhibit.

“Self-defined victimhood is a psychological state whereby, regardless of the etiology of the feeling or the truth of the matter, one who perceives herself to be a victim is a victim. The perception of being wronged is victimhood. We are not concerned with the truth of one’s victimhood. As such, concepts like intent to harm or genuine unfairness do notbear on self-defined victimhood. One must merely think of oneself in such terms, or behave in such a way, to be a victim.”
- Miles T. Armaly and Adam M. Enders ‘Why Me?’
The Role of Perceived Victimhood in American Politics

The claim of anti white racism fits this description also. When you are 77 percent of the workforce, 80 percent of the management, control all the institutions that run our society, have on average more than 10 times the wealth of every other group, complaining about discrimination is straight up victimhood.
I’m not a victim. I don’t want your money. You want mine, via taxation and Marxist wealth redistribution. Let’s be honest here, you were never a fucking slave and you are not entitled to compensation from other taxpayers. You can muddle about with all your nonsense, but it’s obvious to intelligent adults that you just want to grift money you didn’t earn.
When you are 77 percent of the workforce, 80 percent of the management, control all the institutions that run our society, have on average more than 10 times the wealth of every other group, complaining about discrimination is straight up victimhood.
What percentage of the population is white?
Regardless, pre-affirmative action, we were a merit based society. It still reflects in the numbers you posted. Instead of being a whiny bitch, try working smarter to claim your piece of the pie.
Reality shows us that anti black racism is real. We see it right here. And while those like you practice it, you lie about how it's not so. There is no black victimhood. And don't post some crap from a black idiot.
"There is no black victimhood." :auiqs.jpg:It is stuff like that, is where you lose everybody.
The government will be paying. Just as they have in every other case.
And the money gets most of its money from whites. That means whites would bear the burden.

The nation will split in two before whites have to give more money to blacks who did nothing to deserve it.

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